I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 29 Paper Man

Chapter 29 Paper Man
Sang Que slept until three or four in the afternoon before getting up. After eating, he left the last exorcism talisman on his body to his mother, and took two ghost soldier talismans with him to go out to Xujiawan Village to find the temple keeper.

He wanted to take a taxi, but Sangque thought of his previous two taxi experiences and decisively chose the crowded bus.

Of course, it is possible to be possessed by evil spirits when there are many people around, so she wore sunglasses and headphones when she went out to cover her eyes and ears. Even if it was like trying to cover up the truth, as long as those dirty things didn't find out that she could see or hear it, it would be fine.

There were not many people on the bus in the afternoon. Sang Que sat in the empty back seat and used his new mobile phone to log into various accounts.

In the class group, because Qin Lu's incident became a hot news topic, everyone in the group posted candles and posted messages to express their condolences.

Finally, the head teacher sent a message: "Have you finished your summer homework? Do you want two more sets of papers?" The group instantly became silent.

In another class group without a head teacher or any other teachers, there were 99+ new messages, and everyone continued to discuss Qin Lu's affairs in the group.

Some people have such distorted values ​​that they still insist on blaming the victim, and even blame Qin Lu's mother. Sang Que finally understood why the head teacher did not allow anyone to discuss Qin Lu's affairs.

Sang Que flipped through the chat records until she came to the day when Qin Lu had the accident. From that day on, she no longer paid attention to the messages in the group.

There was a blood moon that day, and someone in the group suggested a ghost story relay.

Sang Que suddenly thought of the "Story Chain" group that appeared in her old mobile phone, which made her shudder.

Every story in the class group begins with "Let me tell you a true story. A friend of mine... "

Sang Que looked through the chat records, paying close attention to what everyone said, especially the places mentioned, and silently memorized them in her heart. No matter whether they were true or false, she would try her best to avoid them in the future.

Suddenly, the words "Xujiawan Village" and "Temple Keeper" came into view. Sangque raised his finger and stopped the screen at that message.

[Xu Yichao]: Let me tell you a true story. It is my own personal experience. I wonder how many of you know the temple keeper in Xujiawan Village, Yucheng?
[Lu Hongjie]: I know that the temple keeper of Xujiawan Village is very famous among the older generation in our Yucheng. The last time my grandma got lost, it was the temple keeper who found her after asking for directions. He is so amazing!
[Hu Wei]: Is this true or not? (doubtful)

[Gu Jialun]: Didn't an accident happen on the demolition site a while ago? Many people said they saw ghosts. There is a yellow-haired UP host who is always courting death. He also went to Xujiawan Village to explore the mystery. In the live broadcast, he said that Xujiawan Village is the oldest village in Longji Liangshan and many strange things have happened there.

[Zhou Ning]: There were not many people with the surname Xu in Xujiawan Village before the demolition. When the exhibition center was built opposite the village, people from the construction site rented houses there. The village was full of all kinds of people and it was very chaotic. There was even a dismemberment case and many things that could not be explained.

[Lu Hongjie]: Not only the dismemberment case, but also a family murder case occurred last year, but the news was strictly blocked and few people knew about it. In addition, there are many strange stories about Xujiawan Village on the Internet, such as July Photo Studio, Fatty Pork Shop, etc.

[Xu Yichao]: Don’t interrupt me, just listen to me first (getting angry). This is a long story, I’ll record a video.

[Zhang Chaobin]: Okay, okay, wait!


【Xu Yichao】:(Video)
The video cover is Xu Yichao's face. He is good-looking, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He plays basketball very well and is a member of the school basketball team.

Sang Que was in the same class with Xu Yichao but they were not very familiar with each other. However, she had a deep impression of him because many people said that he had a physique that was unlucky for women and was destined to be lonely all his life and never get married.

When I was in the first year of high school, this matter was spread astonishingly. Any girl who got close to him would be in trouble, and dropping things and falling down were common occurrences.

Sang Que thought at the time that even if she didn't get close to Xu Yichao, people would occasionally lose things or fall down, and it was all superstition, so she didn't take it seriously.

Sang Que clicked on the video and saw Xu Yichao sitting at the dinner table.

"This is a long story, and typing it out is too troublesome, so I'll just dictate it to you, hiccup~"

Xu Yichao took a piece of tissue to wipe his mouth and drank some water.

"I'm sorry, my grandma made too much noodles at noon, so I ate a little too much. Actually, my name wasn't Xu Yichao before, but I changed it after that incident when I was a child. If I didn't change it, I would have died."

"I remember when I was six or seven, it was summer vacation and my parents were working in the south, so I lived with my grandparents in Xujiawan Village. There were many children in the village and most of them knew each other, so we often had fun together."

"That afternoon, the sky was overcast. At that time, the exhibition center had not yet been built opposite Xujiawan Village, and it was still farmland. My grandma and grandpa were afraid of rain, so they went to the fields with the villagers to harvest the wheat that was drying in the sun, and we kids played hide-and-seek in the village."

The screen shook, and Xu Yichao walked from the dining room to the living room, sat on the sofa, and took out an apple to eat.

"Kachi! Baji, Baji~ To be honest, I was spoiled by my grandparents at that time, so I was indeed a bit lawless and disobedient, a typical naughty child. Because I was very competitive, I wanted to hide in a place where no one could find me, and I ended up hiding in the 'Fushou Paper Shop' in the village."

Xu Yichao raised his eyebrows proudly and shook his head to show off, "See? I was so brave when I was a kid. In fact, I don't know what happened that day, but I walked there for some reason. I saw that there was no one in the shop, and there was a big villa that had just been built in the shop, so I went in."

"I sat inside and heard people outside searching and arresting people, but they couldn't find the paper-making shop. I thought to myself that I was sure to win, and I would make those kids call me big brother."

"Then, maybe because the weather was cool that day, I fell asleep in that big paper-made villa. When I woke up, guess what, shit!"

Xu Yichao paused, deliberately keeping the audience in suspense, and suddenly put his face close to the screen.

"As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a ghost face standing in front of me. I almost peed myself on the spot. Fortunately, I have been brave since I was a child. I looked carefully and found that it was a little girl squatting next to me. She was about the same age as me, and she was wearing a ghost mask that looked like a paper doll on her face."

Xu Yichao paused again, recalling some bad experience, his face became solemn and his tone became low.

"Before I could ask who the little girl was, she crawled out of the paper house. I followed her out and found that it was completely dark. The whole village was quiet, not even the barking of dogs. When I looked at the wreaths and paper figures in the paper shop, my hair stood on end."

"Then I didn't bother to look for that little girl and just ran home." Xu Yichao swallowed, his face becoming more and more uglier.

"It was a really strange day. The village was covered in fog. I ran towards home and couldn't see anyone on the road."

"My home is not far from the paper-making shop. I didn't go back, but I ran for a long time. As a result... huh... I ended up running to the door of the paper-making shop again!"

Xu Yichao took a sip of water. "I was really scared and cried at that time. I thought I was dead. Then I suddenly heard my grandma calling my name, and I ran in the direction of the voice."

"Not only was there a lot of fog on the road, but there was also a cold wind. It was so dark that I couldn't see the road. There were many men and women in the wind, imitating my grandma and calling my original name, one after another, which was creepy. Among them were the voices of my parents."

"I hadn't seen my parents for more than half a year at that time. I was young, and when I heard the voices, I wanted to turn back. But before I could turn back, bang!"

Xu Yichao suddenly slapped his thigh with such a loud sound that Sang Que's heart also trembled.

"A hand reached out from the fog and pressed directly on my head, without letting me turn around. Then I saw the temple keeper from our village walking out of the fog holding a white lantern. The light from the lantern dissipated the fog around us."

"The temple keeper told me that those were not my parents, and told me not to look back, because if I did, something terrible would happen and I would never be able to go home again. She told me to follow her, and repeatedly told me not to look back no matter what I heard..."

"Xu Yichao!!"

An angry female voice suddenly came out in the video, Xu Yichao jumped up with a scream, the picture shook, and the phone fell to the ground.

"You just sit there after dinner without even putting away the bowl. Have you finished your homework? You either play basketball or games all day. I can't count on you for anything. You're already an adult, but you don't even know how to help me..."

The video ended and Sang Que continued to look through the chat history below.

[Gu Jialun]: Damn it! That’s all. Xu Yichao, you damn eunuch, come out and finish your story.

【Lu Hongjie】: Xu Yichao comes out (getting angry)

[Hu Wei]: Xu Yichao comes out (gets angry) +1

【Zhang Chaobin】: Xu Yichao comes out (gets angry) +25
[Xu Yichao]: (grinning) I managed to coax my mom into submission, and nothing much happened afterwards.

[Xu Yichao]: I followed the temple keeper all the way, and I don’t remember clearly what happened in between. I just remember that I fainted and woke up, and stayed in the hospital for a long time. I was so happy during that time. I could get toys and delicious food as long as I hummed twice. My parents came back to take care of me.

【Gu Jialun】: After being discharged from hospital, I was happy to have a complete childhood (dog head)

[Xu Yichao]: (covering her face and crying)

[Hu Wei]: Xu Yichao, you are poisonous, I just followed suit and just bumped into the door, you are definitely poisonous (tears rushing)

【Xu Yichao】: (decline) (decline) (decline)

【Xu Yichao】:(Video)
Sang Que clicked on the video and saw Xu Yichao sitting in the bathroom.

"I actually forgot all about it until my grandfather passed away last year. When I was dealing with his belongings, I saw a piece of yellow paper with my birth date and name written on it. When I saw my original name on it, I slowly remembered it."

"Speaking of which, there is an episode here. I vaguely remember that when I was following the temple keeper, and almost reached my home, I felt someone pulling me."

“Then, I seemed to turn back!”

At this moment, half of a paper man's face flashed behind Xu Yichao in the video.

Sang Que's hands trembled and he almost dropped the phone.

"...I don't remember the details clearly. My memory goes black when I instinctively turned my head back. But something must have happened afterwards, forcing my grandfather to ask the temple keeper grandmother to change my name."

"It can be said that if there hadn't been grandma who was the temple keeper at that time, my brother would have died young and died there!"

Sang Que took the phone, pulled the progress bar, and rewound.

"...Then, I seemed to look back..."

The video freezes and the paper man’s face is still there!

Pale, rough, with two glaring red spots on her face, she is a little girl.

Sang Que's face was as gloomy as water. He quickly flipped through the chat records. Everyone was joking around until the next person started telling a story.

No one saw the half paper face that flashed behind Xu Yichao.

The sun was shining brightly outside the bus, but Sang Que felt a deep chill that gave her goose bumps all over her body.

She thought that after leaving Black Mountain Village and returning to the modern era, those strange things would be farther away from her and she could relax a little.

However, she didn't expect that there were dirty things not only in her house, but also on her classmates. Where in this world is safe?
(End of this chapter)

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