Chapter 11 Going Home
"Martial souls are really magical! They are like a converter. Today, I helped a healing type obtain a soul ring. The soul ring opened up a branch of his kidney meridian, and the soul skill he obtained is healing.

But when I think about it the other way around, I feel it is normal. After all, the kidney belongs to water, and the kidney meridian is responsible for the beginning of life and the energy of reproduction. After being transformed by the martial soul, it becomes a healing skill.

It seems that everything in the world is inseparable from the fundamental principles of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. It is just that through the martial spirit, different skills are displayed to the outside world, but the core attributes have not changed..."


"Today I met a food-type spirit warrior. According to the information I collected before, food-type martial spirits are born in the spleen meridian, belong to the earth, and can nourish all things.

But the soul ring he obtained opened up the branch meridians on the lung meridian, and eating his pills could replenish soul power.

Earth produces gold, the lungs belong to gold, the lungs control qi, gold controls energy, and the lungs control the transmission of energy, which is also within the changes of the five elements..."


"After opening up the lung meridian and part of the heart meridian, through the spider martial spirit, the soul skill that awakened was actually a soul power-devouring soul skill... Is it because the lung metal is affected by the heart fire to generate heat?"


"Well, today a cat martial spirit obtained a spirit ring and opened up the tiny branch meridians in its hands. Its spirit skill is to grow hair on its hands?
I couldn't figure it out, so I tried it myself, circulating my soul power, and walking with the inside of my hands. The starting point of the meridian is the Yangming Stomach Meridian, which has the Yang Earth attribute.

Soil is responsible for growth and nurturing, and it has unique characteristics.

Specifically, his hands were covered in gold, and his defense increased greatly, just like metal.

The same hand branches, the same core attributes, but showing different skill effects, so it was his martial soul that was causing trouble? Was the blood power in the martial soul unbalanced?

Self-created soul skill +1..."


"Yin alone cannot produce anything, and Yang alone cannot grow. The liver meridian I opened up belongs to Yin. Yang of the wood attribute corresponds to the gallbladder meridian in the human body. Yin and Yang coexist, which is the right way...

I am here to remember the soul warrior who failed to absorb the 90-year soul ring today. I will remember you."


"Today I discovered the disadvantage of soul power, that is, no matter how deep the soul power in the body is, without the blessing of martial spirit, it is impossible to release the soul power by oneself!
Soul power is a pool of water. The pool is closed, with only one gate, which is the martial soul. Want to drain the water? Open the martial soul!
It doesn't have any big impact, but self-created soul skills like "Rasengan" can only be achieved through martial soul, and it can't be done with hands alone!

Mental power can, with the support of soul power, form a physical aura of coercion that acts on the opponent's mind, but it is useless against unconscious dead things."


For two months, Qing Huan had been hanging around in the mercenary group, helping others to hunt souls.

I witnessed the process of dozens of soul masters obtaining soul rings, understood the principles of soul skills, and gained a preliminary understanding of the changes of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements... Of course, I also earned three hundred and seventy gold soul coins.

Great harvest!

There is still one month before school starts, and Qinghuan plans to use the remaining month to try to condense a soul ring.

The mercenaries seemed extremely reluctant to say goodbye to Qinghuan. In the past two months, Qinghuan's detection ability had left a very deep impression on them.

Moreover, after the news spread, more and more people came to their mercenary group to hunt souls.

With his departure, the mercenary group will return to its original state.

Tieyan did have the thought of trying to keep him, but he couldn't trust him to cooperate after forcibly recruiting him, so it was better to let him go.

So after having a farewell meal, Qinghuan set out on his journey home.


There was no change in Shitou Village due to Qinghuan's absence. The villagers still worked from sunrise to sunset and rested from sunset to sunrise.

The village chief was old, and was sitting at the door basking in the sun, sighing from time to time.

Qing Huan walked over and asked, "Village Chief, what's wrong?"

"It's Qing Huan."

The village chief sighed again and said, "This year, the children in our village awakened their martial spirits, but none of them became spirit masters. In the past few years, except for you, no one has spirit power... Alas...

By the way, where have you been during this time?"

"I went to work and earn money."

Qing Huan placed ten gold soul coins in the village chief's hand and said, "It's so easy to make money from soul masters. I can even make money by helping them carry the bag... Can you give me the land by the river on the east side of the village?"

The village chief looked at the gold soul coin in his hand and asked in confusion, "There are a lot of blue silver grasses growing there. It will be very difficult for you to cultivate it."

Qing Huan smiled and said, "You also know that my martial soul is blue silver grass, so it will be faster to repair it there."


The village chief nodded and said, "I'll tell everyone later that the land is given to you. It won't cost so much money..." Qing Huan got up and left, saying, "I'm responsible for the soul master's work, which is very profitable."

The village chief said with a disappointed tone: "Soul Master..."


After returning home and cleaning up a bit, Qinghuan went straight to the river east of the village.

The lush blue silver grass faces the sparkling river surface, as beautiful as a painting.

Qing Huan did not rush to practice, but directly summoned the book of system.

The Spirit Hall's Pope Bibi Dong basically records the Spirit Hall's knowledge on it every day. Needless to say, ten points are given directly.

In addition to Bibi Dong, there are several others who would occasionally attach some related knowledge. Although there were some repetitions, Qinghuan still selectively gave away different points.

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda spirit can never break through level 80. Do you know why?"

Click to reply: "Martial souls are composed of blood, soul power and spirit. There are so many people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, it is impossible for everyone to have mental problems. If the soul power can be cultivated steadily, it means there is no problem.

There is only one conclusion: there is something wrong with the bloodline of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

In addition, you said before that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was formerly called the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and it was possible to break through to the Titled Douluo normally. This shows that in the process of inheritance, the power of blood has degenerated.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is an auxiliary martial soul. With the blessing of the martial soul, the soul power gives others enhanced attributes. This is the flow of energy, which belongs to gold. The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda martial soul should be born in the lung meridian.

The problem can be solved by opening up the liver meridian, purifying the blood, increasing the power of the blood, and then using the power of the blood to nourish the martial soul.

Or you can swallow certain magical herbs to nourish your blood and resolve the problem."

Further down.

The one who describes the cultivation status of soul beasts at different stages is undoubtedly Xiao Wu. This rabbit has spared no effort to earn points.

Ten points are given.

Huh? There's a new guy?

"How can the Netherworld Spirit Cat be so strong..."

The mental power was scattered, not only could only a few words not be engraved, but the words were so faint that they were almost invisible.

At this age, could it be Zhu Zhuqing?

After thinking for a while, Qing Huan replied: "Xing Luo's Nether Spirit Cat can fuse martial spirits with the White Tiger. I haven't studied this aspect yet, so I can only guess that it should be a kind of self-supplementation of martial spirits.

For example, the most famous golden iron triangle, Yu Xiaogang's martial soul bloodline power is too strong, causing the three elements of the martial soul to be unbalanced and mutated, providing bloodline power in the martial soul fusion technique, which is the "martial soul form"

Flanders provided the "essence of martial soul" and Liu Erlong provided the "spirit of martial soul". The two of them made up for the defects of Yu Xiaogang's martial soul, making the three elements of Yu Xiaogang's mutated martial soul balanced and showing the original posture of the golden holy dragon.

Then is it possible that Xing Luo’s martial soul fusion skill, Nether White Tiger, is the original form of the martial soul?
The white tiger is yang, and the ghost cat is yin. The yin and yang work together to make the martial soul have both form, substance and spirit?

Of course, this is just speculation. If you can share some of your experience in fusion techniques, I would like to give you points! "

There is nothing more worth replying to.

After taking back the system book, Qing Huan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and used his mental power to connect with the blue silver grass in the outside world little by little through the blue silver grass martial spirit.

The nearby blue silver grass suddenly became active, and under the guidance of Qinghuan's spiritual power, began to absorb soul power ignorantly.

The soul power that a blue silver grass can absorb is extremely weak, but there are tens of thousands of blue silver grasses here. When they gather together, the soul power they can absorb is considerable.

Guiding this soul power into the body, Qinghuan opened up the meridians bit by bit.

Wood produces fire, and now the heart meridian is opened.

Fire is called Yanshang, Yan means energy and Shang means upward.

Only by opening up the wood and fire can the Blue Silver Grass be given the skill of endless growth!
Ever since he awakened his martial soul and found his own way forward, Qing Huan had never worked so hard to cultivate his soul power.

The cultivation of soul power is just a process of accumulating energy, which is monotonous and boring.

Moreover, whether it is the increase in soul power brought by the circulation of meridians or the soul power absorbed and discharged by the communication with the blue silver grass, it makes Qinghuan's accumulation of soul power extremely simple.

Therefore, Qinghuan has been thinking, experimenting, and researching martial spirits.

Now is the time to enter into arduous training, and the efficiency is amazing.

Twenty days later, Qinghuan's heart meridians were officially opened up.

Then, in one go...

Start condensing the soul ring!
(End of this chapter)

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