I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 254 Group Mission

Chapter 254 Group Mission (asking for monthly ticket)
When Sang Wan saw Sang Que, he stood up, rushed to Sang Que and held her in his arms, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Sang Que felt that his mother was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

"Mom, I'm sorry. There was indeed an accident that delayed me, but I'm back safe and sound, right? Look."

Sang Wan let go of Sang Que, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and pulled Sang Que to look him up and down.

"Why are your hands so cold? I dreamed that someone dug out your heart, and you told me that many people died. Were you seriously injured?"

Sang Wan asked with concern, and Sang Que said it was okay and tried to calm his mother down while glancing at her body.

His eyes fell on his mother's legs. Sang Que frowned, feeling a little confused, but the thoughts in his brain seemed to have been stolen.

She looked away and saw the wheelchair in the study.

My mother is not disabled, so why is there an electric wheelchair at home?
and many more!

The doubt in Sang Que's heart became stronger and stronger. She immediately used her ghost eyes to glance at her mother with her eyes slightly opened.

In the images of her mother's past, she first saw her mother with intact legs, busy at home and going out with her, but then, the mother in these images disappeared under the effect of the ghost eye, and the most real thing appeared.

My mother was disabled in a car accident when she was fourteen and had one leg amputated. How come both of her legs are intact now?

"Mom, did something happen during the days I was away from home?"

Sang Que's heart was beating like a drum. It was horrifying that an amputee suddenly had legs like a normal person!

Sang Wan took a breath and did not hide anything from Sang Que. "Something did happen. There is no rush to explain it to you. Go take a shower and change your clothes first. I'll get you something to eat. We can sit down and talk slowly. I also have a lot of questions for you."

Sang Que nodded. Her mother must also think about how to tell her. She also needed to think about how to tell her mother about Wangshan City. She should not hide anything, but she needed to mention her injury in one sentence so as not to let her mother worry too much.

After taking a good shower, Sang Que came out of the bathroom. Her mother had already cooked instant noodles and was waiting for her at the dining table. The General was still lying at her mother's feet. When he saw her coming, he moved uncomfortably, as if he was a little afraid of her.

"I know you're anxious, so I'll talk first."

Sang Wan took the initiative to speak and handed the phone to Sang Que, and the interface that appeared was a group.

Story chain group.

Sang Que's heart tightened and he looked at the chat records carefully.

[Writer]: Welcome to join the 'Story Chain (Intern Group)'. Joining means you agree to all the rules of the group. Newcomers are 'Intern Group Members'. After completing three group tasks, you will be transferred to the 'Formal Group' and can freely accept and post tasks.

【Penfarmer】: Please accept your first mission.

[Writer]: Please create a short horror story based on the above video content. Please keep the story as short as possible. After the story is completed, you will be rewarded with points based on the fear value generated by the story. The points can be exchanged for the number of words for "free creation".

There was some more content behind it. As soon as Sang Que saw this group, he couldn't control his panic.

"what happened?"

Sang Wan said, "You didn't come back on New Year's Eve. I tried to pray to the witch for some enlightenment. Then I dreamed that you came home and told me that they were all dead. You were also seriously injured and your heart was gone. After I woke up, I wanted to use my storyteller's ability to help you."

"But when I was about to pick up the pen, I realized that I knew too little information to write a complete story. I was also afraid that if I wrote something wrong, it would make the situation more complicated and affect you."

"It was at this time that I received another invitation from this group. After thinking it over, I agreed. Then came the chat record you saw. The 'writer' sent me a video and asked me to create a horror story with the two people in the video as the protagonists." Sang Wan clenched her hands and looked very nervous. She took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing, "The rule of this group is that you first write horror stories to earn points, and then use the points to redeem 'free creations'. Free creations must also have the tone of horror stories, but they can be used to realize dreams."

Sang Wan lowered her head and clenched her hands, avoiding Sang Que's sight.

"I... I wrote a short story about myself using free writing. After I finished writing it and sent it out, I fell asleep. When I woke up, my legs were back to normal. I went out to find Aunt Xu, but she didn't notice anything wrong with me at all. The same was true for everyone else."

Sang Que was very panicked and confused. Her mother didn't say it explicitly, but she understood it. After all, she herself had experienced horror stories in the story-telling group and knew that such horror stories would kill people.

If she didn't have the money for warding off evil, she would have died in Qin Lu's house long ago.

So, my mother used her story to kill someone in exchange for an opportunity to create freely, but her purpose was definitely not to repair her leg.

Sang Que quickly flipped to the end with her phone. She didn't even read the content in the middle. She only saw this sentence in the story that her mother wrote freely.

[…The daughter returned home late at night and saw that her mother’s legs were intact and she did not notice anything unusual…]

Seeing this, Sang Que shuddered and felt a great deal of fear in his heart.

[Writers: The first time you do "free creation", you can make a major adjustment to yourself. This is a benefit for new members. After that, please be sure to do "free creation" within a logical and reasonable range. The next apprenticeship task will be released in one month. You cannot refuse it. If you refuse, you will double the previous reward. Please prepare in advance.]

Sang Que tightly held the phone. Her mother's recovery of her legs was just a natural move. Her real purpose was to catch the words "my daughter came home late at night".

In fact, she did not feel the influence of the power of the story in the Gui Dynasty. The fundamental reason why she was able to survive was still the "Mountain Ghost Seal", but this mysterious power is really difficult to explain.

However, Sangque feels that the stories written by the Gui Dynasty can only affect the Gui Dynasty, and the stories written by this modern group can only affect the modern era.

Now what my mother wrote has come true. It must be a coincidence.


Sang Que's strength was defeated, and he reached out to hug Sang Wan's waist.

Sang Wan rubbed Sang Que's head and said, "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me. The group leader of this group might be afraid that I would not accept the first mission, so the target of the first mission is a wanted criminal. My psychological burden is not that great, but... this is the first time I do this kind of thing, and I am a little... I am not strong enough in my heart."

Sang Wan suddenly remembered that when Sang Que had just experienced the incident with the widow of the Li family, she asked her if she would hurt other innocent people for Sang Que. Her hesitation and ignorance at that time had already foreshadowed what would happen today.

Sang Que sat up straight and picked up his phone to take a quick look. The video in the phone seemed to be taken by a camera in an alley somewhere. It showed a man in a baseball cap holding a wanted poster. It could be seen from the reflection on the opposite glass that it was his own wanted poster. Then the man followed a woman who was returning home from work late at night.

In my mother's story, only the wanted criminal was killed.

Sang Que thought about the time when he went to Qin Lu's house. Maybe he was also captured by the camera and the video was sent to someone in the group, who then created such a horror story.

And the time when my mother met Qin Lu’s father at home, it was very likely the same situation.

Sangque immediately turned his head and looked around the house.

Sang Wan said, "I have removed all the cameras in my house, including the peepholes, and the cameras on my computer and phone. I have taped them all up. For now... I can only do this for psychological comfort."

Nodding, Sang Que put down the phone and said, "Don't worry, Mom. I will definitely find out who is behind this group before the second mission is released."

The Nanyang Golden Boy and this group were originally her two major targets in the modern world after she was promoted to the ghost level.

Sang Wan smiled bitterly, "I don't think it will be that easy. Let's not talk about that for now. Let's talk about you. From New Year's Eve to the beginning of spring, what happened in these seven days?"

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