I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 193: Making Money

Chapter 193: Making Money (asking for monthly tickets)

Before going back, He Buning called Yu Da aside and asked him some questions.

Afterwards, he asked Sang Que to try to recruit Qianmian the next time he met him. He did not ask Qianmian to join the Suppression of Evils Division directly, but to help the Suppression of Evils Division keep an eye on news from all sides of the city and continue to investigate the gambler's affairs, acting as an informant.

He Buning already knew that the ghost who controlled the Thousand-Faced Ghost was the girl who assisted her in the gambling case. This was not difficult for He Buning to guess.

He just asked Yu Da, and he must have wanted to know Qianmian's character.

If Qianmian was the kind of ghost who did evil things everywhere, then before New Year's Eve, Qianmian would definitely be on the punishment list.

At present, it seems that Qianmian is a good person except that he is very cruel when it comes to money.

As of today, six days have passed since the gambler was detained. Tomorrow is the seventh day as agreed with Hua Qianmian. She will definitely come to collect the money.

Yu Da and Sang Que left He's house together. After nightfall, Wangshan City was under curfew. Except for the night watchmen and guards patrolling the city at night, the streets were silent.

"Lao Yu, have you gotten into trouble with anything dirty recently?" Sang Que asked tentatively.

Yu Da rubbed his hungry stomach and relaxed. "I deal with all kinds of evil spirits every day, so I get a little dirty. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I may be unable to distinguish between the ghost's dream and reality. I don't know whether it is a dream or reality. I seemed to see some strange black shadows on you just now." Sang Que asked cautiously.

Yu Dahun said nonchalantly, "That's fine. I'll go back and find some mugwort to smoke, clean my clothes, burn incense, and take a bath. That day when I escorted the gambler to the evil ghost department, I passed by General Cao, the ghost commander of Qinzhou. If there is something wrong, I can't hide it from his eyes."

Sang Que nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After arriving home, Sangque fetched water to wash up. Xuanyu jumped onto the wall between the two courtyards from Kou Yushan's side, squatted on the top of the wall, looked at her, and meowed.

Sang Que understood, went back to the house to get the can, poured the food into a ceramic bowl, and brought it to the wall to feed Xuan Yu, "I've taken care of everything here, don't worry."

Meow meow~
Xuanyu buried his head in eating. When he was full, he rubbed the hand that Sangque stretched out to him, made a relaxed snoring sound, then turned around and jumped back to Kou Yushan's yard. He wanted to accompany Xia Chan, who was staying there tonight.

Xia Chan always thought that Xuan Yu was her little baby, but in fact Xuan Yu treated it as Xia Chan's mother and coaxed Xia Chan to play with it all day long.

As for the mulberry bird, it is a "big cat" that goes out hunting and needs Xuanyu to act nice and please it.

I took the empty cans home and reported to my mother that I was safe. Sangque came back quickly. There were only four money-averting hexagrams left, so I would wait outside to find a chance to get more.

A dreamless night.

He got up early the next day, as the effect of losing money would last until the evening. Sang Que asked Kou Yushan to take Xia Chan to have breakfast and bring her back a portion.

Sang Que went to the well at the street corner to fetch water today. Everything was fine when he was fetching water, but on the way back, one of the wooden barrels broke for no reason and half of his shoes were wet.

When I brought back the remaining wooden barrel and poured water into the water tank, the water tank broke again and my shoes got wet.

She really shouldn't work!

Her shoes and socks were soaked, so Sangque had to make a fire in the yard to dry them. The firewood was the same wood that she had bought last time to make plum blossom piles, but which was finally broken by Xia Chan.

At this time, a petite girl climbed over the courtyard wall.

He has almond eyes, tiger teeth, a bright smile, a neat black suit, and a row of flying needles on his belt as hidden weapons. It is Hua Qianmian.

"The courtyards of the daily envoys are at least two large courtyards with rockeries and gardens, maids and servants, and everything else. How come yours is so shabby? And you even have to bake your socks and shoes yourself?"

Hua Qianmian glanced at the kitchen that had collapsed into ruins, the broken water tank outside the kitchen, and the water flowing all over the floor, expressing his incomprehension.

The Night Envoy is more powerful than the Day Envoy. It is easy for him to make money. Isn’t this guy too poor?
Sang Que sat by the fire, roasting two cotton boots with a wooden stick. "The box is in the house, take it yourself."

Hua Qianmian walked in and saw a big box. When she opened it, a golden light came into her eyes and her saliva was about to flow.

Hua Qianmian immediately took out an abacus, shook it up and down and put it aside, then took out a small scale, picked up the gold ingots and checked and weighed them one by one.

Sang Que looked back at Hua Qianmian, laughed and shook his head.


Half an hour later, Sangque's shoes and socks were all dried. They were so comfortable to wear on her cold feet.

She walked into the house, and Hua Qianmian had just finished weighing the last piece. She used the abacus and found that there was still an extra 1 or 2 or 3 cents. The girl is so kind! Sang Que opened her mouth and wanted to give her the extra money back, but then she thought that she couldn't keep it if she gave it to her now, so she gave up.

After closing the box, Hua Qianmian clapped his hands and said, "I'll find someone to take the box away with a bullock cart later. Thank you very much for this. By the way, there is something very strange."

"What's the matter?" Sangque asked as he sat down.

"About the incense," Hua Qianmian looked at Sang Que, "You asked me my real name last time, and a few days later, I actually felt the incense increase. I was in a mass grave at the time, and I didn't see a single living person. Apart from you saying you wanted to return my incense, I couldn't think of anything else."

Sang Que was pouring water from a teapot when the handle suddenly broke off. The teapot fell and shattered on the table, breaking even two teacups.

Hua Qianmian raised an eyebrow, "Are you suffering from bad luck?"

"That's about right. Originally, the Suppression Bureau should have posted a notice to explain that the gambling ghost incident had nothing to do with you, but then various things happened and now the notice can't be posted."

"I used other methods to replenish your incense. Don't ask me for details. I won't tell you even if you ask me. Then I want you to do a few things for me."

Hua Qianmian sat down familiarly and said, "Okay."

"The first thing is official business. Captain He Bu Ning of our Night Patrol would like to ask you to help collect various information from the people for the Evil Suppression Division and continue to track down the people behind the gambling ghost."

Hua Qianmian smiled, picked up the abacus and shook it, "It's OK to collect information, and it's not difficult to track down, but let me be frank, each piece of information has a price. For your sake, I can give you a lower price. Don't worry, my information is absolutely worth the money. There is nothing in Wangshan City that I can't find out."

Sang Que nodded. She admitted this. With Hua Qianmian's ability to change her identity and appearance at will, if she was brave enough, she could even go to the Evil Suppression Division for a day trip.

"Okay, the second thing is a personal matter. I have to go on a business trip for a while and will be back before New Year's Eve. During this time, you can help me look after someone, Yu Da who is with me on weekdays. He is a daily tour envoy. You can keep an eye on him occasionally to see if there is anything unusual about him. Just look for anything you think is unusual."

"Well... okay, it's no big deal." Hua Qianmian nodded, but didn't ask for money.

"Don't let him find Yu Da. I'm worried that he might be entangled by something dirty without knowing it. You should also pay attention to your safety. If it's nothing serious, don't worry about it. If it's really...if there's something wrong, find a way to notify Lieutenant Riyou. And the third thing, I want to cooperate with you and make money."

When this was mentioned, Hua Qianmian's eyes lit up, "What kind of business do you want to do?"

Sangque lowered his voice, "Nuomi, Tokachi Ishiharashi."

Hua Qianmian was so shocked that she trembled all over. "No, Nuomi, I'm not surprised that you can get it. The Ten Victory Stone is a sacred object of Buddhism and is rarely seen on the black market. How did you get it?"

Sang Que looked mysterious and said, "I have a master who has many connections. If you dare to sell it, we have lightning-struck jujube wood, lightning-struck peach wood, and the Yinchen wood used by Taoists to make Tiangang rulers."

With the advent of lightning rods in modern times, it is not difficult to cause lightning to strike wood. Ginger and jujube can be used to artificially induce lightning.

Hua Qianmian felt a little nervous. This was a big business and she was really afraid that she couldn't afford it. After all, these things were in great demand on the black market and only the highest bidder would win.

After thinking about it carefully, she realized that the brave ones would die of overeating, while the timid ones would die of starvation. If she had the money, she could buy corpses and identities, and she would no longer have to dig in mass graves.

Having money can also better handle the prayers of believers and quickly increase the incense.

In a small village like that where famine is raging, a few bags of grain could earn the income of nearly a hundred men and women.

Hua Qianmian slammed the table and said, "Done! I can promise that I will never reveal your identity, but I want a 40% to 60% split. I get 40% and you get 60%. "


Sang Que agreed readily. Although she didn't know what the use of earning so much money was for the time being, she didn't dare to eat an extra bowl of wontons for breakfast during these days of poverty, and she only bought vegetarian buns. When she paid the bill for her shopping, she could only stare at Xia Chan. She had already deeply experienced the horror of being penniless.

It’s better to plan ahead and save more money.

In the future, written contracts and bank account openings will all be in Xia Chan's name, so the money she earns will not be considered her personal property, and she will not be able to lose any money.

After discussing the specific details, Sang Que first gave Hua Qianmian ten kilograms of glutinous rice and a small piece of obsidian.

The glutinous rice cost less than 40 yuan, and the raw obsidian was what was left over from Jiang Zao's use to grind arrowheads. It was worthless in modern times, but was a controlled item in the Gui Dynasty. She gave Hua Qianmian a small piece to test the waters first, which was also safe.

At this moment, Hua Qianmian looked at Sang Que as if he was looking at the God of Wealth, so hot that Sang Que felt a little uncomfortable.

"Sang Mulan, you are really my benefactor! You trust me so much, I can't let you suffer any loss, so I will give you something, you will definitely need it."

Hua Qianmian took out an uncovered book from his arms, placed it on the table, leaned closer mysteriously, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to be... a ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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