Chapter 159 Slow Down

Legend has it that after Lie Zi attained enlightenment, he did not go out for three years and only did three things during these three years.

First, cook for your wife. Second, feed the pigs as meticulously as you feed your wife. Third, “be close to your wife in everything you do”!
These are three things that need to be done step by step. To put it simply, it means cooking for your wife and cooking for the pigs, and then getting rid of the "discrimination mind"...there is no difference between your wife and the pigs.

This is not a joke, but a very serious attitude towards life of a person who has attained the state of "selflessness"!

It is also the embodiment of "Tao" in the most ordinary and common things.


Cheng Yan chewed over Qing Huan's words, and after a moment asked in confusion: "What is vegan?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Why do people need to eat?"

Cheng Yan was stunned and blurted out: "Of course it's because I'm hungry and want to eat!"

Qing Huan looked at Fujie and asked, "What do you think?"

Fujie scratched his head in confusion and said, "Maybe... it's time to eat, right?"

"This is the difference!" Qing Huan pointed at the two of them and said, "Pure means not mixed, pure means not lost! Not lost means using less energy, and not mixed means seeking less from outside!

To give a simple example, when you are hungry, you go eat. It is a natural thing. As long as you can fill your stomach, it doesn’t matter what you eat. Don’t pursue delicacies. This is purity - a very pure thought, just to fill your stomach!

Or, if I suddenly want to eat rabbit, then I will eat rabbit. I can cook, fry, grill, or prepare it in any way I want. But I cannot eat rabbit while thinking about eating chicken, duck, or cow. My mind should only be on eating rabbit, and I should not bother thinking about other kinds of chicken, duck, or fish!
This is “vegan”!
Respond only when you feel something, act only when you are forced, and rise only when you have no choice - don't dare to be the first in the world!
You eat when you are hungry, and you eat rabbit when you want to eat rabbit. There is a sequence and a relationship between active and passive. You must understand it clearly! "

Seeing that the two seemed to understand, Qing Huan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, just follow me and help me... Speaking of rabbits, I suddenly want to eat them... You guys follow me!"

Having said that, he stood up and walked in one direction.

Fu Jie and Cheng Yan looked at each other and then at Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing looked in the direction of Qing Huan and couldn't help but smile helplessly. She said to them, "The dean wants to teach you something. You just need to listen to him."

Fujie said without hesitation: "Of course, he is my boss!"

Cheng Yan also nodded and caught up with Qing Huan with Fujie.

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Tell the dean to control himself, or Xiao Wu will go crazy!"


"You guys wait for me here."

Qinghuan gave the two of them some instructions, then turned around and disappeared without a trace.

The two looked at each other and had already guessed what the situation was.

Cheng Yan said: "This should be Sister Xiaowu's grassland world, right? In Sister Xiaowu's small world, there are many soft-bone rabbits..."

Fujie's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "Boss, you wouldn't steal a rabbit... Bah! Boss is the dean, it's just a rabbit, how can you say he stole it? He should have taken it!"

As he was talking, Qing Huan appeared again, holding two rabbits in her hands, and said hurriedly: "Let's go, don't let her find us!"

After saying that, he trotted away in a hurry... It looked like he was running away no matter how you looked at it.

The two looked at each other, and Cheng Yan even had an expression of doubt on his face: The legendary dean, is this it?

Fujie grinned and laughed dryly: "It's really stealing..."

By the time the two men caught up with Qinghuan, he had already skinned and gutted the two rabbits.

He handed a knife to Fujie and said, "Fujie, you cut the meat, Chengyan, you light the fire."

Fujie immediately took the knife and said, "Boss, leave it to me!"

Cheng Yan also resigned herself to her fate and collected firewood from the surrounding area.

Qinghuan stood by with her hands folded, watching the two of them busying themselves.

After a moment, Fujie said, "Boss, we're done cutting."

Qing Huan took a quick look and said, "Not up to standard. I want small pieces. Each piece must be square and of the same size!"

Fu Jie was stunned: "So particular? Anyway, I'm going to eat it..."

Qing Huan laughed and said, "Aren't you born into a noble family? You should be more particular."

Then he said to Cheng Yan: "Your fire is not well made. I need the flame to be restrained, not burn so violently... The flame cannot rise more than three centimeters high!"

The two looked at each other, not knowing what was going on and just feeling that it was troublesome.

But Qinghuan was the dean, so the two had to do as he asked.

Next, Qinghuan put forward a variety of almost harsh demands.

After finally cooking the rabbit meat, he started to be picky about the presentation of the dish, and even refused to sit down when the mat on the floor was a little crooked. He was very particular about everything.

After a day, it was finally over and she could go back to rest. Cheng Yan's impression of the "legendary dean" was completely shattered.

Fujie also complained: "The boss wasn't so harsh before, wasn't he so particular?"

Cheng Yan asked curiously, "What kind of person was the dean before?"

"A very casual person." Fujie was also surprised and said, "When we were in the academy, the boss liked to squat on the ground to eat and watch us get that all of us nobles started to learn from him."

Cheng Yan was surprised and asked, "Will the dean really squat on the ground to eat? Then why is he so particular today?"

Fujie spread his hands and said, "I find it strange too... Could it be that the boss has changed?"

Cheng Yan seemed to be thinking about something.

Fujie simply said, "Forget it, just do whatever the boss tells you to do, and go to bed early, because we have to go see him tomorrow!"



The next morning, the two found Qinghuan.

This time Qinghuan wanted to eat pork, and had already prepared a wild boar.

Wild boars are much bigger than rabbits. The two of them worked all day and only had pork in the evening.

On the third day, Qing Huan wanted to eat beef...

On the fifth day, Qing Huan caught a soul beast that was bigger than a cow... The reason there was no fourth day was because the two of them were busy from the morning of the third day to noon of the fourth day before they had beef.

The food Qing Huan requested next were all soul beasts, and each one was bigger than the last...


Half a month later, Qinghuan suddenly stole two rabbits from Xiaowu.

Looking at the little rabbit, both Fujie and Cheng Yan felt very uncomfortable.

Qing Huan did not rush the two to take action. He called them over and asked, "How do you feel about the past half month?"

Fujie complained immediately: "Boss, you are too demanding and have too many requirements! Even the meat strips must be cut to the same length and thickness... Even the most particular nobles are not as particular as you!"

Cheng Yan also had a sullen face and didn't say anything.

Qing Huan didn't care, she just smiled and asked inexplicably: "So, what are you in such a hurry for?"

The two were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

Qing Huan said: "I didn't set a time limit for you, and with your soul power level, it's okay even if you don't eat for ten days, so why are you so anxious?"

Fujie subconsciously said: "We are not in a hurry?"

"Really?" Qing Huan did not comment, and said: "Then let's slow down today. Fujie, you slowly cut the meat, Cheng Yan, you slowly light the fire... Slow down! Slow down more... Let's start."

Fujie picked up the knife and was about to cut it when Qing Huan reminded him again: "Slow down!"

Fujie was stunned, and the knife in his hand slowly cut down... but then he lifted it up again, changed the position and cut again... and lifted it up again...

He seemed to have grasped something, so he simply picked up a branch from the ground, broke it into a small section, and measured and cut the meat.

Measure each piece before cutting.

On the other hand, Cheng Yan also realized something. Instead of using a pile of branches to make a fire directly, he placed a pile of thin branches at hand and added them one by one. After adding each branch, he would wait until the flame was fully burned before adding the next one.

Qinghuan smiled with satisfaction, took out a book from the storage ring and started reading.

It was not until late at night that Fujie said with a dry throat, pale face, and mental exhaustion: "Boss, it's done."

Cheng Yan also said: "The heat is just right, you can put it in the pot."

Qing Huan didn't rush to cook, but asked, "What do you feel?"

Fujie said: "It's very tiring. Cutting these two little rabbits is even more tiring than cutting the elephant-like soul beast the day before yesterday... But I'm not in a hurry!"

Cheng Yan also said: "You want us to slow down, not to slow down our actions, but to slow down our hearts and settle down... We were too impetuous before."

“Hahaha!” Qing Huan clapped his hands and praised, “Not bad! Not bad for being able to figure this out… Let’s continue tomorrow!”

Fujie was stunned, pointing at the square pieces of rabbit meat in front of him that were all the same size, and said, "Then these..."

Qing Huan said disdainfully: "It's been a whole day, it's not fresh anymore... I won't eat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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