I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 199 Hungry Summer Cicada

Chapter 199 Hungry Summer Cicada (asking for monthly ticket)
When it was over, the house was filled with suppressed crying and coughing.

He Buning asked Xiaowu and Xiaoliu to check again, and found that there was an epidemic in the village, which was smallpox.

The village chief Yang Jishen knelt in front of He Buning and kowtowed continuously. He did not dare to say anything because once an epidemic broke out, most officials would just seal off the village and let them fend for themselves. What's worse, in order to prevent the plague ghosts from appearing, they would just kill all of them and burn down the village.

Smallpox has just begun to spread in the village, and not many people have been infected yet.

There was no need for Sangque to propose modern treatment methods. He Buning ordered Xiaowu and Xiaoliu to isolate the sick people, which was exactly the modern method.

Afterwards, He Buning asked Sang Que if he had ever been vaccinated against cowpox. Sang Que then learned that the Gui Dynasty already had a method of vaccinating against cowpox to prevent smallpox. It was not known whether it was passed down from modern times or was the wisdom of the people of the Gui Dynasty.

Sang Que nodded. Xia Chan was a ghost and was not afraid of these things. He Buning and Xiao Wu had been vaccinated against cowpox when they were young in Shengjing. As for Xiao Liu, after he joined the Evil Suppression Bureau and became He Buning's subordinate, He Buning arranged for someone to vaccinate him again.

Although the Gui Dynasty has this means, not everyone can use it, and those who suffer are still the lower-class people who have no money and power.

The people in Meishu Village were short of food and clothing, and it was a cold winter. There was smallpox in the village, and they would not live until the next spring.

He Buning was also very sad about this situation, as he couldn't help much.

After discussion, He Buning wrote a letter, stamped it with his official seal and gave it to Xiaowu and Xiaoliu.

"Split into two groups, go to the two nearest post stations first, and have people transport the stored food and extra winter beddings from the post stations."

Xiaoliu looked embarrassed, "Boss, this is smallpox, just eating can't cure the disease."

Xiaowu pulled Xiaoliu and said, "I understand. Let's go transport the grain first. You..."

Xiao Wu wanted to say why not let him be careful alone, but suddenly he saw Sang Que and Xia Chan beside him. Thinking of the scene where Sang Que and Xia Chan cooperated to deal with the sick ghost just now, he realized that he and Xiao Liu were the weakest among all the people, and he suppressed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

The two men left overnight. When the village chief and villagers heard what He Buning said, they all knelt down and kowtowed to He Buning, thanking him for not killing them.

The village chief could read, so He Buning wrote down the ways to deal with smallpox and gave them to the village chief, asking him to strictly isolate the villagers, not to mix eating bowls and chopsticks, and to cover their mouths and noses when in contact with patients, etc.

It was late at night and the villagers did not dare to go out, so the village chief asked those who had not been infected to help and used several rooms in the private school to temporarily separate the people.

When writing the prescription, why not pause and think about it? There are no medicinal materials available nearby. Winter is the season when colds and other diseases are prone to break out, and many medicinal materials will be in short supply. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

Seeing this, Sang Que said, "Write it. I have a way to get the herbs."

He Buning looked up at Sang Que, his eyes full of inquiry, "What is your origin? If I am not mistaken, the crossbow arrows used in your crossbow are arrowheads of Tokachi Stone. And your crossbow is more sophisticated and more powerful than those used in the army."

She didn't need to think at all to deal with Sang Que, who could talk nonsense as soon as he opened his mouth.

"If you check, you should find that not many people in Dongyang County know me. I left Dongyang County when I was very young to travel outside. I have a master, and I can't say much about him. I can ask him to solve the problem of medicinal materials. And this crossbow was made by my junior sister. The arrowheads are indeed Tokachi stone. I just used four of them. I wonder if the Evil Suppression Bureau can make up for my loss."

Sang Que’s subtext is, don’t ask, or else compensate me for the crossbow arrows first.

When their eyes met, Sang Que showed no guilt at all and spoke with full confidence, so that He Buning could not see any flaws.

"Take me with you next time you teleport, and you can save your crossbow arrows."

"I can't pull it. You are wary of me." Sang Que said bluntly.

It is true that she cannot pull him. Firstly, He Bu Ning's level is higher than hers. Secondly, He Bu Ning was not completely relaxed when he was next to her. If she used the evil fog to pull him to teleport, he would instinctively resist and the teleportation would fail.

Sang Que's straightforward statement made He Buning embarrassed. He didn't know how to respond. He thought to himself that she couldn't get along in the officialdom like this. She was just like Cui Cheng, stubborn. He Buning didn't respond to Sang Que's words. He lowered his head and began to write a prescription. The Ten Victory Stone is a sacred object of Buddhism and is controlled by Buddhism. The Suppression Bureau also gets a fixed quota every year, and there is no extra for Sang Que.

As for Sang Que's master and sister, as long as Sang Que still stands on the side of the Evil Suppression Bureau, He Buning will not investigate. There are many hermits and masters in this world. It is better not to offend them unless necessary.

Sang Que has a background, which is beneficial to the Evil Suppression Bureau at the moment.

He Buning quickly wrote down the prescription and the required amount. His handwriting was elegant and graceful, and Sang Que felt inferior when he saw it.

Fortunately, the names of the herbs in the prescription are the same as their modern names, including plantain, oldenlandia diffusa, smilax glabra, dandelion and isatis root. I can just go back and ask my mom to help me buy them.

The money is hers, she will owe it to her mother first, and then she can pay it back when she earns money.

After putting away the prescription, Sang Que left the private school alone. He Buning did not follow her, nor did he ask her how to contact her master. Everyone has secrets, and He Buning also concealed his true background. Respecting each other means not exploring each other's background.

It was late at night, the moonlight was dim, and the whole village was desolate. The cold wind blew the white lanterns under the eaves of several houses in the village, and occasionally the shadow of a wandering soul flashed by.

Xuan Yu was hiding in the darkness, his pair of emerald green cat eyes scanning the surroundings. A lantern was lit in the donkey cart, casting a shadow on the window. It had a bloody mouth and was biting something madly. There were also black shadows swaying like snakes all around.

Sang Que pulled open the small door of the carriage, and Xia Chan turned around suddenly, grabbing the cold and hard roast chicken, her face covered with grease. Various food residues were scattered around her, and most of the food in the car had been eaten by her.

Her black hair was loose and moving, growing from her shoulders to her chest.

"Sister, Xiaochan is so hungry. Why is Xiaochan still hungry after eating so much?"

Xia Chan felt aggrieved, sniffed his nose, and continued to bite the cold and hard roast chicken.

Xia Chan had just tied up the sick ghost and had consumed most of her hair. When she saw those skinny children at the private school just now, her mind was full of images of freshly roasted, greasy roast chickens. The delicious smell tempted her and made her want to grab a few children and eat them.

But Xia Chan remembered what her mother had said, that she could not eat people, no matter how hungry or uncomfortable she was. Xia Chan could only run back to the donkey cart alone and eat the food frantically.

As the cicada was eating, it started to cry, "I'm so hungry, I'm not full..."

Sang Que entered the carriage, rubbed Xia Chan's head and hugged her, "It's okay, it's okay, sister will find a way, you watch the donkey cart, don't let anyone get close, especially He Buning, sister will find you something to eat."

Sang Que used the door of the carriage and returned to his home. After telling his mother about buying medicinal herbs, he took advantage of the night to hide his figure in the evil fog and rushed to a slaughterhouse in Yucheng.

She brought a stack of cash from home, but when she arrived at the slaughterhouse, half of it was inexplicably missing. She had to leave the remaining two thousand yuan in the slaughterhouse. She did not touch the money with her hands and cleaned it carefully so that no fingerprints would be left.

At most, the people in the slaughterhouse would think it was haunted.

Sang Que avoided the people in the slaughterhouse and found two buckets of pig blood and half a freshly slaughtered pig for Xia Chan to bring back to the Gui Dynasty.

Seeing the blood and raw meat brought back by Sangque, Xia Chan's hair almost couldn't help but stretch out, but Xia Chan still held her hair tightly with her hands.

"Sister, can I really eat this little cicada? Will it go bad if I eat it?"

Sangque suddenly felt sorry for Xia Chan and said seriously, "Eat it. This is pig blood and pork, not human. Xiaochan is a good child, eat it with confidence."

After hearing this, Xia Chan let go of her hair, allowing her hair to instinctively reach into the pig's blood to drink it. As the blood was absorbed, Xia Chan's hair grew rapidly. The new hair wrapped around the pork and squirmed on it, slowly eating up the pork like a living thing.

At this time, the summer cicadas' hunger was finally relieved.

and also……

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