I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 329 Worship the God of Joy

Chapter 329 Worship the God of Joy (asking for monthly ticket)
Du Enfu felt dizzy and suddenly remembered that every time meat was distributed in the Temple of the God of Joy, it was on the day after the statue of the God of Joy wept blood.

Because the statue of the God of Joy was weeping blood, anyone who knelt down to worship him at that time had to commit suicide immediately, otherwise the entire family would be killed by him.

So they eat...

Du Enfu couldn't bear it any longer, so he covered his mouth and stumbled outside, vomiting violently.

Sang Que sighed. Even if there was still real food in Tangyuan County, it would probably only be given to those who could fight. The only value of these old and useless people was to live in fear in the city and continue to provide the power of fear to the God of Joy.

Human sacrifice, Sangque thought of this word again.

After Du Enfu vomited, he took a break and stumbled back into the house. Xia Chan immediately took out the dried meat and biscuits that she had left for him from her bag.

"Grandpa Village Chief, eat this. These are all brought by Xiaochan himself."

Du Enfu felt sick when he saw meat now. He waved his hand and said, "No need. I can't eat anything now."

Sang Que picked up the rice bag and the piece of meat on the table with the handle of the knife and threw them aside. "If you want to leave here, I can send you out of the city first. You can go to Dongyang County. He Baosheng and his family and Shou Hou are all there."

Du Enfu smiled bitterly, "It's not that easy to leave. The city gate is indeed open, but I have been standing in front of the sign at the city gate, and I have seen people trying to leave. Where do you think those bodies at the city gate came from?"

Sang Que thought about it and realized that there was indeed a pile of corpses at the city gate.

Du Enfu said, "The longer you stay here, the harder it will be to leave. You two should leave as soon as possible. If you leave too late, you won't be able to leave."

"Do you know how many guards are left in the city now?" Sang Que asked directly.

Du Enfu stared at Sang Que for a long while, and roughly guessed what she was here for. "Yesterday there were human guards patrolling the streets, but today all the guards in the city seem to have disappeared. However, in addition to these living guards, there are also infant spirits patrolling the city at night. During the day, those infant spirits seem to be in the abandoned house on West Street mentioned in the city regulations."

Sangque looked at the sky outside through the window. The sky here was always gloomy and dark. How could there be daytime?

"How do you tell time in the city?"

The city regulations mention time, so there must be something in the city to determine the time.

Du Enfu said, "There is a drum at the gate of the county government office. The first sound is the midnight hour, the second sound is the octane hour, and so on. The rest we have to guess on our own."

Sang Que nodded, "Have you ever seen the true form of the God of Joy? What does it look like when the God of Joy takes your life? Does he die immediately without any warning, or does another evil ghost do it for you?"

"There is only one statue of the God of Joy in the city, and it is in the original Prime Minister's Temple next to the county government office. Every time the God of Joy comes to claim lives, you can hear babies crying. It should be those infant spirits who are guarding."

Sang Que lowered her eyes and thought. The letter her biological mother left for her mentioned that gods such as Wu Niangniang, Daojun, and Shou Buddha were like banks. People had to deposit incense and offerings into the banks first, and then those in need could apply to the bank to withdraw the money.

Then the same should be true for the God of Joy. As a god, no matter how powerful he is, he does not have the ability to actively attack others. His believers need to pray to him to obtain his power before they can attack others.

After figuring this out, Sang Que felt a little relieved. As long as he dealt with the people who controlled the infant spirits in the city, as well as the puppet masters who might be hiding in the dark, he should be able to solve the problems in the city.

"Is the man in black robe in the second city rule a living person or an evil ghost? What about the ninth city rule?" Sang Que continued to ask.

Du Enfu said, "Last month, I saw a man in black robes holding a pen and writing on the blank space of the ninth city rule on the notice board. Because of the second city rule, I didn't dare to look up. I kept kneeling on the ground and praying for the blessing of the God of Joy. When the man in black robes finished writing, he disappeared. Only a black robe fell to the ground, and the pen was still hanging in the air, and then slowly disappeared."

"What did the black robed man write?"

"I don't know. When I stood up, there was still a blank space behind the word 9. I can't really say it was blank, but the words above had disappeared and were not clearly visible."

Sang Que asked, "While the black-robed man was writing, did you feel any changes in the city?"

"It seems... nothing has changed."

Sang Que pondered, either Article 9 of the city regulations took effect as soon as it was written, and it was a one-time thing, or it was hidden and still exists until now.

"Where did the black-robed man come from?"

"In the county government office, I was also very curious that day, so I went to ask a few people, and someone saw the black-robed man coming out of the county government office with his own eyes."

In other words, there may be a pen in the county government that can write urban plans, which is also a very important point.

At this time, there was a dull and powerful drumbeat outside, with equal intervals between the drumbeats, a total of seven times. "It's noon. The black-robed man appeared just after noon last time." Du Enfu said.

Noon time is from 11:13 to :.

Sang Que pondered for a moment and had a rough plan in mind. She took out a pen and paper and asked Du Enfu to help her draw a simple topographic map of the city, mainly marking the locations of the county government office, the Temple of Joy and the abandoned house in the west of the city.

Afterwards, Sang Que asked Du Enfu to stay at home and not go out no matter what happened outside.

Mulberry sparrow and summer cicada left Du Enfu's residence, wearing straw hats and walking normally on the street. Passers-by were used to walking with their heads down, so when they saw the Mulberry sparrow and summer cicada, they just glanced at them quickly and lowered their heads to avoid them, not daring to make contact with them, for fear that the Mulberry sparrow and summer cicada were some strange creatures that could kill people.

"Sister, where are we going?"

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Go and worship the God of Happiness."

After many twists and turns and even encountering an invisible person on the road, Sangque and Xiachan finally found the county government office and the Temple of the God of Joy.

The vermilion gate of the county government office was rotten and the paint was peeling. Next to it stood a big drum. Next to the drum stood a zombie-like figure with lifeless eyes and a drumstick in his hand. He must be the one responsible for beating the drum and informing everyone of the time.

Sangque could tell at a glance that it was a corpse slave, belonging to some ghost walker.

Next to the county government office is the Temple of the God of Joy. There is a queue in front of the temple. They are all city dwellers who come to worship the God of Joy. They are all like Du Enfu, with sallow complexions, unsteady steps, and occasional twitching hands and feet.

From where Sangque was standing, he couldn't see the entire statue inside. He could only see that it was a statue of a deity wearing patched colorful clothes, with fat wrinkles all over its body, and a body shape a bit like that of Maitreya Buddha.

Everyone who goes in kneels down and kowtows three times, recites a few words of "May the God of Happiness bless you", and when they come out they take a bag of rice from the table next to them. The process is very simple.

But they were all very nervous, fearing that the statue of the God of Joy would cry blood when they kowtowed, so at this moment, their fear was the strongest.

Sangque said a few words in Xiachan's ear, and Xiachan nodded. Sangque lowered his hat and walked to the Temple of the God of Joy opposite.

There are not many people in the queue anymore, and it will be Sangque's turn to go in soon.

Just as Sang Que stepped over the threshold of the Temple of the God of Joy, he heard a loud cracking sound. The huge statue of the God of Joy suddenly split open a gash on the face. A large amount of bright red blood gushed out from the crack, instantly dyeing the entire face of the God of Joy bloody.

The aura of the ghost in Sangque caused conflict and confrontation with the statue of the god of joy.

As the statue of the God of Joy cracked, Sangque also felt a heavy pressure.

Seeing this, the people who were still around the temple started shouting in fear, "You have angered the God of Joy. Commit suicide now and beg for forgiveness!"

"it is good!"

Sang Que drew his knife and cut his arm, then waved his hand and splashed his blood onto the statue of the God of Joy.

Before she left, she copied He Buning's Yin Fire, and the blood instantly ignited into green flames. When it touched the blood flowing out of the statue of the God of Joy, it was like meeting kerosene.

With a loud bang, the entire statue of the God of Joy, along with the roof of the Temple of Joy, were engulfed by green Yin fire.

Beating around the bush doesn't suit Sang Que, so she chooses to go close to the opponent's face!
In front of the county government office, Xia Chan stepped on the corpse slave's back, and with her hair curled up into two big drumsticks, she beat the drum hard.

As soon as the drum sounded, all the people in the city ran into nearby buildings in panic according to the city rules.

Sang Que walked out of the Temple of Joy, which was ablaze with green flames, took off her hat, took out the Night Walker mask that He Buning had specially asked her to wear from her bag, and slowly put it on her face.

"Sang Mulan, the Night Patrol Officer of the Suppression of Evils Department, is here. You, the mob of ghost troupes, why don't you come out and die quickly!"

Sang Mulan's name and the story of her controlling the Yin boy had already spread throughout Qinzhou.

When the people heard that it was her and looked at the mask of the Evil Suppression Bureau, their fear of the God of Joy suddenly diminished a lot, and they all looked at Sang Que with hope.

The fact that she dared to charge in alone meant that the Evil Suppression Division and Qinzhou troops were nearby.

See you tomorrow~

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