I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 186 Curse the Ghost

Chapter 186 Curse the Ghost (asking for monthly ticket)

He Buning did not ask how Sangque was cursed or by whom, but instead asked, "Don't you have a Lianlizhi?"

Sangque's pupils shrank slightly. It turned out that using the Lianlizhi could resolve the curse on his body and transfer his curse to others? It couldn't be that simple, right?

It was a pity that she had deliberately placed the Lianlizhi at home for her mother to use for self-defense. After all, she had "already used the Lianlizhi to let Xia Chan block the gambler's attack for her."

But at this moment, Sang Que didn't know whether He Buning was attacked by the gambler, nor did he know whether he wanted to test or blame him by mentioning Lian Lizhi specifically.

He even knew that she got the Lianlizhi from Wei Wu, so he must have investigated the gambler.

Sang Que could feel the surging undercurrent in He Buning's eyes. Her heart was pounding, and she forced herself to stay calm and not reveal any flaws. Since she was going to bet that He Buning had not seen through her identity, she would just bet to the end.

Sang Que frowned and glanced at Xia Chan, letting his guilty conscience naturally surface. He said with remorse, "That thing... was lost by me. It was an accident..."

He Buning's brows were also tightly furrowed, and he stared at Sang Que, watching her lower her head, watching her holding Xia Chan's hand, and watching Xia Chan smile at her foolishly.

Everything finally turned into a sigh.

Although Xia Chan is mentally handicapped, she is as sharp as an animal and can sense the ill intentions of others. If Sang Que had treated Xia Chan badly and said one thing in public and another behind her back, Xia Chan would not have such deep feelings for Sang Que.

Perhaps, it was really an accident. Sangque did not intend to use Xiachan to resist the gambler's attack, but some wrong circumstances led to such a result.

"Ask someone to call Yu Da over and talk inside." He Buning said in a low voice.

Sang Que nodded, opened the gate and let Xia Chan and He Buning enter the yard first. She went next door to find Kou Yushan, who had just been dismissed from office, and asked him to run a trip.

When he arrived at the gate of Kou Yushan's house, Sang Que saw a woman wearing coarse cloth and with a gentle appearance, wandering in front of Kou Yushan's house with a basket on her shoulder.

Sang Que was about to ask when the woman became nervous and turned away.

When I knocked on the door, I saw that Kou Yushan's face and head were wet, probably because he had just washed his face.

"Uncle Yushan, can you help me find Yu Da? Captain He is at my house and needs help."

"Okay, I'll go there now." Kou Yushan agreed readily.

During the time that he worked as an unemployed officer in the Suppression of Evils Division, Kou Yushan lived a fulfilling life and was in good spirits. Especially recently, he was neatly dressed and clean-shaven every day when he patrolled the streets, and he looked a lot younger.

As he was about to leave, Sang Que thought for a moment and said, "There was a woman lingering outside your house just now. She seemed to have something to ask you."

Kou Yushan was stunned for a moment, then he was a little shy and evasive, coughing softly, "I know."

Sang Que saw through it but didn't say anything. He just smiled and left.

Returning to his own yard, Sang Que saw Xia Chan sitting in a rattan chair under the corridor, Xuan Yu was sharpening his claws with the chair legs, and He Buning was standing quietly beside them. She was tall and graceful, with a noble temperament, which made Sang Que's yard look a little shabby.

As the sky gradually darkened, Sang Que lit lanterns in various places in the yard and asked He Buning to sit down in the main hall of the house. She began to tell him about the curse on her. She had already thought of an excuse.

"Captain He, I can't be sure exactly when I was cursed. It was probably after the gambling incident. One night later, I woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. I always felt that there was a shadow following me that I couldn't get rid of."

He Buning is very smart, and being smart can make a lot of associations and rationalize everything.

After the gambler ghost incident was over, the news that the only woman in the Evil Suppression Division was wandering around the city and imprisoning gamblers at night spread throughout the city. This was to contain the Evil Suppression Division and prevent it from conducting a large-scale investigation into the person behind the gambler ghost incident.

And make Sang Que the target of public criticism. Although she is the night patrol envoy of the Zhenxie Division, she is able to monopolize many incense sticks, which causes those people in the Zhenxie Division who are dissatisfied with her to start targeting her and hold her accountable for violating the rules of the Zhenxie Division.

Sang Que had just joined the Evil Suppression Division for half a month when he had beaten almost all of the Sun Travel Envoys, which had caused deep resentment among them. There were many Sun Travel Envoys, some good and some bad, and they would definitely take this opportunity to make things difficult for Sang Que.

In this way, in order to appease the grievances of the Sun Travelers, the Suppression of Evils Division had to deal with Sangque according to the rules. A person who had just risked his life to imprison an evil ghost for the Suppression of Evils Division, but received no reward but a punishment, would inevitably resent the Suppression of Evils Division.

It was because Cui Sheng was so stubborn that he went straight to Sang Que to attack him without asking the reason.

If it were He Buning, he would transfer Sang Que away and punish him by exile.

For Sang Que, promoting her to Silver Tour out of the ordinary is enough to appease her. Just tell Sang Que that she is too young and it will be difficult to convince others with this approach, and ask her not to make public her promotion to Silver Tour for the time being.

With Sangque's ability, it is only a matter of time before he improves.

After that, as long as Sangque made any meritorious service outside, his merits and demerits could be offset and he could return home in glory.

After the gambling ghost incident, this series of operations were all aimed at helping the person behind the scenes buy time and suppress Sang Que at the same time.

Now that Sang Que said that she was cursed, He Buning was not surprised at all. It must be the work of the person behind the gambling incident again.

A powerful ghost walker who can work for the Suppression of Evils Bureau will definitely be valued by the Suppression of Evils Bureau, with more resources and intensive training, so that he can be promoted to the ghost level as soon as possible.

Those who are secretly making troubles don't want to see the Evil Suppression Bureau have one more general.

After thinking about this, He Buning did not ask any further questions and said bluntly, "If the Lianlizhi was still in your hands, the success rate of lifting the curse would be much greater."

Sang Que poured tea for He Buning and always felt that there was some resentment in his words.

"Does the Evil Suppression Division still have Lianlizhi that I can exchange? I should have 800 merit points now."

He Bu Ningxu took the tea handed over by Sang Que, "The Lianlizhi is a very rare thing. The evil-suppressing department in Wangshan City does not have Lianlizhi, nor does it have similar items. Any curse will attract curse ghosts to come and harass you every night. You have nightmares at night because of the curse ghosts. If the curse ghosts are not driven away in time, they will easily attract dream ghosts."

"With the curse ghost around, the dream ghost can't kill you, but it can torture you in nightmares every night, so that you continue to create fear for the dream ghost. When the dream ghost grows stronger, it will begin to affect the people nearby. The curse ghost and the dream ghost will always appear one after another. You must pay attention to this when you deal with strange cases in the future. You must deal with the curse early before the dream ghost appears."

Sangque nodded.

"The curse between blood relatives cannot be solved unless the person dies. If you encounter this kind of curse in the future, you don't have to waste your time."

Hearing He Buning's words, Sang Que suddenly thought of the Ming Mansion. Ming Wanxi and Ming Qingyang were siblings. The curse she cast on Ming Qingyang was a curse between blood relatives, so even though Ming Qingyang entered Buddhism, he still could not get rid of the curse on him.

He Buning took a sip of tea, frowned in disgust, and put down the teacup.

"Below the Bloodline Curse is the Soul and Life Blood Curse, which requires an expert who is very knowledgeable in the art of cursing and has practiced cultivation to cast it. One has to sacrifice one's own soul and life to curse others at the cost of never being reincarnated and falling into hell to suffer eternal torment. This curse can be transferred, but the curse ghost must be killed three times, that is, three consecutive nights, and the curse ghost must be repelled three times. The curse ghost will become more powerful each time, and the specific level it can reach depends on the situation."

"The three kills of the curse ghost cannot be interrupted. After repelling the curse ghost for the last time, you need to cut the curse line between the curse ghost and the cursed person and lead the curse line to the substitute. If you have the intertwined branches, the step of leading the curse line will be very simple. I have been in the evil suppression department for six years and have broken the soul and life blood curse seven times. Six times I failed. The only successful one was the curse line led by Yu Da."

Sangque asked nervously, "What will happen if we fail?"

"Immediate death!"

Sang Que couldn't help swallowing her saliva. The Nanyang woman might have cast a blood curse on her soul. This irrational cultist was too crazy!
He Bu Ning continued, "The last time I was cursed by the widow of Black Mountain Village, it was a common curse that could be cast by ordinary people. All you need to do is to have deep resentment and hatred and sacrifice your life to cast the curse. This kind of evil curse requires knowing the real name of the cursed person and a personal item as a medium. That time... it was my negligence."

He Buning was silent for a moment. Fortunately, his current name was not his real name. Although the cursed ghost came to his door, he had no curse line and was easily driven away.

"If it's just an evil curse, there's no need to face the cursed ghost. It can be directly transferred using the Lianli Branches. What kind of curse do you think you've suffered?" He Buning looked at Sangque.

Sang Que said honestly, "I definitely didn't lose any personal belongings, so it's most likely the Soul Life Blood Curse."

Personal belongings refer to things that are often carried with you, or often played with, are in contact with the body for a long time, and are imbued with a strong personal scent.

He Buning nodded slightly, remaining calm, "You don't have to worry. In addition to Yu Da, I will also ask Cui Cheng to help. Captain Cui is willing to help you now."

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