I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 245: Do your best and leave the rest to fate

Chapter 245: Do your best and leave the rest to fate (ask for monthly ticket)
Wangshan City East.

The large black flag with red characters of the Suppression of Evils was stuck in the ground, fluttering in the wind. A bonfire was lit, dispelling the chill of the deep winter night.

The people who survived the disaster saw the fire and the huge flag of the Evil Suppression Bureau, and they ran here crying and gathering.

It is a time for family reunion on New Year's Eve, but every family has experienced separations of life and death.

He Buning, with a pale face and wearing a not-so-clean cloak, gathered together all the escaped day patrol officers and ordinary servants from the Suppression of Evils Bureau, and there were only more than thirty people in total.

The noise in the city had stopped long ago, and Xiaoliu took people to investigate. He Bu Ning walked around nervously.

Soon, he saw the black donkey carrying Xia Chan running out of the forest. Xia Chan had disheveled hair and was crying breathlessly.

He Buning walked over quickly, took off his cloak and put it on the shivering Xia Chan.

"Where's your sister?"

He thought that the mulberry bird should have escaped with the summer cicada long ago.

"Sister...sister went back again..." Xia Chan cried.

He Buning's face turned pale, his mind still lingering with the word "brother" that he misheard when Sang Que threw the mirror to him.


Xiaoliu came running over panting.

"The city is safe now. Apart from the large-scale landslides and collapses, there are no evil spirits or ghosts. It is incredibly clean."

He Bu Ning's voice couldn't help but tremble, "Where's Sang Er?"

Xiao Liu shook his head, "I didn't find it, nor did I see Yu Da. The strange thing that appeared in the Evil Suppression Division also disappeared, leaving only a big pit. There was not even a corpse within a ten-mile radius, and I still found these."

Xiaoliu took out the broken Baisheng Sword, jade bracelet fragments, and some arrows, all of which belonged to Sangque.

"and this."

Xiaoliu frowned, picked up a blood-stained cloth bag, slowly opened the bag, revealing a heart inside that was no longer beating.

"Like... being caesarean sectioned."

"Is this my sister's?" Xia Chan asked fearfully.

He Bu Ning's eyes went dark, and Xiao Liu quickly supported him.

Yin Tong's heart is in Shengjing. Since she lacks a heart, she will definitely dig someone else's. Is Yin Tong taking revenge on Sang Que?

How can a mulberry bird live without a heart?
"Boss, you must take care of yourself. There is still no trace of the corpse nest. If this is true, I still need you to command everyone to deal with it."

He Bu took a deep breath to calm down, thought carefully for a moment, and his expression became stern.

"Go to the nearest post station to mobilize everyone and inform the whole Qinzhou that the Yin children have invaded, Wangshan City has been destroyed, and nearly 20,000 people have been killed or injured. The evil-suppressing woman is visiting Sang Mulan at night, visiting the school lieutenant Cui Cheng during the day, visiting during the day..."

He Bu Ning paused, only to realize that he didn't know Yu Da's real name. He clenched his fist in anger, then let go weakly.

"... Yu Da and Qi Shiping fought desperately to stop the ghost disaster. The ghost disaster has been temporarily quelled. Please send people from each city to support as soon as possible. Just write it down, not a single word can be wrong or missing. Use the shortest time possible to let everyone in Qinzhou know about this!"


Xiao Liu did not question it at all and immediately took the order to handle it. The old Xiao Liu would have asked why it was written like that and would have questioned whether He Bu Ning was violating the rules of the Evil Suppression Bureau by spreading the news like this.

But now Xiaoliu has to be the captain's most trusted subordinate, just like his fifth brother. He should not ask questions that he shouldn't ask, and he should not say anything that he shouldn't say!
Xia Chan cried and wanted to go find Sang Que, but He Buning forcibly pulled her back, "She will be fine."

"You lied to me, you all lied to Xiaochan, you are all bad people!"

He Buning couldn't comfort her because he didn't know what the outcome would be.

The ghost troupe wanted to use the events of Wangshan City to spread fear, so he transferred the fear to Yin Tong.

Sang Que told him that if Yin Tong wanted to return to the ghost level, he needed to make thousands of people fear him. As long as the news spread, it would not be difficult to make thousands of people fear him.

The name Sang Mulan may be fake, but her identity as a female night wanderer is unique, and the people's worship can fall on her.

No matter what her current situation is, following Yin Tong into the ghost level may be her only way to survive, but...

What he fears most now is that it will be too late!

Back then, he didn't have enough time to see his mother for the last time and ask her everything clearly. Now, he doesn't have enough time to talk things out with his sister whom he had finally found.

Looking at that heart, why not feel annoyed and blame yourself, and feel unbearable heartache.

There are also Cui Cheng, Xiao Wu and Yu Da. Even though he already knew the result could not be reversed, he still held on to hope that a miracle would happen.

This is all he can do.

After comforting Xia Chan, He Buning found her some food to replenish her energy and immediately threw himself into the aftermath work.

The sky gradually brightened and the night gradually passed, but the corpse nest that the ghost troupe talked about never appeared. He Buning didn't know why, so he could only continue to have people guard it tightly.

Around Wangshan City, people were still coming one after another, and the sound of sobbing could not be dissipated for a long time. Qin Ze, dripping with water and covered in red water grass, panted and anxiously searched among the crowd.

Near the bonfire, Lao Ma, who always set up a stall near the Zhenxie Temple, was crying while holding a jar of wine.

Yunniang leaned against a tree, crying silently, humming an unknown ballad, and gently patting her sleeping child.

There was also a group of children from the Charity Bureau, who sat not far from Yunniang and her daughter, crying quietly with their backs to the crowd.

"Don't cry. We can survive thanks to Master Liu and the Thousand-Faced God's messenger sister. Let's thank the Thousand-Faced God together and ask him to bless Master and sister, okay?"

Someone suggested that the children take out the statues of gods from their school bags, but without exception, the faces of the statues in the hands of every child were cracked.

The children looked at each other in bewilderment. The girl who had suggested it just now said,
"It doesn't matter. We will repair the face of the statue. When we grow up and have our own families, we will let our descendants worship the Thousand-Faced God. The Thousand-Faced God will surely continue to bless us."


The children nodded, dug mud from the ground, and repaired the cracked face of the statue with a pious heart.

Every person has a different face, and every child’s face is different.


"Have you seen my wife Wan'er?"

Qin Ze searched everywhere but couldn't find Lian Wan'er and his two sons. He knelt on the ground in despair, crying bitterly.

In such a world, it is very common to never see a living person or a dead body.

He is not the only one who can't find his family.

The rosy glow pierced into Yaozhen's eyes. She raised her hand to cover it and slowly opened her eyes.

Five children wearing big-headed doll masks were squatting around Yao Zhen. When she opened her eyes, she saw five weird smiling faces and instantly became alert.

After the spirit came, she realized that

"I'm not dead."

"You are lucky. You were just one step away from death."

A man's voice came from the side. Yaozhen waved her hand, and the five big-headed dolls disappeared on the spot and turned into five dolls on the peddler's shoulder pole next to her.

Yaozhen looked at the one-eyed young man who was sitting next to the load and tapping his legs, frowned, and thought for a long time before he remembered.

It was the ghost peddler. They were familiar with him, but they could never remember him.

The ghost peddler also looked exhausted. "You are too stubborn. Fortunately, the five ghosts sent a message, otherwise I would not have been able to save you in time."

Yaozhen lowered her eyes, she almost forgot that the five ghosts had their own way of communicating. All the five ghosts raised by the Taoist "Five Ghosts Moving Method" could communicate with each other as long as they left a mark between each other.

"Where's the Corpse Nest?"

"It has been led deep into the mountains. It should find a place to sleep and will not wake up until next spring."

Yaozhen found the iron sword and stood up.

The ghost peddler said, "Wangshan City was destroyed and we didn't catch up."

Yao Zhen paused with her outstretched hand, her eyes darkened, but she did not blame anyone.

Human power is limited and destiny is hard to control.

No matter how much Jiuge is regarded as a god by ordinary people, they are just people with flesh and blood, not at the level of ghosts and gods. Moreover, their foundation has been destroyed and they are no longer the Jiuge of the past.

Yaozhen sometimes really hopes that everyone in Jiuge has supernatural powers, so that her master will not grow old and will not die in the future.

"I don't blame you. It must be Mo Yanshu who is obstructing it."

The ghost peddler also stood up, "Someone has already gone after him, we will take care of it."

"Well, since there's nothing we can do, let's just say goodbye."

"Take care."

The two parted ways, and Yaozhen, with injuries all over his body, continued to travel around to earn money for repairing Taoist temples.

The peddler continued to carry his load of goods, running around everywhere, selling goods to make a living.

The golden crow rises in the east, and the rays of light shine on the broken walls and devastated ruins of Wangshan City. The dark night of despair has passed.

Those who are alive must continue to live.

Thanks to [Aisin-Gioro Shengjie] for the reward. I will add more to thank you tomorrow~
This chapter was what I had originally planned to add, and it is not counted in the additional chapters given by the leader.

I can’t write anymore today, see you tomorrow~

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