I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 180: It’s great to go to school

Chapter 180: It’s great to go to school (please give me more monthly tickets)

Modern, Friday, November 11.

Yucheng City, No. 3 Middle School.

During the morning reading time, Sang Que sat in the last row of the classroom by the window, flipping through the brand new textbook in his hand.

After the class was divided, I didn’t know most of my classmates, although they all knew me.

Everyone looked at her from time to time. The news that she was going to film a movie had been spread all over the school by the two big mouths Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao.

This morning, a male classmate took a secret photo of her with his cell phone while she wasn't paying attention. She went over and twisted the man's arm behind her back, pressed one hand against the wall, deleted the photo, and handed the phone to her head teacher.

After that, everyone behaved themselves and no one dared to take secret photos of her anymore.

Her current perception is far superior to dealing with these ordinary high school students. She can see through any small move made by anyone, even the old-fashioned thermos cup of her homeroom teacher is filled with milk tea. She knows it.

Sangque closed the book and looked out the window. The trees around the playground were left with only dead branches, waiting for the arrival of winter snow.

She planned to go to school for a day today, show up to show that she was still alive, spend the weekend for two days, and then return to the Gui Dynasty on Monday.

By then, He Buning should have come back and resolved his doubts.

Her method was to make He Buning misunderstand that she used the 'Lianlizhi'. This was the only reason she could get away with it. However, this reason also had a huge drawback, which was that summer cicadas were evil spirits and had no blood.

There is a solution, which is to find a yin object to cover up the incident.

And this thing, she actually, happened to possess, miraculously!

It's the jade bracelet.

The jade bracelet can absorb blood. Once you put it on, you cannot take it off and you have to cut your wrist to remove it.

Yin Tong doesn't want it, so she can't use it, but Xia Chan is not afraid of breaking her hands.

As long as Xia Chan wears the jade bracelet, it can be said that Xia Chan's blood has been absorbed by the jade bracelet so it cannot flow out. Because of her special physique, she will not die.

It is precisely because the summer cicada has no blood that it will not accidentally trigger the jade bracelet and cause harm to the summer cicada.

Simply perfect!
The jade bracelet can be used twice, so she gives it to Xia Chan as a piece of jewelry temporarily. If she really encounters a fifth-level evil ghost in the future and has no way to deal with it, she will take the jade bracelet back from Xia Chan.

After the morning reading class, Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao ran into the classroom to find her.

"Baby Sang, I miss you so much!"

Jiang Zao took a few steps and rushed to Sang Que, hugged Sang Que's waist and refused to let go.

"Why have you lost weight again? Your waist is much thinner than before. Is it because your agent doesn't let you eat? You are still growing, my baby Sang." Jiang Zao's eyes were full of heartache.

Sang Que thought how could he not lose weight? He didn't eat well every day and was so busy that he was always busy. It was like he was in a weight loss training camp.

Jiang Zao let go of Sang Que and looked her up and down, left and right, front and back, "You've become much whiter, so white that you look pale. Do celebrities have any secret to whitening their skin? All of them have cold white skin."

Well, Sangque doesn’t need to explain, Jiangzao has already found all the excuses.

"Sang Que, when will your scene be released?" Xu Yichao was blocked by Jiang Zao, unable to get close, and smiled foolishly.

This time, Sang Que did not see the little paper girl on him, but the negative energy on Xu Yichao was still there. It should be because she was too powerful now, and the little paper girl was completely suppressed by her.

Sang Que said nonsense casually, "I just took some time to come back to rest for two days and do some things. I have to go there next Monday. I haven't finished filming yet, so it's too early for the movie to be released."

Hearing this, "Ah? It's so hard, then why don't you rest at home today and come to class?"

"I just miss you, don't I?" Sang Que said with a smile. She also urgently needed to feel the good atmosphere of the school and heal her wounded heart.

Jiang Zao was so happy to be coaxed by Sang Que that he said, "There is not much time between classes. You should study hard today. After school, I will take you to have hot pot. We will go to the newly opened shopping mall to play on the weekend."

"I want to go too." said Xu Yichao.

Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao were assigned to the same class. They had a good relationship during this period, so Jiang Zao did not refuse. The three chatted in the back of the classroom for a while, and then the bell rang. Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao could only reluctantly return to their own classroom.

Before leaving, Jiang Zao secretly told Sang Que that she had already made the small automatic crossbow that Sang Que wanted, as well as obsidian arrows and obsidian cinnabar firecrackers.

Jiang Zao said she would send the bill to Sang Que and ask Sang Que to pay and give her an explanation. She didn't believe that these props were needed for filming.

Jiang Zao also said that if Sang Que wanted to lie to her again, she would go to the props group to apply for a job and find out for sure.

Jiang Zao's "threat" made Sang Que absent-minded the whole day, and he was called by the teacher to answer questions during the Chinese class.

The teacher was explaining classical Chinese, and he probably didn't expect that Sang Que could just take a look at it and translate it literally without making any mistakes.

The teacher was stunned, wondering if she was filming a costume drama with classical Chinese lines.

Finally, the teacher had no choice but to let Sangque sit down and listen to the class carefully.

God knows how many documents written in classical Chinese Sang Que has read during the half month she worked at the Zhenxie Division. She even wrote one herself. No matter how stupid she is, she should have made some progress, right?
There is a physical education class today, but Zheng Xuan is not the one teaching the class. He went to investigate the evil magic in Southeast Asia related to the Golden Boy, and there has been no news so far.

When Sang Que came back this time, she received a text message from him. It was Zheng Xuan reminding her to be careful and saying that the Nanyang woman was very vindictive. He had already told Xu Shufen to ask Xu Shufen for help if she had any problems.

In fact, Sang Que went to visit Grandma Xu Shufen last night. She is living a very comfortable life now. When she has nothing to do, she dances square dance with other old men and women in the community, and helps people read their horoscopes and tell fortunes.

Grandma Xu Shufen still insists on picking up cardboard and plastic bottles every day. People at the express delivery station in their community know Grandma Xu Shufen and often give her useless cardboard.

It is worth mentioning that as soon as Sang Que entered Xu Shufen's house last night, the statue of her mountain god fell out of the shrine again, facing downwards, as if bowing deeply.

If something really happens, I'm afraid Sang Que will have to rescue Xu Shufen.

After a day's classes, Sangque felt really comfortable. He just had to sit and listen. He didn't have to do anything and he didn't feel tired. Except for the time when the teacher was about to call on his name to answer a question, he felt very comfortable at other times.

As for homework, she's leaving on Monday, so why worry about it~
There was no evening self-study on Friday, so the afternoon was a day off. Sang Que, Jiang Zao and Xu Yichao went out to eat hotpot and then walked around the pedestrian street.

When it got dark, the mulberry birds felt a little dazed and uneasy.

In the Gui Dynasty, she went home after dark, the courtyard gate was closed, and she had no cell phone. She could only practice martial arts and then go to bed early. Sometimes she would be called up in the middle of the night to keep watch at the homes of officials, or clean the gutters on rainy days.

Now, the surroundings are brightly lit, the night market is bustling with people, Xu Yichao is queuing up to buy roasted sweet potatoes, Jiang Zao is chattering non-stop, and the air is filled with a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

Thinking of the Gui Dynasty, those people whose families were destroyed and who were left lonely and impoverished because of a minor evil spirit, and those who did not dare to stop for a day in order to live in the big city, and worked desperately to earn money and survive.

The contrast between the two touched Sang Que's heart. It was also the first time that she noticed these things.

At first, I went to the Gui Dynasty because I was forced to do so. Later, I went there to become stronger and to protect my family. Later, I even wanted to go there for fun.

But now, after knowing the relationship between the two worlds, looking at the peaceful and prosperous modern scene, Sang Que's mood became complicated.

She has actually been avoiding something and doesn't want to face it, so she doesn't think about it at all.

But when he saw the roasted sweet potatoes handed over by Xu Yichao and Jiang Zao trying on a headband and bargaining at a roadside stall, Sang Que couldn't help but start to imagine, what if one day, the modern world also became like the Weird Dynasty?
No one will sell roasted sweet potatoes anymore, and Jiang Zao will not be able to go out to play at night. Schools will even be suspended. Everyone will have to stay at home and lock up their doors at night, just like the people of the Gui Dynasty, waiting for dawn in fear.

Sang Que didn't have a deep understanding of the Gui Dynasty, but when it came to the modern times, Sang Que began to feel fear from the bottom of his soul.

She was so terrified that the scene before her eyes gradually lost its colorful colors and noisy sounds, leaving only blood and darkness, silence and coldness.

Jiang Zao with a smile on his face, Xu Yichao who was blowing sweet potatoes beside him, and all the people around him disappeared like ashes.

In the end, all that was left was the deserted pedestrian street, with suddenly shabby shops and stalls covered with cobwebs, and paper scraps and reptiles flying all over the ground.

A woman wearing a Nanyang dance costume was dancing strangely in front of the street with her back to the light.

Sang Que was stunned, as if she was not hallucinating, but really... what the hell!

Sang Que sighed. As expected, after the balance between the hierarchy and the heart lamp was broken, she became unlucky and easily attracted ghosts. She should not have gone out at night!
After taking a vicious bite of the sweet potato, Sangque strode towards the dancing Nanyang woman in front of him.

Asking for a monthly ticket!
see you tomorrow~

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