Chapter 155 The Last Night
Ye Mengyao felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Until the figure squatting on the ground completely disappeared from sight.

She turned her head.

"The medical facility will pick me up tomorrow."

"They just contacted me through a message."

"He said all the formalities have been completed."

Chen Mo's words brought Ye Mengyao back to her senses.


He didn't say anything.

Ye Mengyao's tears immediately fell.

Chen Mo was a little at a loss and wanted to help Ye Mengyao wipe away her tears.

But Ye Mengyao turned around and said with a smile: "I didn't cry."

"Don't be afraid, Chen Mo. It can definitely be cured."

The moonlight is bright and the evening breeze is gentle.

The tiny fragments of light were imprinted in her eyes.

Chen Mo felt a little reluctant, but he had to leave.

He was really afraid that he would suddenly fall down in front of Ye Mengyao.

Once again, I saw Ye Mengyao looking tired when facing anything.

"I will wait for you."

Ye Mengyao's voice suddenly became much softer.

She leaned in closer and pressed her lips gently against his.

Ye Mengyao's ears gradually turned red, and she held Chen Mo's hand tightly: "I, I, will also help you take care of your sister during your absence."

"When you went to Auntie's room to talk yesterday."

"Your sister asked me to explain the questions to her while she was watching TV."

"She also said I was as good as you taught me."

"Just go and get treatment. I'll explain the questions to your sister for you later."

Chen Mo felt that he had finally made the right choice.

At least for this moment.

Ye Mengyao really returned to her original appearance.

"Chen Mo."

Ye Mengyao suddenly spoke.

Before Chen Mo could answer.

Ye Mengyao whispered: "Hug."

Until the car gradually stopped.

Shen Jingxuan said, we’re here.

Ye Mengyao realized something.

After thanking Shen Jingxuan, she pulled Chen Mo out of the car.

After walking for a while.

Ye Mengyao gradually stopped walking because she didn't know where to go.

Chen Mo didn't tell her what to do next after coming to this commercial street.


Chen Mo took her with him for the rest of the journey.


The two stopped in front of a milk tea shop.

There is a long queue at this milk tea shop.

Chen Mo felt that he would have to wait for a while.

But then.

Then screams were heard from the crowd.

"Teacher Chen Mo! You played the piano so well just now!"


After this voice came out.

Many people around looked over here.

This commercial street is not far from the stadium.

So many of them are men and women who just came out after watching a performance.

"It's really Teacher Chen Mo!"

"Wow, I wish you happiness, it's so sweet, and you're holding hands all the time!"

"Teacher Chen Mo, you should also take care of your health!"

"Are you here to buy milk tea? Teacher Chen Mo, what do you want? I'll buy it for you!"

"Please give me an autograph, Mr. Chen Mo!"


The owner of the milk tea shop also became excited and quickly took out his mobile phone to take a video.

The moment when the star bought milk tea in his shop was recorded.


The cup of milk tea that Chen Mo wanted was handed to him.

Ye Mengyao remembered what Chen Mo once said, that the taste was so bland.

She felt that she should have thought that Chen Mo might want to eat some sweets. Chen Mo reached out and handed her the milk tea: "Didn't you say that day that I owed you a cup of milk tea?"


Amid the exclamations and envious gazes of the crowd.

Ye Mengyao took a sip.

The thick milk tea filled my mouth.

Warm and sweet.

The last trace of anxiety in her heart, the fear of being abandoned by Chen Mo again, seemed to disappear at this moment.

Ye Mengyao once read an article.

It talks about the reason why milk tea makes people feel happy, because caffeine and sugar can stimulate the brain.

But she felt.

This time it’s definitely not because of these.

What Chen Mo promised her has always been in his mind.

So this time Chen Mo will definitely keep his promise.

Get well and come back.
The two walked and strolled hand in hand amid the blessings of everyone.

Ye Mengyao seemed to want him to taste everything. She bought a lot of snacks and kept feeding him.

Although Chen Mo still has no sense of taste.

I can't taste anything I eat.

But Chen Mo seemed to feel the happiness brought by delicious food again.

He hasn't felt this way in a long time.

Or maybe the source of that happiness is not food.
It's almost twelve o'clock.

Chen Mo saw Ye Mengyao's eyes moved to a sign next to her several times while she was eating.

This is a promotional poster for an animated film.

Chen Mo said: "Want to watch a movie?"

"I'll go with you."

The two encountered some problems when buying tickets.

They arrived a little late.

The movie that Ye Mengyao wanted to watch started half an hour ago.

The next one will be tomorrow afternoon.

Chen Mo felt a little regretful.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

But just when the two were about to turn around and leave.

A man with a big belly called Chen Mo.

With a smile on his face, he said a lot of things.

What? This cinema is owned by Caiqi Group, and Caiqi Group has invested in these movies.

He also said that there are several halls that are vacant now.

He could arrange a special show for the two of them.

five minutes later.

The lights dimmed and the screen lit up.

It was the first time that Ye Mengyao felt that the screening room was a little empty.

But with Chen Mo around, there was no feeling of loneliness at all.

that's it.

The two people leaned close together, immersed in the story on the screen.

Chen Mo originally just wanted to accompany Ye Mengyao.

But some lines and plots in the movie kept touching him.

"I'll tell you what's the saddest thing. You meet someone and make a mistake. You want to make amends and pay it back, but in the end you realize that you are powerless to do anything about it."

"The sins committed can never be made up for. We can never pay off what we owe. Once it's wrong, it's wrong and can never be made up for."


"I like to watch you eat, when you are willful, when you are angry, when you are sad, and when you are most embarrassed."

"They're all beautiful."


"In this short life, we will all lose it eventually, so you might as well be bold."

"Love someone, climb a mountain, chase a dream."


Accompanied by the ending song.

The two left the cinema together.

When we arrived at the square outside.

We were also lucky enough to see a fireworks display.

And after sensing the crowd's excitement, the organizers invited Chen Mo to light the remaining boxes of fireworks.

Chen Mo held Ye Mengyao's hand and lit the fireworks together.

Then take her away quickly.

The splendor continues to bloom in the air, but disappears in a flash, as short-lived as a flower.

It beautifies the night sky and leaves the ground covered with red.

(End of this chapter)

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