I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 289 All are here

Chapter 289 All are here (asking for monthly ticket)
Mingyue Mountain is shrouded in mist in the morning light, with lush trees and fields filled with a pleasing green. The wheat seeds planted earlier have already sprouted.

Green smoke rises from the brick kilns in the mountains, and the business is booming from morning till night.

In the village renamed Dongpo Village, the village chief Cao Zhengyuan carried a hoe and went to the nearby fields to farm early in the morning.

The children drove the flock of sheep out of the village with laughter and passed by Cao Zhengyuan, holding large steamed buns that had just come out of the pot in their hands and eating them as they ran.

"Run slower, but don't go behind the mountain. Do you hear me?"

Cao Zhengyuan stroked his beard and loudly reminded the children that there were zombies behind the mountain. Everyone was very scared at first, but later they found that the zombies helped patrol the mountain at night and never hurt anyone. They would actively avoid living people. Only then were they no longer afraid.

"Village chief, go to the fields again."

The woman in the house by the roadside was wearing an apron and feeding chickens. She greeted me when I saw her.

Now, every household not only has food to eat and land to farm, but they can also borrow chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep from the boss to raise, and then slowly pay them back after the spring harvest.

There will be no interest, and we will not collect any taxes from everyone this year. Once everyone has a house to live in and some grain in stock, and has taken a breath, we can talk about collecting grain taxes.

Life here is better than when they were in Qinzhou before. No one could have imagined that they could meet such a good boss and such a good place away from their hometown.

The young and middle-aged men in the village also got up early and went to work together. Some were digging the canal, some were building Chaotian Pass, and some were helping the Taoist priest in the village build a Taoist temple.

The most important thing is the Bagua City. The city's planning map is hung on a large wooden board, and it is clear what each area is used for.

The Taoist priest also said that the boss of Mingyue Mountain has promised that when Bagua City is completed, all the courtyards inside will be built with blue bricks, and every family that participated in the construction of Mingyue Mountain will be allocated one.

This is equivalent to working hard to build a house for yourself. Not only these former refugees, but also the bandits in the mountains who had no food to eat now have hope and work hard.

In the field, Cao Zhengyuan squatted down to check the condition of the seedlings, his face full of joy. He wondered where their boss bought these superior wheat seeds. The grains were big and full. He had never seen such good seeds in his life.

"That's great! The harvest will definitely be good in the future."

Cao Zhengyuan put down his hoe, picked up his shoulder pole and wooden bucket and went to fetch water from a nearby well, which was dug by someone from the original village.

The river channel is on the west side, and currently it has only been dug to the vicinity of Xipo Village. It will take some time to reach their Dongpo Village.

But what does it matter? As long as there is hope, he is willing to work hard now.

Outside Chaotian Pass, next to the small stone forest.

Yaozhen looked at the Qingfeng Temple that she had been longing for and the walls had been completely repaired. The foundations of the main hall and side halls of the Taoist temple had also been laid. She couldn't help but smile.

Although he had been running around in the mountains all the time during this period, busy during the day, patrolling the mountains to exorcise ghosts at night, and studying various maps left by Sangque, the hands-off boss, Yaozhen also learned a lot of new things and felt very fulfilled.

Especially when seeing that these people’s lives in Mingyue Mountain were getting better and better, Yaozhen felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before.

In the past, she used the sky as her quilt and the ground as her bed, and went wherever she went. She saw the customs and cultures of many places and witnessed many tragedies in the world. She once thought that this was the way the world was.

With evil rampant, there can be no truly peaceful and safe place.

But now, the small Mingyue Mountain has overturned her idea.

Although everything here is still to be improved and there are still some dishonest people doing things secretly, the joy and abundance on the faces of the vast majority of people are real.

Yaozhen sat under a big tree opposite Qingfeng Temple, holding a pen and writing a letter to his master, describing everything in Mingyue Mountain.

"...Master, I finally understand what you mean by noble people. You said that if I follow Sang Mulan and can make Mingyue Mountain a peaceful place like a fairyland, does it mean that the world can also change? I suddenly want to stop and give it a try."

After writing the letter, Yaozhen folded the letter paper and put it in the envelope.

She ordered a batch of silkworm seedlings from Zhang Junyao, and asked Zhang Junyao to help find some carpenters. The craftsmen in the mountains were inexperienced and couldn't understand the blueprint of the keel waterwheel that Sang Que gave them.

When the agreed time came, she went to Pu'an County, mailed the letter, and went to the government to explain her plan to build a Taoist temple in Mingyue Mountain and get the official documents.

"There are so many things to do. No, I will be exhausted if I rely on myself. Let Master find some help for me!"

Yaozhen picked up the pen again and wrote another letter for help. Her master had a good relationship with Jiuge's bell doctor, so she tricked the bell doctor over. In the future, if the people in the mountains had a headache or fever, there would be someone to help treat them.

It would be even better if the bell doctor could train a group of apprentices here.

A man came running hurriedly from Chaotian Pass.

"You should go to the western river and have a look. There is something strange there. It has dyed the water black."

Yaozhen's expression was startled. Could it be that the top scholar ghost appeared again?
At that time, on the road to Pu'an County, the reins of the black donkey were suddenly pulled, and the girl in the car started crying loudly again.

"Xiao Chan is not leaving, Xiao Chan wants to go back!"

The black cat held in Xia Chan's arms nodded in agreement, indicating that it wanted to go back too.

There was also a woman in her thirties sitting on the shaft of the cart. She had an ordinary look and could not be found among the crowd, nor would anyone notice her.

Her palms and fingers were covered with calluses, and she had a butcher knife on her waist. Her public identity was a butcher named Qiao Ling.

In fact, Qiao Ling is Jiuge's bell doctor. Before the incident in Wangshan City, she had been slaughtering pigs in a county not far from Wangshan City. She met Xia Chan in the camp outside Wangshan City.

Originally, she just wanted to help the victims there and then leave, but she didn't expect He Buning to set a trap for her and wait for her to come.

There was no direct conflict between her and He Buning. During several sieges by the Suppression of Evils Division, it was He Buning who secretly released her so that she would not have to kill innocent people in order to survive.

He Buning has always wanted her to give up Jiuge and join the Evil Suppression Division. She knows He Buning's purpose in helping her, but she also owes He Buning some favors.

This time, entrusted by He Buning, I brought Xia Chan with me to help Xia Chan find an opportunity to break through to the fourth level.

Xia Chan was unwilling at first, and even refused to speak. After finishing her work every day, she would sit alone in the corner, crying silently, holding her black cat, and crying while eating.

Later one day, He Buning came hurriedly and showed Xia Chan a letter with a somewhat ugly painting on it.

A girl carrying a bow and arrow is pulling a girl with long hair, and there is a black cat under their feet.

After reading it, Xia Chan burst into tears and then started to speak. She also promised He Buning that she would travel and learn skills.

But it had only been half a month since they came out of Wangshan City, and this little girl had already made trouble countless times.

Qiao Ling was helpless and asked in a rough voice, "Tell me, what do you want to eat again?"


Xia Chan instantly became obedient and looked at Qiao Ling with expectation. Thinking of her sister who brought her a lot of food every day, Xia Chan's nose began to feel sour again. Qiao Ling would only buy her steamed buns and sesame cakes, and was reluctant to spend money on food, but was very generous when buying those unpalatable medicinal herbs.

Qiao Ling pursed her lips. She knew that Xia Chan was greedy again. She kept munching while eating. With the way she ate, the money given by He Buning would not last long.

Her pork shop has collapsed due to the earthquake. She does not charge for her medical practice. This is her rule that cannot be broken. Without income, she cannot afford to eat meat.

"How about I kill this donkey for you to eat?"

The black donkey barked wildly when he heard this, and Xia Chan shook his head vigorously.

"The donkey belongs to my sister, I can't eat it."

Qiao Ling cracked his whip and said, "Then when we get to Pu'an County, I'll buy you two ounces of meat."

Two taels?

Xia Chan raised two fingers, glared angrily, and cursed him in his heart as a stingy person.

Turning his head and looking around, Xia Chan reached out and grabbed the reins, pointing to the mountains in the east.

"Go to the mountains, Xiaochan, and catch wild boars yourself! Catch lots of them!"

Qiao Ling thought about it and realized that if she didn’t give the girl meat, she would definitely cry all the way. So she decided to go to the mountains and just treat it as a trip to collect herbs.

Qiao Ling turned the black donkey, took a small road, and headed towards the mountains in the east, which was also the direction of Mingyue Mountain.

See you tomorrow~

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