Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 120 The City of Killing

Chapter 120 The City of Killing

The town is not big, and any slight disturbance can spread throughout the town in a very short time.

So when Qinghuan and Bibi Dong came to the tavern in the small town together, people around them couldn't help but avoid looking at them.

Needless to say, Bibi Dong, no matter her identity as a god of death or her own strength, no matter how beautiful she is or how good her figure is, no one dares to pay attention to her.

And Qinghuan showed off his skills yesterday, killing several people with ease. The bystanders didn't notice any clues, let alone the fluctuations of martial spirit and soul power.

This alone is enough to make people alert.

The waiter at the pub was wiping the glasses and looking at Qinghuan with a questioning look in his eyes.

"I want to enter the City of Slaughter." Qing Huan raised the diamond badge in his hand and said with a smile, "But I don't want to drink human blood. Can you please open the door?"

The waiter's expression softened a lot, and he advised: "Once you go in, it will be difficult to get out. You have to think it through."

Qing Huan touched the ring on her hand, which contained many books, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can get out."

The waiter looked at Qinghuan deeply, and without further persuasion, he took the two of them to the compartment behind the bar, opened the mechanism, and revealed an entrance leading to the ground.

A chill hit me in the face, mixed with a sickening stench.

The two men remained calm and walked into the entrance.

Bibi Dong said: "I didn't expect this guy was also from the Great Fighting Spirit Arena. I always thought he was guarding the gate of the Slaughter City."

Qing Huan shook his head and said, “The City of Slaughter is an order born out of slaughter, and the forces including the Great Fighting Spirit Arena are all man-made orders.

Therefore, the City of Slaughter can be considered a world of its own, and the two cannot be compared!"

Bibi Dong asked curiously: "Is there any difference?"

Qing Huan stared at the end of the passage and said, "The tiger eats the rabbit. This is the natural law of the evolution of the survival of the fittest. It will not change because of the rabbit's will.

The same is true for the City of Slaughter. The King of Slaughter has the power of life and death over everyone in the City of Slaughter. This is also the order that naturally arises from the law of the jungle, which is equivalent to the rules within the City of Slaughter!
The City of Slaughter has its own "Tao", so it can be regarded as a world."

Bibi Dong seemed to understand, and said, "But the God of Killing is an exception!"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "The God of Killing is a transcendent being in the City of Slaughter, transcending this world... The same is true for the cultivation of soul masters. If you don't transcend, no matter how strong you are, you will always be in the world and be bound by the rules of the world!

Transcendence is the core pursuit of cultivation!"

Bibi Dong pondered and asked, "I keep hearing you talk about 'transcendence', but what does transcendence really mean? Is it about becoming a god?"

"Surpass! Surpass! Surpass! The last leap, transcend!"

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "Let me tell you a story. There is a fish in the North Sea called Kun. It is huge, thousands of miles long. Is that big enough?"

Bibi Dong was surprised and said, "Thousands of miles? How can there be such a big fish?"

"Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Qing Huan shook his head and said, "Kun has surpassed all marine life, and no other fish can be bigger than it, but it is still bound to the ocean and restricted by the rules of the ocean.

So one day, Kun turned into a bird. With its wings spread out, it looked like a cloud hanging in the sky. It flew over the water, and the waves it stirred up were three thousand miles long.

Kun transformed into a Peng bird, flew up the water, transcended the ocean, broke free from the constraints of the ocean, and was able to fly freely in the sky.

This is a kind of transcendence, but it is only a transcendence! "

Bibi Dong was at a loss and couldn't quite understand Qinghuan's meaning.

Qing Huan smiled and said, "The Peng bird transcends the sea, but does it transcend the heaven and earth? Legend has it that when the sea water moves, the birds will fly to the South Sea.

Kun surpassed and became Peng, but it is a bird and must fly to the South Sea and be bound by the rules of heaven and earth.

So, there is no end to transcendence!
Are you now different from your old self? "

Bibi Dong got a clue and said thoughtfully: "As long as we make progress, we will eventually transcend? Transcendence is not the end point, but progress is the goal..."

Qing Huan laughed loudly and said, "Congratulations, you have attained enlightenment!"

Bibi Dong was stunned: "Is this the "Tao" you often talk about? So simple?"

"What do you think "Tao" is?" Qing Huan said with a smile: "Is it very high-sounding?"

Bibi Dong seemed to find it hard to accept, but she also seemed to understand: "Did I think of the Tao too complicatedly?"

Qing Huan shook his head and said, "The Tao is in ants, in weeds, in bricks, in feces... The Tao is so great that it has no outside, and so small that it has no inside. It is everywhere, reaches everything, is always there, and has no end or rest."

As they were talking, the two had already walked out of the corridor. In front of them was a group of people wearing black armor and holding heavy swords, standing on both sides.

A beautiful woman in the middle clasped her hands in front of her belly with a dignified manner and said, "You two, the King of Slaughter invites you."

Bibi Dong looked at Qing Huan. Qing Huan looked up at the sky. This place was clearly underground, but there was a purple moon hanging in the sky.

This moon is the thought of a certain existence!
Just as the "Book of Systems" was transformed from Qinghuan's thoughts, this moon was also transformed from a certain thought.

At this time, Qinghuan looked up at the moon, and at the same time he could clearly perceive that the moon was also "looking" at him!

After a moment, Qinghuan touched her chest and bowed slightly.

It's not a belief, it's simply respect for the strong.

In other words, Qing Huan couldn't beat him... Was it the Asura God? Or the Rakshasa God?
No matter which one it is, Qinghuan is currently powerless when facing a god... But if Lanyin's real body is here, the outcome would be hard to predict.

Even if you can't win, you can still protect yourself and retreat safely.

It was a pity that Lan Yin's real body was not there, so Qing Huan chose to salute and show respect when he should be timid.

The purple moonlight was still shining, and Qing Huan knew that the man had not shifted his attention. He sighed inwardly and said, "Since the King of Slaughter has invited us, let's go over there."


Escorted by a group of black-armored warriors and accompanied by messengers from hell, no one dared to come up and cause trouble.

As they walked along, Bibi Dong would look at Qinghuan worriedly from time to time.

In the city of killing, both the people and the atmosphere are creepy and chilling, just like the people lying on the roadside, who are completely skin and bones, almost like skeletons.

There is also a continuous brown color on the road surface, which is the trace left by dried blood.

There were faint screams in the distance, and several men in the alley were surrounding a woman and laughing...

In Bibi Dong's opinion, Qinghuan should belong to a bright and magnificent place surrounded by books, not here.

In Bibi Dong's heart, Qinghuan is too pure and does not belong to such a dirty place.

When Bibi Dong saw Qinghuan frowning, she once again felt the urge to destroy everything.

Suddenly, Qing Huan turned around and smiled at her, saying, "Do you remember what I just said?"

Bibi Dong suddenly came to her senses, laughed at herself, and said, "I just feel that the dirtiness here will taint your purity... It's a very strange feeling."

“Noble and humble, honor and disgrace, success and failure, great and small, longevity and premature death, even life and death, these are essentially the same!”

Qing Huan smiled and said: "The reason why there are differences is that they are artificially given differences, all due to the view of clinging to "I"!
Therefore, in order to be united and the same, one must first forget “I”.

This is a kind of "heart fasting". I will teach you later. As long as you can "forget yourself", your killing god domain will be able to achieve "the heaven and earth are born with me, and all things are one with me." "

The purple moon above my head suddenly flickered.

Qinghuan pretended not to notice, but he realized in his heart that this might be the key to the inheritance of the throne!

Then the "world" of the gods of Douluo Continent is too narrow.

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "Okay."

The City of Slaughter is divided into the inner and outer cities. The smell in the outer city is so bad and the sight is so unbearable that even the messenger of hell who led the way unconsciously quickened his pace.

Soon entered the inner city.

Without giving the two a chance to contact other people, the messenger of hell took them directly to the tallest building.

Going all the way up to the top floor, the so-called "King of Killing" finally appeared in front of them.

In the forest of white flesh, sitting on the throne was a pale middle-aged man with blood-red hair and eyes, and a pair of huge blood-red wings spread out from behind him.

Between the eyebrows, there is a mark shaped like a sword.

Bibi Dong and Qing Huan also have such a mark, the difference is that Bibi Dong's mark comes from the divine test, the spiritual power of the gods is manifested.

The mark of Qinghuan is the manifestation of the power of his own soul.

Where did the mark of the King of Slaughter come from?
Is it Tang Chen's spirit? The spirit of Shura God? Or the spirit of the bat?
Qinghuan looked at him curiously.

At the same time, the King of Slaughter also stared at Qing Huan with a strange expression on his face, and said: "Is there any woman here that you like? You can pick any one and I will give it to you."

Qing Huan did not answer, but asked curiously: "Why do you collect so many women? Is the human image beautiful in your eyes?"

Bibi Dong looked at the two of them in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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