Chapter 132 My Own Mediocrity

"I, shall we set off now?"

In the car.

The assistant's voice trembled slightly.

Accompanied by Chen Xiangrou's extremely inappropriate shouts.

In the enclosed space, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

It rained harder.

Countless raindrops poured down at this moment, hitting the car windows loudly.

Chen Xiangrou's hands were tightly gripping the cushion.

The various emotions that she couldn't suppress in her heart made her breathing become much heavier.

Chen Mo actually said she was disgusting!

Why would he say he was disgusting!

Maybe it was because Chen Mo had compromised with her too many times in the past.

No matter how the story begins, Chen will lose in the end.

When I call him brother, Chen Mo will still answer.

So the word "disgusting" hurt her deeply.

"Chen Mo, you finally stopped pretending!"

Chen Xiangrou clenched her teeth.

But that anger was completely blocked in his heart because Chen Mo pulled out the phone card.

at this time.

A middle-aged woman in a raincoat knocked on the car window.

After Chen Xiangrou rolled down the car window a little, she took out several letters wrapped in plastic film.

The middle-aged woman said that Chen Ying asked her to deliver it.

When Chen Ying moved, several letters were accidentally hidden in the furniture.

She found it.

These letters are just some of the correspondence she has exchanged with her mother over the years.

Chen Xiangrou wiped the water stains on the plastic film with her sleeve and took out the letter.

She held the envelope with her left hand, pulled out the letter with her right hand, and then handed the envelope to the assistant beside her, asking her to keep it carefully.

After opening the two pages of letter paper.

Chen Xiangrou saw the very familiar beautiful handwriting.

This brought back a lot of memories to her mind.

In her memory, her mother has always been a very partial person.

Mother gave all her love to her eldest sister
When Chen Xiangrou recalled the past, she found that her mother's preference was still reflected in Chen Mo.

The first day when mother brought Chen Mo back to the manor.

She hugged her mother and cried, trying to drive him away.

But her mother pushed her away and sternly told her that she had no empathy.

Originally, she thought that her mother only gave those shares to Chen Yuwei.

But now it seems that there is also Chen Mo
But that doesn't seem to matter.

Because her mother still left her nothing.

A trace of grievance flashed across Chen Xiangrou's eyes, and she lowered her head to read the contents of the letter.

Dear sister Chen Ying.

Autumn is getting stronger.

I sent you some clothes. They are the latest limited editions that I got from an old acquaintance. Yuwei likes them very much. Remember to wear them when you go out to herd cattle and sheep.

Your brother was so angry when he heard that you had secretly run away to the remote countryside again that he almost died.

But he still asked me to remind you to keep warm and eat more vegetables and fruits.

I am sitting in my bedroom writing this letter, and your brother is right next to me, trying to get some fresh fruits and vegetables shipped to you.

I saw the photos you sent me, your place is really beautiful.

Surrounded by mountains and flowing through clear streams, is this the paradise far away from the hustle and bustle of the city that you have always told me about?

very nice.

Feel like you have pursued your dream.

Sometimes I envy you so much, because I find that my dreams seem to come one after another.

When one goal is accomplished, I start dreaming bigger dreams.

After founding Bunting Jewelry, I spent a dozen years with almost no time for myself.

For more than ten years.

That somewhat shabby studio has gone through several changes, from an ugly duckling into a white swan.

Those media outside said.

The emergence of Caiqi Jewelry has enabled the domestic jewelry industry to gradually move from manufacturing to creation.

They say that the jewelry I design are pieces of art and their artistic value will continue in the jewelry industry.

My original dream seemed to have come true.

Caiqi Jewelry has stores in many cities.

Chen Xiangrou's eyes were red.

Just this morning, Caiqi Jewelry stores across the country were closed, and some were even forced to temporarily close.

And because the outbreak point of this incident came from within.

So no one dared to help the Caiqi Group at this time.

Those people were afraid that after they used their power to help, something new would happen inside the Caiqi Group, and then they would be in trouble.

Chen Xiangrou could only watch as the supervisors took away truckloads of paper files, copied the electronic documents, and took them back to investigate whether Caiqi Jewelry had deliberately concealed those things, thereby causing harm to consumers' health.

Sooner or later, these things will spread to the outside world.

Not only the stock price will be affected again.

By then, it is estimated that another wave of franchisees will ask to withdraw and choose to close their stores.

These things are the result of my mother's lifelong efforts.
The expression on Chen Xiangrou's face became more and more haggard.

Outside the car window.

The rainstorm got heavier.

The sky also became bright and dark.

Chen Xiangrou was attracted by the flashing scenes outside the window.

She suddenly realized.

On the way here, we saw tall trees that were so tall and straight that they seemed to be able to conquer all wind and rain.

At this time, it was shaking continuously in the howling wind.

"Crackling" sounds continued to be heard, and branches fell one after another.

Chen Xiangrou's face turned pale as a result.

How similar I am to these trees.

When the weather is fine and everything goes well.

I feel that I am the most suitable person in this family to manage the Caiqi Group.

In her hands, Caiqi Group will go further.

But when the storm comes.

When you stand in the center of the storm, facing the strong winds.

Chen Xiangrou then realized that she was nothing.

She is far inferior to her parents.

When Chen Xiangrou was a student, she stayed up late countless times to study hard, but still could not compare with the best students in her grade. Only then did she realize that when they heard the same question, those people's reactions were indeed faster than hers.

After she worked extremely hard and went through a series of systematic studies, she entered the design industry and struggled for several years before she designed a decent piece of jewelry. However, this piece of jewelry was far from comparable to her mother's first work.

Chen Xiangrou also realized that no matter how hard she tried, she could not catch up with her mother.

And now.

Look at the fallen branches on both sides of the road.

Chen Xiangrou smiled with a hint of self-mockery.

It suddenly occurred to her.

I am still mediocre in leadership.

Chen Xiangrou felt.

She has been trying her best to protect the group these days, but things are still heading for the worse, as can be seen.

Hard work can make up for many things, but it cannot make her a leader like her father who can conquer the ocean in front of him even in the storm.

(End of this chapter)

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