I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 33: Sangque Diary

Chapter 33: Sangque Diary
[August 8, Thursday, sunny, on the plane to Mount Dayue]

I decided to start writing a diary in case I encounter the same strange thing as Liu Jia Sanlang.

I will use a normal pen to write these days. I have already ordered cinnabar ink online.

After returning from Xujiawan Village yesterday, I told my mother everything that happened and what Grandma Xu Shufen said.

My mother suddenly asked me if I had ever thought about reporting the matter of the evil-averting money to the state. Actually, I had thought about it, but not now.

I need to figure out some things first so that I can have the power to protect myself and the negotiating power when facing both the weird world and the modern world before I make this matter public.

I don't want to be someone else's meat on the chopping board, I don't want to be a test subject, and I don't want my mother to become a bargaining chip for others to blackmail me.

My mother expressed respect for my ideas and said that she would support me no matter what decision I made. I knew that what she said was against her will, and she was still very worried about my safety.

So for her, I bought a plane ticket and decided to go to Dayue Mountain, the holy land of Chinese Taoism, to pay homage to Zhenwu Emperor and other righteous gods.

Zaozi has already sent the video out. After a few days of fermentation, I will go to Jiuyou to see if the heart lamp has been strengthened. If this method is effective, it will solve my urgent problem.

But if I want to shoot videos and become an internet celebrity in the future, it will waste my time practicing martial arts. I am worried~
[August 8, Friday, sunny, on the plane back home]

After worshipping the Great Emperor Zhenwu, he even "asked" for an excellent fortune.

What’s funny is that when I was kneeling down and praying sincerely, a young Taoist priest who was sweeping the floor next to me muttered, “Why are you praying? If something happens, you will be the one to be blamed. How can you believe this at such a young age?”

What’s even funnier is that when I was drawing the fortune sticks, the first one that came out was not so good, and I was shocked.

The Taoist priest who interpreted the fortune took a look at me, took the fortune stick from my hand and broke it, then drew a very good fortune stick for me and put it on the table, saying that he would change my fate.

I didn't even say what I wanted to ask, but the Taoist priest said that the position of the desk in my bedroom was wrong and the color of the curtains was not right either, which would affect my fortune in literature.

After I go back, I will change the direction of my desk and replace the curtains with pink and translucent ones. I will go to the park every morning and evening to take in the purple energy of the rising sun and the golden light of the setting sun, which will help me to open my mind.

Maybe nowadays high school students study too much and become depressed, so the Taoist priest wanted to comfort me. The subtext of his words was nothing more than that it was not my fault if I did not study well, and he told me to be at ease, get more sun, go out for activities in the morning and evening, and relax.

After chatting with the Taoist priests, I felt that their mental state was really good. On the way here, I occasionally saw a few dirty things, but the mountain was very clean, there were no ghosts or gods.

Although it didn't solve my problem, this place is really good. It would be great if I could get into a Taoist college in the future.

There is something I need to remember.

I stayed in a hotel last night, and fell asleep in a daze because I was too tired from climbing the mountain. When I woke up this morning, I found that my phone was still playing the video, the video of the dismemberment case!

But I have no idea when I opened my phone to look for this kind of video.

The 'Kun Gua' in the mark of the evil-averting coin is fading. Could it be that Yin Tong's power has increased after his hand was severed, and the evil-averting coin can no longer suppress him?

Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them!
(messy blood words)
[August 8, Saturday, at home in the early morning]

I was possessed, there were wounds on my arms, blood was everywhere in the room, and the diary was filled with traditional Chinese blood characters.

Fortunately, I was careful and locked the door before going to bed at night.

The power of Yin Tong Guichou is indeed increasing, and I can clearly feel that my desire to dismember the corpse is becoming stronger.


I slept less than three hours last night and went for a comprehensive physical examination this morning, but the results are not out yet.

My mother is still worried that the evil spirit possession and time travel will cause damage to my body. I promised her that I would not act rashly for the time being and would wait until the results of the video's accumulated fans came out before deciding on the next course of action.

In the afternoon, Zaozi came to my house to send the dog off. She was shocked to see that I had become darker and had newly cut bangs. She said that she still liked my fair skin and the refreshing look of my forehead being exposed. She insisted on taking me to have a bath, trying to save my deliberately tanned skin.

Although Zaozi is noisy all the time, she is very reliable. Since she couldn't find the five black dogs in Yucheng, she went to other places to look for them.

The backs of the two five-black dog pups were rusty red in the sun. They were the top-quality five-black dogs that only the royal family in the strange world could raise.

This kind of five-black dog has strong yang energy and can scare away dirty things.

Zaozi even named the two dogs. The one given to me was called "General" and the one she kept was called "Prince".

Whenever I say these two names, I always feel like a maid.

Zaozi also made the two male dogs love each other. She must have read some poisonous online novels recently.

Afterwards, I chatted with Zaozi in a deserted place in the park, based on the two rules of encountering ghosts that I have discovered so far: believing and seeing.

I didn't tell Zaozi the truth because I didn't want to drag her into this weird world.

I told her that I had gone to the mountains to chase Qin Kairong those days, hoping to catch him with my own hands, but ended up making things worse and forced Qin Kairong into a corner, so he ran to my house.

Zaozi didn't believe it, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, everyone has secrets. After returning home, I found that my mother liked Little General very much. She had been worried for the past two days and didn't smile much. When Little General fell on her and she fell, she finally smiled.

My mother is a little strange. She didn’t like going out before, but now she asks Sister Zhang to go out with her during the day. I don’t know where she goes. When she comes back at night, she studies the things I brought back in the study.

Seeing my mother like this, I really don’t know how to tell her that I don’t want to exorcise the ghost child and may need to go to the weird world.

After much thought, I think the third method is the easiest. It does not require me to manage short videos or spend time hunting down evil spirits. I cannot guarantee that I can escape unscathed every time I face evil spirits.

By the way, I also found a strange map in Yan Daozi’s books today. The base map is a topographic map of Heishan Village, with some points marked in red on it. I can’t understand what they are for, but I just feel that it is very bad.

As for Mai Sui, Yan Daozi had actually recorded several solutions in his notes, which were not difficult at all.

The root cause is the straw man I saw the night before. All I have to do is use a ghost soldier talisman and shoot an arrow at it to kill the straw man. Unfortunately, Yan Daozi couldn't bear to part with his ghost soldier talisman and kept delaying.

From the letters Yan Daozi wrote to others, we can see that his purpose of going to Heishan Village to find the temple keeper's daughter was secondary.

He also had other things to complete in Heishan Village, which were scheduled for the Ghost Festival, so there were only 8 days left.

Yan Daozi was called away by Shou Hou that day. It must have been Kou Yushan's idea. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have come back so smoothly...

Ah! So annoying!
I have the urge to destroy something like crazy, so I'll go run five kilometers and then play wooden dummy for half an hour to vent my feelings!
[August 8, Sunday, sunny]

It’s been three days since Zaozi posted the video, and his followers increased by over 5,000. Last night, he entered the Netherworld, and his heart lamp did become stronger, but something was not right.

In Heishan Village, after solving the problem of He Shouan's soul summoning, he received thanks from the He family, and the light of the heart lamp formed an inner flame.

The fans brought by the videos in the past three days have added a layer of outer flame to the heart lamp, and it is very unstable. Once the cold wind in the Nine Netherworld blows, the outer flame will turn into sparks and fly away.

Perhaps these fans' liking is shallow and does not reach the level of true love, admiration, and gratitude.

Fortunately, the number is large, which does have a certain suppressive effect on Guichou.

I have read Yan Daozi's books carefully. The power of a devout believer's wish can reach the first level of the Nine Netherworlds. As long as the believer remains devout, the power of his wish can continue to light the lamp in his heart.

The He family's gratitude and admiration for me can barely be considered as devout believers. I observe the heart lamp with my mind and can sense the amount of vows in the heart lamp.

Currently it is 15. In addition to the He family, are there other villagers? Because I fought Yan Daozi that day, did they admire me?

It takes about a hundred ordinary fans to equal the power of a devout believer, and the power of these ordinary fans is particularly easy to dissipate, which requires me to continue posting videos to attract them.

So now, roughly speaking, my Heart Lamp Power value is around 65, which is equivalent to the 56th level of the second layer of Jiuyou. Guichou is at the 96th level of the second layer. After she got back her broken hand, she had one more level.

I still have the video in stock, and I'll post another one later, but it's too much trouble and a waste of time to wait until the stock runs out before shooting a new one.

Being an internet celebrity is not easy at all, and I can’t think of any way that would allow me to accumulate fans without having to show up in public.

Even if you are a writer like my mom, you also have to go to different places for signings and live broadcasts to promote your works.

Tonight I decided to communicate with Guichou again to see if I could understand some of her experiences through dreams or something.

Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!
Who are they?

Where are the Taoist priests...monks...officers...?

Give it back to me...give it back to me...

Give me the eyes!!!

[August 8, Monday, early morning]

Fortunately, I woke up in time and tried to communicate with Guichou using my diary. As a result, my eyes were almost pierced by my own pen. It was really a close call.

The gradual strengthening of my heart lamp made Guichou's resentment stronger and stronger, and she was struggling.

For a moment, I felt that I had to dig out a pair of living people's eyes and give them to her in order to appease her resentment.

Is this also how Master Mingzhang felt when he was attacked by the evil spirit?
I should first find some more exciting dismemberment videos to watch, to ease this desire a little. Does this count as eating broadcast in the ghost world?

Fans fans, please give me more fans!

Why can others become famous overnight and gain millions of fans by posting short videos, but I can’t?

Half of the remaining Kun hexagram of the talisman money has disappeared. After thinking it over carefully, I decided that I couldn't wait any longer.

At dawn I went to Xujiawan Village and used the ghost soldier talisman to hunt down some evil spirits and strengthen the power of the talisman money.

We cannot rely solely on the accumulation of fans, we must take a two-pronged approach.

I feel dizzy. I've been tense these days and feel extremely tired. I'm going to sleep for a while. I hope Guichou won't cause any more trouble.

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