Chapter 15: Young Soul in the Abyss
"Little boy, you are the child of the owner of the golden egg fried rice stall just now, right? I remember you. You asked me for money at that time. I paid you. It was exactly 60, right?"

Nan Yi's eyes widened in anger:

"you have not!"

The man shook his head, looking like he couldn't tolerate Nan Yi:
"Kids your age have a bad memory, so it's common for you to mistake someone for someone else. Think about it carefully. Maybe the uncle who didn't pay was wearing the same clothes as me? Or maybe you can bring your phone over and check the payment records."

Nan Yi immediately reached into his pocket and his face turned pale.

Only then did he remember that the cell phone was with Nanzhi.

The man smiled to himself with a smug look on his face, still looking sincere and polite:

"Can't find it?"

Nan Yi bit the soft flesh in her mouth stubbornly and clenched her little hands into fists!
The man sighed softly and spoke with great seriousness:
"Uncle is a teacher at a nearby elementary school, and he sees a lot of kids like you. You know, making mistakes is not scary. What's scary is not wanting to admit it after making a mistake, understand?"

Nan Yi opened his mouth: It was obviously you who made the mistake!

But he had no way to defend himself.

Like the man said, he had no evidence at all.

Depression and unwillingness intertwined in his young heart, giving rise to endless negative shadows, causing a storm to build up in his dark eyes, spreading a terrifying malice that was so sticky that it was suffocating!
The man was stared at by those eyes that were so dark that they had lost the innocence and clumsiness of a child, and he suddenly felt a creepy feeling as if he was being stared at by a wild beast!
How could a child's eyes be so scary!
The man was so frightened that he couldn't recover for a while.

Until someone nearby called out to him in surprise:

"Teacher Wong!"

The man suddenly reacted:

"Ah...ah, yes, it's me."

The man took a few steps closer:

"Teacher Wang, why are you here? Come over for dinner?"

The man regained his composure and performed with ease:

"Yes, I originally wanted to buy a meal, but I was misunderstood."

The onlookers who were originally skeptical were a little surprised when they saw this.

So this guy is really a teacher? He is not making it up!
...As if it was a dividing line, the attitude of the spectators suddenly changed.

Maybe it's because they have a filter for the profession of teacher, while the other party just looks like a child of only three or four years old.

Furthermore, during the confrontation between the two, the man had always behaved politely and remained emotionally stable, while Nan Yi was the only one who was slow to provide evidence or explanation.

The balance quietly tilted.

"The teacher shouldn't be short of money, so he wouldn't make such a fuss over 60 yuan, right? Did the kid see it wrong?"

"The young man is right. How can a child have a good memory? He probably mistook someone else for him!"

"Oh, you can't just accuse someone wrongly!"

"Little friend, why don't you apologize first?"

"There are too many naughty kids these days. This guy is so unlucky!"

"you do not say."


At first it was speculation and persuasion.

Then comes malicious speculation and labeling.

The onlookers were talking at once, leaving Nan Yi almost no time to explain himself.

And the man took the opportunity to start smiling bitterly and playing the victim:

"I felt sorry for the orphans and widows selling fried rice, so I wanted to do something good, but I didn't expect to encounter such a situation? Alas, good people don't get good rewards... I won't blame them, as long as the misunderstanding is resolved. Besides, it's inevitable for children to make small mistakes. As a teacher, isn't my job to teach and educate people? Haha."

The man was surrounded and comforted by passers-by.

Looking at Nan Yi, the shadow of the crowd covered his entire body.

Those tiny, harsh sounds kept penetrating his eardrums, reminding Nan Yi of the past.

"It's him. Even his own mother doesn't like him. How pitiful."

'What's there to be pitied about? He doesn't look like a normal child. He never smiles. His eyes look like a wolf cub. It's scary! ' 'That's right! Last time I took a few empty mineral water bottles from him. He looked at me with such a look that he wanted to eat me! I almost had a nightmare that night! '

"You know, some children are born bad..."

"It's right that his mother doesn't want him..."


It viciously gnawed at Nan Yi's heart, devouring it bit by bit, occupying it...

It was at this time that Nanzhi pushed through the crowd and walked to Nanyi.

Her soft and warm palms gently rested on Nan Yi's shoulders. Feeling the slight tremor under her palms, Nan Yi was touched and looked down at him.

Then he soothed her gently:

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Nan Yi's heart was deeply touched.

The young soul trapped in the abyss thought that it would only be swallowed by shadows and darkness.

As a result, the impenetrable haze above my head was suddenly pried open, and a thin but warm beam of light shone in.

"you are here?"

Nan Yi raised his eyes, and the malicious hatred and malice in them quickly faded away like the tide.

Nanzhi nodded and repeated tirelessly:
"Well, I'm here."

Nan Yi's lips moved, and it vaguely sounded like the shape of two words.

But he didn't shout out loud in the end, and his emotions were much more stable than before.

The man tried hard to hide his expression of amazement and remained gentle and polite:

"Hello, are you the child's mother? We just had a misunderstanding, it's okay, just let him apologize to me."

Nanzhi, who was a little tired from making fried rice, really didn't have much patience.

What’s more, he was facing an idiot who bullied his own child.

She lifted her eyelids:
“Why should my son apologize?”

The man was stunned by the unexpected answer, which made him exclaim "Ah" and stand there in a daze.

The spectators around were also shocked and couldn't help talking about it.

There were also waves in the live broadcast room.

——Of course it is impossible to set up cameras everywhere in the night market. This scene was captured by a photographer from the program crew hiding behind the crowd.

[I knew it, Nanzhi is still you. ]

[I thought he had changed his nature, but I didn't expect that it's hard to change one's nature! ]

[Why do I feel so refreshed? Is it because I have been watching TV for too long? ]

[Some people really have distorted values. How could they be pleased by Nanzhi's behavior? Wasn't it Nanyi who made the mistake first? ]

[Why are there naughty kids in this world? It’s because of irresponsible parents like Nanzhi! ]

[Wait, wait, isn't the situation still unconfirmed? How can you be so sure that Nan Yi made a mistake? ]

This is also what Nanzhi means.

Facing the surprised looks, she spoke slowly:
"You haven't even confirmed the evidence. How can you say that my son has wronged you? Here, the payment record is here."

The man's face shuddered.

But he forced himself not to show any fear and checked the phone with Nanzhi.

The result, of course, is that there is no corresponding payment record.

A lot of people, including the audience in the live broadcast room, were all confused!

After all this time, it turns out that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, really didn’t pay?

(End of this chapter)

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