Chapter 87: Huge crowds of people! Sold out!

While Nanzhi was boiling the brine and stewing the braised meat, everyone seemed to have settled down in the kitchen.

The aroma of the braised meat turned into a rope that bound them tightly.

Even if something happens and he has to leave, he won't go too far and will only move within a few meters.

So, when the strong and overbearing aroma of stewed food wafted out from the back kitchen and drifted farther with the wind, until half the street was filled with the aroma of stewed food...

No one in the kitchen noticed that several groups of customers had already arrived before this customer spoke!

"What does it smell like? It smells so good!"

"It smells a bit too fragrant, maybe some special seasoning was added?"

"I can tell from the look of it that you don't know how to eat. This stew tastes very pure and absolutely natural!"

"Hey, there's no one in the store."

"Isn't it closed?"

"Then let's come back later."


After several such conversations took place.

Finally, a customer came who was tempted by the aroma of the stew and couldn't resist any more, so he asked.

Then Nanzhi came out.

She replied, "Open now," as if turning on some mysterious switch.

The people who were originally watching nearby, all rushed over!
“So it’s open for business!”

"Tell me earlier!"

"Boss, what do you sell?"

……and many more.

So the customer who asked this question doesn’t even know what the store sells, but he still queues up?

This was the first thought in the minds of Fu Chao and others who followed out.

But when I think about it, the one who caused this phenomenon is Nanzhi’s braised pork…

It suddenly became very easy to understand!
At this time, there were already about 10 people crowded together in front of the store.

There are nearby residents and the owner of the next-door shop.

There were even people who happened to run by in their sportswear!
They all stopped to look at Nanzhi's braised meat, stretching their necks and looking around.

Nanzhi: "Sorry, wait a moment."

She simply directed everyone to work together to set up a table at the door as quickly as possible.

Put out the chopping board, food boxes prepared in advance, electronic scales and other things.

Let Qi Pei'er, who is the most friendly and good at communication, be responsible for greeting guests.

Fu Chao and Xie Yu carried out the large earthenware jar filled with braised meat and vegetables and placed it heavily on the table!
At this time, someone looked at them and felt that they looked particularly familiar.

As for Nanzhi, Xie Yu and Qi Pei'er, their faces are not yet known to the public.

But Fu Chao is different.

Then someone immediately pointed at Fu Chao:

"Hey, you're not that actor..."

The other guests looked at Fu Chao suspiciously.

Nanzhi stood in front of the table at the right time:
"Come on, everyone, get in line. Sir, what do you want?"

The guest who almost recognized Fu Chao:
"You look so familiar... Hey, hey, hey! Don't squeeze me! This is my seat!"

"Stand here, stand here."

"Boss! What time does your store open? Is it open at night?"

"Do you have any braised dishes, boss?"

Everyone was talking at once, their attention focused on the queue and the braised meat, instantly forgetting Fu Chao's identity.

The moods of the audience in the live broadcast room also changed from nervousness, to surprise, and then to a screen full of hahaha!

[It’s so funny, my brother Fu is so shameless! ]

[How can the movie king be as charming as the braised pork! Even if I were Fu Ge’s ten-year-old fan, I would still buy the braised pork first! After all, the braised pork will be gone once it’s sold out, and I can only see my idol on TV later! ]

【You fake fan! 】

[Why did Nanzhi put the braised meat at the door? It makes a mess. After all the hard work in decorating the store, shouldn’t we invite customers to come in and eat? ]

[Because it’s braised meat, most people buy it and leave, so it’s meaningless to let them into the store. ]

[Isn't it because it's still early and not yet time for lunch? ]

[Wait, so this small restaurant has been converted into a braised meat restaurant? ]

[I don’t care, I just want to eat the braised pork made by Nanzhi…]


Everyone speculated about the reason why Nanzhi placed the big earthen jar at the door.

But soon, they knew the real answer -

The clay pot has good heat preservation properties, and the thick pot walls still have a constant supply of heat, simmering the various ingredients in the pot.

Xie Yu was responsible for helping Nanzhi, stirring the pot constantly with a long-handled spoon.

The strong and overbearing aroma of the stew continues to spread, spread, and spread.

Not only are the customers in the queue eager to eat, they also wish the line would move faster.

It also drifts to farther places, and it is no exaggeration to say that the fragrance spreads for ten miles.

As the saying goes, good wine needs no bush.

Scent is the most intuitive way to capture people's hearts.

Before, just a little smell coming out of the kitchen attracted more than 10 guests.

So now, what about putting the pot in front of the store?

The answer is obvious.

Anyway, when Xiao Hu, the new intern sent by Xu Lin, changed into ordinary clothes and finally rushed over, he saw that the entrance of Nanzhi's store was crowded with people, and it was so crowded that no one could get in!
Nanzhi and Xieyu stood behind the table and were in charge of taking orders and cutting the meat;

Nan Yi still works as a cashier, with the well-behaved Xie Anan helping him;

Qi Pei'er and Fu Chao struggled to maintain order;
Qingxi and Qi Zhang shuttled through the crowd, shouting at the top of their lungs to stop pushing;
...The scene is spectacular!
Xiao Hu quickly called back:
"Leader, there are so many people here! Do we need someone to maintain order? Don't let anything happen!"

Xu Lin spoke very quickly:
"I've already called the nearby police station... Hey, don't just stand there stupidly, hurry in! The meat is almost sold out!"

Xiao Hu woke up with a start, hung up the phone quickly, and rushed into the crowd!
He completely forgot his responsibilities as a variety show staff member, and the only thing in his mind was "buy braised meat"!
Soon, the police from the police station arrived.

They were also a little dumbfounded when they saw such a huge crowd.

What is this it delicious?

In fact, many people at the scene had such doubts.

Even if they squeeze into the line, they are still worried that the braised meat in this store only smells good and tastes average.

However, soon after, a customer who had already bought the food said:

Perhaps because the wait was too long, the diners were reluctant to go home and eat more. They simply opened the lunch box, too lazy to even use chopsticks, and just picked up a piece with their fingers and put it into their mouths.

The people next to him curiously asked him if the food was delicious. He ate with his mouth full of oil, his eyes wide open, and his nostrils slightly twitching...but he didn't say a word!
It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, others have already seen the answer from his expression!
Absolutely super, invincible, and explosively delicious!
…Then they squeezed even harder.

No matter how much Nanzhi and the others emphasized that one must queue up in order to buy braised meat.

The team really tried hard to line up.

But there were too many people.

The bustle of the entire street is concentrated here, making other places seem deserted and empty.

Finally, less than an hour after the sale started...

The whole pot of braised food is sold out!

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