Chapter 154 Space
If we have to divide the inner courtyard into levels, then there is no doubt that the five people who have already demonstrated, Qing Huan, Lan Yin, Chen Xin, Bibi Dong, and Qian Renxue, belong to the same level.

They can only communicate with each other on an equal footing. Each of them has something to offer, and can also learn something from the methods of others.

Among them, Qinghuan is slightly better. Not only can you learn things from him, but you can also get some guidance.

But for others, it is a bit too high.

Below these five people are Dugu Bo, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan, and Ye Lingling, who can barely be considered to be at the same level.

In this level, Zhu Zhuqing is slightly superior to the others and is approaching the first level, followed by Dugu Bo.

The remaining people are at the last level.

Different levels lead to different insights.


Next, Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward and demonstrated her own understanding of the Yin-Yang theory. However, her understanding of Yin-Yang was still very shallow, and Bibi Dong and the others gained very little. However, she still gave affirmation and also put forward her own understanding.

As for Qinghuan, Zhu Zhuqing's theory of Yin and Yang was still beyond his knowledge scope, so naturally he gained nothing.

Afterwards, Dugu Bo demonstrated his poison skills, and the five people gained even less.

After that, I gained almost nothing, and I can only say that I expanded my knowledge...

However, the fact that they don’t gain anything now doesn’t mean that they won’t gain anything in the future… When they grow up, their teachings will be able to help Bibi Dong and others.

All I can say is that their future is more valuable than the present!
After everyone in the inner courtyard had demonstrated their methods, Gu Yuena couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out as well. She drew a big circle with her small arms, then crossed her chest and looked at everyone triumphantly.

The others couldn't see this move and were all confused.

But Qinghuan and the other four looked at each other, and they could see shock in each other's eyes.

The space is blocked!
Bibi Dong murmured, "Is this the power above that of a God King?"

Chen Xin frowned, raised his hand and scratched it once, then scratched it again, and finally shook his head and said, "I can't break it..."

Qing Huan looked at the others who were confused and said, "This is not a realm you can understand now. Each of you should find something you are interested in communicating with."

After hearing this, the others stopped asking questions and gathered together to communicate.

The four people from Qinghuan surrounded Gu Yuena directly.

Bibi Dong asked curiously: "How did you do it?"

Gu Yuena drew circles proudly and said, "That's it..."

Bibi Dong: "..."

Chen Xin smiled bitterly and said, "That's not it... We want to ask, how did you seal the space? Was it through soul power? Mind? Or something else?"

Gu Yuena was stunned and scratched her head in confusion: "I knew it since I was born. As long as I want to do it, I can do it."

Qian Renxue frowned and looked at Qinghuan.

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "She was born with the divine nature of the Dragon God. This ability is probably innate, just like a person can breathe when he is born..."

Everyone was immediately disappointed.

This kind of innate ability cannot be learned even through communication, unless Gu Yuena can understand the origin of life like Qing Huan.

Qing Huan frowned and said, "Try again."

Gu Yuena didn't understand why, but she still drew a big circle with her arm.

Qing Huan's brows furrowed even tighter, and after snapping his fingers, he said, "Do it again!"

It was rare for Gu Yuena to see Qing Huan in this mood, so she did not mind the trouble and used a space blockade here.

Qing Huan pondered for a long time, then asked the others: "How do you feel about these three times?"

Bibi Dong said: "The first two times, we could clearly feel that the space was blocked, but the third time we couldn't feel it... Did you withdraw the spiritual realm?"

Qing Huan explained: "The reason why I unfolded the spiritual realm is to allow you to more clearly show those inner realizations that cannot be described in words!"

Chen Xin said: "Indeed, in Qing Huan's spiritual realm, external interference becomes superficial, which allows people to focus more on the spirit and comprehend directly from the spiritual level."

Qing Huan nodded and said, “So, when we focus on the spirit, we can perceive the changes in space, but after leaving the spiritual realm…even if we are in this space, we cannot perceive the changes in space!

If you want to learn something or make use of it, you must first find it!
Just like soul power, if you want to cultivate soul power, you must first be able to sense it, that is to say, you must first have innate soul power... With innate soul power, you can sense it, find it, and then cultivate it and use it! The same is true for space. If we want to use space, we must first sense space!
Otherwise, even if we know more about space, we are just facing a treasure house without the key to enter the door!"

Having said that, Qinghuan couldn't help but sigh.

There were a lot of theories about cultivation in the previous life, but no one was able to practice it because people could not sense the "Qi".

It was not until he was reincarnated into this world and possessed clear innate soul power that Qing Huan finally obtained the key to enter the treasure house.

Now this situation appeared before him.

What exactly is space?
No matter how many theoretical descriptions there are in previous lives, whether scientific or metaphysical, they are just descriptions!

Without personal experience, theory will always be just theory!

Qian Renxue pondered and said, "But in your spiritual realm, we can clearly sense the blockade of space."

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "We didn't sense the space directly. We just felt on a spiritual level that the flow of soul power in the space was restricted and the internal environment was blocked... Through a series of conditions, we inferred that the space was blocked!"

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Just as Chen Xin said, we don't directly perceive the space itself! It's our own cognition and the conclusion we draw!"

Qing Huan thought and said, "Just like time, we can only infer from the continuous development of things that there is something flowing, and thus artificially name it "time"!
The human heart is full of knowledge, and everything in the world has its own reason!
The self-awareness of the human heart can directly get the final result according to the principles of all things, but what we need is the process in between! "

Gu Yuena was confused and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Bibi Dong sighed and said, "Let's talk about your space blockade. We are different from you. We can't sense space, so naturally we can't use space... and we can't learn your methods."

Gu Yuena opened her arms curiously and said, "Isn't the space right here?"

Qing Huan said helplessly: "Your Dragon God Godhead makes the world you see different from the world we see."

There was a saying in the previous life that five-dimensional creatures could directly see the time of materialized existence... It is difficult for people to understand this phenomenon.

Just like now, Qinghuan and others cannot understand the existence of space that Gu Yuena sees.

Gu Yuena said proudly: "Space is beside us, we are in space, space..."

She tried to describe the space, but no matter what she said, the five people could not understand.

Gu Yuena became more and more proud and said, "Qinghuan, I thought you had a very strong understanding, but I didn't expect you couldn't even understand this?"

Qing Huan said unhappily, "Do you know what the most delicious thing I've ever eaten is? Fragrant, tender, fresh, moist... Can you understand the real taste when I describe it this way?"

Gu Yuena was dumbfounded.

Bibi Dong suddenly said: "Both the big rabbit and the little rabbit have the spirit skill of "teleportation", and the big rabbit also has the skill of "nothingness", which should also be a way of using space... Unfortunately, I didn't get this spirit skill when I got the spirit ring of the big rabbit."

Chen Xin sighed and said, "It's a pity that our spirit rings are full. If we hunt a spirit beast that controls the power of space and obtain a space-related spirit skill, we might be able to sense the existence of space."

Qing Huan touched his chin and said, "Are your soul rings full? No! Isn't there a tenth soul ring?"

Qian Renxue was stunned: "Waste the divine ring on a soul beast? Are there million-year soul beasts in this world, and they happen to be space-type?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Is the age of the soul ring important? Gods can increase the age of soul rings.

Now that you are all on the path to becoming gods, with your current understanding of cultivation, it shouldn't be difficult to increase the age of your own spirit rings, right?"

Qian Renxue sighed and said, "I feel like all the points I used to increase the age of my spirit rings have been wasted."

Qing Huan smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I had never hunted soul beasts to obtain rings from the first to the ninth ring, but now I have to hunt soul beasts to obtain rings when I reach the tenth ring."

Gu Yuena said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, our soul beast master is still here! You are talking about hunting soul beasts to get the ring in front of me, isn't it too much?"

Qing Huan rubbed her head and said, “Cultivation is a matter of ‘seizing the fortune of heaven and earth’. Don’t tell me that the Dragon God has never eaten anything on his way to transcendence!

Isn’t eating also a process of “taking advantage of the good fortune of heaven and earth”?

Bibi Ren thought for a moment and said, “So, hunting soul beasts to obtain soul rings is actually a way for soul masters to supplement their cultivation?
For attributes or elements that cannot be understood, you can gain understanding through hunting soul beasts to obtain soul ring skills... However, there will be great troubles. Without sufficient understanding of soul master cultivation, the soul ring age alone will be a big problem."

Gu Yuena yelled, "Don't ignore me! Don't try to convince me with these twisted theories!"

Qing Huan touched her hair helplessly and said, "Would you care about the life and death of a ten-year soul beast? What about a hundred years? A thousand years?
Besides, we are just trying to make up for our lack of understanding of space...Wouldn't soul beasts eat humans to fill their stomachs?

Humans, like soul beasts, are all "seizing the good fortune of heaven and earth"! "

Gu Yuena opened her mouth, but could not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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