I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 274 Research Institute

Chapter 274 Research Institute (Additional chapters for cumulative rewards)

After hearing what the old professor said, Sang Que's heart suddenly became nervous.

Zheng Xuan is missing?

Still related to her?

What did Zheng Xuan say to the old professor?
Is the old professor also from the relevant department?
Then is her aunt also...

In an instant, many doubts arose in Sangque's mind.

The old professor thanked Sang Que's current class teacher Li Zhaoqing and invited Sang Que to go outside and talk with him.

The two walked out of the teaching building, one in front and one behind, and came to the shade of the trees beside the playground. The surroundings were empty and no classes were having physical education classes. If someone approached, they would be seen at a glance.

The old professor's name is Ye Changqing, and he looks very kind and gentle.

"Your aunt was the best student I have ever taught. It was because of my momentary negligence that she died."

Sang Que opened his eyes slightly, "Didn't my aunt die from an accidental electric shock?"

Ye Changqing sighed, "It's an accident, but it's not an accident. I think you already know that there are some unclean things in this world."

Hearing this, Sang Que knew that Zheng Xuan had reported all her affairs, and that her aunt was indeed a member of the relevant department.

Ye Changqing came to see Sang Que, obviously with a purpose. To show his sincerity, he first told Sang Que some things about her aunt.

Now their research institute has basically confirmed that Sang Que has stepped into the hidden side of the world and possesses some special abilities and background. According to convention, they can reveal some information and try to recruit him.

"The so-called relevant department is actually a research institute. There is no prefix or nickname, it's just called the research institute. Your aunt wanted to join this institute, which specializes in studying things that cannot be explained by science."

"Before she joined the company, we were investigating a new entity derived from technology. It was different from the things we had encountered before. Those in the past were based on folk culture, but this thing could disguise itself as a chat software and spread wantonly on the Internet. By communicating with people, it could gradually tempt them to commit suicide, and even incite them to do all kinds of things that harm society."

"On the day your aunt got into trouble, we had confined it to an old computer in the research institute and cut off the power and the Internet to cut off all possible routes of transmission. But it still managed to escape. The last place it appeared was in your aunt's computer. After your aunt passed away, it also disappeared."

Ye Changqing glanced at Sang Que and could see the anger swirling in her eyes.

"This is indeed our negligence, but we know too little about this kind of existence, and we have too few means to deal with it, especially this new existence derived from modern technology. The experience we have gained from folk culture is completely ineffective against this kind of new existence."

"We are very sorry about your aunt's matter. All we can do for you is to keep you and your mother away from the imperial capital and everything related to these things, and try to live a peaceful life. But we didn't expect that you would step into the secret side of this world now."

Sang Que took a breath to calm herself down. Ye Changqing's words answered some of the doubts she had always had.

For example, why was it so easy for my mother, an unmarried woman, to adopt her? For example, since they were not native to Yucheng, why were the settlement procedures completed so quickly? And why were her schooling procedures also smooth?

It must be Professor Ye who did something behind the scenes.

Another point is that through Professor Ye's words, Sang Que began to understand why the previous holders of the evil-averting money, who clearly had the ability to change the Gui Dynasty, did not do much, but instead kept the Gui Dynasty in the feudal dynasty era.

Modern science and technology are developing rapidly. Once new ghosts are born from science and technology, past experience will be unable to deal with such ghosts, and they will inevitably cause serious damage to human society.

In the process of searching and killing this new type of ghost, a large number of people will inevitably be sacrificed.

Her aunt is one of them.

Therefore, for the Gui Dynasty, if they stay in the feudal dynasty, the modern methods of exorcising and killing ghosts passed down from the feudal dynasty will always be effective. Ye Changqing sighed, "After the thing disguised as a chat software disappeared nine years ago, China was indeed quiet for a while, but there are still similar things abroad. It was in the past two years that similar things appeared in China one after another. One of them is the 'story relay group' that your mother reported to us through Xu Shufen last time."

"So you knew!"

Ye Changqing nodded, "I know, but I can't find the source. Currently, one of our researchers has successfully penetrated into this group and helped us identify some related people, but we can't trace it further."

Sang Que was shocked. He didn't expect that the research institute had done so much.

However, Ye Changqing did not mention his mother. Could it be because his mother is still a trainee member of the group and has not joined the formal group, so she is not within the scope of their investigation?
Sang Que thought for a moment and said, "Does this group have anything to do with my aunt's death?"

If she wanted to obtain investigation data about this group, she had to find a suitable reason first.

"Maybe. They spread terror through online chats. Maybe they have the same source. We can't be sure yet. We are just speculating."

"Can you show me the information?" Sang Que asked directly.

Ye Changqing looked at Sang Que and did not hide the purpose of his visit. "Actually, I came here this time just to ask you, or to be more precise, your mysterious master, for a favor."

Sang Que's heart tightened, and he asked tentatively, "Have you investigated me?"

It seems that the cover-up of Empress Wu for her was really ineffective. She just entered the ghost level, and met Jiuge's people on the side of the Gui Dynasty, and was also visited by the research institute on the modern side.

It seems that she has to rely on herself from now on.

"We have studied the collection of talismans you handed in. They are all long-lost items. We have now asked relevant personnel to start learning them. If some of the talismans in them can be mass-produced, they will play a vital role in protecting the lives of the mobile teams under the research institute."

"We want to thank you and your master for your generosity in this matter. I know that people like your master don't like the troubles of the world, but we have no ill will towards him. You don't have to use filming as an excuse. You don't even have a travel record. You haven't bought any train tickets or plane tickets, and you haven't stayed in any hotel. If someone is interested, they will know that there is something wrong with you."

Sang Que looked away guiltily. She just wanted to keep a low profile at that time. As long as she didn't attract the attention of the relevant departments, who would have nothing better to do than check her travel records? She was not a top star.

So the current situation is that Ye Changqing suspects that her master is still alive, but just doesn't like to contact official people. Then when she is not in school, she uses special means to leave home and practice with her master?
It seems... reasonable!

Then let’s make this matter true!
"Professor Ye, since you have already investigated everything, I have nothing to hide. I did lie before, mainly because my master's sect has strict rules. He has already violated the sect rules by handing over the collection of talismans. Fortunately, the ancestor did not blame him. If he is unwilling to come out of seclusion in the future, I can't do anything about it."

Ye Changqing expressed his understanding. "I understand that dealing with the dark side of the world is inherently very dangerous, and it comes with its own drawbacks. Xu Shufen's lineage is almost extinct by the time she gets here. The Zheng family, which is a family friend of the Xu family, also lost a child not long ago. Now the young generation only has Zheng Xuan and Zheng Wujun left."

"The Zheng family is willing to serve as the institute's consultant, provide manpower and help the institute coordinate relations with other hidden families. So now that Zheng Xuan is in trouble, the institute cannot sit idly by. This is one of the reasons why I came to see you in person. Last time, you were able to deal with the Golden Boy who was wreaking havoc in China by yourself. Your master must have a way to deal with the Golden Boy's real body far away in Southeast Asia."

Sang Que was calm, it was not surprising that the research institute could find out about this matter.

"What happened to Zheng Xuan?" Sang Que asked.

"This is also related to the story relay group. Two months ago, our researcher received a task from the group to become a full member from a trainee member. The video sent was a scene of Zheng Xuan in an abandoned temple in Southeast Asia. That temple once had a corpse hiding case that shocked the world."

"At the time, if our researcher didn't write the story within the time limit, he would die. But to write the story, he had to kill Zheng Xuan. Fortunately, our researcher's main job was research, and his side job was an online writer. He had an idea and wrote a horror short story with an open ending."

Sang Que understood, "So Zheng Xuan still has a chance of survival?"

P.S. The story of the heroine’s aunt will not be continued or explored in depth in the main text of this book. These are the background of the plot and character setting. There is no need to explore the plot of the previous book. Here we only give the reason why the aunt traveled through time. In this book, the aunt is still dead. Those who have not read the previous book don’t have to worry about it.

The total monthly tickets for June were 6, with a balance of 2146, and the cumulative rewards were nearly 146. Together, I added one more chapter. The debts for monthly tickets and rewards in June have been cleared, and the calculation will start from the beginning in July.

See you tomorrow~

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