I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 188 1 Kill the Cursed Ghost

Chapter 188: Kill the Cursed Ghost ([Mu Dai 999] Alliance Leader +1)

Sang Que was surprised, but not surprised.

She also wondered at the time whether the strange bride driven by Wan Xiangtou might be related to the Ming Mansion. Later, she thought that a place like the Gui Dynasty might be full of strange brides caused by various reasons, so it might be a coincidence.

Therefore, it is not an isolated case that Huilan was kept alive after her death. Before Huilan, there were people who used the brides that Mingfu offered to the God of Jue every year to raise ghosts. However, it is not easy for a dead person to become a potential evil spirit, so such strange brides did not become a disaster.

He Buning continued, "Behind the Ming Mansion, there is the secret support of the Evil Suppression Department. This matter is very involved and needs to be investigated secretly."

He later checked what the storyteller had said to He Buning, and one thing proved that the ghost troupe had deeper roots than he thought.

Who was it that first presented Ming's jade juice to the ladies in the palace?

Ghost opera troupes gradually appeared in the public eye only after the witch temples were abolished, causing opera troupes in various places to suffer for no reason and many of them were closed down.

He Buning had always thought that the ghost drama troupe was only established in the past twenty years, but he didn't expect that the ghost drama troupe had already started activities in Qinzhou as early as fifty years ago.

The Ming family's God of Devil passed through Minglu, and every year during the God of Devil sacrifice, people from the Evil Suppression Division would be there to take charge. He had been in the Qinzhou Evil Suppression Division for six years, and had only been a captain for half a year. There were too many backlogs of strange cases in Qinzhou, and he had never noticed this old case from fifty years ago.

The ghost theater troupe has now become a force to be reckoned with and has grown to a considerable size. It is highly capable of concealment. If one wants to find the origin of the ghost theater troupe, it is best to start from the clues they left behind fifty years ago when they were not very powerful.

In addition, those who secretly support the ghost troupe in the Evil Suppression Bureau must also be found out.

"Why did you tell me such a secret thing?"

He Buning said bluntly, “You are a newcomer, you have no foundation in the Evil Suppression Division, and your background is clean.”

It was mainly because of Sangque's behavior that He Buning admired him. Although the Night Envoy had a bigger and better courtyard, Sangque came to live in the Day Envoy's small courtyard so that Xia Chan could be closer to Kou Yushan.

Even though he was cursed, he never thought of using someone else to save his life. He was not afraid of power and dared to confront Cui Cheng directly.

"You don't have to feel pressured. This matter is difficult to investigate. You have been involved in the sacrifice and the Ming Mansion incident, so it is most appropriate for you to investigate. For now, you just need to keep an eye on it. If there are any suspicious places or people, report to me directly, or find Xiaowu, don't find Xiaoliu."

Sang Que understood that she had triggered a long-term hidden task with no time limit. It would not affect her whether she completed it or not.

"Oh, there's one more thing. Cui Cheng came to me this afternoon and asked me to make an exception and promote you to Silver Tour."

"Ah?" Sang Que was shocked. Although she had hinted at it, wasn't Captain Cui's speed in repaying evil with kindness too quickly?
Did she misunderstand Captain Cui? Was he actually a good person? He was just too straightforward?

"I agreed to do him a favor, but there are conditions."

He Buning had originally planned to be promoted exceptionally, so why not do it if he could get a favor from Cui Cheng for free.

"Your promotion cannot be made public before New Year's Eve this year. Once the curse on you is resolved, follow me on a tour of the state and leave Wangshan City. After you return from the tour and New Year's Eve, I will announce your promotion to the public."

Sang Que nodded. She could understand the reason behind this. After all, she had only been in the Zhenxie Division for half a month. Even if the Zhenxie Division was opened by her father, he probably wouldn't dare to blatantly give her a promotion or a raise.

"What is the purpose of patrolling the state?" Sang Que asked.

"Every year after the beginning of winter and before New Year's Eve, the night patrol teams of each state will conduct a state-wide inspection to focus on handling a number of important and bizarre cases in various places to ensure that the states of the Xuan Dynasty can spend New Year's Eve safely. After all, at that time, officials from all states have to report to the capital, and it is of utmost importance for the Suppression of Evils to maintain the stability of each state."

"In Qinzhou, the troops will be divided into three groups. I will take Xiaowu, Xiaoliu and you with me. We will set out from Wangshan City to the southwest, passing Fengning City, Jianshui City, Taikang City, and finally meet up with other night tour teams in Tianliang City."

Sang Que's eyes lit up, Yin Tong's other eye was in Tianliang City.

If she could get the eyeball in Tianliang City, plus the golden boy she imprisoned in the bronze mirror, two of the three conditions for Yin Tong's promotion would be met.


"Didn't Fengning City have been completely destroyed?" Sang Que asked doubtfully.

He Bu Ning shook his head, "It has just become an empty city. The preliminary cleaning has been completed. Once the damaged parts are rebuilt, it can be put into use again."

Sang Que understood that in a world like the Gui Dynasty, it would not be easy to build a city, so he would use it if possible.

Sang Que originally wanted to ask He Buning whether there was a major turmoil in the Xuan Dynasty ninety years ago. This is the key to determining whether evil spirits are extradited to the Gui Dynasty in modern times.

But He Bu Ning was too smart, and Sang Que was afraid that she would be exposed accidentally, so she gave up the idea and decided to go to Granny Zhuang to ask.

We chatted about random things, mostly about summer cicadas.

He Buning wanted to take Sang Que with him to tour the state, so Xia Chan would naturally follow. He Buning had no plan to let Xia Chan join the Evil Suppression Bureau. He originally wanted Xia Chan to stay in Wangshan City. He could find a housekeeper and an old nanny to take care of the house and take care of Xia Chan.

But after hearing what Sang Que said, He Buning changed her mind and decided to let Xia Chan follow Sang Que as his sister.

Xia Chan can go wherever she wants, and can solve strange cases with them if she wants.

He will try to believe in the ability of Xia Chan, and learn from Sangque and work hard to train Xia Chan.

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. Moreover, he had tried Xia Chan, but Xia Chan had no idea what the Jiuge sacred object looked like, let alone had seen anything like it. She said that her mother only left her the broken wooden comb on her head, and nothing else.

If Xia Chan's identity were to be exposed, He Buning was worried that Jiuge and other forces would harm Xia Chan, so the safest way was to keep Xia Chan by his side, use the name of Sang Que's sister to cover up, and teach Xia Chan how to protect herself.

Sang Que asked again whether Xia Chan could be promoted to the ghost level. He Buning said yes, but only Xia Chan himself knew how to be promoted, and it would definitely be very dangerous.

He Buning said that he died once and came back to life before he entered the ghost level.

At that time, the people who followed him were not the fifth and sixth children, but the third and fourth children.

He Buning also mentioned to Sang Que that when he captured Qu Tianhe last time, he met Jiuge's bell doctor, who gave Xia Chan a bottle of medicine and asked Sang Que to remind Xia Chan to take one pill a day and not more, as this was to help Xia Chan stabilize the evil power in his body and eliminate negative effects.

After finishing that bottle, Xia Chan’s strength will be able to reach a higher level.

I don’t know if Xia Chan had forgotten it before, and she didn’t even tell Sang Que about it. It was only at this moment that Sang Que was convinced that the power of Queen Wu to conceal her identity really existed.

At that time, she was chasing Qu Tianhe in that direction. If she had not lost her way, she would have met Jiuge's bell doctor, but in the end she missed him.

As the sky was getting darker, Sang Que felt embarrassed to leave He Buning here to keep watch for her and go to rest, so she just gritted her teeth and chatted.

I don’t know how long they chatted. The candle burned down to the bottom. Sang Que couldn’t resist the sudden sleepiness and fell asleep on the table for unknown reasons.

He Buning glanced at Sang Que indifferently without making a fuss. Instead, he changed a new candle and got up to stretch his muscles.

Sang Que had been sitting here, so he couldn't be disrespectful. Even though his back was stiff, he had to continue sitting upright with the airs of a lieutenant. He forced himself to drink the tea that Sang Que had added for him. His mouth was full of tea foam, but he couldn't spit it out, so he could only swallow it.

Sangque fell asleep not because he was sleepy, but because the cursed ghost was coming.

Sure enough, the candle on the table was suddenly blown out by a gust of wind. Sang Que began to frown uneasily and wanted to move, but he could not make any sound as if he was sleep paralyzed, and he could not move at all, falling into a nightmare.

In the darkness, He Bu fixed his clear pupils and stood beside Sang Que, scanning the surroundings.

The sound of a baby crying was heard, and He Buning looked over there suddenly, and saw a little baby covered in black, resembling a wild beast, lying on the beam, staring at Sangque with bloodshot eyes and looking at him resentfully.

Cursed ghosts do not have a fixed form and will appear in different appearances depending on the curse.

He Buning can clearly see the curse ghost at this moment, which means that the curse ghost's level is now below the fourth level.

A faint black line extended from the curse ghost and connected to Sang Que. He Bu stared at the curse ghost closely and was on high alert, but he didn't notice that the curse line was spreading out from Sang Que's body and secretly extending towards him.

The baby suddenly let out a sharp cry, and He Bu concentrated his ears as if being pricked by needles, and frowned in pain.

The cursed ghost took this opportunity to swoop down from the beam. If it were allowed to fall on Sang Que, it would immediately merge with Sang Que's dream and continue to torture her in her dream.

The stronger the fear that the mulberry bird feels in the dream, the more it will attract the dream ghost.

At the critical moment, He Buning suddenly raised his hand and accurately pinched the baby in mid-air, and green Yin Fire ignited on his hand.

The cursed ghost let out a shrill howl, was wrapped in the Yin Fire, and struggled hard. Blood flowed from his ears and his head was splitting with pain, but he refused to let go.

He persisted for a full half minute before the baby transformed by the cursed ghost was burned into a wisp of black smoke by the Yin Fire, and disappeared along with the curse line on Sang Que's body.

Even if the first exorcism of the cursed ghost is successful, the cursed ghost that comes tomorrow may become two, and may also become stronger.

He Bu Ning took a deep breath, relit the candle, and found that Sang Que's brows were gradually relaxing.

The beginning of winter has passed, the wind is blowing, and the nights in the north are unusually cold.

He Buning looked at Sang Que who was sleeping on the table, sighed, took off the cloak he bought for Xiao Chan today that was hanging at the door, and gently put it on Sang Que.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the cloak touched Sangque, Sangque suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, pulled out the dagger like lightning, and swung his arm to sweep across.


He Buning took half a step back. The cloak in his hand was torn, and a line of blood was slowly appearing on his neck.

Sang Que instinctively teleported to the other side of the room. When she regained consciousness, she saw He Buning holding onto his cloak with both hands, frozen in place with a frozen expression.

Knowing that the cursed ghost was coming, she was tense even when she was asleep, and her defense level was at maximum. If anyone touched her, she would instinctively fight back.

He Buning's Adam's apple rolled up and down, frightened by Sang Que's counterattack. Fortunately, he dodged quickly and the wound on his neck was not serious.

He casually threw his cloak on the chair where Sangque had just sat, "You are alert. The cursed ghost has been here. Have a good rest."

After saying that, He Buning turned and left.

and also……

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