I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 239 Chaos

Chapter 239 Chaos (asking for monthly ticket)

The shocking explosion brought up scarlet smoke all over the sky, and fragments of the Tokachi Stone flew everywhere. Several ghost slaves nearby were hit and immediately twisted in pain, then burned to ashes and flew away.

Everyone looked at Sang Que in surprise again. They didn't see clearly what Sang Que used. Xiaowu and Xiaoliu felt that the sound and power of that thing were the same as their captain's flintlock.

It is a firearm that the Xuan Dynasty is developing and its use is restricted. It is currently only used in Shengjing.

Before the cinnabar smoke had dissipated, the ground beneath everyone's feet suddenly rumbled and vibrated, and traces of ink from all directions quickly gathered here and formed a pool under everyone's feet.

Then the ink marks actually changed the terrain by smearing, and pushed up the Evil Suppression Bureau and the square in front of it like a mountain.

Ink rained down from the sky, and the ink spread into the water, leaving behind streaks of ink that were forming an indestructible cage that was about to trap everyone inside.

Before, only Wan Xiangtou could feel the suppression from the ink ghost domain. Now, He Buning, Cui Cheng, Xiaowu, Xiaoliu, Sangque Xiachan all felt the oppression from the ghost domain.

The cold ink fell on their bodies, causing them to stiffen immediately. They felt as if their vitality was being rapidly devoured, and that their entire bodies were gradually turning into characters in an ink painting.

"General Cao may have lost control! He is using the last of his sanity to seal off the area around the Evil Suppression Division. If all the evil spirits below escape, the consequences will be disastrous."

He Buning quickly thought of this and immediately looked at Cui Cheng.

"Before this cage is fully formed, take Xiaowu and Xiaoliu to the Evil Ghost Department. You know what to do!"

The strange bride kept staring at He Buning, and He Buning couldn't get away at all.

In view of the overall situation, Cui Cheng nodded without hesitation.

"Xiaoliu, catch it!" Sangque threw a bundle of ten firecrackers from his bag to Xiaoliu.


Xiaowu was using the ghost soldier talisman with a long sword to kill the surrounding ghost slaves. Xiaoliu caught the firecrackers thrown by Sangque, took out one, lit it and threw it out.

The air was filled with red smoke, and a vacuum zone was immediately blasted out among the densely packed ghost slaves. The power made Xiaowu, Xiaoliu and Cui Cheng, who followed behind, eyes light up.

Unfortunately, the situation was urgent and there was no time to ask for details. Cui Cheng rushed forward, relying on the murderous aura on his body and wielding a big knife with one hand. Before the ink cage was completely closed, he rushed out with Xiaowu and Xiaoliu, jumped down along the rising ink mountain wall, and went to the Evil Suppression Division in the ruins.

If General Cao completely loses control, all the people in this city will die even without the intervention of the ghost troupe.

The Evil Suppression Bureau has preventive measures in this regard and has ways to help General Cao temporarily suppress the evil spirits. At the very least, there is enough time for General Cao to remain sane and move to an open area.

The ghost slave chased after several people, and Xia Chan's black hair danced wildly as he helped stop the ghost slave.

Sang Que and He Buning finally saw clearly the two fourth-level evil ghosts released by Wan Xiangtou.

One was a soldier wearing tattered armor, with arrows all over his body and bleeding profusely. His head was split horizontally above the nose, leaving only half of it, with one ear remaining, which kept moving.

His body was tilted, and he was dragging his rusty sword as he staggered towards the two of them.

Sangque felt that this was the real appearance of the ghost they encountered in Cuiliu Lane in the dream. As for how Wan Xiangtou made this ghost appear in Grandma Zhuang's dream, Sangque didn't know.

The other one was also the one Sang Que had seen in her dream. It was the red oil-paper umbrella that had chased her over the wall. It was just blown up by firecrackers, leaving many holes on the umbrella and blood dripping from the holes.

There was a headless woman in red, holding an umbrella in one hand and the other hand hanging by her side. In her hand, she was holding a highly decayed head and grinning at everyone.

Yin Tong appeared behind Wan Xiangtou, and several shriveled and blue hands stretched out from his torn belly to grab Wan Xiangtou. Before he could touch him, the veil on the strange bride's head flew up and fell directly on Yin Tong, covering her.

Yin Tong immediately became silent, and even Sang Que couldn't call her back.

The strange bride disappeared in a flash, and her target was still He Bu Ning.

Without the veil, she revealed her true face. Except for her mouth and chin, her entire face and head looked like they had been hit by a heavy object. They were sunken and rotten, and maggots were growing on the bones. After this contact with the strange bride, the outer robe on He Bu Ning's body completely fell off from him.

Xia Chan used her hair to resist the ghost slave, making a lot of noise. The red umbrella ghost and the soldier ghost all went towards Xia Chan.

"Come here, little cicada!"

As Sang Que retreated towards He Bu Ning, he took out the red candle for exorcising ghosts that he had exchanged in Tianliang City last time and lit it.

As the candlelight shone, the strange bride was forced back, and the ink falling from the two people's heads also fell into places where the candlelight could not reach.

Xia Chan ran over, but when he came into contact with the candlelight, he screamed in pain and retreated.

"It hurts!"

The candle burned very quickly, and Xia Chan's reaction made He Buning's pupils tremble.

He is not afraid of the power of the red candle to drive away ghosts, so why would Xia Chan be afraid?
Xia Chan’s power is not acquired, is she a born evil spirit?

Too many coincidences and misleadings will always make suspicious people doubt. Even though He Buning cannot sort out many things, his doubts have deepened to the point where they cannot be suppressed.

There was an answer in his heart that was about to come out, but it was blocked by an unknown force.

And now, that line is about to break.

The strange bride was forced out of the candlelight range. This was a good opportunity. He Buning immediately cut his wrist to take the blood and threw it on the strange bride.

The green Yin Fire ignited the clothes of the strange bride. The strange bride retreated again and again. Why not chase her relentlessly to increase the burning intensity of the Yin Fire?

The evil bride was injured, and the red veil that suppressed the ghost boy was blown up by the cold wind, and many black threads spread out from under the veil.

Seeing this situation, Wan Xiangtou tried to resist the ink gathering under his feet while searching for something on his body to completely suppress Yin Tong.


Xuan Yu, who had been hiding nearby, suddenly jumped out from the darkness and grabbed Wan Xiangtou's face with his cat claws.

The red paper umbrella and the soldier brought many ghost slaves to surround Xia Chan. Sang Que took out the flag in the quiver without hesitation and smeared his own blood on it, not caring about any side effects. Saving people was the most important thing.

The flag flew up and down and stabbed into the back of a warrior who was bleeding from all seven orifices. The warrior held a spear in his hand and blocked the long sword swung by the soldier ghost.

Xia Chan leaned back to avoid the flying red paper umbrella, but was still injured. His entire head was separated from his body and flew up.

"Little Chan!" He Buning's heart trembled and he shouted loudly.

The human bone dice was spinning on the ground, and the last fifty taels of silver notes on Sang Que disappeared, but the number fell on five.

A burst of anger broke out. Sang Que was indeed in a gambling mood just now. In fact, she had already known that fifty taels were not enough to make the human bone dice roll a four. Even after the last use, the remaining fifty taels were given to her. It was the dice tempting her to continue gambling.

If she really had no capital left, she would never gamble again.


With a dull thud, Xia Chan's head did not fall to the ground. Sang Que's heart tightened and he rushed out to catch Xuan Yu that was knocked away by Wan Xiangtou's punch.

“Xuan Yu!!”

There was blood in Xuanyu's nostrils, and he was twitching in Sangque's arms, but he still lifted his paw with force. There was a strand of hair on his paw, a strand of Wanxiangtou's hair.

and also……

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