I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 265: Wind Evil

Chapter 265: Wind Evil (asking for monthly ticket)

Pu'an County also imposed a curfew at night, and no one was allowed to go out. It was still the late night, and the streets were empty.

There was chaos outside the South City Gate. Screams were heard everywhere, along with the howling of ghosts and wolves. The wind blew up sand all over the sky, making it dim.

Sangque and Yaozhen hid their tracks in the cover of night. When they arrived at the city gate, they saw the guards holding torches and hurriedly running up the city wall.

"Open the door and let us in!"

"Please, let us in, there is an evil spirit outside!"


The heavy city gates were banging against each other as numerous refugees were fleeing. More and more people covered their mouths and noses, running towards the city walls to avoid the strange sandstorm outside.

"No one is allowed to attack the city gates during curfew. Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy!"

A sergeant on the city wall shouted loudly into the wind, and the guards on both sides immediately drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the refugees who were constantly pushing the city gate below.

The wind and sand were strange, but they stopped at the city gate. There was wind but no sand inside the city, so it was very safe.

The refugees outside had their makeshift huts blown away by the strong wind, leaving them with no shelter. The wind and sand were like snakes, wrapping around the bodies of several people and quickly rushing into their bodies through their mouths and noses.

After that, those people's faces turned red, their bodies were hot, and they tore off their clothes until their whole bodies were evaporated by the strange force and turned into sand in the wind.

Scary screams and pleas echoed outside the city. The guards on the city wall looked at the tragic scene with shaking hands. They looked at each other, but no one dared to risk being beheaded and open the city gate privately.

Sangque and Yaozhen stood on the roof and looked into the distance.

"It's the wind ghost!" Yaozhen recognized the raging sandstorm outside.

[The evil wind is invisible and intangible, it wraps up dust and buries up dirt. When it attacks a person, he will lose all hope, feel hot inside and outside, and the bell of the Dao can drive it away.]

Sangque had heard of wind ghosts but had never seen one. The climate in Qinzhou was suitable and wind ghosts rarely appeared. These wind ghosts mostly appeared in plains and desert areas with dry climates, especially in deserts, where they were most common.

The wind evil spirit kills people very quickly, but it is only a level evil spirit. This is because the wind evil spirit is easy to hide. As long as it stays in a room with no air ventilation on all sides, the wind evil spirit cannot cause any harm to people.

The sound of Taoist bells can drive away wind evil spirits. In desert areas, traveling camel caravans will tie brass bells obtained from Taoism on their camels. When the bells ring while they walk, wind evil spirits will not come near.

"Go out and save people!"

Yao Zhen didn't hesitate at all and rushed across the rooftops near the city wall. She was very good at martial arts and when she got close, she jumped onto the wall with one leap. Before the guards on the wall could react, she had already jumped down and was outside.


"Get back to my side!"

The sound of a Dao bell and Yao Zhen's loud shout rang out, and Sang Que followed closely and jumped down from the city wall.

The bricks inside the city wall were special and blocked her in the middle, so she couldn't teleport out directly. From the moment she got on the city wall, Sang Que kept the ghost domain around her. Others could only see a blurry black shadow and couldn't see her figure clearly.

As the bell rang out, a gap immediately appeared in the raging sandstorm, as if it had been shaken open by sound waves.

Seeing this situation, the refugees who were seeking survival all moved towards Yaozhen.

Yaozhen walked forward step by step, trying to drive the wind evil spirit away, but her Taoist bell was not loud enough, and it was worn out after being used for a long time, and the sound was dull.

Seeing this, Sang Que took out her Dao bell from her bag.


Yaozhen raised her hand, and the exquisite brass Taoist bell fell into her hand.


The moment Yao Zhen grasped the Dao Bell, it rang on its own, and the old stains on it disappeared in an instant, with a faint golden glow, and a clear and pleasant sound burst out when Yao Zhen shook it. The sound created ripples in the wind and sand, and quickly spread outward, clearing a large area without wind and sand, protecting the people who gathered around.

A few refugees whose bodies were invaded by wind spirits were lucky enough to fall within the range of the sound waves. The wind spirits in their bodies immediately escaped from their mouths and noses, and the refugees were saved.

There were too many refugees, and the Dao bell was of limited use. The Wind Evil was never completely dispersed, and many were still lost in the wind and sand. The old, weak, women and children who could not run were killed by the Wind Evil. The power of the Wind Evil was growing, and its resistance to the Dao bell was also increasing.

It's impossible for Yao to just rock like this all night.

Seeing this situation, Sang Que decisively used the power of the ghost eye to scan the thickest wind and sand in front of him. Like the wind ghost and the fog ghost, no matter how large the range of influence is, there is always a core.

Soon, Sangque saw an unusual shadow in the sand.

Sang Que took the hunting bow from behind him, pulled out the arrow with the Tokachi stone arrowhead and put it on the bowstring.

Draw the bow, aim, and release the arrow, all in one go.

The arrow flew through the air, leaving a mark in the yellow sand. When it touched a certain place, it suddenly stopped in mid-air. Sparks flew from the arrowhead, spreading out a fiery red spider web.

The air wave exploded, the wind and sand stopped instantly, and everything returned to calm.

The frightened people all turned to look at Yao Zhen and the hazy shadow beside her, tall and dashing, holding a longbow.

Before I could see clearly, the shadow disappeared, as if it had never existed, just like those good ghosts and gods in the legend who truly save people from fire and water.

"You finish it, I'm going back to bed."

Sang Que ran away after saying a few words. Yao really wanted to call her, but couldn't find any trace of her.

"Thank you Kundao for saving my life!"

Someone shouted, "Kneel down!" and others reacted. All of a sudden, hundreds of people around knelt down and kowtowed to Yaozhen to express their gratitude.

"Thank you Kundao for saving my life!"

Yaozhen shuddered suddenly. She was not used to this kind of scene and immediately ran away.

By the time the people finished bowing and stood up, Yaozhen had disappeared. They turned their heads to look for him, but only saw a shadow climbing over the city wall.

But they all remembered Yao Zhen's appearance and the shadow behind Yao Zhen deeply.


Inside the city, Yaozhen caught up with Sangque in just a few steps.

"You run really fast!"

Sang Que stopped and waited for Yao Zhen to catch up, "Those are all incense, don't you want to collect some?"

Yao Zhen said indifferently, "God of Dao, I don't need the people's incense and worship. I don't save people for the incense and worship. Why don't you show your face?"

Sang Que glanced at Yao Zhen, implying that she was asking even though she knew the answer. She was now a 'dead person', and using a bow and arrow would easily reveal her identity, let alone showing her face. Was she worried that the Evil Suppression Bureau and the Ghost Opera Troupe wouldn't be able to find her?
The notice from the Evil Suppression Bureau and her heroic sacrifice would be enough for her to live on for a while.

Her next task is to develop in a low-key manner and accumulate strength to survive in troubled times. She has no time to deal with the Evil Suppression Bureau and the Ghost Theater Troupe.

Yaozhen looked at Sangque for a moment and said, "You need a special mask that can make people remember you but can't tell your appearance. I'll introduce you to a peddler someday. He must have something like this. But the peddler only accepts barter, so it's a bit difficult to deal with him."

Sang Que's eyebrows twitched slightly. Could Yao Zhen be talking about Jiuge's ghost peddler? Could Yao Zhen be Jiuge's man?
Sang Que wanted to say something but stopped herself. After thinking about it, she decided not to ask. She used to be a member of the Zhenxie Division, which was in opposition to Jiuge. What if Yaozhen and Jiuge really had a relationship? If she asked about it, it would be bad if she forced Yaozhen away.

Wait until your favorability improves before exposing this matter.

  (End of this chapter)

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