I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 138: Asking Each Other

Chapter 138: Asking Each Other (May Monthly Ticket 5 plus more)

Sang Que and Xia Chan showed almost identical expressions of shock, their mouths slightly open, staring fixedly at the muzzle of He Buning's gun.

Xia Chan was frightened by the sound of the gun, while Sang Que was shocked that the Gui Dynasty actually had guns.

But when she looked at the expressions of Qin Ze and Xu San again, it was clear that they had never seen a gun before. If guns existed in the Gui Dynasty, they would definitely be used in the military camp. Qin Ze used to be a sergeant in the army, so he had never seen one?

So where did this gun come from?

From... modern times?

Sang Que's heart skipped a beat and he looked at He Bu Ning again.

He Buning's inquiring gaze fell on Xia Chan. Xia Chan was a little frightened and immediately hugged Sang Que's arm and leaned against her.

The human-faced snake was shattered by the bullets scattered from the flintlock. Sang Que retracted his gaze and glanced at the ground behind him. The smoke just now was a little red, and some black crystal fragments could be seen on the ground.

Could it be that the bullets of He Buning's gun were the same as she had imagined before, made of cinnabar mixed with obsidian fragments?

After the human-faced snake was defeated, Zhao Qi convulsed and fell directly to the ground. Water was oozing out of his body and he became a dried corpse in the blink of an eye.

Soon after, Qin Ze also showed abnormal behavior. The red water plants on his body uncontrollably strangled his neck, tore his flesh and blood, drilled into his chest, and tied tightly to his heart.

The evil spirit he was controlling got out of control!

At the critical moment, He Buning took off the black robe hanging on his arm and put it on Qin Ze.

The red water grass on Qin Ze's body immediately loosened his neck, withdrew from his chest, turned into water and disappeared.

Qin Ze also fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

Apart from feeling weak, Xu San did not show any abnormalities. Qiao Ying was standing next to him, attracting everyone's attention.

At this time, Qiao Ying was still immersed in the surprise and grief of Zhang Yuanzhong risking his life to save her. Suddenly, she felt everyone's gaze, her whole body tensed up, and she stepped back in panic, looking back at everyone.

Sang Que also found it strange. Qiao Ying had been in Pinghu Village for half a year. How could he survive after being submerged in the lake for such a long time?

And at the moment, there seems to be no visible abnormality on her body. Could it be that the '蓑翁' saved her?
Sang Que thought that he was able to escape from the control of the fish woman because of the blessing of the witch. This possibility was not impossible in the Gui Dynasty.

"Xiao Wu, tie her up first!"

He Buning gave an order, Xiaowu patted Xiaoliu who was temporarily blind, took off the soul-locking rope on his body and walked towards Qiao Ying.

"What are you going to do!"

"Don't move, we will let you go once we are sure you are okay!"

"Go away! Don't touch me!"

Qiao Ying's struggle was in vain. He was subdued by Xiao Wu in a few moves, tied up tightly and thrown aside.

The waves on the lake were still surging, but no matter how strong the wind was, the thick fog surrounding the village and the peaceful lake remained motionless.

Xiaoliu covered his eyes with a cloth and fumbled to stand up. Seeing this, Xiaowu hurried over to help him.

Xiao Liu quickly and concisely told He Buning what he had just seen with his ghost eyes. This was roughly the cause and effect of the ghost fog incident in Pinghu Village.

Since the drought several decades ago, the Fish Woman Village at the bottom of the lake has emerged. The Suppression of Evils Office has not dealt with it properly, so the villagers of Pinghu Village picked up the statue of the Fish Woman and were bewitched by her, starting a decades-long worship service.

The reason why the time cannot be specific is because the Suppression of Evils Bureau does not allow the retention of such files, in order to prevent the matter from being spread due to many people reading the files, which would indirectly strengthen the power of the fish woman.

Xiaoliu and He Buning analyzed that Yufu Village was probably suppressed by the Qingjiang Envoy worshipped by the locals before. After Pinghu Village changed its worship to Yufu, the power of Qingjiang Envoy weakened.

Xiaoliu saw one of the pictures in which a painful human face appeared on the turtle's shell, and the shell was eventually broken by the filamentous worm representing the fish woman, indicating that the fish woman had devoured the Qingjiang Envoy.

After that, Pinghu Village was shrouded in ghost fog. It was because of the existence of this ghost fog that the filamentous worms under the lake did not spread out.

Therefore, this ghost fog was most likely left by the Qingjiang Envoy as a punishment to turn the villagers of Pinghu Village into fish-like monsters.

It is also a protection to keep the people in other places who believe in Qingjiang Envoy from the clutches of Yufu. "Boss, I find it a bit strange. Yufu only has the offerings of Pinghu Village, while Qingjiang Envoy has the offerings of several villages around Pinghu. How can Yufu swallow up Qingjiang Envoy?"

He Buning thought of Yin Tong and suspected that Yin Tong assisted the fish woman. He was a very smart evil ghost, so it was not surprising that he had such means.

At this time, Sang Que spoke and told He Buning the truth about Qiao Ying's encounter with the bell doctor at the Pinghu Village temple fair.

He Buning immediately thought of the bell doctor in the bandit camp of Ziyun Mountain, and felt that things were becoming complicated.

He Buning walked to the lake again, reached his hand into the water, and keenly noticed that the fish woman's strength was much weaker than before.

He glanced sideways at Sang Que. Xu San and Qin Ze didn't have this ability. She must have done something.

She is only one year older than Xia Chan, yet she has such ability. If he were to take her place, he might not be able to weaken Yu Fu and escape unscathed.

He Buning suddenly became very curious about Sang Que's background, and why she always kept Xia Chan with her, and why Xia Chan treated her like her own sister.

"Xiaowu, plant the flag first!"

He Bu gave an order with a stern face, and Xiao Wu asked Xiao Liu to stand still. He swiftly took out a banner with the characters "Suppressing Evils" in large characters and ghost faces embroidered around it from the box he carried with him.

Sangque had seen this flag outside Tangyuan County where it was offered as a sacrifice.

Xiao Liu couldn't see at the moment, but he could sense Sang Que's curiosity and explained, "Yu Fu is a being that obviously has ghost-level strength and cannot be eliminated directly. Fortunately, the current situation is not particularly critical. Planting a flag of the Evil Suppression Division here can suppress the expansion of Yu Fu's power."

"After that, we just need to put up a notice outside the village to tell people not to get close to this place. Over time, the fish woman will be unknown and no one will worship her. As time goes by, she will become weaker and weaker, or even disappear. During this period, it would be best if General Zou Yin of Wangshan City could spare his time to deal with it personally."

"How long will this take?" Sang Que asked.

Xiao Liu smiled awkwardly, "It will take at least 10 to 20 years."

Mulberry Bird: …………

After the flag of the Evil Suppression Bureau was hoisted, the strong winds actually gradually died down, the heavy dark clouds overhead slowly dissipated, and the lake gradually returned to calm.

But the lake water still glowed an ominous deep blue, and there were always unknown black shadows flashing through it.

After burning Zhao Qi's body and tying up Qin Ze along with his outer robe, Xiao Wu burned incense and paper by the lake and sincerely thanked the Qingjiang Envoy.

As long as there are villagers who continue to worship the Qingjiang Envoy, it will reappear in the lake sooner or later, and will be able to continue to suppress the fish woman.

The tied-up Qiao Ying also knelt by the lake and kowtowed heavily as Xiao Wu paid his respects. Thinking of how cowardly and useless her husband Zhang Yuanzhong was, Qiao Ying burst into tears.

In fact, not only Qiao Ying, but also Sang Que did not expect that Zhang Yuanzhong would be able to push Qiao Ying away at that time.

Unfortunately, he didn't leave even a last word.

After doing all this, Xiao Wu spent some time searching the entire village carefully, but still could not find any trace of Wan Biao. In the end, he had to give up. In a place where weirdness is rampant, disappearance is not a strange thing.

Afterwards, He Buning took the lead, Xiao Wu carried the unconscious Qin Ze, Xu San supported Xiao Liu, Sang Que took Qiao Ying, Xia Chan held Xuan Yu, and the group left Pinghu Village.

Along the way, the fog outside the village dissipated on its own, allowing them to leave unimpeded. When they found the horse tied to the side of the road, a strong wind blew, and most of the fog surrounding Pinghu was dissipated, and finally only the area around Pinghu Village remained.

After putting Qin Ze and Qiao Ying on the donkey cart and settling them down, He Buning suddenly called Sang Que aside.

"I didn't know Miss Sang was a ghost walker before. I didn't know what kind of evil spirit Miss Sang controlled, and she had such a special ability as the evil fog."

The scrutiny in his eyes was as sharp as a knife, and he wished he could cut the mulberry bird open and see it clearly.

Sang Que had a blank expression on his face and did not answer He Buning's question. Instead, he looked at the flintlock rifle on his waist with curiosity.

"What kind of weapon is this? I've never seen it before."

Sang Que raised his eyes, and their gazes met, revealing a mystery.

Today's extra chapter ends here. Today is the last day for double monthly tickets. The monthly tickets are less than 100 to 2,000. There will be extra chapters for 2,000~
Asking for a monthly ticket!
see you tomorrow!

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