I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 309: The Strange Peddler's Request

Chapter 309: The Strange Peddler's Request (asking for monthly ticket)

Yesterday I saw you guys making fun of the title 'Sang Jun', I couldn't hold it anymore, now she is called 'Xuan Nu', the Xuan Nu of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, hum~
Returning to the backyard of Qingfeng Temple from the modern era, Sang Que sighed heavily.

In Mingyue Mountain, she led more than 3,000 people. Everyone who saw her would respectfully call her "Boss".
Also, ever since the temporary cofferdam suddenly burst last month and a water ghost appeared, she single-handedly turned the tide and forced the huge water ghost back into the river, and the people have become even more reverent in their awe of her.

With a little guidance, she got the title of the Mountain Goddess of Mingyue Mountain, Lady Xuannv.

As a result, after a week of classes at school, I was constantly being told, "Sangque, stand up and listen to the class!"

She dozed off several times and almost shouted out "outrageous".

The gap is too big!

This cannot be blamed on her. It is really too expensive to go to Mingyue Mountain. It all depends on Zhang Junyao alone, and many things cannot be supplied. She can only find a way from modern times.

For example, they fired bricks in brick kilns in the mountains, but in order to build the walls of Bagua City and Chaotian Pass solidly, they still needed something like cement.

So, Sang Que directly brought cement. She even put on a show for it and held a ceremony to worship the goddess Xuannv of Mingyue Mountain, and received a gift from Xuannv - cement!
She has already embarked on the path of becoming a charlatan and there is no turning back!
This is not the point. The point is that it is not appropriate to always spend my mother's money in modern times. My mother now devotes all her energy to writing novels about her. Other projects have been stopped and she has been living off her savings.

So in order to make money, she went out every night to do justice, smashed some criminal gangs, and used the money to buy cement.

Normally, she wouldn't feel sleepy if she didn't sleep for one or two nights, but in the class environment... there was nothing she could do!

Apart from this small problem, my mother is fine, the little ghosts at home are doing their job conscientiously, the story-telling group has been quiet for some time, and there are very few cases committed by them across the country.

Wu Cheng never contacted his mother afterwards. During the week at home, Sang Que also kept an eye out for strangers around. So far, it seems that no family members have come to the door, and the research institute is also very quiet.

Now that everything is stable, she took another leave and returned to Mingyue Mountain to continue her career as a sorcerer.

As soon as Sang Que came out of the woodshed in the backyard of the Taoist temple, Yin Tong, who had been waiting there, appeared beside her and wanted to go back to rest.

During the time that Sang Que was away, Yin Tong had been staying in the Taoist temple, acting as a 'security guard'. He took in those who came sincerely to seek refuge and a way to survive, but those with ulterior motives could not escape Yin Tong's eyes.

Sang Que took Yin Tong back and was about to return to the mountain when a wisp of black smoke suddenly emerged from the ground in front of her, and the five copper coins hanging on her waist also jumped.

Soon, the black smoke turned into a child ghost wearing a big-headed doll mask, holding a candied haws in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, and handed them to Sangque.

Sang Que took it. The child ghost didn't leave, but looked up at her.

It was the ghost peddler. He had decided what to exchange the "mole". He wanted three hundred weapons from soldiers who died on the battlefield, and he required that they must be the bloodstained weapons that were still in their hands when they died.

Sang Que thought about it carefully. The situation in Qinzhou was very complicated now, but everything was on track in Mingyue Mountain.

In terms of internal affairs, Liu Tianyou is worth twenty people, while Yu Da is an all-rounder and can move wherever he is needed. He also doesn't like to go out and prefers to stay in one place.

Yaozhen is in charge of external affairs. The number of zombies in the mountains has exceeded five hundred, three hundred of which have been transformed into mud zombies by her. Wanhe has learned a lot of tricks of controlling corpses from Yaozhen, and can manage a corpse farm by herself.

There are also 200 normal guards, led by Luo Danian, Luo Dayong, Miao Zhongtian and Pei Li, who are on duty at Chaotian Pass.

She copied the contents of the militia training manual to the four of them and asked them to study and implement them. There was also Hong Xuan in the mountain, who was a bit cunning and very interested in military tactics. It was no problem for him to act as a military advisor for the time being.

Judging from the current situation, it doesn’t matter whether she is in the mountain or not.

Moreover, Qiao Ling had mentioned to her a while ago that she wanted to leave and go to the war area in Qinzhou to rescue the wounded, which was her duty.

Under Qiao Ling's care, Xia Chan has entered the fourth stage smoothly and steadily. There was no inevitable death as Sang Que thought, nor was there a huge scene. But one night, Xia Chan's hair grew wildly and filled the entire village.

Xia Chan was kind by nature and did not harm anyone in the village, nor did he hurt the cattle or sheep. After waking up, he just tucked his hair in and had a big meal.

Sang Que was also very curious about the situation in Qinzhou. She wanted to know how the army of the Gui Dynasty fought. It was definitely not the conventional kind of fighting. If she saw it early, she could also absorb combat experience.

Sang Que also didn't know what was happening with He Bu Ning now. She had been trying to find out the whereabouts of Yin Tong's tongue recently, but to no avail. If she could find He Bu Ning, it might be easier. After comprehensive consideration, it would be better to go there.

"I accept this condition. Prepare it within three months. Is that ok?"

The child ghost nodded, turned into a puff of black smoke, and disappeared deep into the ground.

The Taoist temple was quiet. Sang Que was thinking about something while walking into the mountain. When he reached the woods, he suddenly heard some strange noises.

Sang Que approached quietly and found more than a dozen people in the woods ahead, all wearing black clothes and masks, with palm-sized Bagua mirrors and two water bags hanging on their waists, holding long swords full of murderous aura, and walking quickly towards the death zone outside Chaotian Pass.

"Brothers, we just need to find out what is behind this dead zone, and remember not to alert the enemy."

"Now check the exorcism talismans, cinnabar, glutinous rice, and black dog blood on your body. You must withdraw before all ten exorcism talismans are used up."

"There are fixed rules in the dead zone. Pay attention and observe. If you can master the rules of the dead zone, you can come and go freely."

"Is everything alright?"

"set off!"

The group stepped into the foggy dead zone and soon disappeared from Sang Que's sight. Sang Que raised his eyebrows slightly and followed the group silently.

There was no grass growing in the gorge, and the ground was covered with rubble. As soon as the group of people stepped into it, a cold wind suddenly arose, blowing up sand all over the sky. The talismans they had stuck on their bodies immediately burned up.

Several people held a knife in one hand and a Bagua mirror in the other.

If there is a dark shadow around you, immediately use the Bagua mirror to shine over it, and the dark shadow will disappear in the mirror light. However, this can only deal with wandering souls in the dead zone.

They were well-trained, did not make loud noises, and moved forward slowly and carefully, just following the two major rules of the Dead Zone. If it were daytime, they would really have a chance to reach Chaotian Pass.

But it was night, and there was something else in the dead realm.

A ball of wet mud suddenly fell from above and hit the person at the end of the team. The amulet on his body immediately caught fire and turned into ashes in an instant.

Before he could light the second one, a dark shadow fell from above his head.

Hearing the muffled groan, the people in front immediately turned their heads. In the darkness, they could only see a mass of surging black mud on the ground, and an Bagua mirror fell next to the black mud.

"That's... the corpse mud ghost. How could it appear here?"

At this moment, a large amount of black corpse mud suddenly gushed out from the surrounding cliffs. Several people retreated to one place in horror and watched the corpse mud gather on the ground. One by one, people covered in mud stood up from it.

"What the hell is this? A zombie?"

Several people were shocked. The corpse mud zombie roared and rushed forward. Several people waved their knives to resist.

No matter how they chopped the corpse mud zombies, they could recover quickly. Several people decisively took out glutinous rice, cinnabar, black dog blood and other things and threw them at the zombies.

But the zombies were extremely agile, and each time they were able to dodge the things they threw out by breaking their bodies into pieces and then attack them from behind again.

Seeing this situation, the leader shouted in panic, "Retreat, quickly..."

Before he could utter the last word, a red string appeared out of nowhere around his neck and instantly strangled him and hung him in the air. Countless red strings swarmed towards him.

Others who fled in panic also violated the rule that one cannot sprint in the dead zone, triggering the red line. In the blink of an eye, they were all tied up and swarmed over by the mud zombies.

In the gorge, there were gusts of cold wind, and then things returned to calm.

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