Chapter 113 That incident

Inside the bar.

at this time.

Chen Mo has finished chatting with Zhou Yuchen.

He went to the bathroom.

Just when Chen Mo was about to leave.

Suddenly his legs went weak and he fell to the ground, knocking over a bucket beside him.

After Chen Mo struggled to get up, he saw his current self in the mirror.

Somehow, he felt that he looked a little strange at this moment.

He even felt that he looked a little scary now.

Chen Mo wondered why he was so useless?
I can fall even when walking.

He even began to hate himself.

And just at this time
Zhou Yuchen ran in after hearing the noise. He was shocked when he saw Chen Mo's appearance.

Then he called and had a set of clean clothes delivered.

After Zhou Yuchen saw Chen Mo out of the bar.

He wanted to drive Chen Mo back.

But Chen Mo refused.

Zhou Yuchen didn't force it, but just called someone from their company to follow Chen Mo from a distance, just in case.

Zhou Yuchen could understand Chen Mo’s psychological sensitivity at this time.

Chen Mo just wanted to be treated as a normal person.

Zhou Yuchen saw the back of the man who seemed a little tired as he walked.

He felt the injustice again.

He is just a young man of 20, why should he endure all this?
At this moment, Zhou Yuchen also clearly felt that the light around him suddenly became dim.

He looked up to the sky.

Zhou Yuchen felt that it was just like the blue sky in front of him.

No matter how clear and bright it is, it is still intoxicating.

But the light will fade away inch by inch and sink into the twilight irretrievably.

Zhou Yuchen believed that Chen Yuwei could collect the money quickly.

But he had his uncle's experience before him.

Zhou Yuchen didn't think there would be any miracle.

And it was obvious that Chen Mo would not accept the 2 billion.

So he thought.

The blue sky before our eyes must be Chen Mo’s final ending.

on the street.

Chen Mo just walked slowly.

He suddenly felt a little confused and didn't know where to go now.

After saying goodbye to my mother and sister.

He seemed to have no home again.

And in his current state, he didn't dare to look for Ye Mengyao at all.

In addition to various reasons, it was also because he didn't dare to face it and was afraid that Ye Mengyao would see him in his current state.

Just in the bathroom.

He felt disgusted when he saw himself in this state.

Chen Mo walked slowly for half an hour.

The setting sun in the evening gradually broke through the clouds, casting a layer of soft and clear light on the ground.

He looked forward along the light and saw a potted plant shop.

Chen Mo thought.

If you buy some potted plants, can you really get the beautiful meaning that potted plants represent?
Soon he himself found it a little ridiculous.

However, buying a couple of potted plants would seem to bring some life to the ward and make that place look a little more like home.

The room was filled with music.

"The rain stagnated in the sky like tears swirling in my eyes. This may be the last time we meet."

"The past that passed by along the way has not had time to repeat itself, and the embrace has already quietly cooled down"

"The sound of the sea tide drowned out the dusk of parting, leaving only the warmth of reluctance"


Chen Mo stepped into the store.

The shop owner immediately came over and said, "Handsome guy, the best potted plants in our shop are all basking in the sun in the yard inside."

"Just walk a few steps inside and you will see it."

Chen Mo nodded, and when he came to the yard, he saw that there was another person in the yard.

She was sitting on a chair in the yard, holding a book in one hand and flipping through it casually, while with the other hand she occasionally stroked the cat in her arms.

"Chen Mo?"

After seeing Chen Mo, Chen Xiangrou took the initiative to say hello.

Then she pointed to the chair opposite: "Would you like to sit down?"

See Chen Mo turn around and leave.

Chen Xiangrou continued, "You should really want to know the answer to that incident, right?"

"I'm telling you now."

Chen Mo was stunned when he heard this.

Then he sat in the chair again.

Chen Xiangrou put down the book and chased the cat away from her arms.

She looks very beautiful when she smiles, she has fair skin, clear eyes and two dimples.

Chen Mo thinks.

If people don't know her, they would probably describe her with words like clear, stupid, and naive.

Chen Xiangrou smiled and said, "It seems like we haven't seen each other for many days."

"When was the last time we met?"

Chen Mo interrupted, "Just tell me how you fell down."

This is what Chen Xiangrou mentioned.

This happened many years ago.

At that time, he learned that Chen Xiangrou said in front of the eldest sister that he was unlearned and unskilled all day long, just like a gangster.

He went to find Chen Xiangrou with confusion and bewilderment.

At that moment, Chen Xiangrou's eyes suddenly turned red. She kept admitting her mistakes and asked Chen Mo to forgive him.

Chen Mo had not yet expressed his opinion.

Chen Xiangrou pulled his hand pleadingly.

Then she fell down the stairs somehow.

There was a shallow cut on his forehead, and a trace of blood seeped out.

Chen Mo's brain buzzed at that moment, and he had no idea what he had done.

The screams from the housekeeping staff around him also made it impossible for him to think.

Chen Mo still hasn't been able to forget that scene.

Several people said that they saw him push Chen Xiangrou down.

At that time, the eldest sister Chen Yuwei quickly heard the noise and rushed over.

After learning about the situation from the housekeeping staff, I was almost furious.

Chen Yuwei shouted and asked Chen Xiangrou to be sent to the hospital for examination.

He walked over and pushed him hard.

Pushed him to the ground.

Chen Yuwei's eyes were particularly disappointed, and she yelled at him: "You like pushing people so much, how do you feel now?"

"What's that expression on your face? Do you feel wronged?"

"She's your sister, and you pushed her aside. Are you still human?!"

"You are so young, but you act like a gangster already. Sooner or later, you will disgrace the Chen family!"

"Go and reflect on your mistakes!"

Later because of this incident.

He became even more unpopular over a period of time.

He also began to doubt whether it was really Chen Xiangrou who he pushed.

He felt that it was not him who pushed her. Could it be that Chen Xiangrou fell down on purpose?
Chen Mo thought at the time that this was absolutely impossible.

How could family members frame each other in this way?

But Chen Mo now looked back.

He found that it was entirely possible for this to happen to Chen Xiangrou.

Even those domestic staff who had been shouting and saying that he was the one who pushed Chen Xiangrou might have been bribed by Chen Xiangrou long ago.


Chen Xiangrou's voice brought Chen Mo back to his senses: "That's right."

"Since you're dying."

"I'm not going to keep it a secret from you anymore, Chen Mo."

"I fell down by myself in the first place. You don't have to feel guilty at all."

(End of this chapter)

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