I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 297: Catering to His Favors

Chapter 297: Catering to His Favors (asking for monthly votes)
Sang Que was not sure she could memorize all the contents after "Peach Blossom Spring". The scroll was written in simplified Chinese, which made it convenient for her, but she was still worried about making mistakes in punctuation.

To ensure that everything went smoothly, Sang Que temporarily put away the scroll. She waited until late at night when everyone had gone to bed, then she returned to modern times and checked everything on her cell phone before writing.

At this time, there was a slight noise behind them, and everyone stopped and looked around.

I saw two figures falling from the sky and landing in front of everyone.

The one in front has red clothes and black hair, and the one in the back has white clothes and black hair. Their hair is loose, flying in the wind, covering most of their faces.

Most of the people present were experts, and they could tell at a glance that these two were zombies, and they were quite advanced jumping zombies!
Qiao Ling immediately protected Yao Zhen by his side, and Yu Da also dropped the barbecue and used his body to block Xia Chan and Xuan Yu.

When Liu Tianyou saw that the atmosphere was not right, he tensed his body and kept looking at Sangque, but Sangque remained indifferent.

"Don't be nervous." Yao Zhen said, "These two red and white ones are the night patrols of Mingyue Mountain. If you don't attack them actively, they won't hurt you."

As they spoke, Chigui in red and Salia in white jumped away one after the other and went to patrol other places.

Salia was the sorcerer killed by Sangque in the Nanyang Mountains. After being bitten by the red ghost, she soon turned into a jumping corpse.

White clothes are Yaozhen's bad taste. Seeing Chigui wearing red, she specially changed Salia into white clothes. The red and white colors collide well and look imposing.

Salia's physical strength and attack power are weaker than the Red Demon, but Salia has a special ability, which is the flying head technique. She can still peel the head and internal organs off the body, and bite whoever she catches. In no more than three breaths, she can suck all the blood out of a person.

Moreover, Feitou's flexibility is much higher than Chigui's. Feitou can dodge attacks from other people, while Chigui can only rely on his own body strength to withstand attacks.

The two have their own advantages and are the strongest red and white generals in Mingyue Mountain besides Sangque and Yaozhen.

"What on earth are you doing in Mingyue Mountain?" Qiao Ling couldn't help but ask.

There is no need for Sangque to speak, Yaozhen will explain it himself.

"As you can see, the mountains were originally filled with bandits who were forced into desperation by the imperial court's taxes and corvée labor. After Sang Mulan defeated them all, she led these bandits to open up wasteland and cultivate the land. Later, because of the ghost disaster in Wangshan City, Qinzhou, and the rebellions in various parts of Qinzhou, many Qinzhou people were displaced."

"Pu'an County wouldn't let these refugees enter the city, so they had nowhere to go. Sang Mulan and I took in a group of them. The canals along the river were dug for irrigation. We also plan to build a city in the hinterland of the mountains. Otherwise, the people will live too scattered, and it will always be unsafe at night."

Qiao Ling couldn't help but snort and laugh, "We're even using corpse jumping to patrol the night, and it's still not safe? How many people are there in your mountain now, nearly a thousand, right? With so many people, why don't you hand them over to the government to manage? If everyone is like you, then wouldn't the Xuan Dynasty be torn apart and the world be in chaos?"

Qiao Ling felt that Sang Que and Yao Zhen were not simply taking in refugees, they were openly defying the laws of the Xuan Dynasty and developing their own power here.

Qiao Ling knows that it is not easy for the lower class people to survive now, but for the whole world, we can’t just look at these, we must also look at the overall situation.

As long as the Xuan Dynasty is stable as a whole, there will be no chaos in the world, and at least most people will be able to survive.

But once someone rebels and a war breaks out, all lives will be lost, evil spirits will breed, and it will be more common people at the bottom who will suffer.

Yaozhen wanted to explain, but Sangque suddenly interrupted, "The female zombie in red was raised by Qu Tianhe, and she borrowed the power of the fish woman."

Yaozhen opened her eyes wide and looked at Sangque in bewilderment. She didn't know why she suddenly said this. She should quickly explain to Qiao Ling that they had no intention of rebelling. Otherwise, if Qiao Ling ran away, they would lose a talent. "What did you say?" Qiao Ling perked up.

Haruma: ???
Sang Que said slowly, "Qu Tianhe from the ghost troupe once pretended to be Jiuge Lingyi and raised corpses with the help of bandits in Ziyun Mountain in Qinzhou. That time, He Buning and I teamed up to capture the female zombie in red, allowing Qu Tianhe to escape."

"The red-clothed female zombie was later imprisoned in the Evil Ghost Department. Because of the ghost disaster in Wangshan City, the red-clothed female zombie escaped again and fell into my hands again. Anyone bitten by the red-clothed female zombie will be transformed into a white-haired zombie in just a moment."

"I have also participated in the affairs of Yufu Village. Let's consider this power as a kind of poison. The speed of its effect is amazing, but poison can sometimes be used to treat diseases. If the medicine that saves lives can take effect as quickly as this poison, perhaps there will be no more plague in the world."

Sang Que's words made Qiao Ling's eyes light up. The last time He Bu Ning and the others captured Qu Tianhe, Qiao Ling had borrowed Qu Tianhe for a few days just because he wanted to learn about his research results from Qu Tianhe.

The ghost troupe used these to create a zombie army, but Qiao Ling wanted to use them to create a medicine that would take effect quickly and spread quickly. If there was a plague somewhere in the future, they could use this power to make the plague disappear quickly and prevent the attraction of plague ghosts.

Qiao Ling's eyes moved, and he suddenly said angrily, "What you are doing is simply too dangerous! Can we let this kind of zombie run around outside? I want to stay and watch this zombie, and also watch you, to prevent you from making mistakes and regretting it."

Yaozhen was stunned. She had tried her best to persuade Qiao Ling but he refused to agree to stay. Sang Que hooked Qiao Ling with just a few words. How amazing!
Sang Que smiled but said nothing. Some things didn't need to be explained. There was no point in saying more. Just do it and let Qiao Ling see it. If she agreed, she would change her mind.

If you don't agree, then it means you are not on the same path as each other. It is better for everyone to go separate ways, and there is no point in forcing someone to stay.

Yaozhen and Qiao Ling continued to chat with their shoulders hooked. Xia Chan and Xuanyu didn't miss her very much either. They were both staring at Yu Da roasting the lamb.

Liu Tianyou was quietly roasting the fire while Sang Que was watching silently beside him. From now on, all affairs of Mingyue Mountain could be handed over to Liu Tianyou. As scholars, they were learning how to govern the world.

Then, next, she could put the matter of artificially creating hidden people on the agenda, and then form a team of people. She would train them personally to ensure that Mingyue Mountain would be able to fight when foreign enemies invaded.

After a lot of noise and commotion for most of the night, it was almost midnight when the two sheep were eaten by everyone. Yu Da and Xia Chan ate one and a half.

They almost got into a fight over a leg of lamb, and he dragged Sang Que into the fight to settle the dispute.

The remaining half was shared by the others, and after eating and drinking, everyone stayed in the nearby village of Xipo and discussed what they would do next after daybreak.

After everyone fell asleep, Sang Que got on the sedan chair, took the painting, and quietly left Mingyue Mountain.

After traveling for dozens of miles, he visited several villages close to Mingyue Mountain and helped these villages deal with the evil spirits that were lurking in the surrounding areas, especially the corpse-mud spirits in their farmland.

This evil spirit hides in the mud. If someone gets close and accidentally steps on it, they will be immediately swallowed up like falling into quicksand and turned into corpse mud.

Sangque spread out the ghost domain and went back from the ghost domain.

When she came from the modern world, she came from the warehouse rented by her mother. Now she returned to the warehouse, picked up her mobile phone, left the warehouse and went to the mountains, hiding under the cover of rocks before turning on her mobile phone again.

A new text message came in, and her mother sent her a message to let her know that she was safe and everything was fine.

After finding the original text of "Peach Blossom Spring", Sang Que copied it down and returned to the Gui Dynasty again. He maintained the ghost domain, spread out the painting again, burned the tip of the wooden stick black, and began to write word by word.

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