As he was talking, the waiter brought a bowl with a plump goose leg in it.

The old man pointed to the empty seat next to him and said, "Little monk, come and sit here."

Qing Huan took the bowl and said, "Sorry to bother you, old man."

Having said that, he sat down without any hesitation, took a deep sniff of the goose leg, swallowed his saliva intoxicatedly, grabbed it and started to chew it.

The old gentleman and the middle-aged scholar just watched with a smile.

After Qinghuan had finished eating the goose leg and her mouth was full of oil, the old man smiled and asked, "Is the goose leg delicious?"

Qing Huan smacked her lips and said, "I forgot."

The old man was stunned and asked curiously, "You just finished eating and you forgot the taste?"

Qing Huan nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't taste it. If I have another one, I will definitely taste it carefully."

As he said this, he looked at the old man with a greedy look on his face.

The old man also looked at him, pretending not to understand. The old man and the young man just stared at each other without saying a word.

The middle-aged scholar was tactful and asked the waiter to bring another serving of goose legs with a smile.

The old man looked disgusted and said, "You are begging for alms on me? Little monk, are you cultivating Buddha or your own skin?"

Qing Huan's face was serious, and she said, "Old sir, the Buddha is not broken, why do we need to repair it? It is most important to repair yourself first... Start with your belly!"

The old man asked strangely, "Since Buddha is not bad, why are there so many people practicing Buddhism in the world?"

As they were talking, the waiter brought another goose leg and placed it in front of Qinghuan.

Qing Huan grabbed it and chewed it without hesitation, saying, "The Buddha is not broken, but they became broken while they were practicing."

The middle-aged scholar was slightly startled, his expression thoughtful.

The old man smiled and stopped asking questions, just watching Qinghuan gnaw on the goose leg bite by bite.

After Qing Huan finished eating and burped, the old man asked, "Are you full? What did you taste this time?"

Qing Huan burped again, poured himself a cup of tea, took a deep breath, and said, "Forgot it!"

The old man hissed and said, "Forgot again?"

Qing Huan wiped her mouth, stood up, clasped her hands together, and said, "I ate the goose leg and put it down after I finished eating. The old man didn't eat the goose leg, but he couldn't let it go... He was just a little bit short!"

The old man couldn't help but twitch his lips: "You little monk, are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

Qing Huan shook her head and sighed, pretending to be serious, and said, "The goose leg passed through the intestines, and the Buddha sat in my heart. The old man was just a little bit short, so the old man didn't understand!"

The old man laughed and said, "The little monk is full of crooked ideas. Can he rely on these crooked ideas to cheat people for a lifetime?"

Qing Huan smiled mysteriously and did not explain. Instead, he left the table, walked to the counter and knocked on it.

Suddenly, the entire inn fell silent, and all the guests looked at Qing Huan with their ears pricked up.

Qing Huan coughed and said, "There is a true Buddhist master on this Wa Mountain. Do you know who he is?"

"Of course it's Master Qishan!" Almost everyone said in unison.

Qing Huan nodded and said, "It is Master Qishan! I studied under Master Qishan and saw with my own eyes how such a great master Qishan practiced... Everyone knows that Master Qishan loves to play chess, but few people know that in addition to playing chess, the master has to sit for at least four hours every day!"

The diners gasped and exclaimed: "As expected of Master Qishan!"

There are only twelve hours in a day. Apart from eating and sleeping, how many hours are left? Master Qishan can still master the art of chess by sitting for four hours every day. It is really extraordinary!
Qing Huan said solemnly: "The so-called chess game is nothing more than planning the overall situation and calculating the details. The reason why the master sat for four hours is that the first two hours were all used to study Buddhism, polish his mind, wash away the mundane world, open his wisdom, and return to his original nature!"

"Oh——" the diners suddenly realized and exclaimed: "Master Qishan is indeed a master of profound Buddhist teachings!"

The old man sensed something was wrong. The Qishan he knew was not like this. He couldn't help but ask, "What about the remaining two hours?"

Qing Huan's face straightened up, and his expression became serious. After everyone sat up straight, he whispered, "My legs are sore, I can't stand up anymore..."

The inn suddenly fell silent.

Even the old gentleman and the middle-aged scholar were stunned.

Qing Huan slipped out of the counter, approached the old man, and whispered, "See? As long as there is one table that comes for the gossip about Master Qishan from this little monk, the shop owner can earn one more table!
So I am not trying to get free food and drinks, but helping the shop owner to attract customers!"

After saying that, he made a face and ran out of the inn.

There were only people left in the room, who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, and were shaking all over from trying to hold it in.

The old man laughed without hesitation and said, "Do you think Xiao Qishan knows that this little monk is trying to make trouble for him?"

The middle-aged scholar smiled and said, "Master Qishan wouldn't care about this even if he knew. But this little monk... is very interesting."

The old man smiled and nodded, saying, "I'll go with you to talk to Xiao Qishan later."

The middle-aged scholar was slightly startled and asked, "Teacher, are you interested in the little monk?"

The old man smiled and said, "Didn't you also say that the little monk was very interesting?"

The middle-aged scholar nodded in agreement.


Qinghuan slipped out of the inn and played in the town for a long time until it got dark, then returned to Washan.

The chess game at the foot of the mountain has been disbanded.

After climbing the mountain all the way back to the ancient pavilion, Qinghuan looked in surprise at the old man sitting opposite Master Qishan in the pavilion.

It was the old gentleman I met in the restaurant or inn.

The middle-aged scholar was also standing behind the old gentleman, smiling and nodding at him.

Qinghuan was a little hesitant. Was this old man going to come and complain?
So tasteless?

Seeing Qing Huan hesitate, the old man smiled and said, "Little monk, what's wrong? Are you afraid of what I will say?"

Qinghuan thought about it, then stepped forward calmly, clasped his hands together and bowed, saying, "Master, nice to meet this old gentleman, and this gentleman." His expression was calm, and there was a hint of holiness on his little face.

Unfortunately, I can’t scare the three people present.

The old man smiled and said to Master Qishan: "This little monk of yours extorted a goose leg from me this afternoon."

Qinghuan secretly curled her lips, he really came here to complain.

The night was cold. Master Qishan hugged his heavy clothes and said with a smile, "Qinghuan, pour some tea for the Master to apologize. I believe the Master will not blame a child like you."

The old man immediately said: "Who said I don't..."

Qing Huan did not give him a chance to speak. He sincerely picked up the teapot, stood respectfully beside the old man, and said, "I apologize to you, old man. Please have some tea."

The old man paused, pushed the teacup over, and said, "Forget it, I will drink this cup of apology tea from you."

Qinghuan was about to pour tea, but was stunned. The cup was full of tea.

The old man smiled and said, "Why don't you pour the tea?"

Qing Huan was silent for a while before saying, "The teacup is full."

The old man said, "You can only pour tea into a teacup if it is empty. You are the same. You are full of your own opinions and ideas. If you don't empty it, how can you gain new insights?"

Qinghuan suddenly froze where she was, unable to come back to her senses for a long time.

Master Qishan opened his mouth to speak, but then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The old man turned his head and looked down the cliff, and said, "Why can't we see the town anymore? Does the town only exist when there is light during the day? Does it cease to exist at night?"

The town is always there. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
Qing Huan shuddered all over and blurted out, "Insight is like light!"

As soon as the words came out, Qinghuan's eyes suddenly shone brightly and he saw a different scenery. It was hard to describe, but... Qinghuan "saw" the breath of heaven and earth!

The heaven and earth breathe, and the breath fills every corner of the world, which is the vitality of the heaven and earth!
The middle-aged scholar whispered, "First meeting... The little monk has entered the threshold of spiritual practice."

The old man nodded, raised his voice, and said, "If it's not empty, how can you put things in it?"

These words exploded in Qinghuan's ears like thunder!

Blessings came to her heart, Qinghuan closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, opened her mouth and began to chant. All distracting thoughts disappeared in an instant and she entered a state of "stopping thoughts".

The idea of ​​"reciting scriptures" is also gradually fading, and is gradually touching "no thoughts".

In this state, the pure and happy heart begins to blend with the breath of heaven and earth...

Through the vital energy of heaven and earth, although he closed his eyes, he "saw" more things... and "touched" more things.

The middle-aged scholar was surprised and whispered, "I'm sensing it!"

When the scriptures that Qing Huan was reciting unconsciously, with the blessing of the energy of heaven and earth, really turned into golden words, popped out of his mouth, and floated into the night sky...

The middle-aged scholar's cheek twitched, and he said in shock: "No doubt..."

There are five realms of cultivation in this world.

The first realm, initial awareness, is when one becomes aware of the existence of the primordial energy of heaven and earth, and projects this awareness into one’s own sea of ​​qi and snow mountain.

The second realm, perception, the consciousness blends with the weather and vitality of the outside world through the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain, conducts simple communication, and understands the breath of heaven and earth little by little.

The third realm, no doubt, has a certain understanding of the breathing of heaven and earth, and can mobilize the vital energy of heaven and earth for one's own use.

At this time, Qinghuan had successively passed the stages of "first acquaintance" and "perception" and reached the state of "no doubt" where he could simply control the vital energy of heaven and earth!
The golden words that came out of his mouth were the result of the manipulation of the vital energy of heaven and earth!
Countless golden words came out of Qinghuan's mouth, spreading towards the dark sky and forming a long golden river.

The sound of Qing Huan chanting also began to cause the vitality of heaven and earth to vibrate, like thunder, grand and long...

After a passage of scripture was finished, the long river of golden words gradually dissipated, and Qinghuan opened his eyes.

With clear and pure eyes and hands clasped together, Qinghuan bowed deeply to the old man and saluted.

The old man smiled and asked, "What did you see?"

Qing Huan smiled sanctifyingly and said, "The Zen mind is like the sea, it can accommodate everything!"

The middle-aged scholar was surprised and said, "Liu Bai saw the vast river when he first met her, and you saw the sea?"

Qing Huan shook his head and said, "What I saw was the heart, a Zen heart as vast as the sea!"

The old man nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Xiao Qishan, what do you say?"

Master Qishan closed his eyes, sighed, and said, "Qinghuan, this is the teacher of the Tang Academy. You can call him teacher. The one next to him is the great teacher of the academy, Li Manman."

Qing Huan put his palms together and said, "Qing Huan, hello to the teacher, hello to the senior brother!"

The middle-aged scholar Li Manman said affectionately, "Junior brother, no need to be polite."

The Master smiled and said, "Little monk, are you interested in returning to secular life and coming with me to the academy?"

Qing Huan shook his head and said, "Master, I don't want to return to secular life."

The Master wondered, "Why? Do you still want to be a monk forever?"

Qing Huan suddenly grinned, and the solemnity of Bao Xiang just now disappeared instantly. In front of him was a naughty and lively little monk, who said, "Master, being a monk can have two sides, which is good."

When you have nothing to do, you can do worldly things; when the situation is not right, you can immediately act like a monk. This is the advantage of being a monk.

The Master burst into laughter and said, "Good! Good! Xiao Qishan, Xiao Qinghuan can see through things much more clearly than you!"

Li Manman also smiled and said: "Junior brother... is very interesting and very good!"

Master Qishan smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he had no way to refute Qinghuan's words.

The Buddhist community today is indeed playing two-faced games.

The situation in Washan Lanke Temple is relatively better. But in Yuelun Country, the Buddhists claim to help people become good, but what they do is to exploit the people.

Master Qishan couldn't stand this at first, so he lived in seclusion in Washan instead of returning to the Hanging Temple. (End of this chapter)

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