I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 127 Everything is ready

Chapter 127 Everything is ready (additional chapters with the remaining monthly tickets in April)
Sang Que told Qin Ze the method of controlling evil spirits very briefly and quickly. Qin Ze stood there in a daze for a long time until Sang Que and Xia Chan disappeared outside the county government office. Only then did Qin Ze react.

There was a hint of shame in his eyes for his previous contempt for Sang Que.

If the method Sangque just mentioned is useful, it will be much cheaper and easier than the other two methods of controlling evil spirits.

"Miss Sang's kindness is so great that Qin Ze will never forget it!"

Qin Ze bowed towards the gate and hurried back to try the method Sang Que said. Perhaps he was lucky, as he had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the evil spirit he was controlling.

Sang Que took Xia Chan and Xuan Yu to a shady corner of the market east of Bailong County and found Yao Zhen's fortune-telling stall.

A red cloth with the Bagua drawn on it was spread on the ground, with a few stones on top, it looked very simple.

Yaozhen sat cross-legged against the wall. People were coming and going around her, and the sounds of hawking were endless, but she was as still as a statue, breathing long and naturally in a state of meditation.

Except for the hair and the corners of the clothes, nothing moved.

Sang Que walked over, but before he could say anything, Yao Zhen closed his eyes and said, "I thought you would come today."

Sang Que gave Xia Chan a copper coin and asked Xia Chan to go buy some food nearby. She squatted in front of the fortune-telling stall.

"I still want to ask Kun Dao about the matter of Pinghu Village."

Yaozhen opened her eyes and said, "Sister Mulan, I have said everything I can say. I really don't know what is going on in Pinghu Village. I was unlucky and got lost. I followed a peddler who was walking around the streets. At the entrance of the village, the peddler borrowed a bowl of water from me, but I didn't drink it because I wasn't thirsty."

"Finally I realized something was wrong and asked the peddler to go with me, but we got separated in the fog. I used the method of throwing stones to ask for directions, and then I got out. I waited for the peddler for a while, but he didn't come out. I told him my fortune and knew he couldn't come out."

Sang Que took out the fish scales that Xuan Yu had found from his bag and handed them to Yao Zhen, "Has Kun Dao ever seen fish scales like this?"

Yaozhen took it and said, "With such a big scale, the fish must be..."

Haruma compared the size of a person, then frowned in thought.

"My master traveled all over the country and heard about many strange people and things. She once told me about several kinds of strange fish in the lake. Among them, there is one that can grow to the size of a person. In addition to the mermaid in the sea, there is another kind called 'fish woman'."

Sang Que's eyes lit up slightly. Are there such creatures as mermaids in the Gui Dynasty?
Yaozhen looked around, leaned close to Sangque and whispered, "I'm telling you this because we get along well. Just listen to it yourself, but don't spread it around, and don't record it on anything. Do you understand?"

Sangque nodded, and Yaozhen motioned for her to put her ear closer.

After Yaozhen said a few words quickly, Sangque was shocked that the fish woman could bring the dead back to life.

This piece of information was crucial. Sang Que memorized it carefully and recalled it several times to make sure nothing was missed.

And she felt that she had roughly understood what the whole thing was about, that is...

It’s hard to say. My mind is a little cluttered and not smooth enough. There is still some lack of evidence in some places. Once we enter Pinghu Village, everything will become clear.

Seeing that Yaozhen's fortune-telling stall had no business at all, Sang Que said, "I plan to go to Pinghu Village tomorrow. Can you help me calculate my fortune?"

Yao Zhen waved her hands, rather impatiently, "No, no, no, I never predict such life-threatening matters for others. If the result is good, it will easily make you relax your vigilance, and if the result is bad, it will make you timid. People, only when the road ahead is unknown, will they maintain sufficient vigilance, sufficient courage, and fear of ghosts and gods."

Sangque nodded slightly, feeling that what Yaozhen said made sense.

Just as he was about to say goodbye, Yao Zhen asked again, "Which ghost or god do you believe in?"

Sang Que didn't understand. She believed in herself, her mother, and the old man on the red banknote. Nothing else.

Yao Zhen looked Sang Que up and down and said, "Before you set off, you might as well burn a stick of incense to the ghosts and gods you believe in and pray sincerely for their protection. It may be of great help at a critical moment."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, five cents!"

Haruma extended her hand, and Sangque was stunned for a moment, "I thought we were friends."

"Brothers should settle accounts clearly, Sister Mulan, give me the money!"

Sang Que sighed, took out five copper coins and gave them to Yao Zhen, stood up to leave, and squatted down again.

"Starting from tomorrow, if I don't come back in three days, please go to Pinghu Village to rescue me. Afterwards, I will pay you three taels of gold as long as I am alive." One tael of gold is about seven taels of silver, or seven strings of cash. Three taels of gold is twenty-one strings of cash.

It is not difficult for Sangque to earn this money. She just needs to deal in glutinous rice, cinnabar and glass products. She does not have such a great need for money now, so she does not take any action.

Haruma's pupils shrank noticeably, and she gasped, "This makes it hard for me to refuse."

Sang Que didn't say anything else, just stood up and bowed.

Find Xia Chan and Xuan Yu, buy some dry food, and after entering Pinghu Village, only eat the water and food you bring with you.

The backyard of the county government office.

Xu San stood in front of He Buning and reported everything to him.

He Bu Ning frowned, tapping his fingers unconsciously on the table, "This matter is more complicated than I thought. If it involves the ancient house at the bottom of the lake, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to handle it."

Xiaoliu and Xiaowu were still standing behind He Bu Ning. Xiaoliu turned to Xiaowu and mouthed the question, "What ancient house at the bottom of the lake?"
Xiaowu pursed his lips and shook his head, not sure whether to express that he didn't know or to keep silent.

He Buning explained, "That incident happened too long ago. I only heard that there was such an ancient house. At that time, the Evil Suppression Bureau sent nearly a hundred people to deal with the stone pupae and demolish the ancient house. I don't know what happened afterwards."

"If you want to go into the water, cinnabar talismans and other things will be useless... Xiaowu and Xiaoliu, take out your daggers."

Xiaoliu was stunned for a moment, and Xiaowu immediately took out the dagger from the leather holster on his waist, turned it around, put it in He Buning's hand, and then signaled Xiaoliu with his eyes to hurry up.

Xiao Liu took out the dagger and said, "This dagger is only for the Night Walkers. Are you going to give it to them, Boss?"

He Buning also took out his own dagger and placed the three daggers on the table.

Xu San's eyes lit up and he kept staring at the dagger.

It was a dagger that was carved bit by bit from a whole piece of top-grade Tokachi stone. It was sharp and hard.

The Tokachi Stone was born from the fire of the earth veins. It contains extremely strong yang fire power and is the most capable of restraining evil spirits. It can cause damage to evil spirits and ghosts without the blessing of Buddhist disciples.

As long as you carry this dagger on your body, ordinary evil spirits will not dare to approach you.

The Tokaji Stone has always been a treasure of Buddhism and is mostly used to make Buddhist amulets, statues and other ritual objects.

He Bu Ning said, "If you want to go into the water, you and Qin Ze will each take one, and give the other to Sang Mulan. Remember, only go into the water at noon to find out the situation at the bottom of the lake. If the ancient house is still there, withdraw immediately and notify me with a letter. I will take care of the rest."



Everything was ready. On the eve of departure, everyone went back home early to rest and worship their respective gods.

Sang Que sat in the house, holding the mountain ghost token, looking at the incense, candles and yellow paper at hand, hesitating whether to follow the local customs and worship as well.

After thinking it over, Sang Que placed the token on the table, lit a candle at random, lit three incense sticks, stood up and bowed three times to the mountain ghost token.

After doing all this, she didn't feel any difference.

"Forget it! It's better to trust yourself!"

Sang Que put away the token, practiced sword skills in the house for a while, and went to bed early.

A wind came from nowhere, making the three incense sticks in the incense burner smoke up and out one by one.

The monthly ticket for April is 4. Thank you for your support. I love you~
After adding more chapters, there are still 351 left. There are also monthly tickets on other platforms, but I haven’t counted them. So I will add one more chapter to clear these balances and never let everyone’s votes go to waste!

From May 5st to 1th, I will double my monthly votes. If you have monthly votes, please vote for me. Usually, I will add more chapters after 7 votes. Now, I will add more chapters after 500 votes. You can’t lose out, you can’t be fooled. It’s better to act than to be moved. What are you waiting for? !

Asking for a monthly ticket——

See you tomorrow~

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