I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 92: Cool article

Chapter 92: Cool article (asking for monthly ticket)

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!
The sound of the clock echoed in the darkness. Sangque felt his body heavy and his neck sore.

She suddenly opened her eyes and found herself in darkness, surrounded by various bronze mirrors, which were connected by red lines. A large number of talisman papers were hung between the red lines, trapping her inside.

Noisy and messy sounds came out from those mirrors, which gave Sang Que a headache and made him even angrier.

She tried to get closer, and a red light flashed on the red line and the talisman paper, forcing Sangque back with the burning heat of fire.

A strong resentment invaded his body, and Sang Que heard the sound of his heart beating violently.

It was not her heart, but the one belonging to the village resentment, which was absorbing resentment and growing rapidly.

This violent and rapid beating made her feel angry and irritable.

Sang Que exhaled a long breath and calmed herself down. She must be a soul now, because she clearly saw herself separated from her body and caught by Huilan into the mirror.

So she was sealed in the mirror instead of Huilan? And Huilan was using her body to kill people outside?
Feeling anxious, Sang Que wanted to stand up and pull the red strings around him, wanting to leave.

Sang Que told himself not to be anxious, but to analyze the current situation like his mother did, and then think of a way to escape.

She quickly checked her whole body and could feel the power of the village resentment, which meant that the Yin Tong was with her. The countdown in her head was still ticking, and the mark of the evil-averting money on her palm was still there.

It seems that these things are directly bound to her soul, not her body. Even her soul is in pain due to the backlash of the butcher knife.

Other than that, there was nothing on him.

Sangque quickly glanced around and found that those mirrors contained the resentment from Huilan's memory.

For the past fifty years, Huilan has been sealed here, facing her lingering nightmare every day and constantly feeling resentful.

Are you sure this isn't raising a ghost?

Sang Que suddenly had this idea, perhaps influenced by modern movies. In her understanding, sealing should be to lock up the ghost, chant a spell to liberate it, and gradually eliminate the ghost's power until the ghost disappears.

After realizing that this seal might be used to raise ghosts, Sang Que had another exciting idea magically pop up in her mind.

Isn’t resentment the fuel for village resentment?
Although Yin Tong devoured and absorbed most of the Village Grievance's power, the Village Grievance did not completely disappear. Yin Tong and the Village Grievance actually coexisted.

To put it simply, Yin Tong forcibly suppressed Cun Yuan's heart in her body. After all, Cun Yuan's heart was not Yin Tong's original one, so it was normal to have some rejection reaction.

Since there are so many resentments belonging to Huilan here, can she let the village resentment devour these resentments and let the village resentment be promoted before Yin Tong?

Once the resentment in the mirror disappears, the seal will surely weaken, and she will have a chance to escape and get her body back.

Sang Que became excited, feeling that the storyteller's despairing horror story had suddenly turned into a clichéd and exciting novel with her as the protagonist.

There is always a great blessing after a great disaster. Once she reaches a level, she will be able to kill Su Liangyuan after she gets out!

The only problem is that she did not defeat the village resentment by herself and she would be in danger of being swallowed by the village resentment if she and Yin Tong became stronger and could not suppress it.

But she and Yin Tong together might be able to temporarily suppress the village resentment, and she had no other choice now.

Once he had made up his mind, Sang Que immediately stood up, looked around at the bronze mirrors, selected one of them, pressed his palm on it, and his consciousness was immediately pulled into a memory.

She became the Huilan in my memory.


"It's already so late, why haven't you gotten up to cook yet? When did you become so lazy?"

In the room, Sang Que felt sore and hot all over, and had a splitting headache. He lay on the wooden bed to rest.

A burly woman in coarse cloth stood in front of the bed with her hands on her waist and cursed.

"Mom, I seem to be sick?"

Sangque didn't say anything, but her body made a sound, which was Huilan's sound.

"How dare you get sick when you are so precious? Do you think your father and I dare to get sick? Even if we get sick, we have to work day and night to keep you alive in Dongyang County! If it weren't for you guys dragging us down, your father and I would have lived a good life long ago!"

Feelings of guilt and fear surged up, as well as a little bit of grievance that I dared not show up.

"Hurry up and light the fire. Your father has to go to the east city Wang's house to buy funeral supplies today. If you are late, your wages will be deducted, and you won't be able to eat from now on!"

Sangque still did not move and stayed quietly in Huilan's body.

Huilan dragged her heavy body due to a high fever, struggled to get up, skillfully lit the fire, and prepared breakfast.

In the yard, there was a square table with four people. A middle-aged man named Zhou Renshou, a neatly dressed seven-year-old boy named Zhou Jinfu, and Huilan's younger sister Zhou Huixin, who was one year younger than Huilan but didn't have to get up to make breakfast, as well as Li, who had met before, all sat at the table to eat.

Huilan just went to drink some water, and when she came back, her bowl of porridge was poured out by her mother Li to her younger brother.

"Huilan, I think you are becoming more and more treacherous. The rice you serve to your brother is all watery soup, and your own bowl is full of rice."

Sister Huixin just grabbed the steamed bun that was supposed to be left for Huilan. When she heard what her mother said, she quickly put the bun in front of her father and smiled flatteringly, "Dad, you've worked hard, eat more."

Zhou Renshou smiled, and when he looked up at Huilan, his expression changed to stern again, "Learn from your sister, she knows how to be filial. You are about to get married, so be diligent in the future so that the neighbors can watch you, and don't embarrass me."

"Dad, my Trojan horse is broken, can you make me a new one?" said his younger brother Zhou Jinfu.

"I'll make it for you when Dad gets off work today. Just go to school first."

"Huilan, go wash all the dirty clothes later. And Huixin, don't just play around when you have nothing to do. Help your sister make the paper flowers and paper people that the funeral shop wants, so that your father can relax."

"Mom, my cooking skills are not as good as my sister's. You can ask her to make it. I will go shopping with you and carry the basket for you."

Every word and every sentence made Huilan feel uncontrollably resentful, and these resentments were absorbed by Sangque and became nutrients for the village's resentment.

Thumping! Thumping!
His heart was beating violently. Looking at the ugly faces of these people, Sang Que became more and more angry. He directly took over Huilan's body and strode to the dining table.

The table was overturned. Eat, eat shit!
The bowls and dishes fell to the ground and shattered. The soup in the rice bowl splashed all over Zhou Renshou. He was still holding the bowl and chopsticks, frozen there.

Li was so frightened that she lost her voice, Zhou Jinfu was frightened and cried, and Zhou Huixin hurriedly ran away and hid.

"You little girl, are you crazy?" Li screamed and pounced on Sangque to tear her apart.

Sangque dodged and Li fell to the ground.

"I have to serve you bunch of losers when I'm sick. If you don't let me eat, then don't eat at all! Only incompetent parents would wantonly exploit weak children!"

After letting out the resentment that had been pent up in his heart, Sangque felt refreshed, and Huilan's body also felt a lot lighter.

Everything around froze, and then gradually shattered like a mirror.

Sang Que was distracted and returned to the pure black sealed space. The mirror she had just touched was covered with cracks, and the red lines connecting the mirror also lost their color and turned gray.

Black filaments of village resentment spread out from Sangque's heart, separated one by one, and stretched out towards the surrounding mirrors, eagerly absorbing the resentment in them.

Sangque also personally experienced many things about Huilan.

She saw her sister Huixin crying and begging her parents not to sell her, but Huilan remained silent and dared not say anything.

She also saw her sister Huixin's hands covered with blisters in the Ming mansion. Huilan felt sorry for her sister and took over her daily job of fetching water. Huixin refused to help and instead sang nursery rhymes and picked wild flowers to put on her head.

"The stone is blue, with many white spots. My cruel parents wanted to sell me... Eighteen husbands, eighteen wives, and eighteen aunts disciplined me... I carried a load to fetch water. The well was deep, and the rope was thin. My hands were rubbed until they were bloody, bloody..."

Sangque sighed secretly, it turned out that this nursery rhyme was composed and sung by Huixin, the skinny monkey's mother.

The stronger Huilan's resentment became, the angrier Sangque became and the harder it was to control. She took over Huilan's body again and poured a bucket of water on Huixin.

Hui Xin was dripping with water all over her body and she stood frozen in place.

Sangque dropped the barrel, clapped his hands and left.

She showed restraint by not pushing the man directly into the well!

Huilan's body felt lighter and lighter.

In Huilan's memories that are filled with resentment, Sangque could punch people, kick old maids, and punish anyone who made her unhappy. She could even beat up her sister Huixin and remain indifferent while watching Huixin cry.

But these are all memories of the past. She did things for Huilan that she wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and vented her anger, but it still couldn't change Huilan's final outcome.

"Sister, you can't just ignore me. I'll die if I go. Didn't our mother say that the eldest sister should take care of the younger siblings? You can't just stand by and watch me die! Do you want to watch me die? How can you be so cruel? Think of a way, sister..."

Sang Que watched helplessly as Huilan took over the task of taking care of the freak young lady for her sister Huixin under her sister Huixin's tearful pleas and moral coercion.

Seeing this scene, Sang Que suddenly remembered something her mother told her.

Don’t sympathize with anyone, even the closest people, because whoever you sympathize with, your subconscious mind will automatically bear that person’s fate.

[Famous quote from Mr. Mo Yan's "Late Bloomer"]

Don't sympathize with anyone, even the closest ones, because whoever you sympathize with, your subconscious mind will automatically bear the fate of that person. Don't bear the fate of anyone else, shoulder your own mission first, and then help others when you are fully grown and have spare energy. Otherwise, you will only drag yourself down, which seems aggrieved, but is actually foolish.

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