I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 71: Water Ghost Demands Life

Chapter 71: Water Ghost Demands Life
Thunder roared and panic spread among the villagers. Two black dogs kept barking and some people couldn't help crying.

Kou Yushan led the group of young men from the village guard team and walked through the woods in an orderly manner, quickly finding a place with the highest terrain and the densest branches and leaves above their heads.

"Drop all the heavy stuff and come over here!"

Kou Yushan shouted, and everyone unloaded their bags and quickly gathered towards the place Kou Yushan said.

More than seventy people, including adults and children, crowded together, holding the big roosters raised by each family, and watched tremblingly as Kou Yushan took out a spool of hemp thread from his bag, put it in the wooden basin handed over by He Baosheng, opened the bamboo tube at his waist, and poured all the black dog blood inside on the spool to soak it.

The skinny monkey had a cloth wrapped around his forehead and, along with the rest of the guard team, was using a shovel to dig drainage ditches around the gathering place.

After all, Skinny Monkey's mother didn't leave with him.

Everyone cooperated seamlessly and quickly, which showed that Kou Yushan often practiced with them.

Kou Yushan had soaked the hemp rope, and together with He Baosheng, he used the black dog blood hemp rope to wrap around the trees around the gathering place into a circle, trapping everyone inside.

The cold rain fell on Sangque's face, and in an instant, lightning and thunder flashed, and heavy rain poured down.

The old village chief Du Enfu and Liu Tianyou used their straw raincoats to cover several young children, and the others also wore straw hats to protect the women and children.

Xia Chan stuffed Xuan Yu into her lapel and hugged her tightly. He Shouan saw Sang Que and pulled He Shouhui over, as if only Sang Que could give him a sense of security.

"I didn't have time to thank you for what happened last time." He Shouhui asked loudly, "Where have you been these days?"

"Something happened!" Sang Que said casually.

The forest was filled with the noisy sound of rain, and everyone was soon soaked. Fortunately, it was summer, so it didn't feel cold.

The young and strong men in Kou Yushan's guard team were ready with shovels in hand. They all stayed outside the crowd, staring at the ground carefully.

"This is a passing rainstorm. It came hard, but it will pass soon. Everyone, please pay attention to your feet. If there are signs of water accumulation, drain the water in time. As long as the water depth does not exceed one finger joint, you will be fine!"

Kou Yushan spoke loudly to everyone.

"Everyone, don't panic or get confused. It's daytime now, and the water ghosts won't be too fierce. The black dog blood can also drive away other rainy day evil spirits. As long as we can hold on through this rain, we will have time to travel. Don't worry."

"I'll say it again, don't get too close to the trees, don't tap people on the shoulders from behind in the woods, don't call people by their full names, don't turn around if you hear anyone calling your full name or tapping your shoulders, don't pay any attention, everyone, please pay attention to the people around you, and call me immediately if you see anything unusual!"

The village guards were clearing water everywhere, but there was a place in the crowd that was not cleared in time. As soon as a pale and swollen arm was stretched out, it was splashed with black dog blood by Kou Yushan and retracted again.

Kou Yushan was very experienced and the people in the village guard team cooperated very well. The rain lasted for about half an hour and then gradually stopped.

"Before the sun comes out, you should still pay attention to the puddles under your feet when you are on the road, and never step into them."

Kou Yushan gave instructions again, led everyone to pack their bags, and walked quickly out of the woods.

This delay would leave them with little time to continue their journey.

In the crowd, He Baosheng protected Qin Fangru and carried most of the luggage. He Shouhui also took a lot, leaving a small bag for He Shouan, and hurried to help her mother.

"He Shouan!"

He Shouan had just taken a step when he suddenly heard someone calling his full name, just like the time when Zhao Tiancong called him to go play by the lake.

He Shouan was trembling all over and didn't dare to look back. When he saw Sang Que in front of him, he hurriedly shouted.

"Sister Mulan!"

He Shouan was young and was so frightened that he lost his way and stepped on a stone, slipped and fell into a mud puddle.

Pale, swollen arms shot out immediately and grabbed his legs.

When Sang Que heard the sound and turned around, there was no trace of He Shouan, only gurgling bubbles in the puddle.

Before Sangque could make a move, Xiachan, who was standing beside him, rushed into the puddle at lightning speed, her hair flying long like a piece of black brocade.

He Shouan, who was covered in mud, was pulled out and fell to the side, coughing violently.

There was a pale, swollen broken arm at the foot, still holding him tightly.


Qin Fangru dropped her things and ran over, hugging the trembling He Shouan. He Baosheng took the wooden basin that had just contained the black dog's blood and poured the remaining blood onto the severed hand, and the severed hand then loosened.

Xia Chan pulled back her hair bit by bit, and when she saw Sang Que looking at her, she put her hands on her hips and pouted to ask for credit, "Is Xiao Chan very good?"

Xia Chan is still very cheerful in front of people she is familiar with and trusts.

"His father! Come and see, is this our Tian Cong?!"

A woman looked at the severed hand that fell at He Shouan's feet in horror. Another middle-aged man came over, squatted down and took a closer look. When he saw the flower rope tied around his wrist, he fell to the ground.

The person who just captured He Shouan was undoubtedly Zhao Tiancong who had been missing for a long time. The Zhao couple had never known that Zhao Tiancong had died in the lake.

Sang Que helped He Shouan to summon his soul and save him last time, but the water ghost was still unwilling to let He Shouan go.

The cries of grief echoed through the forest, but they did not have much time to grieve.

We walked out of the woods safely and continued on our way. The sky was still overcast and the sun was not visible. We were drenched by the rain and there were many puddles on the road, which seriously slowed down our progress.

By six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was completely dark. The clouds were thick and there was no moonlight. It was pitch dark. They still could not see any trace of Tangyuan County.

Sang Que began to discover wandering souls around, and Kou Yushan and his men also made some corpse mud to mask the breath of living people and smeared it on everyone's forehead.

Sang Que lit the soul lamp and hung it on the donkey cart, and also pasted a talisman to ward off evil spirits to protect the children on the cart.

The atmosphere was tense. Everyone lit up their torches and continued on their way in silence. No one dared to look around, let alone stop.

At 7:10, Sangque finally saw a group of lights deep in the dark wilderness, outlining the outline of a small city.

"We're there! We're almost there! Everybody hold on a little longer!"

The lights in Tangyuan County made everyone cry with joy. They finally saw the hope of life and they all involuntarily quickened their pace.

The earth suddenly shook violently, and many people fell to the ground, screaming in surprise.

Xia Chan almost fell down while holding Xuan Yu. Sang Que held her arm and looked towards the direction of Tangyuan County with a serious expression.

The lights went out, and the city collapsed in an instant!

A powerful gust of wind swept across the field and rushed towards everyone, bringing with it a nauseating smell of blood.

Immediately afterwards, vibrations came one after another from all directions.

The blood energy rising into the sky dyed the dark clouds above a layer of dark red. The interweaving of black and red made it look like a ferocious theatrical mask, occupying the entire sky and grinning at the vast earth.

At this moment, extreme fear erupted in everyone's heart, the night was boiling, and all the terrifying existences were rapidly reviving.

The hope of life was shattered in an instant. Some people couldn't bear it and collapsed, screaming and losing their minds.

Tonight, not only Heishan Village was sacrificed, but also the entire Tangyuan County and many surrounding villages.

If it hadn't been for that rain, even Sangque wouldn't have dared to imagine the consequences.

But at this moment, where should they go to spend the night and face those evil spirits and even demons that cannot be touched after midnight!
Moreover, tonight is the Ghost Festival when a hundred demons parade at night!
see you tomorrow~

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