I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 231 Dream Ghost Appears

Chapter 231 Dream Ghost Appears (asking for monthly ticket)

Decades of practice have given Granny Zhuang a very powerful ability to control dreams. If it weren't for the cup of tea her son gave her as a filial gift, which caused her to lose her mind, she would not have fallen into the nightmare at all.

At this time, she has awakened from the nightmare of "loving mother and filial son" and has seen the unacceptable truth. Nothing can trap her anymore.

In Wangshan City, all the evil spirits and ghosts disappeared little by little in the strong wind. With Cuiliu Lane as the center, the crushing force gradually spread outward.

These are the ghost slaves of the dream ghost. They are invincible to others, but for Grandma Zhuang who is possessed by the dream ghost, as long as she is awake, her control is enough to use the power of the dream ghost to crush these ghost slaves.

The ghost slaves disappeared one after another, and those who were tortured by fear survived and hugged each other and cried bitterly.

In the Charity Bureau, Liu Tianyou bravely stood in front of all the children for the first time, facing the claws of Grandma Yin that was ripping open his stomach, and prepared to die.

Amid the children's terrified screams, Grandma Yin's ghost claws scratched across Liu Tianyou's body, leaving only a piece of ash.

The children rushed up helplessly and fearfully and hugged Liu Tianyou tightly.

At Qin Ze's home, he was alone, blocking a water tank and hiding in the corner. Inside the tank, his wife was holding two frightened children, trying hard to hold back her tears of fear.

Two huge ghost hands stretched out from the broken roof and grabbed and searched everywhere in the house.

Qin Ze's body was covered with scars. He was almost captured by the ghost hand while trying to protect the mother and her two children. Now they had nowhere to hide. The huge monster was outside, and they would die if they went out.

Qin Ze's face was pale as he said to the mother and her two children in the jar, "Don't worry, Dad is here, and he will never let anything happen to you, never!"

Qin Ze was losing blood continuously. In his dream, he was unable to use the power of the Yin-walking man because his body had reached its limit.

The ghost hand appeared again, and this time it penetrated Qin Ze's body accurately.

Qin Ze groaned. The pain of his body being torn apart made him feel that his life was slipping away quickly. He still tried hard to put on a comforting smile to the mother and her two children in the water tank, "It's okay...it'll be okay..."

Thinking that they were about to say goodbye forever, Qin Ze felt a sense of lightness all over his body, and the ghost hand that was about to grab his heart suddenly turned into ashes.

Qin Ze turned his head in confusion, and a ray of light shone in from the broken roof.

The night of Wangshan City is about to pass.

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu, who were protecting a group of civilians, walked out of the courtyard and looked up at the sky. The light was driving away all the darkness.

At this moment, everyone saw a huge monster filling the entire sky, like a ball of sticky black liquid, with tentacles that kept stretching and swaying all over its body, covered with pustules, like rotten eyes.

Just one glance was enough to scare everyone to the extreme, causing them to suffer mental breakdown and cry out in despair.

In Granny Zhuang's yard, Sang Que and Yu Da also saw this indescribable thing. One of its tentacles was buried deep inside Granny Zhuang's body.

Granny Zhuang’s abilities are limited, so it is impossible for her to directly exorcise the dream ghost, make all the ghost slaves disappear, and wake everyone up immediately.

The dream ghost will definitely struggle!
Yu Da took a look, then knelt on the ground in agony, his eyes wide open to the extreme, bloodshot in his eyes, and veins bulging all over his body.

Something beneath the skin of his neck and the back of his hands was squirming uncontrollably, suddenly tearing through Yu Da's skin and breaking free.

Sang Que did not notice Yu Da's change. The moment the thing appeared in the sky, a tentacle covered with eye pustules flew down and headed straight for her.

A sweep of the knife had no effect at all. The tentacles were between existence and non-existence, and instantly crashed into Sangque's body.

Countless horrifying images flashed through Sang Que's mind. The amount of information was too great and too fast, making her feel like her brain was about to explode and freeze.

This is a dream ghost. Grandma Zhuang is dying. The dream ghost wants to continue the dream and chooses her to parasitize.

Once you are successfully parasitized by a dream ghost, the only thing you can do is die!

At this time, two small ghost shadows appeared on both sides of the tentacles, hugged the tentacles tightly and dragged them backwards.

That was the boy and girl who were released from the stone lions by Sang Que at the gate of Sihu Mansion. They were supposed to be the ghost slaves of Meng Gui. Why didn't they disappear? Sang Que didn't know. There are always unsolved parts in strange things, and it is impossible for her to know everything clearly.

Without thinking too much, Sang Que raised her hands to grab the tentacle that kept pouring into her body. Her left hand grabbed nothing, but her right hand clamped the tentacle. Sang Que's heart trembled, because the dream was disintegrating, so the her in the dream was connected with the real her outside, could she borrow the power of her real body?

Thinking of this, Sang Que made a prompt decision.

"Thunder, thunder, kill ghosts... reduce sperm... ugh!"

The severe pain prevented Sang Que from reciting the entire spell in time, and the large number of nightmare images that were instilled in her also made her gradually unable to remember what the spell was.

She felt her consciousness becoming increasingly blurred, as if her brain was being torn into pieces by the dream ghost and swallowed up.

She could even hear the sound of the dream ghost chewing her soul; it was eating so deliciously.

Just like that, the ticking sound of the revival countdown was also destroying her will at the same time, making the dream ghost's invasion smoother.

I'll fuck you!

Sang Que was filled with anger, and he roared, omitting all the spells, clenching his tentacles in his right hand and reciting only one word.

A dark red light bloomed from the palm of Sang Que's right hand. The two little ghosts were very smart and immediately let go and stepped back and disappeared.

The tentacles were instantly engulfed by the red light, and Sangque was knocked back by the huge impact force, stepped on empty air, and fell suddenly.

She took a deep breath and sat up on the spot. She saw the ruins of the Evil Suppression Bureau. Looking to the left and right, not far away, she saw Cui Cheng, Xiaowu, Xiaoliu and the others lying.

Did she leave the dream?
But what happened to Wangshan City? There are broken walls and ruins everywhere. It is a mess. There is no other possibility except a major earthquake.

Sang Que felt a throbbing pain in her head, and the ticking sound was still there, making her irritable and uneasy.

She tried to stand up, but her eyes went dark and she fell to the ground again. She felt as if she had lost all her soul, had severe anemia, and her mind was in a fog.

And from time to time, she still saw those nightmare scenes from the dream ghost, and felt like her consciousness was being pulled in.

Sang Que quickly focused his attention and forced himself to ignore those images.

Groaning sounds came from the side. Xiaowu, Xiaoliu and Cui Cheng all woke up, but the other two officers, one had died long ago, and the other was still motionless.

"What's going on here?"

Xiaoliu held his head and looked around, while Xiaowu looked heavy-hearted.

Cui Cheng was also extremely shocked by what he saw, and he opened his mouth and was speechless.

Sang Que found that her bag and weapons were beside her. She tried to stand up again with the help of her knife and quickly said to the others, "It was the Ghost Troupe who planned all this. Now that Wangshan City has collapsed, I guess the ghosts carrying coffins will bring the corpse nest into the city. Although I don't know how the Ghost Troupe can control the corpse nest, we have to be on guard."

This one sentence made all three people present look incredulous, and Xiaowu, who was usually calm and composed, also changed his expression.

Xuan Yu ran out from the ruins of the Zhenxie Temple, holding a small object wrapped in red cloth in his mouth. When he saw Sang Que, he dropped the object and ran directly into Sang Que's arms, meowing as if he had suffered a great injustice.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xuanyu." Sang Que hugged Xuanyu tightly and rubbed him. "Captain He must be over at Cuiliu Lane. I'll go over and take a look. You guys hurry up and save him."

As I woke up from the dream, I could faintly hear cries for help from the ruins around me. In ancient times, all the houses were bungalows with wooden beams and brick and tile structures. Although the earthquake was very strong, there must be many people still alive.

What is truly terrifying is the evil spirits and zombie nests that are about to attack in the dark night.

Now that everyone was awake, Xuan Yu no longer needed to go in and look for the evil things, and he immediately followed Sang Que.

The black donkey was still at the edge of the square. Sang Que glanced at it and ignored it. He put on his bow and arrow, spread out the evil mist and teleported towards Cui Liu Lane.

She lived on the way, and she didn't know whether the firecrackers and Tokachi stone arrows she buried underground were intact, and whether Kou Yushan, Yu Da and the others were trapped and unable to get out.

Sang Que glanced at the palm of her hand. The talisman money was left with an incomplete outline and looked like it would disappear at any time. She felt that some changes had occurred in her soul when she had come into contact with the dream ghost just now.

But I don’t have time to check at the moment, saving people is the most important thing!

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