I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 367: Class Owner

Chapter 367: Class Owner (asking for monthly ticket)

Qiu Wanjun got off his horse and pulled off the yellow cloth bag hanging on his waist. The bag was the size of a palm and made of similar cloth to the clothes of the Taoist priest in yellow robe. The yellow cloth was painted with red tadpole-shaped runes and sealed with a red rope tied with a complicated knot.

When Qiu Wanjun untied the knot, Sang Que staggered forward a step due to the force in his body, feeling the strong desire from Yin Tong.

That’s the tongue that Yin Tong wants!

While comforting Yin Tong, Sang Que stared at Qiu Wanjun in the distance, but the distance was too far and she couldn't see the details clearly.

All one could see was Qiu Wanjun reaching into the yellow cloth pocket and taking something out, holding it in his left hand, pulling out the Tokachi stone dagger from his waist with his right hand, taking a deep breath, and suddenly putting the thing in his left hand into his mouth.

Qiu Wanjun trembled all over and bent over in pain, as if he was under tremendous pressure and pain. He raised his head and shouted at the uncrossable crack in front of him.


The sound was like thunder, and even Sang Que, who was far away in the corner of the city wall, felt his eardrums being pierced by that one word.

The earthquake struck again, the wind howled, the horses neighed, and the originally cracked ground actually quickly closed up amid the continuous shaking.

Qiu Wanjun was also enduring some pain during this process. At the moment when the earth completely closed, Qiu Wanjun pulled his tongue out of his mouth. He swung the Tokachi Stone dagger in his right hand and cut off his tongue. He quickly stuffed it into the yellow cloth pocket and tightened the seal.

There was blood at the corner of Qiu Wanjun's mouth. He waved his arm forward, indicating that the siege should continue.

The evil ghost aura simulated by Sang Que could not last for too long. She also found that the large number of Qianshou soldiers who had originally escaped seemed to have encountered a ghost wall. They were clearly fleeing to the west of Jianshui City, but now they turned back.

Daxuan's soldiers were about to charge to the city. Deafening shouts of killing came from the north and south sides of Jianshui City. The army that had been ambushing outside the city held up their flags and suddenly appeared, surrounding the city from both sides.

The two armies faced off and the scene was chaotic.

Military flags fluttered in the wind, and soldiers on both sides, wearing heavy armor and holding various weapons, rushed towards each other like a tide.

The flashes of swords and sabers crisscrossed, and every collision produced sparks and the sound of metal chirping.

The cavalrymen rode their war horses and rushed into the enemy camp like a whirlwind, waving their spears and swords to reap heads.

Screams rang out one after another, corpses quickly piled up like a mountain, blood gathered into streams, and pools of blood formed in the low-lying areas.

Behind the Daxuan army, huge rocks burning with flames were thrown out by catapults and smashed heavily at the base of the city wall. Rubble flew everywhere, causing heavy casualties, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood and gunpowder.

On the broken city wall, Zi Ling, a ghost walker from the fifth level of the Ghost Theater, held the pipa tightly and led the musicians in playing a solemn and murderous song to break the formation. The Qianshou soldiers who wanted to escape suddenly had bloodshot eyes, their muscles swelled and their clothes and armor were torn, and they fought like wild beasts.

The ghost general of Deputy General Pang En rushed back and forth on the battlefield, constantly reaping the souls of the Qianshou Army. Gradually, many headless black ghost shadows appeared around them, forming a ghost army.

The other seven ghost-walking captains also controlled their own evil ghosts, creating all kinds of horrific bloody incidents on the battlefield and enjoying the feast of killing.

The Qianshou Army was no match for the Daxuan Army. They were at a disadvantage in every aspect and were being rapidly devoured.

Sang Que, who was hiding in the corner of the city wall, sighed heavily. Everything she had done was in vain. She could not stop the battle and even caused her mother to suffer.

Now, what should she do?
While Sang Que was thinking, more than half of the Qianshou army had been killed or wounded. Several ghost walkers rushed up the city wall and temporarily detained the only old ghost walker left in the ghost troupe. Only the purple-skirted woman holding the pipa was still holding on. Sang Que had asked the puppeteer Chu Mowei to leave there a long time ago. Even if she had a puppeteer, a red ghost, five hundred white-haired zombies, ghost children, and many other means, she was still powerless in the face of a war of this scale.

At this moment, Sang Que discovered that a female actress in gorgeous costumes had appeared on the roof of the city gate tower of Jianshui City at some point in time. The moon was high in the sky, and the female actress had a graceful figure. Judging from her height and Adam's apple, she was a man.

His eyes were filled with despair and indignation as he stared fixedly at the battlefield where blood was flowing like a river. He slightly opened his red lips and sang a tragic opera in a trembling but determined voice.

"The flames of war blazed in the sky, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. The people suffered, their homes were in ruins, and their hearts were filled with tears and panic."

"Iron horses and golden swords roar, and the bones on the battlefield are cold. The delicate face weeps, the beautiful face is hurt, and the dream of drifting in troubled times is impermanent."

The plaintive singing voice attracted everyone's attention. The actress twisted her waist, took light steps, and walked on the roof in the pace of opera.

His figure was lonely and sad, and his mournful singing voice echoed on the battlefield. Even Sangque felt a palpitation in his heart, filled with inexplicable tragic emotions.

The wind and clouds suddenly changed, a loud thunder broke the night sky, and the full moon in the sky was suddenly stained with a blood color. Surrounded by dark clouds, it was like a phoenix eye, weeping blood, and bright red tears dripped from the moon to the earth.


Everyone's heart was shocked, and the whole world was suddenly dyed blood red. The corpses that had died in the battle all stood up from the ground twitching. Even though they had no heads and their limbs were broken, they still stood upright.

The puddles formed by the blood boiled and expanded outward. Any big black soldier whose eyes were stained with blood immediately turned bloodshot and turned around to attack and kill his companions.

The Hua Dan continued to sing, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed. The dead Qianshou soldiers were "resurrected" and turned into an army of corpses that were not afraid of life and death or pain, and counterattacked the Daxuan soldiers.

At the same time, all the ghost walkers present felt an overwhelming pressure that caused the evil spirits they controlled to flee and not dare to show their heads.

All the Yin objects also lost their effects.

Without the power of evil spirits, the ghost walker is just an ordinary person. Faced with the corpses surrounding him, he can only swing the weapons in his hands and fight.

At the back of the battlefield, Qiu Wanjun saw this and immediately used his own evil spirit to resist the pressure exerted by the actress.

There was a loud thunder overhead. Strong winds rolled up the dark clouds, which gathered at an incredible speed. The blood-red sky was instantly shrouded in darkness.

The thick clouds twisted strangely, as if a huge and terrifying face was hidden behind them, twisted and hideous, grinning at the battlefield below, and every line was filled with the hideous look of evil spirits.

It was like countless evil spirits gathered behind the dark clouds, forming a dramatic face that was big enough to cover the entire battlefield.

All the soldiers who looked up and saw that face felt as if struck by lightning. They covered their eyes in pain, their bodies trembled violently, and blood gushed out of their seven orifices. They fell to the ground and died before they could even let out a scream.

Panic spread among the soldiers like a plague, and the originally fiercely fighting battlefield fell into chaos.

The terrifying face became clearer and clearer in the clouds. Qiu Wanjun only took a glance at it, and all the memories of horror in his mind burst out. Even he could not resist that emotion. More pictures that made him tremble from the bottom of his heart flashed uncontrollably in his mind. The evil spirit in his body greedily absorbed his fear, growing rapidly and on the verge of losing control!

That Hua Dan is far superior to Qiu Wanjun in level!

He is the owner of the ghost theater troupe!

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