I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 9 Ruined Temple

Chapter 9 Ruined Temple
Before daybreak, the paper-ash-like black shadows in the wheat field rose up again, gathering into a slender human figure with twisted limbs, stumbling towards Sangque.

Sang Que's heart tightened and he quickly stood up and looked around.

On the left is Heishan Village, in front and on the right are wheat fields, and behind is a poplar forest, it is quiet and cold.

The gray and black shadows were getting closer and closer, and the mulberry bird retreated all the way to the edge of the woods.

Although she controlled the ghost child and became a ghost walker, she had no idea how to command the ghost child to help her deal with other evil spirits.

What's more, controlling evil spirits has a price. Even Master Ming Zhang was attacked by the backlash, so why does he need a blood sacrifice?

She killed Ming Zhang. If she were discovered by Ming Zhang's master, she would surely die. She couldn't go to the village for the time being.

Sang Que quickly calmed down and recalled that the date on Ming Zhang's last note was June 28th. She had checked it last night and found that according to the lunar calendar, it corresponded to August 2nd in the modern solar calendar.

Mingzhang went to Liu's house to find Liu Caifeng that day, and she went to Qin Lu's house that night. It was late at night and the moon was in about the same position.

Therefore, the time on both sides is consistent.

"Hold on till dawn!"

Sangque turned and ran into the woods. The sunrise time in summer is around six o'clock. When she came from modern times, it was around five forty-five, not far from dawn.

Ming Zhang mentioned in his notes that there were no evil spirits on a clear day, and she could survive temporarily if she could hold on until dawn.

She was not sure what was going on at home. What if the ghost was still there? What would happen to her mother? If she disappeared like this, her mother would definitely be very worried.

She must survive and go back as soon as possible!
The woods were empty, the shadows of the trees were baring their fangs and claws, and it seemed as if countless strange creatures were peering into the darkness.

Sang Que had disheveled hair, wore a black pajamas, and slippers. She had nothing on her body, which made her feel very insecure.

A pair of legs suddenly hung down from above his head. Sang Que stopped in a hurry and almost bumped into them. He couldn't help but look up.


Sang Que forced herself to suppress her gaze, a chill rushed straight to her head. This was a rope for hanging, and she couldn't look up. She had experienced this the first time she came here.

Sangque lowered his eyes and just walked around the corpse hanging in front of him. Dead bodies hung one after another from the surrounding trees, swaying in the wind and surrounding Sangque.

Without even looking, she could imagine the weird and hideous smiles on the corpses.

There was a rustling sound above her head, and the toes of the corpses all slowly turned towards Sang Que. She suppressed her pounding heart, looked straight ahead, not daring to touch the corpses, and carefully walked out.

Suddenly, a swaying orange light came into view, and Sangque saw a dilapidated courtyard deep in the woods, and the fire was coming from there.

In a closed room, just lighting a lamp can prevent evil spirits from invading.

Sang Que's eyes lit up, and he ran over in one breath at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

The wooden door of the courtyard was tilted and rotten, the outer wall had collapsed and was covered with vines, and there was half a plaque in the grass, with only the word "Temple" left on it.

A cold wind blew on the back of her neck, and Sang Que felt something unusual moving behind her, so she hurried into the ruined temple.

Sang Que waded through the waist-high weeds in the yard and headed towards the fire. When she saw the house clearly, her scalp instantly went numb.

Dense hair was entangled outside the dilapidated house without doors or windows, wriggling back and forth and emitting a strong smell of blood. The dilapidated house was sealed behind the hair, and firelight shone through the gaps in the hair.

Sang Que's body stiffened and he held his breath, not daring to do anything unnecessary for fear of triggering this unknown and evil killing rule.

Just when Sangque didn't know what to do next, a rooster's crowing sound came from the direction of Heishan Village, and the foggy sky suddenly turned blue.

Its daybreak!
Amid the crowing of roosters, the hair outside the dilapidated house retreated like a tide.

Sang Que saw that half of the roof had collapsed, pressing on the fallen statue inside. There was a fire in the open space in the house, and a girl with a face covered in black dust and frizzy hair was sitting next to it.

When their eyes met, the girl's clear pupils shrank and she fled from the side of the dilapidated house in panic.

"and many more!"

Sang Que didn't call out to stop anyone, nor did he dare to chase after her rashly. He could only secretly guess that this girl couldn't be the little fool mentioned in Ming Zhang's notes?
The villagers of Heishan Village each have their own family, only that little fool has been wandering outside.

She was indeed very special, as she was protected by a pile of hair and stayed in the house all night.

Mingzhang said that the little idiot and her mother were village guardians. Sangque also searched online and found a record from somewhere. [Shanhai has a saying: Chi was originally a wise man. In order to protect the peace and tranquility of the land, he lost one soul and two spirits and reincarnated as a fool. He eliminated evil spirits, eliminated evil spirits, balanced yin and yang, and determined the five elements. No one can compare to him.]

In modern times, some rural areas have the saying of "village guardians". It is said that those kind-hearted but foolish and crazy people are the ones who block disasters for the village, so they become fools because of their broken souls.

Sangque slowly walked to the fire in the dilapidated house and sat down to rest. The summer morning was not cold, but the fire gave her some sense of security.

She needed to take a breath, sort out her current situation, and think of the next steps before taking action.

After temporarily being free from the pressure of survival, Sang Que’s first reaction was to think, if she couldn’t go back this time, would she not have to hand in her summer homework?
The damn homework, whenever I think about it, I feel that nagging sense of urgency as if I’m being chased by a ghost!
Sang Que poked the fire with a stick, quickly recalled what happened before and after the two time travels, and made some speculations.

She opened the palm of her right hand, and the mark of the talisman money was almost non-existent.

The first time she traveled through time, she encountered an evil spirit at Qin Lu's house and chanted a spell. The talisman money must have absorbed the power of the evil spirit and brought her to Heishan Village.

Afterwards, she used the spell of the money to deal with the ghost child. However, the ghost child was too powerful and was not destroyed by the power of the money. Instead, it entered her body and turned her into a ghost walking person.

The power of the talisman coin was thus completely consumed, leaving only a small mark on the palm of her right hand.

During the second time she traveled through time, the ghost boy helped her fight against the female ghost in her home. The power of the female ghost rushed into her body and replenished the consumption of the talisman money.

She had a strong desire to survive at that time and just wanted to take the female ghost away from home and not let her mother hurt, so after she opened the garden door, she fell into Heishan Village.

This time of traveling, the power of the evil-averting money was once again exhausted.

Sang Que estimated that if she didn't replenish the power needed for the money to ward off evil, the money might really disappear completely, and then she would never be able to go back.

The coin for warding off evil requires the power of evil spirits. Ordinary weapons and methods cannot deal with evil spirits. To kill evil spirits, she must learn to control the ghost child. The spell of the coin for warding off evil spirits can no longer be used.

There are only two ways to learn how to control the ghost child.

Mingzhang's master and the Evil Suppression Division.

Mingzhang's master was the closest to the family, but she was afraid that she could not hide the fact that she killed Mingzhang. Although the Liu couple were dead, there was no guarantee that someone else in the house saw her and Mingzhang running outside that night.

The Xie Zhen Si was obviously a government department, so it would be safer to go there to inquire. However, she had no idea where the Xie Zhen Si was, whether it was Wangshan City or Tangyuan County. Not to mention finding these two places, she couldn't even survive a night alone outside.

In Ming Zhang's Notes, Li Weiming went to get medicine for his wife who was suffering from postpartum blood loss. He did not return home all night and finally turned into a handful of dirt at the doorstep, leaving his family with endless troubles.

When she first read these things in Ming Zhang's notes, she found them bizarre, but now she can personally experience the kind of fear that makes the hair on your neck stand on end.

Because now, she may also become the next Li Weiming.

Sang Que tapped the ground with a wooden stick, looking at the two lines of words "Heishan Village" and "Zhenxie Si" on the ground, and quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

Finally, the wooden stick pointed at Heishan Village.

Compared to the completely clueless Zhenxie Division, she knew more about Heishan Village through Mingzhang's notes. Why bother going far away? She didn't have that much time.

If we delay here for one more day, my mother will be in more danger. The sticky rice exorcism method is useless against the female ghost in the house. It would have been fine if the ghost boy had killed the female ghost before, but if he hadn't...

The more Sang Que thought about it, the more uneasy she became, but what she had to avoid most now was impulsiveness, so she had to calm down and plan.

Suddenly there was a dog barking outside. Sang Que quickly wiped off the words on the ground and hid behind the statue next to him.

The statue has no head, and has been weathered by wind and rain, leaving traces of mottled paint. It can be seen that it is a female statue. Why would such a good temple be abandoned?

And strangely, she had a sense of déjà vu about this temple. Had she seen it somewhere before? In a dream?

"You guys go patrol over there, I'll go in and take a look."

"Captain, be careful. There are always noises in this dilapidated temple at night. It's not peaceful. How about you bring the dog with you?"

"Take it with you guys, and stay away from the wheat fields. Be careful of the wheat monster."

The sound of footsteps came closer and closer. Sang Que held his breath. Could the person coming in be Kou Yushan, the captain of the Heishan Village Guard?

In Mingzhang Notes, Kou Yushan can be considered a good person.

Should she go out and ask him for help?

(End of this chapter)

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