Chapter 88 Play a Little Game

I thought that once the instructors had made their groups, I could go to the corresponding groups and assess the group members, but I didn't expect the director to cause trouble again.

The director’s voice sounded——

"Please ask the tutor group to send a representative to come forward and draw the groups to be assessed."

The scene exploded immediately:

"Holy shit, shit, shit!!"

"What the hell is going on? We've already drawn the lottery, why do we have to choose again?"

"Make trouble!"

"Wahaha, does that mean I don't need to be tested by Chi Qianqian? She's not a professional, so she probably doesn't understand."

"Yes Yes!"

"It would be great if Master Lu could be selected into our group."

The barrage went even crazier:

[No way, no way, this is just a mess]

[Groups 2.3 and 1 will be crying their heads off. What if they are picked by Group ? Just thinking about it will drive them crazy. Hahahaha]

[3 It's unfair, I chose it first]

[There are pros and cons, I think it's fair]


Hearing the voice, Chi Qianqian frowned, indicating that she was speechless.

Then I heard the director continue:
"In order to be fair, the instructor will play a little game before the draw. The group that wins the game will have limited choices."

Chi Qianqian: ...

On-site players:

"That's great, come on, Master Lu!"

"Lin Yao, Lin Yao!"

"Come on, Xiaobai!!"


[It’s so annoying. If I keep going, it will be dawn soon.]

[It’s already dawn]

[Oh, speed, speed]

Everyone looked at the director, and the director began to introduce the rules of the game.

It's very simple. Play five songs randomly and ask a few people to guess the song titles. Within the specified time, they have to guess the song titles and sing one or two lines of the lyrics.

Every time you guess correctly and sing a song accurately, you will get a share, and people will draw lots in order of their scores.


It seems fair, but it is not the case for her as an outsider!

Chi Qianqian: What the hell is this?

She turned around and looked at her groupmate Bai Yi with a smile, "Xiao Bai, this depends on you."


For some reason, Bai Yi looked a little unnatural.

Chi Qianqian said, "It's okay."

"Oh, no problem."

Bai Yi smiled awkwardly, with a hint of panic in her eyes.


[Chi Qianqian's friends know themselves]

[Can you please stop putting pressure on us newbies? I’m speechless]

Soon, the game began.

Group 3 is the most serious one. Meng Siyu and Chi Yuanye have already started discussing countermeasures.

The atmosphere in Group 2 was also very good. Lu Shi looked calm, and so was Lin Yao. Both of them looked as if they had "the magic ticket in their hands".

Looking at Group 1 again, Bai Yi seemed a little nervous, only Chi Qianqian had a listless face.

The atmosphere at the scene was also very lively. The contestants were all in this industry, so they were also guessing wrong secretly.

Soon, the first piece of music sounded, and just five seconds into the prelude, the contestants were excited.

“Wow~~~Woooo ...

Before Chi Qianqian could react, Meng Siyu rushed over and said, "Senior Lu's "Chasing the Sea"!"

Lu Shi curled his lips.

Then Meng Siyu sang two lines along with the music. Unexpectedly, he attracted a large number of fans at the scene, and the contestants also sang along.

This song was the title song of Lu Shi's album that won him a music festival award when he just debuted. Legend has it that he wrote it to commemorate his first love, and it is very well-known.

The atmosphere at the scene was so high that even Chi Qianqian couldn't help but hum a few lines along, but Bai Yi's face didn't look very good, and she didn't sing along with everyone else.

".Don't you know?"

Chi Qianqian frowned, somewhat confused.

It would be hard for people who are involved in music not to know Lu Shi, and it would be hard for people who know Lu Shi to forget this song.

But this sister's performance was completely beyond Chi Qianqian's expectations.

"." Bai Yi bit her lip, "I didn't remember it for the moment."

The pool is shallow, "."

Chi Qianqian looked at Lu Shi again, her eyes signaling:

You can't guess your own song?
Lu Shi:

I can be in either group. "."

Chi Qianqian was completely speechless.

The atmosphere at the scene was livened up by a song. The next two songs were also guessed by Meng Siyu, and the fourth song was guessed by Chi Yuanye.

Until the last song, a pleasant and slow rhythm sounded, and everyone present was stunned.

After the 37-second prelude was over, no one could guess what song it was!

Lu Shi frowned slightly, and he leaned over and whispered something in Chi Qianqian's ear.

Chi Qianqian suddenly realized.

Turning around, Chi Qianqian frowned, "Why don't you go up?"

Lu Shi raised his eyebrows, "I don't need it."

Chi Qianqian curled her lips, "."

Lu Shi: "Go ahead"

Chi Qianqian, "I don't remember the lyrics!"

Lu Shi, "."

Huo Xingzhou asked him to take care of her, and he wanted to ask, how to do it?
Seeing that the designated time was about to arrive, Lu Shi leaned over again and began to sing softly.

"Wow, your voice is so beautiful!"

Chi Qianqian was amazed. This close, unembellished voice was so beautiful and different from any electronic music she had ever heard.

Chi Qianqian immediately became a die-hard fan!
Lu Shi, "."

Finally, a second before the end, under the pressure of Lu Shi's eyes, Chi Qianqian walked up and spoke:

"We had an agreement.

In this first snowy winter,

If she hasn't come back yet,
Let us"

The singing slowly came, and everyone at the scene was stunned.

Even the barrage was stuck.

Chi Qianqian's voice was not loud, but it still surprised everyone.

Her voice is pure and her tone is unique, like a clear spring hitting the bottom of a valley, gentle but straight to the heart.

I don’t know if it was because she was a little restrained, but her voice was low, which added a touch of charm. Although it was low, it was very clear.

Chi Qianqian sang for seven or eight sentences before she stopped.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember what happened next."

Chi Qianqian smiled and stepped back.


The scene was silent, as if everyone hadn't reacted yet.

After a long time, someone exclaimed:

“She can sing!”

“You sang very well!”

"Yes, it's good!"

Then there was applause from the audience, and some people even whistled.


[It turns out to be "Light Chaser", how old is this song?]

[But Chi Qianqian cheated, didn’t she?]

[Lu Shen told him, didn’t you see him biting his ears twice?]

[It doesn’t matter, the results are out anyway]

[Yes, it does not affect]

[It sounds good]

[By the way, why doesn’t Lu Shen go up himself? I really want to hear Lu Shen sing]

[That’s right, two great people in two groups, each guessing the right song]

"Well done, Xiaochi!"

Chi Yuanye stepped forward and high-fived her.


Chi Qianqian curled the corners of her mouth.

Lu Shen and Lin Yao also started to applaud.

"Not bad."

Lu Shi said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty good actually."

Lin Yao gave a thumbs up.

Meng Siyu stared at her with a strange expression for a few seconds.

The one who looked the ugliest was Bai Yi. Bai Yi's face was obviously stiff, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Chi Qianqian became unfriendly.

Seeing that Chi Qianqian had already walked to her side, she tried to hide it and said somewhat unnaturally:

"Sister Qianqian, you have a very nice voice."

Chi Qianqian frowned and looked at her.

"Isn't this Li Yi's "First Snow"? Aren't you a fan of Li Yi? Didn't you recognize it?"

My dears, please pay attention to this collection~

Thanks! Spread the flowers~~

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