I'm dying, my sisters are begging for forgiveness

Chapter 22 Chen Yiyi wants to cry again

Chapter 22 Chen Yiyi wants to cry again

When Chen Yiyi returned to the manor in a daze.

The dinner was coming to an end.

Some guests did not hear Chen Yiyi's piano performance.

In addition, at this dinner, only the eldest sister of the three Chen sisters was present, which made some guests feel that they were not respected as they should be, leading to some minor emotions.

Chen Yuwei, who was present with the guests throughout the entire event, was keenly aware of this.

So Chen Zhou was asked to perform a show for the guests, whether by singing or playing the piano.

This is to prevent these people from gossiping about the Chen family behind their backs after they return.

When Chen Zhou heard this request, he was dumbfounded.

He knows nothing about playing the piano, and his singing is at best just at the average level, maybe even a little lower.


His first thought was to refuse.


After seeing Chen Yuwei's fierce look, Chen Zhou had no choice but to go onto the stage.


Chen Zhou first picked up the microphone, introduced himself and said some polite words.

After receiving a round of applause.

He picked up the microphone and sang: "You opened your arms and melted me."

"You twisted my fingertips and crushed me."

As Chen Zhou's singing sounded.

The eyes of all the guests at the scene were focused on Chen Zhou.

It seemed that these two lines of lyrics, which progressed from simple to profound, had conquered the guests present.

Someone shouted "good", and applause broke out again.

This gave Chen Zhou a boost of confidence.

He even felt like he was born to be on the stage.

He is the kind of person who can become the focus of everyone's attention as long as he stands on the stage.

This made Chen Zhou more and more confident as he sang.

I even became a little intoxicated by it.

After he saw the crowd and the stunned Chen Yiyi, he smiled.

Chen Zhou felt that he had impressed his sister.


the fact is.

The guests at the scene only sang for them because of the young master of the Chen family.

Make these guests feel respected by the Chen family.

So he just turned around and supported the show.

So the previous scene was just Chen Zhou’s imagination.

The actual scene is.

"You only picked up leaky pots this year. (You twisted my fingertips and crushed me)"

"You stirred up the plumpness and took me away. (You stirred up the wind and clouds and swept me away)"

"You despised the rags and abandoned the bird's nest!!! (You stirred up a storm and abandoned me)"

"Oh my god!!! I'm going to hit you!!! (It's so unfair to us)"


This is also the reason why Chen Yiyi was stunned.

Especially for a professional singer like her, the singing is too bad.
Not only is the tone inaccurate, but even the pronunciation is not clear.

The key is to look calm and confident.

On one hand, his piano skills overwhelmed the whole audience, and he even had the largest music platform in the country personally negotiate the copyright.

One side is
Chen Yiyi felt like crying again.

The next day.


Although Chen Yiyi had just woken up at this moment, she had been suffering from insomnia since last night and fell into a deep sleep at nine o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, she only slept for more than four hours. The first thing Chen Yiyi did after waking up was to pick up her phone.

She wanted to try to send some messages to Chen Mo again to see if the other party had unblocked her.

As soon as Chen Yiyi turned on her mobile phone, big data pushed a piece of news to her.

[Net Depression Music successfully reached a cooperation with the piano genius Chen Mo, and acquired all the copyrights of "Dream Wedding" for two million. ]

Chen Yiyi after reading this news report.

She couldn't help but say to herself: "What a fool!"

"I told him not to sell it."

In Chen Yiyi's opinion.

If you look at the long term.

Perhaps within ten years this song will be able to bring in around five million in revenue.

Not to mention the value this song will bring twenty or thirty years from now.

This made Chen Yiyi even more unable to sleep.

She continued to click on the related news below this news.

The song "Wedding in a Dream" was very popular last night.

But at noon today.

The popularity of this song and netizens' discussion of this matter have truly reached their peak.

Even Chen Mo's Weibo account, which had never posted a single update since it was registered, was exposed. Overnight, the number of followers of this blank account exceeded 100,000.

Thousands of netizens left comments under a birthday status automatically posted by the Weibo system.

"Is this really Chen Mo's account? Why is there nothing on it?"

"A dream wedding! So beautiful, I've watched that video ten times, when will it be released as a single?!"

"Net Depression Music has just officially announced the acquisition. It should be available on Net Depression Music soon. There may even be a studio version."

"To be honest, I think you guys are overdoing it a bit. I'm a piano student, and the difficulty of this piece is probably only at the amateur level 4. Anyone can learn it. If someone played this piece in front of me in real life, I would definitely laugh at him. After all, I've already passed the level 10 exam at the age of 20."

"Dude, your taste is better than those piano masters, haha."

"You can tell at first glance that he is an internet keyboard expert. He likes to show off when he knows something."

"I can actually understand him. He may think that this piece is too simple and not suitable for showing off his skills. But he doesn't know that music is meant to be felt with the heart, not to be shown off."


Chen Yiyi agrees with the views of some netizens.

And it is actually more difficult to give a technically simple piece of music rich and layered emotions.

Chen Yiyi knew it after watching Chen Mo's piano solo.

Chen Mo's playing level is quite high, and he even has the feeling of a piano master who has experienced decades of experience.

This made Chen Yiyi start to doubt.

Maybe Chen Mo was hiding his shortcomings when he was practicing the piano with her before, otherwise why would he suddenly become so good at it.

"Is it to give me confidence?"

Chen Yiyi suddenly had such a thought.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

When Chen Mo practiced piano with her when they were young, the piano skills he displayed were always better than hers, but only slightly better than hers.

That's why she always has the motivation to catch up.

Chen Yiyi thought again of what Fu Xuejie had said to her before.

When Chen Mo found him that day, he showed the level of a leader among his peers.

Fu Xuejie had never once given her this kind of compliment!
Does this mean that Chen Mo's piano skills are actually much higher than hers? !
Chen Yiyi thought of this.

My thoughts started to get confused again.

Could it be that Chen Mo has been hiding his own brilliance because of her? !

Chen Yiyi couldn't help rubbing her temples.

A painting she had seen before then appeared in her mind.

In that painting.

There are two worlds.

It was dark and cold below, and the skinny boy was using his hands to support the ground that was about to collapse.

It's warm and bright above, the girl wearing a crown is elegant and calm, and flowers bloom wherever she passes.

(End of this chapter)

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