I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 79 Ming Family Jade Juice

Chapter 79 Ming Family Jade Juice (asking for monthly ticket)

Du Enfu continued the topic they had just been talking about.

"Similar incidents have occurred in Qinzhou in previous years, but not on such a large scale this time. If we follow the rules of previous years, the Evil Suppression Division will definitely come to handle it, and then send a new county magistrate to draw people from all over the country to rebuild the county town and villages and reclaim good farmland."

"During this period, the Evil Suppression Division will have someone guarding the place, and will exempt taxes for three years. I am too old to walk, and many people in the village are reluctant to leave their hometowns. Some want to find out if their relatives in the surrounding villages are still there. I think it would be best for us to stay and wait for the new county magistrate to make arrangements."

He Baosheng's injured head was wrapped in cloth, and he looked worried. "We don't know the specific situation yet. What if the blood and energy in those places where sacrifices were made are difficult to dissipate and we can't go back?"

Kou Yushan frowned, "I still want to go to Dongyang County. At least it's a big county with a branch of the Evil Suppression Division. If we can settle down near Dongyang County in the future, it will definitely be safer than going back to Heishan Village."

The skinny monkey nodded hurriedly, "My ancestors are from Dongyang County. I have a cousin in Dongyang County who runs a funeral supplies store in the county town. My mother... I am the only one left now. I am going to live with my cousin, which can be considered as returning home."

Liu Tianyou also said, "I am the only one left in my family. My parents hope that I can pass the imperial examination. I want to settle down in Dongyang County, find a job, and take part in the autumn examination this year."

He Baosheng nodded, "I have the same idea as Yushan. Our home is gone, and we have to start over again. We might as well find a safer place to settle down. Shouan is in his current state, so it's better for him to stay where there is a Suppression Bureau."

The old man from the nearby Shihe Village was hesitant and didn't know what to do.

Du Enfu sighed, "Okay, then let everyone choose for themselves. Those who want to stay can follow me, and those who want to leave can go to Dongyang County with me. I will write a letter to the magistrate of Dongyang County to explain the situation. All counties are short of people, and the magistrate of Dongyang County will take you in and settle down."

Kou Yushan went to convey his and the old village chief's ideas to the villagers. The old man from Shihe Village also went to discuss with the people in their village, and everyone took their own actions.

Sangque had nothing to do, so he asked Xiachan to go downstairs. He ordered some side dishes and a pot of jade juice, a local specialty, in the lobby of the post station, and observed the people in the post station to collect information.

There are scenes like this in martial arts movies, and it's a rare opportunity for her to experience it in person.

There were also cats around near the post station, so Xuanyu must have gone there to fight. However, Xuanyu knew his limits, so Sangque didn't care.

A sloppy man saw Sangque and Xiachan sitting alone at a table and was about to come over with a wine jug.

Sang Que had a blank expression on his face. He pulled out his dagger and stabbed it into the table. The force penetrated the table and was filled with murderous intent. Xia Chan was so scared that the bun in her mouth fell out.

The man trembled all over, turned around and went back.

There were not many people in the post station. They were all merchants who had just come out of Tangyuan County the day before and were preparing to go to Dongyang County. In the intervals between the waiters serving the dishes, Sang Que heard that they were basically discussing the sacrifice incident of the ghost troupe.

No one knows the origin of the Ghost Troupe. All we know is that it is the most influential cult in the past twenty years after Jiuge. Some people say that Jiuge has always been mysterious and it cannot be called a cult if it has never done anything bad. The Ghost Troupe is the real evil!
"I heard that our Prime Minister was an actor in a troupe when he was young. Many people say that the ghost troupe is related to the Prime Minister."

"Stop your bullshit! The Prime Minister is a mirror of the world. He can guard the entire Shengjing by himself. How can a saint-like figure be slandered at will? I think they are those who have evil intentions and want to use the ghost troupe to throw dirty water on the Prime Minister and ruin his incense!"

"That makes sense. If the Prime Minister really wanted to do something like this, why would he choose the Ghost Opera Troupe? It's too easy to associate it with his past background. I think the person behind the Ghost Opera Troupe might be the Prime Minister's political enemy!"

"Yes, they are just jealous of the Prime Minister's incense. Since taking office, the Prime Minister has promoted agriculture and commerce, cared for the people, and issued decrees that are beneficial to us farmers and peddlers, allowing us to survive and live a good life. Now people from all over the country are spontaneously building a Prime Minister's temple. The Prime Minister is the one that all the people want."

Sang Que frowned when he heard this. The prime minister was obviously too successful and the emperor was afraid of him. Didn't the emperor have any objections?

Sangque picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat the food, but when he looked down, the table was full of empty plates. Xia Chan was leisurely patting his bulging belly, looking around and burping.

Never mind, she wasn't hungry anyway.

Sang Que put down his chopsticks, picked up the wine pot and poured a cup of jade wine.

It tastes sweet and sour at first, but the alcohol flavor is not strong enough. It feels like a diluted version of thick wine and is not particularly delicious.

The waiter who came to collect the empty plates saw Sang Que frowning, and said while busying himself, "The 'Ming's Jade Juice' in our county used to be very famous, and was even offered as tribute to Shengjing. Unfortunately, after the Ming family fell into decline, no one can make such sweet and mellow jade juice anymore."

"Ming family? Why did it fall into decline?"

Sang Que was puzzled and wanted to ask further questions, but the waiter just smiled and said nothing more, then left with the empty plate.

"Don't ask."

The skinny monkey came in from outside, went straight to Sangque's table and sat down, looking at Sangque curiously.

"Miss Mulan, sometimes I wonder where you are from. It seems like you don't know a lot of common sense."

Sang Que said nonsense casually, "The elders are strict, this is my first time going out."

The skinny monkey nodded in understanding, "It's common sense when traveling outside not to inquire about anything strange. After all, some things are nothing at all, but if people gossip about them, it's easy for something to spread. The Ming family was a big wine-making family in Dongyang County when my mother was a child, about fifty years ago." Seeing Xia Chan's bored look, the skinny monkey took out a frog made of jute paper from his arms, pressed its butt, and let go of it, and the frog bounced in front of Xia Chan. Xia Chan was immediately attracted and started playing with the frog with a smile.

The thin monkey continued, "The Ming family had a mansion and a wine-making workshop at the foot of Cuiyun Mountain outside Dongyang County. Later, a forest fire burned everything down, and the people of the Ming family died or dispersed. The recipe of the Ming family's jade juice was not passed down. That's what happened. I dare not say more about other things. After all, we have to pass by the foot of Cuiyun Mountain tomorrow."

The skinny monkey stood up and raised his chin to Xia Chan, "This is a gift from Toad. My mother often folded this to amuse me when I was a kid."

The skinny monkey asked the waiter to buy some dry food for the journey. After he left, Sangque sat for a while. They talked about family matters and court affairs, nothing special.

But everyone does have a tacit understanding not to make rumors, not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors, and to nip the strange stories in the bud.

Kou Yushan was still discussing with the villagers. Sang Que knew too little about the outside world, so he decided to go with Kou Yushan and the others. It would be safer and he could also learn from their experience in dealing with emergencies in the wild.

There was nothing to do today, and Sangque saw that the weather was good with clear skies, so she took Xia Chan with her and went to the backyard of the post station to find Xuanyu, who was beating a tabby cat. She then took them to the woods behind the post station.

The shadows of the trees in the forest are mottled, and the sun shines through the leaves, casting beams of light. The summer cicadas have innocent eyes and keep catching those beams of light with their hands to play with them.

"Little cicada, move around after eating. Tie me up with your hair. I'll test your abilities."

Xia Chan shook her head and waved her hands vigorously, "Xiao Chan can't hit her sister, Xiao Chan must protect her sister!"

Sang Que smiled, "I'm not asking you to hit me, but I'm going to teach you some skills, so I want to know what your abilities are first."

Xia Chan tilted her head and thought, "Then...if Xiao Chan hurts me, I can't be mean to her."

"Okay, come on!"

As soon as Sang Que finished speaking, Xiao Chan's hair draped behind her back was split into two, like two pieces of black brocade, and in the blink of an eye, Sang Que was tied up like a dumpling.

The cold breath invaded every part of the body, bringing with it a strange feeling of heaviness, making Sang Que feel as if he was drowning in water, unable to exert any strength.

Sangque discovered that Xia Chan's hair had a strong suppressive effect on Yin Tong, or not just Yin Tong, but also had a certain suppressive effect on other evil spirits.

Sangque slowly released Yin Tong's power to fight against Xia Chan's hair, testing to what extent it would take to force the hair away.

Finally, Sangque used up almost all of his strength to loosen Xiachan's hair a little, giving it room to escape.

In other words, Xia Chan's current strength should be comparable to hers, both at the early third level of Jiuyou.

In fact, if Xia Chan and her mother had more intelligence, they would not have been harmed by Yan Daozi. They were capable of killing Yan Daozi.

Sangque has been observing Xia Chan these days and found that she is not stupid, but no one has taken the trouble to teach her. The mental age of five or six years old does not mean that she has no ability to learn.

"Our little Chan is really amazing," Sang Que imitated her mother's praise for her, "Next, sister will teach you some simple techniques of defense and attack, and then I will find you a shorter knife and teach you a few moves so that you can better protect yourself. Are you willing to learn?"

Sang Que has her own chain mail, so Yan Daozi's copper coin inner armor can be given to Xia Chan first, and then she can change it after the stab-proof suit she ordered online arrives. That one is lighter.

Hearing what Sangque said, Xia Chan's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously, "Yes, Xiao Chan wants to be like her sister. No, Xiao Chan wants to be better than her sister."

Summer cicadas are like competitive little children who want to be the first in everything.

Xuanyu squatted on a tree branch, swinging its tail leisurely.

Sang Que raised his head, "Xuan Yu, come down here. We need to develop some combination skills as soon as possible. In addition to your eyes, you must have other special features. I will wrap my arm with Yin Tong's power, and you try to scratch me with your claws..."


Xuanyu came down from the tree with a sullen face and cursing.

Two people and a cat practiced martial arts in the forest, played and fought, bursting into laughter from time to time, enjoying a rare moment of leisure.

At night, the two people and the cat returned to the room after a hearty meal. Sang Que asked Xia Chan for help. She wanted to let Yin Tong out to "discuss" something.

 see you tomorrow~

  (End of this chapter)

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