Chapter 180 Two Stories
If you want to "establish a mind for heaven and earth", you must first clarify one question: Do heaven and earth have a mind?
In other words, does the world have a will?
Different people have different answers. Even though Qinghuan once "communicated with the spirits of heaven and earth alone", he couldn't explain it clearly.

Because he couldn't tell clearly whether the "heart" presented by the heaven and earth at that time was Qinghuan's own "heart" or something else!

Seeing that everyone in the inner courtyard was confused, Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "You have all become gods. You can only figure out what to do next on your own... In other words, you have graduated from the academy!

I will tell you two stories as your graduation present."

Everyone immediately perked up and looked focused.

In the inner courtyard, they all knew very well that there were many things that could not be described in words and could only be understood from the side.

The best way to understand is through stories.

Asura God also became interested and sat down on a chair nearby.

Qinghuan swept his gaze across everyone. His eyes seemed gentle, but only Lanyin knew the coldness hidden deep inside.

Clearing his throat, Qing Huan said, “A long time ago, there was a king who was very unhappy. His prime minister was very worried about him, so he specially invited a hermit to introduce him to the king.

Not long after the two met, the king's laughter was heard in the hall.

The prime minister was extremely puzzled, and after the hermit left, he hurriedly asked him: Sir, how did you make the king laugh so hard?
I have introduced him to aristocratic cultivation, discussed with him about commanding troops in battles, explained to him the ideas of our predecessors on governing a country, and even found many powerful people to accompany him, but I have never seen the king smile... What method did you use, sir?
The hermit said: I just talked to the king about how to walk chickens, fight dogs, eat, drink and have fun.

The prime minister was surprised: Is it that simple?
The hermit said: Those who are far away from their hometown, after being away for a few days, will be overjoyed to see old friends; after being away for a few months, they will be overjoyed to see people they have met once; after being away for a few years, they will be ecstatic to see people wearing similar clothes as them - the longer they are away, the deeper they miss them! "

After the story was told, Qing Huan looked at everyone and waited.

But everyone frowned and thought hard, but could not express any understanding.

Even Shura God frowned and said, "I feel like I caught something, but it's not clear... What does this story really mean?"

Qing Huan shook his head and continued, "A few years later, the hermit visited the king again. The king was very happy. Seeing the hermit in rags, he joked: "Sir, it's not easy for you. Your life is hard. Now you come to see me. Are you crazy about eating meat?"

The hermit said: I am here to comfort you.

The king was surprised: What can you do to comfort me?
The hermit said: Your heart is filled with various desires every day, your body is controlled by all kinds of emotions, you have lost the essence of life, but you can do nothing about it.

You want to free yourself from excessive enjoyment, but your senses cannot adapt to light things. As a king, your entire palace is piled with gold and jade, and you use the labor of the people to satisfy your sensory enjoyment - even so, you still can't find the end of your desires.

Now your spirit is exhausted by desires, and your body cannot accept dullness. Isn't this a disease?
The king understood and said with shame: From now on, I will take care of the people and stop fighting for the sake of righteousness. Is that okay?

The hermit said: "No! Your so-called love for the people is, in the end, only harming the people. Stopping the war for the sake of benevolence and righteousness is, in fact, the root cause of war."

After the first story was told, Qinghuan stopped talking and just waited silently.

After a long while, Bibi Dong finally said, "The world essentially has no concept of "good" and "bad". These are all artificially added by us. We are self-righteously defining the world... establishing the mind of heaven and earth?"

Xue Di also said: "I understand! The Prime Minister talked to the king about aristocratic cultivation, commanding troops in battle, and the concept of governing the country... These are all artificial things, too..."

It seemed that there was no word to explain it. Xue Di pondered for a long time before reluctantly finding a word and said, "Too deliberate! Happiness is an emotion that comes from the heart. Anything that is artificial and deliberate cannot bring true happiness.

On the contrary, the simplest and most ordinary things can bring more happiness to the king! "

Ye Lingling also nodded and said, "The Prime Minister tried to use those things that were too great, and he arrogantly thought that these things could make the king happy... He wanted to "establish the heart" for the king!"

Chen Xin nodded and said, "Abandon all man-made "external things", return to your original heart, and you will naturally understand. When your original heart is complete, you will have nothing to ask for!"

Others also gave their own insights. Shura God looked at everyone in the academy in surprise, with a rare look of confusion in his eyes - he did grasp something, but if he really wanted to say it, he couldn't say it at all.

On the contrary, everyone in the academy told clearly what they had caught in just a few words.

He began to understand why everyone in the academy was able to overcome the barriers of the soul master world that had existed for tens of thousands of years and achieve godhood!
Qing Huan did not say whether it was right or wrong, but just started to tell the second story: "Legend has it that in a place called Juci Mountain, there lived a divine man named Da Kui. In order to seek a way to govern the country, a certain king traveled thousands of miles to visit him.

But he got lost in Mount Juzis. While looking for the way, he met a young horse herder.

The king asked the boy: Do you know where Mount Juts is?
The boy replied: I know.

The king asked again: Do you know Dawei?
The boy also answered that he knew.
The king was surprised that the young man knew everything, so he asked: Do you know how to govern the country?

The young man said: "Governing the world is just like herding horses. When I was young, I traveled alone in the four corners of the world and got dizzy. Later, an elder taught me that I should be called the chariot of the sun and travel in the wilderness. Now my disease has been cured."

The king understood, bowed his head and went back directly. "

The story was told, but this time everyone was confused.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but ask, "Horse herding... is there anything particular about it?"

Qian Renxue was the only one who had experience in this, and said, "To raise horses in the empire, one needs to trim the manes of wild horses, chisel their hooves, tie them up with bridles and trip ropes, and arrange them in troughs and horse beds... Only one or two out of ten wild horses can survive.

Therefore, wild horses have always been used only as stud horses. The survival rate of the foals will be higher if they are raised according to the above methods from an early age... I seem to understand!

Horse herding is different from raising horses. Horse herding requires letting the horses' nature run wild, letting their hooves trample on the frost and snow, letting their coats withstand the cold, letting them eat grass when hungry, drink water when thirsty, and raising their hooves and feet to leap vigorously when they are excited... without interfering with them artificially!"

Bibi Dong seemed to be thinking about something, and asked, "Why did the young man no longer feel dizzy after riding the "Sun Chariot" and playing in the wilderness? What is the "Sun Chariot"? "

Dugu Bo tried to say: "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is the truth of heaven and earth. It cannot be changed by human power and is not affected by external things..."

Qing Huan did not explain, but stood up and said, "Everyone, when you understand these two stories, you will know why I will not let you ascend to the God Realm.

Your Majesty, so too, by then you will know how to go to the higher world."

Duguyan smiled and said, "Qinghuan, you sound like you are about to die and leave a last will..."

As I was talking, I couldn't laugh anymore.

The others were also stunned and looked at Qinghuan in disbelief.

Qing Huan smiled and said, "It is indeed time to say goodbye, but parting does not mean we will never see each other again... Three thousand small worlds make up one middle thousand world, and three thousand middle thousand worlds make up one great thousand world!
I will wait for you in the higher world... Of course, if I have the chance to come back, I will find a way to come back and see you."

Asura God blurted out: "You want to ascend?"

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps, the word 'metamorphosis' is more appropriate."

Everyone in the academy was in a panic, their thoughts were a tangled mess, and they were unable to think about the problem calmly.

Only the Shura God was very concerned and asked, "Is there any difference between 'ascension' and 'transmigration'?"

"Ascending is just entering a higher world, while 'metamorphosis' is a transformation and rebirth! Woodworms give birth to insects, and metamorphosis becomes a butterfly!"

Qing Huan said calmly: "You can understand that I am going to die now!"

(End of this chapter)

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