I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 222 Dream Ghost Attack

Chapter 222 Dream Ghost Attack (asking for monthly ticket)

He Buning dragged the unconscious Xiaowu and Xiaoliu out of the collapsed house, and fell to the ground exhausted. The dust on his body fell off and choked his lungs, causing him to cough violently.

In Tianliang City, he couldn't even drag the unconscious Chi San, but he was able to drag Xiaowu and Xiaoliu out of the house when the earthquake occurred. He had already used up all his strength.

He gasped violently for a few times and forced himself to stand up. Blood flowed down his arms and spilled from his fingertips onto the ground, bursting into green flames.

Why not glance around and be shocked?

Houses collapsed, roads broke, dust was flying everywhere, and most of the buildings as far as the eye could see had collapsed, it was a shocking sight.

But there was no cry for help in the city, only the howling cold wind and the barking of dogs.

Dust stuck to He Bu Ning's thick eyelashes, blurring his vision. He raised his hand to rub them, but the sharp tinnitus and dizziness in his brain made it almost impossible for him to think.

Another wave of aftershocks hit, and the walls that had not yet collapsed fell down again, with a rumbling sound that was creepy.

How could such a violent earthquake occur in Wangshan City without any warning?
He Buning felt something was wrong and looked in the direction of the Evil Suppression Division at the foot of the mountain. He then turned around and looked at Xiaowu and Xiaoliu who were lying on the ground.

There are no other buildings around, so they will be fine for the time being.

When the aftershocks subsided a little, He Buning immediately ran towards the Evil Suppression Division. With such a big commotion, it was impossible for General Cao, who was guarding the Evil Ghost Division, to remain silent for such a long time.

He Buning ran to the gate of the Suppression of Evils Division. The aftershock caused the huge plaque above to fall down and almost hit him. After avoiding it, He Buning rushed into the front yard of the Suppression of Evils Division and saw the officer on duty lying in the yard, also asleep.

Fortunately, it was in the yard and was not crushed by the collapsed buildings around it.

"General Cao!"

Why not shout loudly? Even though the people deep in the underground evil ghost department would not hear it at all, perhaps someone else would hear it.

Half of the meeting hall collapsed. He Buning climbed in from the ruins and was about to go straight through the meeting hall and take a shortcut to the Evil Ghost Department when he suddenly saw the map of Wangshan City on the side wall.

There are also many red dots on the map, marking all the strange cases that occurred in Wangshan City this year.

Just one glance and He Bu Ning was stunned.

Previously, he was like being blinded by a ghost and did not even notice such an obvious problem. The red dots on the map were too regular, as if they were planned, neatly distributed at key points throughout Wangshan City.

These are the intersections of underground waterways and the points of underground feng shui.

The earthquake in Wangshan City was not a natural disaster, but man-made!
Another strong aftershock hit, the ground shook, bricks and tiles fell from the half-collapsed roof, a crack climbed up the wall and quickly spread to the surroundings.

He Buning rushed forward, tore down the picture on the wall, grabbed it in his hand, and ran out before the conference hall collapsed completely.

The violent vibration caused He Buning to fall to the ground. Before he could get up, a hair-raising cracking sound came from behind him.

He Buning turned his head in shock. Two cracks were like a soaring dragon into the sky. In the blink of an eye, they broke through the vertical mountain wall, and gravel flew everywhere. A large piece of rock fell heavily from the mountain like a huge stone sword.

The dust was stirred up and surged, the ground was smashed through by huge rocks, and all the surrounding buildings sank and collapsed in that direction.

Then below is the Evil Ghost Department!
He Bu Ning's heart was beating wildly. The earthquake was not a natural disaster. How could the people who planned the earthquake not be on guard against the Evil Ghost Bureau and General Cao? At this moment, General Cao could not be counted on.

But General Cao will definitely not die so easily. As long as he is still there, the ghosts imprisoned in the Evil Ghost Bureau will not escape easily.

What was the purpose of the person who caused this earthquake?

There was a cat's meowing outside, and He Buning's pupils trembled. He immediately got up and ran outside. Before he ran out of the range of the Evil Suppression Bureau, a black cat ran out from the ruins. When it saw him, the black cat actually looked relieved.

Xuanyu turned around and shouted outside, then shook his head, signaling He Buning to follow it.

Xuan Yu took He Buning and avoided places that were prone to collapse. They left the area of ​​the Zhenxie Division and went to the streets outside. They saw Xia Chan, who was intact, and Sang Mulan, who was also unconscious and was carried by a black donkey.

"Brother Buning, please help me, I can't wake you up no matter what I do."

Xia Chan was shaking all over, sobbing uncontrollably, and her face was covered with tear-stained cheeks.

He Buning stepped forward, pulled out a relatively clean handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped away Xia Chan's tears and dust, and patted her shoulder gently to comfort her.

"Don't be afraid, it'll be okay. Calm down first. You won't be able to breathe if you keep crying."

Xia Chan nodded vigorously and tried to stop crying. "Don't cry, Xiao Chan. I still have to save my sister and Uncle Yushan. I won't cry anymore. I won't cry anymore." "Let's find a safe place first."

There is a large square in front of the Zhenxie Division. Although it was torn into pieces by the earthquake, there are no other buildings around except the collapsed archway, so it is considered safe.

With the help of Xia Chan, He Buning rescued Xiaowu, Xiaoliu, Cui Cheng who lived opposite his house, and the officer who was on duty in the front yard of the Evil Suppression Bureau from the house.

After carefully checking the conditions of several people, He Buning confirmed that the situation was as he expected.

"They are all trapped in the dream world of the Dream Ghost."

When being trapped by a dream ghost, one very obvious symptom is that you cannot be awakened, and your heartbeat will sometimes speed up and sometimes slow down, and your eyeballs will move left and right, just like the reaction when you encounter scary things or are frightened, except that the fright comes from a dream.

Dreams are more terrifying than reality, because in the nightmare of the dream ghost, everyone will become ordinary people without power.

"Then how can we kill the dream ghost?" Xia Chan asked nervously. Xuan Yu also squatted beside him and stared at He Buning.

He Buning looked solemn, and before he could say anything, a sleepy officer next to him suddenly kicked his legs, and his originally tense body relaxed. He Buning hurried forward to check.

When the heartbeat and breathing stop and one dies in a dream, he or she will be completely dead in reality. After death, the soul will continue to exist in the dreams created by the dream ghost, becoming the dream ghost's slave and continuing to bring fear to others.

"Dream ghosts cannot be killed, but they will be safe as long as they leave the dream. To leave the dream, they can only rely on themselves. Dream ghosts do not have the ability to create dreams out of thin air. They will be attracted to people who often have nightmares, parasitize in that person's nightmares, constantly expand the nightmare, and then trap other people in nightmares."

"If you want to get rid of the nightmare, you must first find the person who was originally possessed by the dream ghost, kill that person, and break the nightmare created by that person. Then the dream ghost's dream will have a flaw, and they will be able to wake up, but..."

He Buning raised his head and looked around. The city was silent, not even a cry for help could be heard. Animals would not be dragged into nightmares by dream ghosts. He and Xia Chan were awake because they were special and could be considered half-haunted people. They had a natural resistance to dream ghosts, just like evil spirits and evil ghosts would not enter dreams.

However, the more than 30,000 people in the city are probably all trapped in this nightmare. Trying to find the source of the nightmare among these 30,000 people is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The Evil Suppression Bureau had handled cases of dream ghosts in the past, but none of them had awakened naturally. The only thing they could do was to gather all the unconscious people in one place, and then set up an isolation zone so that there were no living people within a hundred miles. When all the unconscious people died, the dream ghosts would naturally leave.

Sang Que's body suddenly trembled. Xia Chan exclaimed and quickly grabbed Sang Que's wrist, "Sister, my wrist doesn't seem to be beating anymore!"

Xia Chan's face turned pale. He Buning immediately grabbed Sang Que's wrist and checked it carefully. His pulse was indeed suddenly weak and almost disappeared, but it was recovering little by little and there was no sign of death.

"It's okay. She may have encountered something extremely terrifying. This is her body's natural reaction. Her pulse is recovering. She must have escaped from the dream. There is no need to worry for now."

"But...but is there nothing we can do? Xiaochan has to help her sister. Xiaochan must save her sister!"

In a flash, He Bu Ning's eyes lit up, "Xiao Chan, you reminded me that there is something we can do that may save their lives!"


As long as the curse is on, the cursed ghost will regard the person as its prey. The dream ghost will not be able to kill the person trapped in the nightmare until the curse is completed.

However, this may cause them to experience increasingly horrific events in their nightmares. If they cannot bear it mentally, they will become crazy even if they wake up in the future.

But now, it's the only thing they can do.

He Buning turned his head to look at the Xie Zhensi which had collapsed into ruins, his brows furrowed. Xuan Yu seemed to know what he meant. He immediately stood up, shook off the dust, raised a paw and placed it on the back of He Buning's hand.

He Buning understood Xuan Yu's meaning in an instant. The secret vault of Gongcaoyuan must have collapsed. It would not be easy to dig in and take out the evil objects that could curse people, but if Xuan Yu went there, he would definitely find some.

Xia Chan threw her hair in front of her, "Little Chan, you can use your hair to find things, too."

He Buning looked at Xia Chan, and only then did he deeply understand what Sang Que had told him before, that Xia Chan was not a canary that needed protection, nor was she a child. In addition to being a crybaby and a big eater, she could also be a strong helper.

"Xiao Chan, you are stronger than me. I need you to rescue the day and night tours of the Evil Suppression Bureau first. The disaster tonight is definitely not limited to earthquakes and dream ghosts. We need more people."

When saying this, He Bu frowned. He knew that everyone in the city was waiting for rescue, but the situation was urgent and there were not so many evil objects to curse everyone.

The four walls of Wangshan City must have collapsed. No one knows how many evil spirits are coming here in the dark night. Wangshan City has become meat on the chopping board of those evil spirits.

Even if the civilians are rescued, their chances of surviving until dawn are not high, but only if those who travel during the day and at night are saved can more people be rescued.

At this moment, He Buning can only make a choice.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
see you tomorrow~

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