Chapter 127 God Killing
The pitch-black flames were like a giant mouth that swallowed the entire sky, and then shrank as Qinghuan clenched her five fingers.

A shrill scream came from the gathering flames. The Chaos Fire shrank step by step. Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the flames.

The man's entire body was charred black, and his original appearance could no longer be seen. He was wearing a set of armor-like equipment that was also in tatters. After rushing out of the chaos fire, he wanted to escape without even looking back.

"Blue Silver!" Qing Huan shouted angrily, his body moving with the wind and directly floating into the air.


On the ground, Lan Yin was already prepared. Upon hearing the words, he stomped on the ground and his body turned into a huge illusory blue silver tree, with invisible waves spreading.

In the ice and snow, countless blue silver grasses broke through the cover of ice and snow, grew out of the ground, shook their leaves, and emitted little fluorescent lights. They extracted soul power while gathering the soul power between heaven and earth.

The blue silver domain unfolds!
Before the field was deployed, Bibi Dong had already flown into the air with a pair of wings of light on her back, trying to intercept the man. However, in the short fight, she was seriously injured and vomited blood. She struggled to hold on, while shouting in surprise, "Qing Huan, he is a god!"

When she shouted, the woman in white and the ice scorpion looked at each other, then rushed into the air and joined forces to fight the enemy.

Qinghuan and Lanyin worked together to guide the Blue Silver Grass within the area to extract soul power and quickly change the world.

The energy in the world was enough for Qing Huan to perform "Harmony with the Light and Dust". He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

In just a short while, Bibi Dong and the woman in white were seriously injured, and even the ice scorpion's tail was broken. They quickly retreated after hearing this.

Qinghuan's eyes became lofty and he punched into the air!

Countless cracks spread, and black flames filled the cracks. The ground beneath the feet shattered directly, and the space was full of cracks like broken glass.

"Mortal, how dare you kill God?" The man roared, and the divine armor on his body suddenly burst into light, which was so full that it even had cracks. The spear in his hand smashed heavily into the void, as if he wanted to stabilize the space.

"God-killing is just what I want!"

Qing Huan threw out another punch, and the sky and earth shattered even more severely. There was even magma gushing out from the cracks in the ground beneath his feet.


The spear in the man's hand broke.

Qinghuan threw out the third punch!


The divine armor was shattered, and countless fragments flew out. Among the fragments, the man seemed to have lost the ability to fly in the air and fell directly to the ground.

Qinghuan flew down on the wind, with five fingers spread out towards the opponent. The pitch-black flames turned into five long snakes that rushed out, instantly binding the opponent tightly and spreading to his whole body.

“Ah——” The screams continued.

Qing Huan's face was indifferent, and he used all his strength to urge the Chaos Fire to refine it until the screams disappeared.

The moment the screams disappeared, it began to rain inexplicably. The raindrops fell on the ground, and the blue silver grass bathed in the rain instantly turned into a soul beast.

There are as many Blue Silver Grass Soul Beasts as there are Blue Silver Grass!

Qinghuan held a ball of dark flame in her hand and dropped it to the ground.

Qinghuan's three punches just now directly shattered the earth and even caused the magma under the ground to spread out. The original ice and snow were now steaming hot, and all the original ice and snow evaporated into water mist.

There was still a place to stand in the fog. Bibi Dong and the woman in white, covered in blood, supported each other. She leaned on the Ice Scorpion with defeated faces, and the Ice Scorpion was also unable to stand and fell directly to the ground.

Blue Silver disappeared directly and returned to its original body, leaving behind only its clone, Blue Silver Grass, which had exhausted its vitality and dried up.

Looking at the two people and one scorpion who had lost their ability to move, Qinghuan pointed his finger, and the Chaos Fire held in his right hand split into three tiny sparks, floating towards them.

Bibi Dong accepted it calmly. The woman in white subconsciously wanted to dodge, but was held back by Bibi Dong. As for the scorpion, it didn't even have the strength to dodge.

Three balls of flame penetrated into their bodies, and their injuries began to recover rapidly.

Ignoring the shock of the woman in white, Qing Huan said, "Can we still leave? Lan Yin's clones are exhausted, we need to leave here as soon as possible."

Bibi Dong struggled to stand up and said without asking the reason, "Okay, are we going back to the academy?" Qinghuan frowned, his brain working fast.

This place is too far from the academy, and the best option is to return to the City of Slaughter, but who knows if this god is in collusion with the God of Shura? What if we end up sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Not only Bibi Dong, but even the woman in white could see that the reason Qinghuan could punch with such terrifying power was because he borrowed the power of Lan Yin.

Now that the Blue Silver clone's power is exhausted, if another god comes, they will all have no chance of survival.

The woman in white said, "If you believe in me, follow me."

Qing Huan and Bibi Dong stared at her. Seeing that the woman in white did not evade her gaze, Qing Huan nodded secretly and said, "Lan Yin believes in you, so do I!"

The woman in white patted the ice scorpion and said, "Can we go?"

The Ice Scorpion stood up and spoke in the voice of a little girl, "Okay, get on my back and I'll carry you."

The others didn't hesitate and sat directly on the ice scorpion's back. Qinghuan also held down her back shell with one hand to speed up her treatment.

The scorpion claws flew everywhere, and soon they carried everyone away from this messy place and headed north.

Not long after they left, the sights from the God Realm turned to this place, but after a brief inspection, they found nothing...


Several times the area is completely covered with ice and snow.

In a hidden cave, Qinghuan sat cross-legged, gathered the Chaos Fire in front of his chest with both hands, and refined it with his eyes closed.

Bibi Dong, the woman in white, and the Ice Scorpion were all staggering around. No one knew what they were thinking. No one spoke for a while.

After a while, she suddenly burst into laughter, and a young girl said, "We killed the gods, right?"

Bibi Dong also laughed and said, "Yes, it killed the gods!"

The woman in white also smiled, and the icy color on her face melted away.

Ice Scorpion laughed and said, "I was obviously going to see Blue Silver, but how did I end up fighting with God... It's inexplicable."

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "I'm also very confused. You two are obviously soul beasts, but you actually helped to attack the gods?"

The woman in white was stunned and asked, "Can you tell my identity?"

Bibi Dong said helplessly: "I am at least a level 99 demigod, and I am still inheriting the throne. How could I not feel the soul beast aura on you?

And you, this scorpion... why is your aura so strange? You have cultivated for 200,000 years, but you are not a fierce beast... Have you not survived the catastrophe?"

The Ice Scorpion subconsciously looked at the woman in white.

The woman in white hesitated.

Qing Huan who was standing by suddenly spoke up and said, "This cave can shield the heaven and earth and help us avoid the calamity."

Everyone looked at him immediately, and Bibi Dong asked, "Qing Huan, is he dead?"

"Dead!" Qing Huan exhaled, and said: "Not only the god's position, but even the soul has been refined by me... By the way, this god's position can be inherited, do you want it?"

As he said this, he looked at the woman in white and the ice scorpion.

The man and the beast couldn't help but be moved. They looked at each other and could see the excitement and heartbeat in each other's eyes.

A deity, just given away? Although they helped, they didn't really help the gods.

Is there something wrong with this deity?
The woman in white hesitated and asked softly, "Excuse me, what kind of deity is this?"

Qing Huan narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone, "It's the God of the Planes, the God of the Planes of Douluo Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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