I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 224: Corpse Nest

Chapter 224: Corpse Nest (asking for monthly ticket)

Thirty miles outside Wangshan City.

The night was dark and endless, the wind was howling, white paper money was flying all over the sky, and white-faced ghosts carrying coffins gathered from all directions, appearing and disappearing in the woods and on the official road, all heading towards Wangshan City.

"The chaos of Qi fills my body, and I ascend to Yangming with the steps of Yu!"

A clear shout broke the chaotic suona music. Yao Zhen, wearing a tattered Taoist robe and a crooked Taoist bun, stood alone in front of the group of ghosts carrying coffins. He gritted his teeth and had a sharp look in his eyes. Even though his body was shaking uncontrollably, he still put his fingers together and wiped the sword.

He steps on the Tiangang Step and chants the spell to kill evil.

"The sky turns and the earth turns, and I step on the six jias; I step on the strong shoes and fight against the nine spirits!"

The strong wind raised dust, Yaozhen swung his sword against the wind, and killed all the ghosts with the sword.

The dark red sword light swept through the army, the paper banners broke, the ghosts disappeared, and the coffin fell to the ground, but it was of no avail. In just a blink of an eye, the disappeared ghosts reappeared, lifted the coffin, and continued to move forward.

Yaozhen slashed while retreating, and the talismans on his body were thrown around without cost. The sound of Taoist bells continued, which could only slow down the pace of the ghosts.

She is not the target of the ghost coffin bearers. The ghost coffin bearers will not attack her, but they cannot be destroyed by her either.

Seeing this, Yao Zhen's hand holding the sword trembled. He gritted his teeth, raised his hand and grabbed a large piece of paper money in mid-air.

He wanted to use himself as bait to lure the ghosts carrying the coffin to another place, but the ghosts carrying the coffin completely ignored Yao Zhen and continued to move forward with music and drums.

Yaozhen looked at the money for buying her life in her hand with a frown. So many ghost coffin bearers ignored her, which meant that these ghost coffin bearers had not taken other lives yet, and they would come to her only after they had taken the lives of the people in front of them.

Over in Wangshan City, someone took the money to buy his life, and there was more than one person, otherwise how could it attract so many ghosts to carry the coffin?

Under normal circumstances, the ghost coffin would be blocked by the city wall of Wangshan City. If the ghost coffin could not get in, it would wander outside the city and wait for the person who took the money to buy his life to come out.

If that person does not come out, he will become seriously ill after seven days and will die within fourteen days at the latest. After death, his soul will still be taken away by the ghost carrying the coffin and locked in the coffin.

Having just experienced an earthquake, the walls of Wangshan City must be damaged, and ghosts carrying coffins will definitely enter Wangshan City to claim lives.

Yaozhen suddenly thought of something and immediately caught up with the coffin-carrying team that had already gone far away.


The sound of the coffin lid banging echoed in the dark night. Yao Zhen was like beating a drum. She shook the Taoist bell vigorously to dispel the biting evil spirit around her and got as close to the coffin as possible.

A rustling sound came into his ears. The things inside the coffin banged against each other, and a tiny crack was opened on the coffin lid. A flying insect quickly rushed out from it and headed straight for Yaozhen's face.

Yao Zhen's expression turned stern, and he swung his sword downwards. The sword light brushed past the wings of the flying insect, and the flying insect fell to the ground, twisting and struggling.

When he saw the flying insect clearly, he felt a chill all over his body and the world was spinning around him.

Corpse worm!

Inside the coffin is... a hive of corpses! (Chapter 68)
Yao Zhen froze in place, his mind and will eroded by a huge sense of fear. The main purpose was not for the ghosts to carry the coffin into the city, but to send the corpse nest into Wangshan City after the earthquake.

There are more than 30,000 people in Wangshan City. If the corpse nest enters them, more than 30,000 people will soon become nutrients for the parasitic reproduction of corpse worms and become corpse slaves controlled by the corpse nest.

Whether the more than 30,000 corpse slaves counterattacked Qinzhou or rushed into Jinzhou, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ink! Inkstone! Book!"

Yaozhen growled through gritted teeth. Anger and fear made her blood boil, and the birthmark on her face was like a burning fire.

No wonder he said that troubled times had arrived, it turned out that this was his ultimate goal. As a storyteller in Jiuge, he actually colluded with the evil ghost theater troupe.

There was no time to blame Mo Yanshu. Yao Zhen suppressed the panic in her heart. Although she wanted to escape, she knew that if her master was here, he would stop the corpse nest at all costs.

She didn't care about Jiuge's mission. She only knew that her master didn't mind her for being feared by everyone, and raised her and taught her skills. What her master wanted to do was her mission!

Yaozhen cursed three times and took out a wooden box from the bag behind him.

There were five human-shaped bamboo pieces in the wooden box, with bright red runes written on them. Yao Zhen gritted his teeth, cut his palm and spilled blood.

He took out the compass, inserted five human-shaped bamboo pieces in the positions corresponding to the five directions, and silently chanted a spell. "The sky is vast, the earth is majestic, I, the disciple Yao Zhen, beg the Taoist to seat me, and the five ghost soldiers to help me!"

Thunder suddenly roared, the wind and clouds changed suddenly, and a cold wind blew up from the ground. With Yaozhen as the center, the remaining snow around quickly melted, and the dead grass and trees rotted into water. Lines of blood floated on Yaozhen's body and quickly rolled up the five bamboo sticks stuck in the ground.

The bamboo pieces vibrated, and five ghostly shadows suddenly appeared around Yao Zhen.

same moment.

Under the Wangshan City, the Evil Ghost Department.

There were several earthquakes and mountains collapsed, but the underground evil ghost department was intact except for the blocked gate.

A man dressed in black and wearing an opera mask walked in and glanced at the surrounding prisons where the evil spirits were imprisoned. All the jailers outside the prisons stood with their heads bowed, like corpses, motionless.

Wan Xiangtou raised a smile and walked quickly to the center of the Evil Ghost Department.

The desk where Cao Huiyuan usually wrote and painted was still there, the scenery on the papers scattered on the floor was still there, but the hideous and terrifying figures in it had all turned into a pool of ink.

Wan Xiangtou looked towards a cell with an open door nearby. There was a coffin inside. The soul-locking rope that was originally tied to it had turned black and rotted and fell to the ground.

The coffin shook from time to time, and black ink flowed out from the gap between the coffin lid and the coffin.

Wan Xiangtou walked over, took out a martial arts opera mask from his arms, and gently placed it on top of the coffin. The spilled ink immediately seemed to be burned and turned into smoke and dissipated, and the coffin also became quiet.

Wan Xiangtou has successfully entered the fifth level after the sacrifice incident in Tangyuan County half a year ago. Although Cao Huiyuan was once a sixth-level Yin-walking general, he was seriously injured after the Yin-child incident in Fengning City, and his realm fell to the fifth level.

In terms of pure strength, Cao Huiyuan is slightly better than Wan Xiangtou, but unfortunately...

"This coffin is specially prepared for you, General Cao."

Wan Xiangtou patted the coffin lid and seemed to hear Cao Huiyuan's angry roar from inside.

The gambler ghost is just a decoy. What they really want is to let the Evil Suppression Department use this coffin to imprison the gambler ghost, and then transport the gambler ghost and the coffin to the Evil Ghost Department together.

Such a strong earthquake tonight failed to shake the Evil Ghost Bureau at all. If they attack head-on, it will be extremely difficult.

"Give up, General Cao. Wangshan City has collapsed, and the road between Qinzhou and Jinzhou is cut off. The only way to get here is through the mountain road. The support from Jinzhou will not arrive so quickly. Even if it does, we will only send more zombies to the zombie nest when we face the zombie slave army controlled by the zombie nest."

"On weekdays, you, the Evil Suppression Division, always give up a small number of people in order to save the so-called greater number of people. Now I want to see whether Jinzhou will give up your entire Wangshan City for the safety of the entire Jinzhou!"

Wan Xiangtou burst into laughter. They had been planning this for several years, but it was always ruined halfway by the people from the Evil Suppression Bureau.

Qu Tianhe, who had previously studied how to quickly raise corpses, was a member of their ghost troupe. If he had not been caught by the people from the Evil Suppression Bureau, it would be their zombie army that would be attacking Wangshan City at this time.

I thought this matter would not be accomplished this year, but unexpectedly, the Jiuge storyteller, who had always been against the ghost troupe, suddenly changed his attitude and was willing to lend a helping hand to the ghost troupe.

Wan Xiangtou has to say that the power of storytellers is magical and truly terrifying.

If it weren't for the storyteller's help, none of this would have been possible so 'naturally'.

He was worried that the matter would be exposed because he had released the Japanese envoy he met outside his mother's courtyard. However, under the circumstances at the time, his mother threatened to commit suicide, so he could do nothing.

After all, his mother is the key. If the people in the whole city are not trapped in a nightmare, many of them will surely escape when the earthquake occurs.

There are also those "Yan Sheng Money" distributed outside Ruyi Tower, which are made of the life-saving money of ghosts carrying coffins. Only when Wangshan City is broken, can those money attract the ghosts carrying coffins.

If you don't enter the dream, everyone will run away and the ghosts carrying the coffin will not be able to deliver the corpse nest smoothly.

One move could affect the entire body, so he couldn't take any risks and had to let the person go.

The only problem now is that no one can control the corpse nest, and they have sacrificed a lot of people in order to trap the corpse nest in the coffin.

He couldn't predict what would happen after the corpse nest entered Wangshan City.

But as long as the world becomes chaotic, the time for their ghost theater troupe to rise will come!

See you tomorrow~

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