Chapter 259 Chaos
The Netherworld Poisonous Swamp is surrounded by miasma all year round, and thick fog obscures the view, making the visibility here very low.

Moreover, the smell of decay was everywhere, which made people want to vomit when they breathed it into their lungs. The air was incredibly humid, and even a living person would rot if they stayed there for too long.

But Mang Tianchi miraculously found a dry place and a collapsed giant tree. It looked rotten on the outside, but there was a hole on the tree, forming a cave inside.

Very dry!
The Little Medical Fairy entered the cave and began to refine the Netherworld Poisonous Fire.

Qinghuan and Mang Tianchi were guarding outside.

Qinghuan squatted on the giant tree and looked at the tree under his feet with interest.

Mang Tianchi asked curiously: "Are you not worried at all?"

Qing Huan said without even raising her head, "I'm not a babysitter. It's her own experience. What's the point of me worrying about it?"

Mang Tianchi smiled and said, "You think clearly... What are you looking at?"

Qing Huan tore off the rotten bark on the surface of the giant tree and said, "Aren't you curious about why the environment here is so incompatible with the Netherworld Poison Lake? Look!"

Mang Tianchi leaned over.

The rotten bark of the giant tree was torn off, revealing the soft white color inside. It is unknown how long this giant tree has fallen here, but the inside is not rotten. There must be something strange!
Mang Tianchi said strangely: "If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't have noticed... Is it because of these mosses?"

A large amount of moss is attached to the rotten bark of the giant tree, and its roots penetrate deep into the bark.

Qinghuan plucked a little and sensed it silently, but found nothing. From the perspective of soul perception, this was just ordinary moss.

Just summon the fire of chaos.

After a while, Qing Huan finally let out a sigh of relief and said happily, "I was almost fooled. This moss actually contains vitality and good fortune..."

As he spoke, Qing Huan collected things excitedly. If Little Medical Fairy wasn't still inside the giant tree, he would have even wanted to move the entire giant tree into the Azure.

Mang Tianchi asked curiously: "Life force creation? What is its use?"

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "If we add some special herbs according to pharmacology, we can make elixirs for healing, growth, and even resurrection... but we still need to think about the details.

At its most basic, it can keep corpses from decaying.”

Mang Tianchi started collecting them without saying a word.

Qinghuan grinned and his hands moved faster.

The two searched the entire giant tree from top to bottom. The tree was very large and there was a lot of moss. Even if they shared it between two people, Qinghuan collected a lot of it and stuffed it all into Bilan.

Mang Tianchi was similar, he put away the moss and said with emotion: "I have traveled for many years in vain, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even find the treasure under my nose."

Qing Huan said complacently: "Sometimes the creation of heaven and earth is not far away, but right under our feet. It's just that we lack eyes to discover it!"

Mang Tianchi blinked and said, "Over the years, I don't know how many treasures I have missed... Boy, are you interested in traveling with me for a while?"

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "There is a treasure?"

Mang Tianchi chuckled and said, "I have come across many strange places over the years, but I am not experienced enough and I don't have your Chaos Fire, so I have missed a lot..."

Qing Huan suddenly looked confused, summoned the Chaos Fire and played with it between his fingers, and asked: "In your opinion, what is the attribute of Chaos Fire?"

Mang Tianchi didn't understand, but still said seriously: "Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, survival, and destruction are all in it... I understand what you are wondering about!"

Qing Huan nodded and said, "The feeling given by the Chaos Fire should be chaos and disorder, but you can feel the yin and yang, the five elements, life and death...

I used to think that the Chaos Fire was my origin, so I could sense its properties.

But now it seems that my Chaos Fire is not mature at all... or rather, it is still far from maturity!"

Mang Tianchi looked at him strangely, and said, "Chaos gave birth to all things, but you got it the other way around. All things return to chaos... Is your Chaos Fire really born naturally?"

It's rare to meet a semi-saint who has traveled for many years and is knowledgeable, so it's a good opportunity to ask for advice.

Qing Huan thought about it and said with some reservation: "My soul was originally without attributes, with only the "growth" from the origin of life. After that, it gradually derived into the five elements, then yin, yang, and finally turned into chaotic fire."

Mang Tianchi looked as if he had seen a ghost, and asked, "How can it be like this? So you evolved this chaos yourself?" Qing Huan smiled and did not talk about it. He asked, "So in your opinion, what should chaos be?"

Everyone has their own secrets.

Mang Tianchi did not delve into it, but just lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "In my opinion, chaos means confusion, disorder, and unclearness. It represents the time before the creation of heaven and earth. At that time, there was no sky or earth, and everything was chaotic and disordered.

To build civilization, we must first establish order. To build order, we must first break the "unclear"!
There are many legends on the continent, but in the legends, the heroes who created the world have all slain black dragons... Black represents the unknown, and only by breaking the unknown can order be born.

For you, it should be the exact opposite...let everything return to chaos!
I'm afraid your question is too "clear"! "

Qing Huan was shocked and blurted out, "Too obvious?"

Mang Tianchi smiled and said, "This is just my guess. Chaos is chaos! It's a mess, but in your heart, you know the rules of this mess very well!
It’s a mess, but if you know the pattern in your heart, then it’s not a mess!
The five elements and yin and yang are all contained in it, so it is not "disordered"!
In the same way, if you know what is hidden inside, then even if it is black, it is no longer "unclear"... but "clear"! "

Qinghuan remained silent for a long time.

It must be said that Mang Tianchi's words seemed to break through some kind of barrier, making Qinghuan suddenly sober.

How the Chaos Fire was derived, and what it evolved into afterwards... Qing Huan knew all of this clearly.

Since everything is clear, how can it be considered "chaotic, disordered, and unclear"?

But the problem is, if the Chaos Fire wants to grow, it must "see the heaven and earth", and Qinghuan must be involved in this process.

By participating in it, you can clearly understand its nature.

After understanding its nature, Chaos Fire was not chaotic, disordered, or unclear to Qing Huan...

It seems like a paradox!

Mang Tianchi slapped Qing Huan on the head and said, "It is said that smart people are most likely to do stupid things. You are more than smart, you are simply a monster, but the stupid things you did also make me admire you!
I just said that you are too "clear", what are you doing now?
If you think clearly about everything, how can there be any confusion? "

Qing Huan's eyes lit up, he took a deep breath, bowed solemnly, and said, "Thank you for your teachings!"

Qinghuan's thanks were sincere.

The pure physical way cannot lead to the "half-saint" realm... If one cannot comprehend space in one's heart, one cannot even be promoted to Dou Zong.

Mang Tianchi accepted it calmly, and brought up the old topic again, saying: "How about it? How about traveling with me for a while?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Okay!"

Mang Tianchi was overjoyed, took out a map and said, "Look, the Chuyun Empire, Luoyan Empire, Mulan Empire, and Jiama Empire, these four empires are all on the Netherworld Poison Marsh.

We will travel around these four provinces... and then cross the Nether Poison Swamp to the opposite side of the Sky Snake Empire and the Sky Heart Empire...

I have written down a lot of strange and bizarre places. With you here, we two can definitely figure it out..."

Mang Tianchi made arrangements with great interest.

Qing Huan listened, and suddenly pointed at the map and said, "I've been here before."

Mang Tianchi took a look, thought for a while, and said, "This is the Magic Beast Mountain Range of the Jia Ma Empire. There is a cave here, which is considered the remains of a Dou Huang.

The things left behind are not worth mentioning, but there is a flower bed inside, and many medicinal herbs with different growing environments are growing together. I found it strange, so I marked it down. "

Qing Huan asked curiously, "Then why didn't you take the things away?"

Mang Tianchi smiled and said, "Those things are worthless to me. It's better to leave them to some lucky little guy. Maybe someone can rise up with these things and change his life."

Qinghuan pursed her lips and smiled.

This guy is worthy of running an academy!
"How did you collect the moss just now?"

Mang Tianchi rolled his eyes: "If I don't take them, won't you take them all? Anyway, I can't keep them, so naturally I have to take some of them."

(End of this chapter)

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