I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 178 Deadly Vengeance

Chapter 178 Deadly Vengeance (asking for monthly ticket)

Modern, Sang's living room, November 11, 7:4 pm.

The small northern town has entered winter. The air is dry and cold. The elderly have already put on down jackets, and there are still a few days before the heating starts on the 15th.

Sang Que walked out of the bedroom wearing thick pajamas, stretched and yawned, collapsed on the sofa, and took out his mobile phone to order takeout.

After spending half a month in the Gui Dynasty, it feels unreal when she holds the phone in her hand.

She came back in the morning, had lunch at noon and then went to sleep. She woke up at around two o'clock and started making up lies to reply to the messages Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao had sent her during this period.

There were also some other people's messages, and it took her two hours just to reply.

A huge black monster suddenly jumped onto the sofa, got on Sangque's face and was about to lick her. Sangque quickly pushed the big black dog, which had grown quite a bit, away.

"Don't lick me, your mouth stinks."

The five-black dog, renamed General, kept wagging its tail and pouncing on Sangque. It was so enthusiastic that it almost knocked Sangque down. The main reason was that it could feel that Sangque's body was not very "clean", so it tried to use its own method to help Sangque lick it a little cleaner.

Sang Que regretted very much that she did not bring Xuan Yu back. Otherwise, with Xuan Yu there, the general would not have pestered her.


Sang Que shouted, and Sang Wan walked out of the study, wearing a prosthetic limb. His gait was very close to that of a normal person, and he was wearing the same pajamas as Sang Que.

Seeing Sang Que and the general fighting on the sofa, she couldn't help but smile and said angrily, "You can just slap it down, and you still need me to save you? General, come here."

As soon as Sang Wan called out, the general immediately got down from the sofa, ran to Sang Wan's feet and squatted, his eyes bright and loyal.

Sang Que pulled her clothes together, and she didn't know where her cell phone had been stepped on by the general.

"I just can't bear to call it." Sang Que found his phone and sat down. "Mom, do you want milk tea? I have a coupon. The second cup is half price."

Sang Wan walked over and sat down, and the general followed closely behind him and knelt down at Sang Wan's feet.

"Now you know how to save money by using coupons? The work you've done for the past half month has not been in vain. Do you know how hard it is to make money?"

Sang Que smiled bitterly, "Yes, I know now, it is still the easiest to go to school. If I were not forced to do so, who would be willing to go to that crappy class?"

Sang Wan picked up the notebook and pen beside her and said, "Okay, now that you've eaten and slept well, let's start the regular process. Tell me about your experience working at the Evil Suppression Department in the past half month."

The general responded by calling out in a loud voice, as if he was interrogating a prisoner with Sang Wan.

Sang Que began to talk slowly, and kept talking until the milk tea was delivered. After she finished the tea, she cooked dinner with her mother. After dinner, she told her mother everything that had happened in the past half month.

At the dining table, Sangque was eating chicken wings while trying to think about whether he had missed anything.

Sang Wan frowned and thought, then said to Sang Que, "Xiao Que, your identity is probably about to be exposed."


The chicken wings in Sang Que's hand fell into the bowl. Her thinking ability is now much better than before. She recalled what she said to her mother last sentence and she knew what her mother meant.

"Mom, are you saying that He Buning would suspect that I am his sister because of the gambling ghost? What if the gambler didn't attack him at the time, but my father whom I have never met?"

Sang Wan analyzed, "Although I don't understand ghost matters, the gambling ghost was born in Wangshan City, and the people he killed before were all near Wangshan City. No matter how the gambling ghost determines the order of relatives, distance is always a problem, right?"

"Your biological father is most likely in Shengjing, which is far away from Wangshan City. Your biological mother is missing, but since you were found in modern times, and only the Yansheng Coin can cross the two worlds, I suspect that it is more likely that she is in modern times."

Sang Que came to his senses, "Yes, judging from the distance, He Bu Ning is in Qinzhou. The Gambler's Rule is to kill him first, which is more labor-saving. Shengjing is heavily guarded. Even if the Gambler's Rule can ignore the distance, I'm afraid it can't kill people casually in Shengjing."

"Will anything happen to He Bu Ning?" Sang Wan asked cautiously.

Sang Que shook his head, "I don't know either, but he is a night patrol captain after all, and he has the ability of a fourth-level ghost. He should be able to resist the attack of the gambling ghost. At most... he will be injured."

"Have you thought of how to make up for it?" Sang Wan asked.

Sang Que had no appetite to eat anymore, so he wiped his hands with a wet towel, "If I'm really found out, I'll just admit it. He's an okay guy, not a big villain. I don't think he and I will be as close as family, so we can just be friends from now on."

Sang Wan thought for a moment and asked again, "You said before that the evil-averting money came from our world, and it was the people in our world who first opened the door and let the supernatural power of the Ghost Dynasty penetrate in, which led to the supernatural events on our side, right?"

Sang Que nodded, "Well, I checked the style of the evil-averting coins that appeared over there, and they are different from mine. I actually thought about it before, and I thought that the Gui Dynasty also had Taishang Laojun, but it turned out that the Gui Dynasty did not have Taishang Laojun, so the evil-averting coins can only be made here." "Then is it possible that your thoughts are the opposite? You think you belong to the modern era, standing on the standpoint of modern people, and subconsciously regard modern times as victims."

"You mean, the supernatural was not spread here from the Weird Dynasty, but was spread from here to the Weird Dynasty?"

Sangque thought about it slowly and was surprised by the idea.

Sang Wan asked worriedly, "Have you ever thought about why many things in the Gui Dynasty are similar to ours, including the organizational structure of the Evil Suppression Bureau, which is also a simplified version of the Netherworld. So which one appeared first, the Evil Suppression Bureau or the Netherworld?"

Sang Que frowned, a little distressed, "That's true, but in the Gui Dynasty, many things were not allowed to be recorded, and history can only be learned from the older generation, including how Daojun and Shoufo appeared, no one knows."

"So the cultural background of the Gui Dynasty's development to the present is a mystery. On our side, however, everything is well documented, including the mountain ghost, which first appeared in the sacrificial poetry of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. The Gui Dynasty probably doesn't have as long and complete a history as ours."

Sang Wan took over the conversation, "From what I know so far, I have several hypotheses. You can listen to them first. They may not be correct."

Sangque quickly sat down and listened carefully.

"If the supernatural came from our side, then it would explain why our supernatural power is weaker than that of the Weird Dynasty. We also have so many folk customs about exorcising ghosts, even more comprehensive than that of the Weird Dynasty. But ghosts seem to exist mostly only in storybooks."

"Could it be that there is a group of people who are silently protecting our world and sending ghosts to the Gui Dynasty? So that our world can develop smoothly until now? It is precisely because of this that supernatural events are extremely rare in our world, but the Gui Dynasty is full of evil spirits and evil ghosts."

"Even now, we are not allowed to mention the supernatural, and we cannot write about the supernatural. Could it be that this is a means of suppressing the supernatural? This is exactly the same as the method used by the Weird Dynasty, not allowing records or dissemination, suppressing it through forgetting. Does this mean that the supernatural in the two worlds is essentially the same and can be handled with the same rules?"

"In order to make up for the Gui Dynasty, this group of people spread the knowledge of our world to the Gui Dynasty and tried to help them deal with supernatural events. But they were afraid that the Gui Dynasty would develop and seek revenge on us after knowing the truth, so they suppressed their technological development and kept them in the feudal dynasty?"

Sang Que's heart was pounding, and he felt that what his mother said was the truth, because it was very logical and everything could be explained.

This is the relationship between the two worlds!

It is their world that has put the Gui Dynasty in dire straits.

"Of course, this is just speculation, Mom. It is also possible that the Gui Dynasty was originally infested with ghosts and monsters. The first ghosts and monsters in our world did come from the Gui Dynasty. The guardians of our world just sent the ghosts back and then found a way to imprison them in the Gui Dynasty. All of these are possible."

Sang Que suddenly thought, "Mom, if I check whether there is a surge in ghosts in the Gui Dynasty during the war years here, can it prove that people in our world are sending ghosts to the Gui Dynasty?"

Sang Wan looked at him with admiration, realizing that the experience gained during this period had made Sang Que's thinking much more flexible.

"You can check first to see if there were any major events in the Gui Dynasty in the eight to ten years after about ninety years ago. Check first and we'll talk about it when we get the results. If it's true that people here banished the supernatural to the Gui Dynasty, then there is an irreconcilable conflict between this side and the Gui Dynasty, and it's a mortal feud. This is what Mom wants to tell you."

Sang Que reacted, "You mean, I can't recognize He Bu Ning. This may be the root cause of the conflict between my biological parents. My biological mother is from the modern world, and her mission is to protect our world. My biological father is from the other side and can't accept this, so they separated."

"But why did they get together in the first place, knowing that this would be the outcome? If He Buning also knew about this, he would probably suspect that I would bring disaster to the Gui Dynasty just like my biological mother, and would do something to me."

Sang Wan nodded, "I'm worried about this too."

"But he had already misunderstood Xia Chan as his sister, but he didn't hurt Xia Chan."

Sang Wan sighed and said, "Xia Chan is different from you. I can only say that your biological mother may have anticipated this, so she made such an arrangement in Heishan Village, letting Xia Chan stand in front of you and let her portrait become the switch to forget her."

"Perhaps, given the relationship between your biological mother and Empress Wu, she can use the power of ghosts and gods to distort people's cognition, or create invisible obstacles, so that He Buning and other people who want to find you are always misled and pass by you without recognizing you."

Sang Que felt that this was very possible. Kou Yushan, the only person who knew her identity, had now forgotten the first time he met her.

In fact, she was not perfect in front of Yan Daozi at the beginning. Yan Daozi was so cunning and tested her again and again. His brain was still working well, but he still could not confirm that she was the daughter of Jiuge leader who the ghost theater troupe was looking for.

I don’t know what’s going on with the storyteller. It seems that apart from him, I have never met anyone from Jiuge. Don’t they come to find her?

Or just as my mother guessed, there was an invisible force blocking them, and Jiuge and the others could only pass by her.

Why did her biological mother do this? To prevent her from contacting Jiuge and being found by the evil suppression department and other forces?

Is it because her biological mother didn’t know whether to stand on the side of the Ghost Dynasty or the modern world, so she let her explore it all from scratch, experience it herself, and make her own choice in the end?
Sang Wan continued, "Actually, this is good for both Xia Chan and you. I can understand your biological mother's actions. As long as Xia Chan continues to remain innocent, she will have her brother to protect her, and you will not be killed in the cradle by He Bu Ning and the others because of the conflict between the two worlds. Everything can be eased. You have the opportunity to become stronger and you have the right to choose."

Sang Que nodded thoughtfully, "Actually, I have thought of a way to remedy this. If there really is the power of the witch lady protecting me and covering up for me, maybe I can continue to deceive people, but I have to be the bad guy."

The realization of the contradiction between the two worlds had a great impact on Sang Que. She needed more time to verify her and her mother's guesses.

But after that, what should she do?
Give up the money for evil-doing and forget about everything?
Or should you continue to hold the talisman money and carry on the mission of your predecessors?
Sangque didn't know.

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