I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 151 Sangque Diary

Chapter 151 Sangque Diary (asking for monthly ticket)

[October 10, Sunday, sunny]

There are no weekends in the Gui Dynasty. People have to punch in at 7 a.m., which is called "dianmao" here, and get off work at 6 p.m., which is called "lingya" here.

After the day shift, the night shift was supposed to keep people for the night shift, but there were not enough people on the night shift.

There have been many strange cases happening in other places recently. He Buning came back yesterday morning and left again at noon.

Then, they actually asked Qin Ze and I to work the night shift, saying that we were still in the internship period and didn't have to go out on field work, which was just right.

Are you treating people like animals? I just got off work!
I was thinking about how to refuse when Xue Er and his gang came to cause trouble again and asked me to go to the training ground to practice with them.

After stretching their muscles, Xue Er and the others "took the initiative" to agree to help me with the night shift.

In fact, Xue Er and his friends have shown quite good martial arts skills during these days of outings. They are not too fancy, but practical tactics for fighting the enemies.

It's a pity that modern martial arts have thoroughly studied the routines of various schools and sects. As long as the opponent is not a barbarian like the bearded man I met last time, who has thick skin and flesh, an overly strong body, is not afraid of pain and has infinite strength, I can find the flaws.

Before dark, I went to visit Xiaoliu. He was easier to talk to. By asking him about the recovery of his eye, I learned that Yin Tong's other eye was not in the warehouse of Xiesi in Wangshan Town, but in Xiesi in Tianliang Town, on the border of Qinzhou and Yunzhou in the southwest.

The two eyeballs have been kept separately from the beginning, and the tongue is in Jinzhou next to Qinzhou, and the heart is in the Evil Suppression Division in Shengjing. All the files about Yin Tong are currently also in Shengjing.

It seems that I need to find an opportunity to go to Tianliang City on business.

Xiaoliu said that only people at the level of Jinyou and captain could borrow Yin Tong's ghost eye using merit points. He Buning lost his ghost eye this time, all his merit points were cleared, and he was also given a serious warning. If it happens again, he will lose his job.

[October 10, Monday, cloudy]

Xiao Chan cried this morning and said she didn't want to go to school anymore, saying she couldn't read what was in the book. The teacher punished her by making her copy books, but she didn't finish copying and was afraid to go to school for fear that the teacher would punish her.

Xiao Chan also said that I was a liar and that school was not fun at all.

There was no other way. I could only take Xiaochan and Xuanyu with me to patrol the streets with Lao Yu today. Lao Yu was very easy to talk to. When we were having a meal together, he saw that Xiaochan was eating with relish, and he even praised Xiaochan for being blessed.

In the past two days, Lao Yu taught me the basic knowledge related to various witchcraft, and today I started to deal with the backlog of strange cases.

Some strange cases in the city are left unsolved because they are not very harmful and their sources cannot be found.

For example, the 'Thousand Faces God Case' that we are investigating today has been left unsolved for more than a year and there are still no clues.

In Wangshan City, no one is allowed to worship those messy ghosts and gods of unclear origin. No one knows when this "Thousand-Faced God" became popular in the city.

It is said that no matter whether it is catching a ghost or finding a dog, as long as you worship the Thousand-Faced God and pray sincerely, the Thousand-Faced God will help you fulfill your wish.

And there is no need to fulfill the wish. Even if someone does not believe in the Thousand-Faced God and prays for something, the Thousand-Faced God will not be angry because the person has other beliefs. He will still help the person fulfill his wish.

Lao Yu said that there must be a ghost behind this Thousand-Faced God, who was using this to attract worship from the people.

So far, the Thousand-Faced God helps the people complete small tasks such as finding things, exorcising evil spirits, taking revenge, and upholding justice, and he can even write letters for them.

But the Thousand-Faced God is very principled and does not do bad things.

There was a scholar who spent his days flirting with prostitutes. He fell in love with a newly married woman and prayed to the Thousand-Faced God to help him find a partner. As a result, the next morning, the scholar was found tied up and naked at the entrance of the alley, with two bloody words on his face - despicable!
Old Yu actually didn't really want to investigate this case, but due to the rules of the Suppression of Evils Bureau, he went to ask for clues every now and then to increase the thickness of the file, and then just left the case there.


At night, the family of the Lu Shi Canjun of Qinzhou gave birth to a baby, and called me to get up and go to the Canjun Mansion to be on duty all night. Is this also under the jurisdiction of the Night Patrol Officer?

【October 10, Tuesday, sunny】

The food in the cafeteria of the Zhenxie Division is really terrible.

Lao Yu and Xiao Chan really hit it off right away. They were like father and daughter. While complaining that the food at the Zhenxie Division was bad, they ate up all the rice in their bowls, saying that it shouldn't be wasted.

The reason why Old Yu is so fat now can’t be entirely blamed on the Ma family’s pastries.

Nothing major happening today.

I bought some snacks from Demaoxuan and took Xiaochan to see Granny Zhuang. I pretended to look up the files on the "Thousand Faces God Case" while Xiaochan and Granny Zhuang ate snacks and chatted outside.

Xiao Chan is becoming more and more cheerful now and is no longer as afraid of people as before. Both Old Yu and Grandma Zhuang like her very much.

With her around, I should be able to quickly gain enough favor with Granny Zhuang and open up the conversation option about Yin Tong.

[October 10, Wednesday, rainy]

He didn't patrol the streets because it was raining, and had a fight with the day messengers.

When I'm not patrolling the streets, I'm studying. Lao Yu asked me to memorize the lyrics used in various witchcraft and review the witchcraft I learned before. He also wants to test me?

The study lasted for a whole morning and was not enough. In the afternoon, he took me to see Wei Ziyan to learn the witch dance that the witch performed during the sacrifice.

I'm going crazy. I can dance with swords and knives, but it feels weird to ask me to do that crazy witch dance and yell "Hey! Hey! Hey!"


I'm so impressed!

Why did they ask me to do something like unclogging the sewer in the middle of the night? I was sleeping soundly at night when the door was slammed. I thought something serious had happened.

The result was to unclog the sewer, and poor Qin Ze was also called in.

The drainage ditch at the South Gate was blocked, and water was accumulating in the city. The drainage ditch needed to be dredged, otherwise once the water level rose, water ghosts would invade the city.

It was agreed that the Night Walkers only had to be present to guard against water ghosts, and in the end it was Qin Ze and I who went into the water to dig out fallen leaves and mud.

The Day Patrol Captain Cui Cheng was present, and no one dared to refute his words. Qin Ze jumped into the sewer swiftly, without any integrity of a Night Patrol Envoy!

I suddenly understand why those interns dared not speak out!
【October 10, Thursday, sunny】

After being busy all night last night, I had to get up early this morning. It just so happened that I encountered a tricky and strange case, and Qin Ze and I were seconded again.

I almost fell off my horse because I dozed off in the morning, and I almost became the first person to fall to death from a horse.

Fortunately, the strange case in the next village was not difficult, but the evil spirit was very good at hiding, and no one present, including me, could find the source of the evil spirit.

Later, I used the method that Lao Yu taught me, chewing raw rice and going to the underworld to ask the Yinzi for help, and finally I found the source of the evil spirit. Then I joined forces with Qin Ze to suppress it, and the people who traveled by day sealed it with the Bagua mirror.

I’m so sleepy. I’m going to stop writing and go to bed first.

【October 10, Friday, sunny】

I patrolled the streets today, nothing major happened.

[October 10, Saturday, sunny]

While patrolling the streets today, I encountered a man possessed by an evil spirit.

The man was holding a kitchen knife and slashing people in the market. Lao Yu was clumsy and could not dodge, so he was cut.

In a hurry, I went up to subdue the man, pressed the seal of the Night Patrol Official between his eyebrows to drive away the evil spirit.

Everyone found out that I was the Night Walker and suddenly became very afraid of me.

Lao Yu said I was stupid, and that he had taken me to patrol the streets and handle various small matters these days without wearing a mask, and that all the incense collected could fall on me.

Now that people know that I am the Night Walker, they will no longer consider my personal abilities. They will only think that I have the ability to exorcise ghosts because I am the Night Walker.

By then, the incense will be absorbed by the Night Walker's mask and will not fall on me.

I have to say that what Lao Yu said makes sense. He knows how to find loopholes.

[October 10, Sunday, cloudy]

Don’t interns have human rights? Why haven’t I been given a holiday yet?
I have school and weekends!

The first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar is the Cold Clothes Festival, when people sweep tombs and burn offerings to commemorate their deceased relatives and send winter clothes. There will be sacrificial activities in the city, and all day and night tours will have to work overtime.

I am clearly a night patrol officer, and He Bu Ning didn't even come to take care of me. Why did the day patrol officer Cui Cheng ask me to write the precautions for the night patrol during the Cold Clothes Festival? And he asked me to hand it in to him before tomorrow evening.

I have never written this before, and there is no template for me to copy. If I don't write it well, he will deduct 100 merit points from me. Last time I cleaned a stinky ditch, he only rewarded me with five merit points.

Every day I get up earlier than a chicken, sleep later than a dog, eat worse than a pig, and work harder than a cow!
It’s so hard to go to work!

Suddenly I feel that it is better to go to school. I don’t have to look at the boss’s face, and I don’t have to worry about having my merit points deducted or being expelled.

If you feel sleepy, you can take a nap in class. You don’t have to worry about promotions. The food in the school cafeteria is better than here.

How come this month isn't over yet? It's only been ten days?

[October 10, Monday, cloudy]

I stayed up late last night and finally finished writing that crappy thing.

Cui Cheng said that the content was well written, but the handwriting was too ugly, so he asked me to practice more.

I really want to take him out for some practice.

Today I followed Lao Yu to patrol the streets again. Fortunately, nothing happened. Wangshan City is indeed much more peaceful than the outside world.

I’m so sleepy. Let me sleep.

[October 10, Tuesday, cloudy]

The last time the fake bell doctor appeared in the Ziyun Mountain bandit camp, he found another bandit lair to continue raising corpses.

He Buning has been tracking this for some time. Now that the target location has been determined, he has transferred Qin Ze and me over there.

It seems that I won’t be able to join in the fun of the Cold Clothes Festival. I feel like I wrote those patrol precautions in vain!

Couldn't he have called me away two days earlier?
I’m not going to write anymore, let’s pack up and leave!

see you tomorrow~

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