I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 269 Daojun guarding the gate

Chapter 269 Daojun guarding the gate (asking for monthly ticket)

Jinfeng Mountain was renamed Mingyue Mountain, and everything was in ruins. When it really started development and construction, Sangque realized that everything was not as simple as playing a game.

Fortunately, she was lucky enough to have a good helper like Haruma.

Yaozhen did give Sangque a lot of surprises. She didn't even talk to Sangque about her salary. She only got Sangque's promise to help her build a Taoist temple, and then she worked hard and ran around for him.

Yaozhen has seen the female zombie subdued by Sangque, and knows that it was Sangque who intercepted the Hu of Ziyun Mountain and made her make a wasted trip. For this reason, Yaozhen gritted her teeth and said that she would not return the three taels and five cents of silver that Sangque had lent her before.

Sang Que shrugged and said it didn't matter. It wasn't much anyway, and she had never intended to ask Haruma to pay it back.

After some inspection, Yaozhen was sure that this female zombie was special. She was carefully cultivated by her predecessors with a lot of effort and materials. People who were bitten by this female zombie would turn into zombies very quickly.

It only takes a quarter of an hour to transform into the most common white-haired zombie, and for a high-quality one, it only takes half a year to transform into a black zombie of a higher level. If there is an extremely cold corpse-raising ground, and with the help of soaking in a large amount of blood, the time will be even shorter, and the success rate of transforming into a black zombie will be higher.

As long as Sang Que controls this female zombie, he can control the other white-haired zombies and black zombies that have been bitten by the female zombie.

But there is a problem, that is, these bitten zombies cannot surpass the level of female zombies before the female zombies are promoted. At present, becoming black zombies is the limit of those zombies.

As for how this female zombie is going to advance, Yaozhen said that female zombies are different from ordinary zombies, and ordinary corpse-raising methods may not be able to allow her to advance. Let Sangque go to Yufu Village again if he has a chance, and the opportunity for the female zombie to advance must be there.

Yaozhen asked Sangque to give the female zombie a name. The first thing that came to Sangque's mind was "Zongzi", but she didn't say it out loud because she felt that the name was not domineering enough.

Sang Que then thought of the four great ancestors of Chinese zombies. Among them was Nüba, also known as Hanba. There was a legend that when Hanba appeared, the land would turn red for thousands of miles. The female zombie was wearing red clothes...

Finally, Sangque named the female zombie "Red Ghost".

Sangque also showed Yaozhen the situation of Sister Wanhe. Yaozhen asked Sangque to control the red ghost and bite Sister Wanhe.

In this way, Sister Wanhe, who originally needed half a year to be able to move, was able to stand up in just one night, and always followed Wanhe without any orders.

Wan He and the other two girls were determined to follow Sang Que. Sang Que temporarily arranged for them to chop wood and fetch water every day to improve their physical fitness. When they were free later, he would teach them some martial arts.

Sang Que took Yao Zhen for a walk in the mountains for three days, just like he did with Zhang Junyao before. Yao Zhen went into seclusion for a day, and when he came out, he gave Sang Que a picture.

The map shows the auspicious spots in various parts of the mountain, and the location for building the city has also been adjusted.

The point is, Yaozhen actually suggested that Sangque build a small Bagua City in the heart of Phoenix, which is exactly the same as the Bagua City in Shengjing, but much smaller. Of course, the cost of construction will be several times higher than that of an ordinary city.

Taoist disciples are good at using the Eight Trigrams. Even the money used to ward off evil spirits by Sangque is engraved with the Eight Trigrams. If the Eight Trigrams City is built, it can gather wealth inside and suppress ghosts outside.

It is equivalent to setting up a huge formation in this mountain, so that no evil spirits within a hundred miles dare to approach this place.

Yaozhen didn't explain why she knew the structure of Bagua City, and Sangque didn't ask tacitly.

Yaozhen also made a plan for the corpse-raising site. The choice of the corpse-raising site corresponds to the Bagua City, one yang and one yin, complementing each other.

Sang Que didn't understand the principles of the Feng Shui formation, and Yao Zhen was too lazy to explain. She put her arm around Sang Que's shoulders and said that as long as the money and craftsmen were in place, she would guarantee to build the small Bagua City and the corpse-raising ground for her well, and she would benefit from it endlessly.

Little did she know that Yao Zhen had only been taught this knowledge by her master before and had never actually tried it. This was her chance to verify it in person.

If the small Bagua City can be built, the whole big one will not be a problem in the future. Sang Que handed over the financial power to Yao Zhen, allowing her to withdraw the money on the account at will, and tell her if it is not enough.

Yaozhen had also chosen a location to build the Taoist temple, a place that Sangque never expected.

Outside the entrance of Mingyue Mountain!

Yaozhen is a Taoist priest with an official certificate of ordination, and her status is legal. As long as she can afford the money, she can build a Taoist temple in any mountain in Xuan Dynasty and recruit disciples. This is all allowed by the Evil Suppression Department.

Yaozhen built the Taoist temple at the mountain pass. If the government did not investigate carefully, it would be hard to imagine that there was a huge bandit den behind the temple.

And this made Sangque feel like Yaozhen had asked Daojun to come and watch the gate for her.

It would be quite exciting to think about if there was another Buddhist temple with guardians on both sides. However, Sang Que only thought about it like that. Daojun and Shoufo were existences that she could not afford to offend. Even if she did not believe in them, she had to respect them.

Sangque was very relieved that Yaozhen was entrusted with the task of building the city and planning the corpse breeding ground.

Hong Xuan also did a very good job in resettling the refugees, and he is indeed a good speaker.

He told the people that it was better to rely on themselves than on the government. Even if they could survive until the government assigned them manpower, they would still have to hand over most of the harvest to the government after they cultivated the land and grew crops.

If the rebels in Qinzhou cannot be pacified within a short period of time, conscription will be imposed on them sooner or later. Who will dare to resist the officials of the imperial court at that time?
Although being a bandit in this mountain brings a bad reputation, one can live a good life. There is a house to live in and land to farm. The boss will not collect grain taxes from everyone for the time being, and will give everyone land to farm, provide food and accommodation, and pay wages for work.

As long as everyone stays in the mountain and keeps their mouths shut about what happens here, this place will definitely become a secluded place in the future.

After some discussion and analysis of the pros and cons, all the refugees who had followed him were kept in the mountains.

Now, including the original bandits in the mountains, Sang Que has nearly a thousand people under his command.

The food reserves of all the villages combined were only enough for one month.

If there were no support from the modern side, with the current grain prices, Sangque really could not afford to feed so many people before the summer harvest.

Hong Xuan did a really good job. In addition to registering all the refugees, he also marked out the things these people were good at. Among them, he found several carpenters, blacksmiths, craftsmen who knew how to build houses, and the old village chief of a village in Qinzhou.

Since the old village chief could read, Sang Que asked Pei Li to take his men to transform the Ruan family village into a school. He divided all the people into three groups and started literacy classes. He asked the old village chief to take an hour before nightfall every day to teach these people to recognize simple words.

In the first few days, everything was in order and went according to plan.

But after a long time, problems arose.

There were not many women in the mountains originally, but after the refugees joined, there were a lot more women, and some bandits became unscrupulous after eating and drinking their fill.

In addition, the mountains were too cleaned up by the mulberry birds, and some bandits took advantage of the night to try to bully decent women. Fortunately, they were discovered in time and nothing serious happened.

After Sang Que learned about the situation, he gathered everyone together and ordered Chi Gui to kill the evil bandits on the spot to serve as a warning to the rest.

Her decisiveness and uprightness frightened the bandits and won the hearts of the refugees, and her position as the head of Mingyue Mountain became more and more stable.

That afternoon, Yaozhen found Sangque and said that midnight was the best time to invite the five ghosts, and asked Sangque to make preparations in advance.

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