I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 134: Ancient Village at the Bottom of the Lake

Chapter 134: Ancient Village at the Bottom of the Lake (asking for monthly ticket)

Lake shore.

Xia Chan was eating a sesame cake when he turned around and found that Sang Que had disappeared. Xia Chan was so frightened that he dropped the sesame cake on the ground.

Wan Biao did the same. He withdrew his gaze from the lake and turned around to find that Sang Que was missing. He was about to ask Xia Chan, but Xia Chan suddenly picked up Xuan Yu who was squatting next to him and ran away quickly.

"Miss Chan, where are you going?"

Xia Chan didn't answer either. Wan Biao was confused. After a while, he heard the sound of a donkey cart running wildly. He watched the black donkey pulling Xia Chan and Xuan Yu out of the village without anyone shouting, leaving behind a cloud of flying dust.

Wan Biao blinked blankly, not knowing what had happened. He suddenly felt a chill from the midday sun, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

bottom of the lake.

After Qin Ze entered the water, the red water plants all over his body suddenly became active, swaying from his collar and cuffs.

Qin Ze has been brainwashing himself these past two days, completely treating himself as the corpse-retriever. Now that he has entered the water, he feels as if he has learned everything on his own. He can breathe underwater through the water plants, like a fish in water.

Xu San followed behind Qin Ze, diving very slowly and not as flexible as Qin Ze.

Continuing to dive, through the increasingly dim light, the two saw the rocky bottom of the lake and the gently swaying water plants, which seemed to be entangled with something.

Qin Ze swung his feet closer, parted the water plants and found a stone man inside. He was biting the Tokugawa Stone dagger and looking around. The red water plants on his body seemed to sense something and floated towards the lower left.

Qin Ze waved to Xu Sanzhao behind him, and swam to the lower left first. After swimming about fifty meters, a fault appeared at the bottom of the lake. Qin Ze saw the old and dilapidated buildings under the fault at a glance. They were surrounded by stone walls. It was not a house, but a village.

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Outside the stone archway, hundreds of stone men were entangled in water plants, facing forward as if in worship. He could even vaguely hear low mumblings in his ears, and they were praying, praying to the gods and ghosts to take them into a fairyland where there was no pain or fear, and where there was eternal joy and life.

All this made Qin Ze feel extremely horrified.

Qin Ze turned around and gestured to ask Xu San if he could still hold on. Xu San nodded, took off the Japanese travel mask hanging on his waist and put it on. The mask could enhance his abilities in all aspects.

Qin Ze continued swimming downwards and soon reached the outside of the building complex. He raised his head and scanned the outer walls, and saw the words "Yufu Village" on the door.

In addition to the stone statues, there are also some plates, boxes and cages, as well as cattle and sheep skeletons half-buried in the sand and gravel at the bottom of the lake. It can be seen that the villagers used to offer sacrifices to the fish wife by sinking them into the lake.

Xu San pulled his sleeve. Qin Ze turned around and saw Xu San's eyes wide open, pointing at a stone statue next to him. Qin Ze swam over and took a closer look, and his heart skipped a beat.

The stone statue actually looked like Zhao Qi, kneeling on the ground with an expression of extreme fear on his face.

Qin Ze's mind went blank for a moment. He couldn't figure out why Zhao Qi was here and when he came here.

Xu San glanced around and suddenly thought of Yan Jiu and the other three day envoys who had disappeared before. He decided to look for them, perhaps they might have some clues.

At this moment, the head of a stone statue next to Xu San suddenly cracked open, and most of it fell off, revealing half of a human face underneath.

The man's eyes were still open, and his eyeballs were moving left and right in fear. There was no hair on his head, and it was covered with sesame-sized holes all over his head.

After seeing clearly, Qin Ze and Xu San felt their scalps tingling and chills running down their bodies.

Blue-black thread-like worms stretched out from the hole in the man's head, one after another, gradually flooding like a waterfall, rushing towards the two people. Ugh!
Xu San was startled and spit out a string of bubbles from his mouth, and accidentally choked on a mouthful of water.

Qin Ze hurriedly pulled Xu San away from the statue and swung his dagger at the filamentous insects that were gushing out.

The black blade flashed across, cutting off the filamentous worms and chopping off half of the skull of the man in the stone statue. His entire brain had been hollowed out, filled with entangled worms that wrapped around a fist-sized, crystal-like fish-wife statue.

Even so, the man seemed to be still alive. His eyes moved and he looked at Qin Ze and Xu San with pleading eyes.

Click! Kaka!

The surrounding stone statues cracked one after another, and a large number of thread-like worms poured out from the human brain under the stone statues. Qin Ze pulled Xu San and swam upwards with all his might.

However, their speed was far slower than the speed of the insects swarming up, and in the blink of an eye their feet were entangled and they were dragged down with force.

Qin Ze and Xu San could even feel the bugs drilling holes in their feet, penetrating into their flesh and blood, making them tremble all over.

I really shouldn't have been so stubborn as to go down to the lake.

Before being submerged by the insect nest and falling into complete darkness, Qin Ze's heart was filled with regret.

Hidden world.

Sang Que used the evil fog to teleport, avoiding those strange corpses and the human-faced snakes among them, and successfully reached the deepest part of the lake. A large building was hidden in the fog, looming.

As far as the eye can see clearly, there is a stone archway with white walls, green tiles, flying eaves and even two red lanterns hanging on it. The plaque reads "Yufu Village".

Outside the courtyard were jagged rocks, dead grass and bones all over the ground, and many turtles with their heads chopped off. On the turtles' backs there were still lines of many human faces squeezed together, and the broken turtle heads were still opening and closing as if they were telling something.

The stone archway in front of her was very new. In the mist, she could see the thatched houses and villages behind the archway. It seemed that people were living in them. All of this was in sharp contrast to the dilapidated environment around it, just like the witch temple she had seen in the hidden world.

Sang Que had some understanding of what kind of place the hidden world was.

Back in Heishan Village, the well of Shouhou's family was actually cursed by Master Ming, so songs kept coming out of it, trying to attract Shouhou's mother to jump into the well and reunite with Huilan.

The well cannot be seen in the real world, but it can be seen in the hidden world, which means that the hidden world can reveal the true form of the curse.

The Witch Temple originally enshrined the Witch Goddess, who possessed certain ghostly and divine powers. After it was abolished, the Witch Goddess's divine power could no longer be felt in the real world, but in the hidden world, the Witch Temple was still shrouded in the Witch Goddess's divine power and remained the same.

Combining the modern concept of the other world, Sang Que guessed that the hidden world was a space between the Nine Netherworlds and the real world.

The reason why it is called the 'Hidden World' is because this is the hidden world of gods, where ghosts, invisible curses, and even evil spirits that cannot be touched by the real world exist.

Thinking of this, Sang Que couldn't help but frown. Even if Qin Ze and Xu San went down to the lake, they might not be able to solve the problem in Pinghu Village.

Yin Tong stood quietly beside Sang Que, wearing a pair of large and ill-fitting embroidered shoes, staring blankly ahead.

Sang Que looked at her pocket watch and saw that ten minutes had passed. She decided not to go in yet and teleported away from the bottom of the lake and back to the village.

It's still the old way, go back to the modern era to buy some gasoline, and burn down the buildings at the bottom of the lake. She has the conditions, so there's no need to fight her way in with real guns and swords.

See you tomorrow~

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