Chapter 147 Faith
As the situation becomes increasingly tense, many small and medium-sized forces are forced to make choices.

Either stand on the side of Spirit Hall or on the side of the Star Luo Empire.

The Haotian Sect became the main weapon used by the Xingluo Empire to threaten the mainland forces. Including Tang Chen, the eight Titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect traveled to almost all the forces of the two empires.

Under such circumstances, the Shui family, the Huo family, the Feng family, the Meng family, and the Ye family had to move to Sunset City together.

With the gathering of these forces, Sunset City became increasingly bloated and had to expand outward.

Of the former Five Elements Academy, except for the Diamond Mammoth's Huyan family which stood firmly in the Spirit Hall, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus's Yu family which stood in the Star Luo Empire, the other three families chose to close the academy and merge with the academy's outer courtyard.

Shui Bing'er and Meng Yiran also returned to the inner courtyard, and found that they had fallen far behind the others. They immediately buried their heads in study and spent the whole day on the second floor of the library.


A year later, Xing Luo finally officially started the war.

But the Xingluo royal family seemed to have played tricks on everyone on the entire continent, and directed the spearhead of the war at the Tiandou Empire, rather than the Spirit Hall as everyone thought!

This move not only caught the Xingluo Empire by surprise, but also the Tiandou Empire was unprepared. As soon as the war started, nearly an entire kingdom's territory was taken away.

Emperor Xue Ye fell ill immediately and handed over all government affairs to Xue Ke.

As if realizing that Xue Qinghe might not be able to return, Xue Beng jumped out regardless of the threat from the Xing Luo Empire and began to compete with Xue Ke for power.

As a result, the Tiandou Empire was in chaos, and the Xingluo Empire kept winning victories and encroaching on the territory of Tiandou.

As a result, Ning Rongrong led the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to join the war.

Prince Xuexing personally went to Sunset City to visit Tang Yuehua, and then Dugu Bo had to join the war due to their past favors. Dugu Yan followed him, and Ye Lingling also went along.

Not long after, Oscar also left the inner courtyard.

Able to crush Titled Douluo at the level of Soul Douluo... Gradually, Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan, and Ye Lingling made a great name for themselves on the battlefield, completely making up for the lack of high-end combat power of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Xing Luo also had to send out priests to fight against the three people.

As for Chen Xin and Dugu Bo, they just sat there and did not take any action.

Soon, Oscar's fame spread to Sunset City and the inner courtyard.

The war resulted in countless displaced refugees. Oscar continued to travel among these refugees, using magical methods to process various materials into edible food, alleviating the refugees' famine.

At first, Oscar's reputation only spread among the refugees, until a Xingluo army encountered a group of refugees and the commander ordered a charge. As a result, Oscar single-handedly resisted the entire army of more than 10,000 people.

It lasted for three whole days and three nights until a priest came to support them, but was shot dead by Oscar. This frightened the Xing Luo army and they fled in panic.

By this point, Oscar had become famous, and even among the refugees, he was called the "God of Cookery".

Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling, and even Oscar did not hide their identities, and when they announced to the public, they all claimed to be from the inner courtyard of the academy.

For a time, the reputation of the inner courtyard of the academy was close to that of the Spirit Hall, which had stood on the continent for tens of thousands of years!


In the Wuhun Palace.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue looked at the news and couldn't help laughing: "Oscar is highly valued by Qing Huan, and now he really lives up to everyone's expectations... "God of Food", is he planning to become a god through faith?

Why would he choose this path?"

Qian Renxue glanced at her and said, "Why? Do you look down on believing in God?"

Angel God is the one who becomes a god through faith.

Bibi Dong quickly smiled and said, "How could that be? It's just that believing in becoming a god also means responsibility. Once you abandon your responsibility, you will be bitten back... There is absolutely no need for people in the inner courtyard to take this path."

Qian Renxue thought for a moment and said, "Maybe Oscar has his own plans... or maybe he doesn't do it for faith, he just wants to do it.

What’s more, responsible people are not afraid of responsibility at all, unlike some people.”

This was a hint. Bibi Dong said helplessly, "I really don't understand why I was so desperate before and insisted on sitting on the Pope's seat? It's so troublesome..."

Qian Renxue was even more helpless and said, "Then what do you think is not troublesome? I find that you are getting lazier and lazier now." Bibi Dong sighed and said, "It's mainly because I have no interest in these things... I thought Xing Luo was going to fight Wuhun Hall, and I was excited for a while.

In the end, he turned around and fought Tiandou... Tell me, what does Xingluo think?"

Qian Renxue said casually: "Perhaps he is afraid of you, the inheritor of the Shura God throne..."

"Why not an angel god?"

"Angel God is not in the God Realm..."

As he was talking, the door was pushed open and Qian Daoliu walked in. Looking at the two girls standing close together, a look of relief flashed in his eyes. He said, "Isn't the Spirit Hall going to do anything about the war?"

Bibi Dong said unhappily, "What? Help Tiandou resist Xingluo? Or help Xingluo fight Tiandou... or fight together?"

Qian Daoliu was silent for a moment, and said: "The duty of the Spirit Hall is to maintain order on the continent. How can there be any order on the continent today?"

Bibi Dong's eyes lit up and she said, "How about we fight both of them and establish a Spirit Empire? Then the Spirit Hall will have the final say on what order is?"

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes at her and said to Qian Daoliu, "Grandpa, war is also a kind of order. The world needs war to develop. Blind peace will only lead to stagnation.

We just have to make sure that the gods don’t take advantage of us after the war.”

Qian Daoliu said sternly: "Xiaoxue, it's time to continue your divine test."

Qian Renxue refused directly and said, "If Grandpa needs to make a sacrifice to become a god, then this god position is better off not having it! The reason why sacrifice is required to open the god position inheritance is mainly because the inheritor's own accumulation is not enough.

When I have accumulated enough, I will naturally be able to achieve the status of an angel without Grandpa’s sacrifice.”

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but ask: "Then how long do we have to wait?"

Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Within three years."


"You humans are really interesting."

Gu Yuena came in holding a bunch of toys, and couldn't hide her pride. She said, "I just walked around the outer courtyard a few times, and people kept giving me gifts..."

Qing Huan said casually: "Who made you look cute?"

Gu Yuena placed the gift on the chair, moved closer to Qing Huan, and said, "If they saw my true form, would they be scared to death... What are you looking at?"

Qing Huan moved the information in front of him and said, "This God of War is quite interesting. His strength is not that great, but his understanding of war is very thorough... Perhaps he should not be called the God of War, but the God of War."

Gu Yuena asked curiously: "Understanding of war?"

Qing Huan explained: "War, in the final analysis, is all about getting what you want. What do you think the God of War wants through this war?"

Gu Yuena blurted out: "Belief, can a god want territory?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, “So he didn’t attack the Spirit Hall, but chose the Heaven Dou Empire, and in the occupied areas, all favorable decrees issued had to mention “in the name of the God of War”.

What do you think faith is?"

Gu Yuena shook her head and looked at Qinghuan in confusion.

Qing Huan smiled and said, "If someone likes you and gives you gifts, aren't you happy? This is also a kind of belief!
People's "heart" is easily affected by the external environment. If someone scolds you, you will get angry, and if someone treats you well, you will be happy...

When someone trusts you wholeheartedly and lets you take whatever you want, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction in your heart.

Do you remember the "false self" and "true self" I mentioned?

The "false self" is superficial and can never be satisfied. Only the "true self" is perfect...

Faith, in this way, allows the "true self" to surface.

It’s a pity that those who believe in becoming gods don’t understand this point. They only grasp the sense of satisfaction and ignore the “true self” behind it. This leads to the situation that once the belief is shattered, the inner sense of satisfaction disappears, the “true self” becomes silent again, and the “false self” becomes more active...

The three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance will naturally grow stronger... If your mind is always restless, your cultivation will naturally decline instead of improve."

(End of this chapter)

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