I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 173 Killing Pigs

Chapter 173 Killing Pigs (Additional Updates Asking for Monthly Tickets)
In the pitch-black gambling house, the soul lamp that had been extinguished lit up again after the gambler was imprisoned, emitting a faint red glow.

Lu Da hammered a peach wood nail into Wei Wu's head to prevent any abnormality. Seeing that the gate had reappeared, he glanced at Sang Que and Qian Mian, and first carried Shi San out to treat him, and by the way called someone to come in to deal with the coffin.

Sang Que and Qian Mian slid down to the ground against the coffin. Having survived the disaster, they both breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and laughed at the same time.

The Sangque smiles without showing its teeth, but the Thousand Faces smiles with two fangs showing.

After laughing, Qianmian suddenly remembered something and looked at the coffin behind him.

"It's bad! You said before that I would let this person give me money. Now he's dead. You won't deny my debt, right? I'm telling you, no one can cheat me out of my money! Be careful or I'll go to Shengjing and sue you, the Evil Suppression Division!"

Qianmian, who had just said that he could give Sangque a 50% discount, was now being petty and refusing to give in. His reasoning was that she had lost her status as a gossip-monger this time, her "mother" was gone, and her incense had also dropped a lot. It was too much of a loss to give her a discount, and he would talk about it next time.

Speaking of this, Sang Que frowned in distress and rummaged through his bag for a while, and finally could only take out two ghost soldier talismans.

After getting the Victory Sword, she seldom used the Ghost Soldier Talisman anymore. She had four left. This thing cost 300 merit points each in the Evil Suppression Bureau. She wondered if it was sold on the black market.

"Give me seven days, and I will gather up one thousand gold. These two ghost soldier talismans will be used as a deposit for you first."

Anyway, Sang Que won't pay for it himself, so let them figure it out themselves. Otherwise, why not rob Wei Wu's house?
"Okay, okay! No problem!"

Qianmian snatched the Ghost Soldier Talisman. This thing was a hot commodity on the black market and few people sold it. Qianmian felt that he had not lost anything on this trip, but had made a profit, a huge profit!

Sangque asked with concern, "Will your evil spirit backfire?"

Qianmian carefully smoothed the ghost soldier talisman and put it into his lapel. "Of course, it's okay. I'll go back to the mass grave and dig up a few faces. Next time you need work, remember to look for me. From small things like throwing chickens to big things like catching ghosts, I'll do it for money."

Qianmian looked around and whispered to Sangque how to find her.

Sang Que also told Qian Mian her address and asked her to come to her in seven days to get the money.

There were dense footsteps outside. Qianmian stood up with the help of the coffin. She didn't want to be seen by too many people.

"I have to go now."

"Wait, can you tell me your real name? I will find a way to repay you."

The situation is urgent today. In order to force Qianmian to show up, she used some means to destroy Qianmian's incense. It was indeed wrong of her, and she should be compensated.

Sang Que looked at Qianmian. Currently, in my mother's novels, only her modern friends and Kou Yushan of the Strange Dynasty, Xia Chan is her real name.

After Kou Yushan joined the Evil Suppression Bureau, he learned the method of visualization and was able to visualize Jiuyou and his own heart lamp. She asked Kou Yushan about this, and Kou Yushan also roughly calculated that the amount of incense he absorbed from his mother's novels was not much, but it was indeed some.

This has something to do with the fact that the character of Kou Yushan is not outstanding enough in my mother's novel, so Kou Yushan does not have many fans.

After Sang Que's initial contact with Qian Mian, he felt that she was not a bad person, but a very likable girl. He could ask his mother to write her into the novel, so that she could gain some popularity and make up for Qian Mian's loss.

Sang Que's eyes were sincere, which made Qianmianguai feel embarrassed. She didn't think too much about it. She just thought that people of the underworld should be honest with each other. Sang Que saved her today and helped her conceal her identity. How could she lie and deceive him?
You can’t let your sincerity be replaced by dog ​​lungs!

"My last name is Hua, and my given name is Qianmian, which means cotton."

"My name is Sang Mulan." Sang Que also gave her name. In the Gui Dynasty, this was her real name. Using this name also allowed her to separate the life in the modern era from that in the Gui Dynasty.

Hua Qianmian nodded, disappeared into the darkness, and vanished from the back door of the gambling house.

Sang Que sat alone under the coffin to rest. The corpse spots on her body had not completely faded away, and her body was still stiff and cold. She was getting closer and closer to the level of a ghost. The number of heart lamps she had now was definitely not enough to stabilize her soul.

Next, she will become particularly prone to strange things and ghost-like beings, and her emotions will become unstable, so she must be vigilant.

Yu Da, Xue Er and a group of people entered the gambling house in a large crowd. When they saw the bodies of Ding Yuan and Ma Zi, as well as Wei Wu's head with wide eyes and a fierce smile beside the bodies, they all felt a chill and took a half step back. Wei Wu's arrogant look was still imprinted in everyone's mind. In less than half an hour, Wei Wu was left with only his head, dead.

Xue Er, who had been following Wei Wu, was the most shocked, because he knew Wei Wu best and knew that Wei Wu would do anything to survive. He had sacrificed others many times to save his own life.

Xue Er had not expected that Wei Wu's retribution would come so quickly. At this moment, Xue Er was both glad and scared. He was glad that he was not dragged into this by Sang Que, but he was scared that he had offended Sang Que too much before, and next time Sang Que would suddenly drag him into the scene of a strange case and end up like Wei Wu.

Wei Wu was unable to resist Sang Que's pull, so he certainly couldn't do it.

Moreover, a fourth-level gambler was imprisoned by Sang Que. Her strength is comparable to that of other Jinyou captains of Yeyou. No matter how old she is, she is just like He Buning back then.

In the past, everyone in the Evil Suppression Division thought that Sang Que was too arrogant and looked down on others at such a young age. Now it seems that if they had this ability, they would be even more arrogant and look down on others than Sang Que.

Sangque has been very restrained and low-key, but he still reports for work on time every day and works tirelessly to clean the gutters.

He Buning didn't care about these trivial matters back then, and never reported for duty. When there was a major case, he would go out to handle it. When there was no major case, he would practice martial arts in the training ground of the Evil Suppression Bureau, or ask Grandma Zhuang for advice.

If Sang Que could live longer, I'm afraid that after He Buning is promoted, Sang Que will be the captain. The chance is very high!

At this moment, all those who had looked down on Sangque felt their scalps tingling and their hearts panicking. They developed a deep respect for Sangque, and those who were smart even began to think about how to make friends with Sangque.

The awe of these twenty or so people also made Sang Que feel a sudden warmth in her heart, which helped her to calm her soul. It was better than nothing.

After going back, I will see how much I have descended from this "cliff jump" and how much the heart lamp is still missing.

Sang Que stood up and patted the coffin, saying to Yu Dadao, "I'll leave the rest to you. I have to go home and get some sleep."

Sang Que's pale face and dead-like state left Yu Da with lingering fears. He could feel that she had paid a huge price to imprison the gambler.

Yu Da stepped forward and asked with concern, "Is your evil spirit going to backfire? If necessary, I can go to the prison and bring out two death row prisoners for you?"

Sang Que picked up her Night Walker mask from the ground. When she picked up the mask, she felt more warmth flowing into her body from the mask.

This must be because her identity as the Night Walker has gained more recognition, and the incense brought to her by the mask has also increased.

"Death row prisoners are no longer needed."

Sang Que doesn't need to use death row prisoners to satisfy Yin Tong for the time being, but she really wants to find a pig, put out a row of knives, and slowly skin and bone the pig. When she thinks of that scene, Sang Que gets goose bumps with excitement.

In addition, she also wants to eat blood sausage.

Sang Que swallowed his saliva, put the mask in his bag, and said to Yu Dadao, "Have someone send a pig to my yard tomorrow morning, and find a cook. I want to eat pig-killing dishes."

Yu Da was stunned. He had seen several ghost walkers who were attacked by evil spirits and they all killed people to vent their anger. But killing a pig... this was the first time he had seen it.

What kind of evil spirit is this? There is a powerful evil fog, and it can be quelled just by killing a pig?
This evil spirit is too good, isn't it? Could it be that he was a butcher in his previous life, and was killed by a pig, so he is particularly obsessed with pigs?

Kou Yushan and Xia Chan accompanied Sang Que back to the courtyard. Xia Chan considerately covered Sang Que with a quilt, patted him, and told him to sleep well and not to make any noise.

Xuan Yu also lay on the table with his paws tucked in his pocket, keeping watch for Sang Que so that she could sleep peacefully.

The ticking countdown in his head would take twelve hours to disappear, and during this time, Sangque had a hard time falling asleep.

Xia Chan was very stubborn and insisted that she rest, so she could only close her eyes and calculate the gains and losses of this time.

Update completed, see you tomorrow~

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