I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 355: Mass Grave

Chapter 355: Mass Grave (asking for monthly ticket)
Sang Que and Yin Tong worked together for a whole night and almost wiped out all the evil spirits in Dongyang County.

Under the burning of the Yin Fire, the evil fog in the city also became thinner.

Sang Que also spread out the ghost domain, released Yin Tong and the puppeteer Chu Mowei in the painting, and asked Chu Mowei to move all the corpses around the county government office to a farther place, and transport those suitable for corpse raising into the painting.

During this period, Sang Que asked his five ghosts to deliver a letter to Yao Zhen, explaining her own situation and asking whether Mingyue Mountain needed her to go back immediately.

If they could hold on, Sang Que still wanted to find Qiu Wanjun first and find a way to get Yin Tong's tongue.

She is now only one step away from reaching the fifth level of Jiuyou. The problem of incense can be solved with the help of the research institute. She has already made plans for this.

After daybreak, Sang Que stored the bodies of five hundred young and middle-aged men in the painting, most of whom were the defenders who originally guarded Dongyang County.

Back at the tavern, Sang Que said to He Baosheng and the others, "I have almost cleared the evil spirits in the city. The situation outside is unclear. You'd better stay here for a while. Take the statue with you and live in the county government office. The county government office is stronger and safer than other houses. Also, there must be a lot of food and other supplies in the city. Make sure you collect them during the day."

He Baosheng and the others didn't know why Sang Que helped them, but they had an inexplicable trust in Sang Que.

"If you have the energy, burn all the bodies in the city. Guard the statues at night and don't run around. The statues you worship are spiritual and will protect you. I have to go outside and take a look. Once I figure out the situation, I may come back here."

Sang Que didn't say much and left decisively.

He Baosheng and the others chased after Sang Que and watched her disappear at the end of the street.

Skinny Monkey couldn't help but ask, "Do you think she looks like Mulan?"

He Baosheng nodded, "But Mulan has already..."

The two men sighed heavily, took their families back to the tavern to pack up their things, and prepared to move to the county government office temporarily.


There was still thick fog outside Dongyang County. The gray mist made it difficult for the mulberry birds to distinguish directions, and it really had the effect of a ghost wall.

With the help of teleportation, Sangque moved forward in the fog for more than ten minutes, and finally returned to the city gate.

During this period, she also saw what He Baosheng said, that the group of people who left Dongyang County together died in the woods outside the city. They were hanged under a tree with ropes and died with their eyes open.

Just when Sang Que was at a loss and didn't know what to do, the five ghosts she sent to deliver the letter came back.

Yaozhen explained in the letter that Yueshan was only slightly affected by Qinzhou and suffered some minor damages, which they could handle.

Yaozhen also reminded Sangque in the letter that she felt the situation in Qinzhou was complicated and asked Sangque not to act rashly.

I'm glad Mingyue Mountain is okay. Sangque looked at his five ghosts and suddenly thought of whether he could use the sedan chair to travel.

Before, the ghost sedan chair could only be used at night, but now there is evil fog all around, which is a very suitable environment for evil ghosts to survive.

After trying it, it really works. Moreover, the ghost sedan has a red umbrella ghost leading the way in front, so it will not get lost in the evil fog.

Sang Que sat in the bridal sedan, using Dongyang County as a reference to determine the direction of the Jingzhou reinforcements, crossing mountains and ridges.

There was no sound in the entire wilderness, only the ubiquitous fog and the occasional corpse lying on the roadside in various tragic conditions.

In any village or town that the bird passed through, there was no sign of living people; not even the crowing of chickens or barking of dogs could be heard.

After traveling for half a day, Sang Que felt that the closer he got to the southwest, the thicker the evil fog became. He even felt that it was turning into a ghost realm. It was possible that the center of the ghost realm was the source of the Qinzhou incident. Sang Que was a little nervous and slowed down his pace a little bit, testing the boundaries of the ghost realm bit by bit to prevent himself from falling into it and being unable to escape.


At that time, in the central part of Qinzhou, thirty miles outside Jianshui City.

Qi Feng and Deng Shi, two fourth-level ghost walkers, led the remaining fifty soldiers and generals through a strange mass grave.

Both of them were subordinates of Qiu Wanjun. They originally worked in the Jingzhou Zhenxie Division. This time they were sent to Qinzhou, hoping to make achievements and get a job that would provide them with retirement benefits.

A strange rain the night before made them lose their way in the strange fog. They could not find the whereabouts of Qiu Wanjun and the Jingzhou army, and accidentally entered this mass grave.

The sky was hazy and foggy, and the wild grass was swaying wildly in the wind. My peripheral vision suddenly swept over, and it seemed as if arms were coming out from the ground, trying to grab passers-by and use them as scapegoats.

The surrounding graves were scattered in disorder, and some were just shallow earth pits with corpses half-exposed and maggots wriggling in the rotten flesh, emitting a suffocating stench.

Tattered white paper banners fluttered in the wind, and there were coffins scattered about with their lids half open.

"Help—help me—"

Cries for help and the sound of nails scratching the coffin lids were heard from the coffins, which made Qi Feng and the soldiers behind Deng Shi all look terrified and dared not approach the coffins.

They originally had a hundred people, but now only half are left because those coffins are human-eating and would suddenly capture passers-by.

Qi Feng and Deng Shi tried to rescue him, but they were almost caught in the coffin. After that, they could only tell others not to get close to the coffin.

The group walked all night but still could not get out of the mass grave. They kept wandering around it. There was no sign of dawn here, and the talismans and ghost-exorcising items they brought with them had long been used up.

At this moment, the only two ghost walkers who can still fight against the ghosts are Qi Feng and Deng Shi.

However, the way they control evil spirits is to "treat them with courtesy". Using the power of evil spirits requires double the price, and they will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I still have half of the red candle to exorcise ghosts. Whether I can get out depends on this time."

The atmosphere around him became more and more weird. Qi Feng took out the red candle that he used to drive away ghosts to save his life, gritted his teeth and lit it.

The candlelight lit up and was consumed at a very fast speed. Qi Feng walked in front, holding the candle and scanning the surroundings in a panic. The evil fog was forced to disperse by the candle light, and a fork in the road that had not existed before appeared in front of everyone.

"This way!"

Qi Feng's eyes lit up, and he led the others to quickly walk onto the fork in the road. However, before everyone could catch up, the candle light suddenly went out. Everyone looked behind them and saw fog enveloping them. The people who had not caught up never reappeared.

Qi Feng and Deng Shi looked at each other and had no choice but to move on.

After walking for a short distance in the dark woods, suddenly a burst of opera singing came with the wind, setting off alarm bells in everyone's hearts.

Deep in the woods, a hazy red light was visible through the fog. A shabby stage stood alone in the middle of the place. The sound of instrumental music echoed. Paper figures of martial artists holding swords walked stiffly onto the stage with exaggerated movements, as if they were performing some kind of chase scene.

Everyone shuddered and retreated instinctively. The scene in front of them suddenly shook. Except for Qi Feng and Deng Shi, the two ghost walkers, everyone else was on the stage in an instant. They were unable to move and could only watch the paper warrior's sword chopping down their necks.

Blood splattered and heads rolled all over the ground, dyeing the gray mist even more red.

See you tomorrow~

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