Chapter 69 He will remember this in the future!
Nanzhi, whom Fu Chao was thinking about, was not in Yanjing.

A day ago, she had already taken Nan Yi on a flight south to Province A.

Their first stop was the provincial capital.

When Nanzhi was admitted to Yenching University, her grandfather was so happy that he bought her a small house in the provincial capital.

Later, when Nanzhi left Yanjing, she was already pregnant with Nanyi.

Although keeping the child was an impulse, her plan was sober and long-term.

Considering the medical conditions, educational resources, growth environment, etc., Nanzhi gave up returning to his hometown and chose to settle in the provincial capital.

The mother and son lived here throughout the pregnancy, until Nan Yi was born, and until Nan Yi was half a year old.

At that time, it was inconvenient for Nanzhi to work with Nanyi, so she relied on contributing articles to magazines and translating papers to make a living. Her life was poor, but plain and warm.

...Unfortunately, the house had been sold by the attacker and exchanged for a room full of bags and clothes.

Nanzhi thought that she would buy the house back when she had the chance in the future, just as a keepsake.

Although the house is gone now, Nanzhi can tell Nanyi the story before he was born——

For example, when she was pregnant with him, she went to the supermarket to choose milk powder and compared the ingredients like others, but ended up making a fool of herself;
For example, she was pushing her newborn baby for a walk downstairs, and when the aunt next door found out, she said that newborns shouldn’t be exposed to the wind, so she hurried back home in shame;

Another example is when she took him, who was only six months old, to the park to play. He was curious and crawled around on the grass, but accidentally caught a grasshopper and started crying loudly out of fear.


Nan Yi listened very attentively.

He thought his childhood was dark, cold and hungry.

It turns out that even when he doesn't remember, there are so many times filled with warmth.

Nan Yi is very sorry:
"Why don't I remember anything?"

Nanzhi laughed:

"You are only half a year old and can't even walk. How can you remember these?"

Nan Yi wanted to retort and say no, he remembered it.

Maybe I forgot before.

But as his mother came back, he gradually remembered——

In countless dreams of hunger and cold, he had heard a gentle voice calling him "Yi Yi".

So, even if the brain doesn’t remember, his soul and his body will remember!
...But Nan Yi felt that it was a bit corny to say this, so after thinking about it, he swallowed it back.

“I’ll remember all of this later!”

Nan Yi announced loudly to show his determination.

Nanzhi smiled:

"Well, I know Yi Yi is the smartest. But let's keep our voices down and not disturb others, okay?"

At this time, they were sitting on a bus from the provincial capital to the town.

The car was almost full of people, many of whom were sleeping.

Nanzhi was afraid that Nanyi would be too noisy and disturb others.

Little did they know that from the moment the mother and son got on the bus, many people had been secretly watching them.

It wasn't that I had any ill intentions, or recognized them or anything like that.

I just think that this mother and son duo, the mother is gentle and beautiful, and the child is pretty and sensible, are really pleasing to the eyes!

The elder sister who sat next to Nanzhi across the aisle had been itching to speak for a long time before finally speaking:
"Sister, your accent doesn't sound like that of a local. Are you going on a tour to a small town?"

Nanzhi raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"Is the accent... so obvious?"

The eldest sister nodded:

"Of course! I knew it the moment I heard it!"

Afterwards, the eldest sister enthusiastically recommended to Nanzhi places to eat, drink and have fun in the town, and did not forget to praise Nanyi for how well-behaved and cute she was.

...I always feel that the latter is the eldest sister's real purpose.

After the chat, Nanzhi seemed tired, leaning back in his chair and looking out the window.

Nan Yi stared at Nan Zhi for a while:

"Mom, you're not in a good mood."

It's not a doubt, but a certainty.

Nan Yi had this intuition. Nan Zhi wanted to find an excuse to get away with it, but was defeated by Nan Yi's burning gaze.

She sighed, "Well, Mom is a little unhappy."

Nan Yi didn't understand: "Why?"

It was obvious that my mother was very excited and looking forward to it until she got on the bus.

Nanzhi didn't know how to describe her melancholy to Nanyi.

All I can say is:

"I just miss home."

Nan Yi seemed to understand but not quite.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived at the town bus station.

Nanzhi took Nanyi's hand and waved goodbye to the enthusiastic sister. Seeing that it was getting late, they found a hotel to stay in first.

She had already made plans. After getting up in the morning and having breakfast, she would immediately take a bus to the countryside.

Thinking of this, Nanzhi's vague melancholy completely dissipated, and she became as active as she had been in her girlhood for a long time.

She said enthusiastically:
"Yiyi, go to bed early tonight. Let's get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow and go eat noodles! This is my mom's favorite restaurant. The noodle soup there is really good!"

"Okay, Mom."

Nan Yi answered clearly and forcefully, but in fact his eyelids were so sleepy that they were fighting each other.

When Nanzhi saw this, he quickly turned off the lights and went to sleep.

At 5 a.m. the next day, the mother and son got up on time and went to eat the first noodle soup in Nanzhi's memory.

Counting the time, Nanzhi left this small town almost 18 years ago, since she went to college at the age of 10.

The only time I came back was when my grandfather was buried.

Fortunately, the noodle shop she remembered is still there, and the owner is still the same owner.

He just looks a lot older. The middle-aged man with black hair and a strong voice in my memory has become a kind and amiable old man.

The boss was very surprised when he saw Nanzhi.

It’s not that he knew her, but he was curious why a stranger would come to eat his first noodle soup so early in the morning.

The customers who usually come here are locals and regular customers.

The boss thought that his noodles were becoming more famous and attracted tourists from other places, so he was very happy.

He patted his chest and promised:

"Don't worry, my noodles are absolutely delicious! If there's anything that's not to your taste, just let me know and I'll redo it for you right there!"

Then Nan Yi discovered that her mother's mood seemed to be bad again.


Just when he was at a loss for words, the face appeared.

As the name suggests, first batch of noodles are cooked in water when the noodle shop just opens.

Because the later the noodle soup goes, the more noodles are cooked, the more turbid the soup becomes, and the worse the noodles taste.

Therefore, only this soup noodle tastes the best.

It is said that when a chef who has excellent control of the heat cooks the noodles, they are 90% cooked when they come out of the pot, and the residual heat is just enough to simmer them to perfection when they are served to the customers.

The owner of this noodle shop is such a master.

Holding the bowl of noodles, Nanzhi tasted the soup first.

The soup base is made from meat bones, eel bones and chicken skeletons. It is fragrant and delicious without any turbidity.

Then eat the noodles, they are smooth and chewy, and the aroma fills the air as you chew.

It’s the taste of memory.

Nan Yi took a big bite and cried out because of the heat, but he still praised:
"Mom, the noodles are delicious!"


Nanzhi smiled widely.

But she didn't notice that someone in the corner was looking at her with suspicion.

After Nanzhi Nanyi finished eating the noodles and left, the man hurriedly took out his cell phone:

"Hello? Lao Zhao? Do you know who I just saw? Your Nanzhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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