Chapter 38 The original money stealing incident!

Zhao Shumei was stunned!
She also hoped that the police would uphold justice and arrest Nanzhi!

As a result, no one believed that Nanzhi intended to commit murder!
As for Nanzhi, she raised her hand to push her hair behind her ear, and let her sleeves slide down, revealing her slender wrists that were so thin that only bones were left, as if they were so weak that even the wind could blow them away.

She said slowly:
"Their child brought a dog to bully my son. I went to argue with them, but they bit me back. This made me a little angry, so I took a kitchen knife... but I didn't intend to kill anyone."

After hearing this, the police first looked at the thin and well-behaved Nan Yi.

He looked at the strong and fierce Lei Xiaopang again.

Suddenly I realized:
"So that's it!"

They thought that a knife attack had really happened!
It turned out that the children were fighting and there was a dispute between the parents!

This is so common!

Of course, persuasion is still necessary.

The older one taught skillfully:

"If there is a conflict, just solve it properly. How can you quarrel like this in the street? It will have a very bad impact..."

The young policeman looked at Nan Yi several times in confusion.

Then he remembered something and whispered something into his senior's ear.

The older one then remembered:
“It turned out to be the little guy who caught the thief a few days ago!”

He heard about this from his colleagues!
Colleagues were very impressed with this little guy and kept saying that this kind of criminal investigation talent would be needed in the future team!

Naturally, he had a good impression of Nan Yi.

I became more and more convinced of what Nanzhi said.

When Zhao Shumei saw that the police were trying to make a big deal out of a small matter, her head buzzed and blood rushed to her brain!
"It's her! She's the one who did it! This is murder in the street! Why don't you arrest her? Lock her up!"

Zhao Shumei rolled on the ground and yelled, and even wanted to rush over to scratch Hua Nanzhi's face!
Fu Chao hurried forward to protect Nanzhi.

Nanzhi also shrank behind Fu Chao at the right time, with a slightly frown on her brows.

Puzzled, confused, helpless...

It was in stark contrast to the crazy Zhao Shumei!
The police had to intervene:

"What are you doing? How dare you hit someone in front of the police?"

Zhao Shumei cried and raged, and even said:

"You guys are biased because you think this little bitch is pretty! All men in the world are really the same!"

The policeman’s face turned green after hearing this!

Lei Yougang finally couldn't stand it anymore and covered Zhao Shumei's mouth neatly:

"I'm sorry, my wife is really mad...but she really didn't lie! That woman just threw a kitchen knife at us and chopped up our sign! Everyone around was watching!"

The police looked at the sign first.

The cut is very clean, indeed it looks like it was made with a knife.

So I asked the onlookers nearby:
"Is that true?"

A group of nearby vendors who were watching the fun were hesitant to speak.

At this time.

The man who had just rescued Lei Xiaopang with a stick but was scolded by Zhao Shumei stood up and sneered:
"They did have some conflicts, but it wasn't as exaggerated as the couple said. There was no knife involved. Boss Nan is so skinny and weak, how could he beat Lei Yougang?"

Then someone came out to agree——

"That's right, just a small conflict."

"It's okay to just have a few words, but why do you want to arrest someone? Don't go too far."

"You only allow your son to bully others, but you don't allow them to seek revenge?"

"His little Fatty is always causing trouble for others. It's so annoying! He should have been punished long ago!"


There are so many people around, some of them either keep silent or join in Nanzhi's support.

No one stood up for that couple!

The police felt that the truth had come to light and were almost ready to end the investigation.

Lei Yougang's expression gradually became gloomier.

He suddenly raised his voice:
"Throwing the knife is fine...but what about stealing the money?" Everyone looked at Lei Yougang.

Nanzhi frowned, having a bad feeling.


The next second, Lei You pointed at Nan Yi:

"My son Xiaopang is not the kind of person who bullies others. It was that kid who stole our money first!"

"I don't!"

Nan Yi retorted loudly!

He clenched his little hands into fists, his chest heaving with rapid breathing, he was obviously very angry!

Lei Yougang sighed:
"I didn't want to say it at first, because I thought he was young and it would be bad if the matter got out of hand... But our family has been forced to this point, and we can't stand it any more!"

Afterwards, Lei Yougang complained bitterly, telling how he met Nan Yi at noon, how he had his wallet picked up by him, and how he was discovered by his son Lei Xiaopang and chased after him to get the money back!

He described it vividly and emotionally, and sighed from time to time.

It seems like one is very sad to see a good child fall to this state!
"…Originally we just wanted to get the wallet back. My son has a bad temper since he was young. We chased him and hit him twice, so we were in the wrong. But when we got home, we found that 1000 yuan was missing from the wallet! 1000 yuan! We worked hard to set up a stall from dawn to dusk. How long would it take us to earn this much money?"

The people around looked at each other.

"Impossible! Our Nan Yi is not that kind of child!"

Fu Chao categorically denied it!
Several gazes followed.

Fu Chao wore a baseball cap and dressed in a low-key manner. Even if someone thought he looked familiar, they would not recognize him as Fu Chao.

The police asked him:

"Who are you? The father of the child?"

Of course Fu Chao couldn’t nod!

He thought about it and chose a relatively moderate relationship:
"I'm...his mother's brother!"

"Isn't that the child's uncle?"

"Ah, well, sort of."

Fu Chao admitted it reluctantly.

The police looked at him suspiciously, thinking that his hesitating was a little suspicious.

Fu Chao was anxious, knowing that standing up was not the best choice.

Then he urged Nanzhi:
"Why didn't you say anything at the critical moment? Could it be that... you really believed it?"

His voice was not loud, so only he and Nanzhi should have heard it.

But Nan Yi was standing close and had sharp ears, so those words struck his heart clearly and powerfully.

She... doesn't believe him?
Nan Yi’s little face turned pale instantly!
The little body felt as if it had fallen into a cold cave and was shivering with cold.

So much so that the past scenes appeared before my eyes like a movie...


Nanzhi's face darkened slightly and he denied it.

How could she possibly suspect Nan Yi of stealing money?
She just felt that the situation before her was familiar.

It seems like...

This also happened in the original book!

The memories of the attackers that Nanzhi received were incomplete, and the same was true of the original content.

So at first, she didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until Lei Yougang opened his mouth and said the word "stealing money" that Nanzhi shuddered and memories emerged -

Nan Yi, the villain in the original novel, has been living in an orphanage since his mother died.

When he was 4 and a half years old, he was selected by a little celebrity to participate in a baby variety show because of his good looks.

Nan Yi and the male and female protagonists met here.

This was also the beginning of his life's misfortune.

The turning point of his fate...

Nan Yi was caught stealing other people’s money while recording a show!
(End of this chapter)

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